
2.根据权利要求1所述碳化硅纳米线的合成方法,其特征在于步骤一所述硅树脂为聚甲基硅倍半氧烷、甲基苯基硅树脂、甲基硅树脂、低苯基甲基硅树脂、自干型有机硅树脂、高温型有机硅树脂、环氧改性有机硅树脂、有机硅聚酯改性树脂、自干型环保有机硅树脂、环保型有机硅树脂、不粘涂MQ料有机硅树脂、高光有机硅树脂、苯甲基透明硅树脂、甲基透明有机硅树脂、云母粘接硅树脂、聚甲基硅树脂、氨基硅树脂、氟硅树脂、有机硅-环氧树脂、有机硅聚酯树脂、耐溶剂型有机硅树脂、有机硅树脂胶粘剂、耐高温甲基硅树脂、甲基MQ 硅树脂或乙烯基MQ硅树脂。

毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目:陶瓷前驱体热解制备SiC纳米线工艺规律及微观结构表征院系专业班级姓名学号导师1.毕业设计(论文)综述(题目背景、研究意义及国内外相关研究情况)1.1选题背景SiC 具有宽带隙、高临界击穿电压、高热导率、高载流子饱和漂移速度等特点, 可应用于高温、高频、大功率、光电子和抗辐射器件。
近年来的研究表明, SiC 还具有较好的光学及电学特性, 可应用于构造纳米器件方面。
SiC 纳米线具有很好的场发射、强烈的蓝光PL发射等电学性能, 在高温、高能及高频纳米电子器件方面具有潜在的应用前景。
根据金属催化气液固生长机理, 不同形态的一维纳米材料均可制备。
以不同的碳源及硅源为原料, 在金属催化作用下通过CVD、热蒸发等方法可实现SiC 纳米线的制备。
虽然金属催化方法易制得SiC 纳米线, 但因所得样品需经一定的后处理, 故也有人研究不采用金属催化剂而直接制备SiC 纳米线。
根据目前文献,SiC 纳米线所用催化剂通常为Fe、Ni、Al 及Na 等。

碳化硅纳米线的制备与性能研究进展×××××××××××××学校西安邮编×××摘要: SiC半导体材料的禁带宽度大、击穿电场高、热导率大、饱和漂移速度高等特点使其在高频、高温、高功率、抗辐射等方面有良好的性能,被认为是新一代微电子器件和集成电路的半导体材,因此研究SiC纳米线材料具有重要意义。
Summary: SiC semiconductor materials with the big breakdown electric field width, high, thermal conductivity, saturated drifting velocity higher characteristic in the high frequency and high temperature, high power, resist radiation and good performance, and is considered to be a new generation of microelectronics devices and integrated circuit of the semiconductor material, so the study of SiC nanowires material to have the important meaning.关键词:纳米线,SiC,场效应晶体管,薄膜晶体管,光催化降解Key words: Nanowires, SiC, field effect transistor, thin film transistor, photocatalytic degradation.1 纳米材料的性能纳米材料是指在三维空间中至少有一维处于纳米尺度范围(1—100nm)或由它们作为基本单元构成的材料。

关键词:纳米碳化硅光学性质力学性质1. 引言SiC纳米材料具有高的禁带宽度,高的临界击穿电场和热导率,小的介电常数和较高的电子饱和迁移率,以及抗辐射能力强,机械性能好等特性,成为制作高频、大功率、低能耗、耐高温和抗辐射器件的电子和光电子器件的理想材料。
SiC 纳米线表现出的室温光致发光性,使其成为制造蓝光发光二极管和激光二极管的理想材料。
近年来的研究表明:微米级SiC晶须已被应用于增强陶瓷基、金属基和聚合物基复合材料,这些复合材料均表现出良好的机械性能,可以想象用强度硬度更高及长径比更大的SiC 一维纳米材料作为复合材料的增强相,将会使其性能得到进一步增强。
2. 纳米碳化硅结构碳化硅(SiC)俗称金刚砂,又称碳硅石是一种典型的共价键结合的化合物,自然界几乎不存在。
当高于1600℃时,β-SiC 缓慢转变成α-SiC的各种多型体。

而添加催化剂、熔盐以及氧化物辅助可明显降低SiC纳米线的制备温度提高反应速率以及产率但易在SiC 纳米线中引入杂质。



d o i :10.3963/j .i s s n .1674-6066.2024.02.002碳化硅纳米线的制备及其吸波性能的表征雷 煜1,徐 慢1,2,朱 丽1,2,石和彬1,2,沈永李1,李 想1(1.武汉工程大学材料科学与工程学院,武汉430205;2.武汉工程大学湖北省环境材料与膜工程技术研究中心,武汉430074)摘 要: 以淀粉和硅溶胶为原料,利用化学气相沉积法制备了碳化硅纳米线,并对纳米线的成分㊁形貌㊁结构及介电与吸波性能进行了分析与探讨㊂所制得的纳米线纯度较高㊁长度较长,形成了网状结构,且纳米线具有较好的吸波性能,在很大范围内均表现突出㊂关键词: 碳化硅; 纳米线; 化学气相沉积; 吸波性能P r e p a r a t i o na n dC h a r a c t e r i z a t i o no fW a v eA b s o r b i n g P r o pe r t i e s of S i CN a n o w i r e s L E IY u 1,X U M a n 1,2,Z HUL i 1,2,S H IH e -b i n 1,2,S H E NY o ng -l i 1,L IX i a n g 1(1.S ch o o l o fM a t e ri a l sS c i e n c e a n dE n g i n e e r i n g ,W u h a n I n s t i t u t e o fT e c h n o l o g y ,W u h a n430205,C h i n a ;2.E n g i n e e r i n g R e s e a r c hC e n t e r o fE n v i r o n m e n t a lM a t e r i a l s a n d M e m b r a n eT e c h n o l o g y o fH u b e i P r o v i n c e ,W u h a n I n s t i t u t e o fT e c h n o l o g y ,W u h a n430074,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t : S i l i c o n c a r b i d en a n o w i r e sw e r e s y n t h e s i z e db y c h e m i c a l v a p o rd e p o s i t i o nu s i n g st a r c ha n ds i l i c as o l .T h e c o m p o s i t i o n ,m o r p h o l o g y ,s t r u c t u r e ,d i e l e c t r i c a n dw a v e a b s o r b i n g p r o p e r t i e s o f n a n o w i r e sw e r e a n a l yz e d a n d d i s c u s s e d .T h eS i Cn a n o w i r e sh a v eh i g h p u r i t y ,l o n g l e n g t ha n d f o r m e d a n e t w o r k s t r u c t u r e ,a n d t h ew a v e a b s o r b i n gp r o p e r t i e s o f S i Cn a n o w i r e s a r e o u t s t a n d i n g i naw i d e r a n g e .K e y wo r d s : s i l i c o n c a r b i d e ; n a n o w i r e ; c h e m i c a l v a p o r d e p o s i t i o n ; w a v e a b s o r b i n gp r o p e r t y 收稿日期:2023-11-20.作者简介:雷 煜(1999-),硕士生.E -m a i l :1078750027@q q.c o m 自纳米材料被发现以来,一维纳米材料由于其特殊的结构发展迅速,其中碳化硅纳米线(S i C n w )以其独特的兼具纳米材料和陶瓷材料的性能而受到广泛关注㊂作为一种一维纳米材料,其具有宽带隙㊁高热导率㊁高介电损耗等性质,这使得它们在半导体㊁光电子㊁吸波㊁电磁屏蔽和催化等先进功能材料领域中具有巨大的应用潜力[1,2]㊂另一方面,S i C 纳米线还具有部分陶瓷材料的性能,如低密度㊁高热传导率㊁低热膨胀系数㊁化学性能稳定㊁耐热腐蚀等优异的物理㊁化学性能,在高温或极端使用条件下,具有优异的强度㊁韧性㊁摩擦㊁抗蠕变㊁隔热等综合性能,广泛应用于航空航天㊁石油化工㊁太空反射镜㊁雷达等环境中[3,4]㊂吸波材料是一种能够将电磁波吸收或反射,达到大幅度减少被保护器件接收到电磁波的效果,从而减少电磁波干扰的材料㊂碳化硅是目前非常重要的第三代宽禁带半导体材料,β-S i C 的电阻率大于103Ω㊃c m ,不仅有吸波潜能,还能减弱红外信号,是国内外发展较快的吸波材料之一[5]㊂由于其在高温下有化学稳定性,在高温吸波领域,S i C 纳米线受到了更多重视㊂传统工艺制备的碳化硅材料,其电阻率过高㊁介电虚部较低,导致吸波性能较差,不能直接作为吸波材料,需进一步对其进行掺杂改性或者复合其他材料使用㊂而S i C 纳米线由于其特殊的一维纳米材料性能,使吸波性能得到了较大的改善,是近年来研究的重点[6]㊂1 原材料与测试方法1.1 碳化硅纳米线的制备取5g 玉米淀粉㊁13.3g 硅溶胶和35g 水于烧杯中,90ħ下水浴加热,直到溶液凝固成凝胶,待凝胶冷建材世界 2024年 第45卷 第2期却后放入冷冻干燥机中,冻干48h 后取出并用玛瑙研钵研磨成粉末状㊂取10g 粉末于坩埚中,盖上坩埚盖,放入管式炉,通入氩气作为保护气体,在1300ħ下保温6h ,降温后取出㊂放入马弗炉中于600ħ下煅烧3h ,冷却至室温后取出㊂将取出后的样品放入塑料杯中,置于1m o l /L 氢氟酸溶液中酸洗,静置24h 后,用去离子水多次反复冲洗至中性,放入烘箱中干燥备用㊂1.2 制作同轴环取一定量所得纳米线于研钵中进行分散,称取0.2g 左右备用㊂按质量比为1ʒ5的比例称取相应的碳化硅纳米线粉和石蜡㊂先将1.0g 左右石蜡加入烧杯中置于90ħ水浴锅中加热㊂石蜡受热融化后再加入相应质量的碳化硅纳米线粉,不断搅拌使其混合均匀,然后停止加热㊂混合物冷却凝固后,将粘结在烧杯内壁上的混合固体刮下,重新加热熔融使粉末和石蜡混合更为充分㊂最后,将处于黏流态的混合物在专用的模具中压制成内径3mm ㊁外径7mm ㊁厚度在2~4mm 的同轴环样品㊂1.3 产物测试与表征使用X 射线衍射仪(D 8-D i s c o v e r 型,德国B r u c k e r (布鲁克)公司)对S i C 纳米线进行物相分析,扫描范围为10ʎ~80ʎ,扫描速度为2ʎ/m i n ,步长为0.02ʎ;使用场发射扫描电子显微镜(F E S E M ,J S W -5510L V 型,日本电子株式会社)观察S i C 纳米线的表面形貌,加速电压为20k V ;使用网络矢量分析仪(3671D 型,中电思仪科技股份有限公司)测试同轴环样品吸波性能,测试频率在2~18G H z ,工作模式为双端口扫频模式㊂2 结果与讨论2.1物相分析通过X 射线衍射仪对所制备的S i C 纳米线进行物相和结构表征,根据获得数据绘制X R D 图谱,如图1所示㊂从图1中可以看出,S i C纳米线的特征峰十分尖锐,说明所合成的S i C 纳米线结晶良好㊂另外,图中的五个特征峰与3C -β-S i C (P D F 卡片29-1129)吻合,属于F 43m 空间群,指标化结果获得晶格常数a =0.4359n m ,其特征峰依次对应(111)㊁(200)㊁(220)㊁(311)㊁(222)五个晶面,2θ值为33.74ʎ处并未出现大多数文献所出现的由于原子层错排形成的堆垛层错引起的超结构衍射峰,说明所合成的S i C 纳米线纯度较高,无其他晶相㊂2.2 F E S E M 分析图2为S i C 纳米线的F E S E M 照片,在显微镜下进行观察,可以发现纳米线的长度较长,为几百微米,部分达到了1mm ,而其直径约为100n m 左右㊂所合成的纳米线拥有非常高的纯度和均一性,纳米线之间相互缠绕交织成网状结构,其中残留的颗粒状物质较少,说明纳米线的纯度较高㊂2.3 S i C 纳米线的介电性能图3展示了所制S i C 纳米线介电实部和介电虚部数值随频率的变动趋势和变动范围㊂由图3可知,所制碳化硅纳米线介电常数的实部在6~7之间,虚部在0~3.5之间㊂介电实部与文献中提到的碳化硅纳米线粉体介电实部在7附近较为吻合,介电虚部波动较大,只在6~16H z 范围内与文献中提到的碳化硅纳米线粉体介电虚部在0~1对应上了,其他频率内介电虚部均偏大,从而可使得在这些频率内吸波层的储电能力和损耗能力增强㊂其原因可能是制备所得的碳化硅纳米线相互缠绕,形成了网状结构,使得整体结构内表面积增加,从而拥有较好的吸波性能㊂建材世界 2024年 第45卷 第2期根据测试所得的复介电常数和复磁导率计算出了电磁波纳米线同轴环的吸波性能框图和吸波性曲线见图4~图6㊂从图4上可以明显地看到三条尖锐的深峰,其顶点分别代表三处具有比其附近反射损耗值都高的地方,反射损耗在此取得极大值㊂从图5可以看出,在频率为9.2G H z㊁厚度为4.0mm处有最大反射损耗值,为44.70d B㊂另外频率为9.84G H z㊁厚度为3.8mm和频率为8.8G H z㊁厚度为4.2mm处也有较大反射损耗值,分别为30.71d B㊁28.62d B㊂同时在它们的附近有吸波性能良好的等高线,反射损耗值达23.14d B㊂由图6可以更清晰地看到吸波性能在不同厚度的变化,随着厚度的递增,最大反射损耗向着低频率的方向移动㊂当厚度为8mm时,出现两个反射损耗值极值,分别是4.32G H z和16.16G H z㊂材料的有效微波吸收处是其反射损耗小于-10d B处㊂当所在频率为9.2G H z㊁厚度为4mm 时,最低反射损耗-44.70d B,微波吸收频段出现在6.88~11.04G H z,其总的吸收带宽为4.16G H z㊂所合成的碳化硅纳米线吸收带宽较宽,可能是因为纳米线的长宽比较大,提升了吸波性能㊂3结论以玉米淀粉为碳源,硅溶胶为硅源合成了碳化硅纳米线㊂采用X R D对其检测分析,图谱中衍射峰强而尖锐,且与X R D卡片吻合,说明所制备的碳化硅为较纯的β-S i C且结晶很好㊂采用F E S E M对其观察,发现所制备的碳化硅纳米线长度较长,为几百微米,且纳米线互相缠绕,形成了网状结构㊂制备的纳米线具有较好的吸波性能,在很大范围内均表现突出㊂在频率为6~10G H z㊁厚度4~8mm内均有吸波能力,微波吸收的带宽为4.16G H z㊂最大反射损耗值为44.7d B,出现在厚4.0mm㊁频率9.2G H z处㊂随着厚度的不断增大,最大反射损耗值将出现在更小频率下㊂(下转第21页)3结语研究了不同掺量下的废铜渣对水泥胶凝材料的性能影响㊂研究发现,随着废铜渣掺量的增加,水泥胶凝材料的强度先增加后降低,最佳掺量为水泥用量的10%,此条件下水泥砂浆3d抗折㊁抗压强度分别为4.7M P a和27.4M P a,28d抗折㊁抗压强度分别为8.6M P a和48.7M P a㊂该研究有望能大范围处理废铜渣并用于建材领域㊂参考文献[1]雷庆关,张城,潘崇根,等.水泥基复合胶凝材料改性聚合物修补砂浆的试验研究[J].安徽建筑大学学报,2023,31(3):8-15.[2]朱茂兰,肖妮,谭良春,等.铜渣还原活化制备新型胶凝材料与矿山充填的应用[J].中国有色金属学报,2020,30(11):2736-2745.[3]母维宏,和森,周新涛,等.铜渣/电解锰渣基磷酸盐胶凝材料的制备及其形成机理探讨[J].化学工程,2020,48(10):23-28,51.[4]贾行伟,宋向荣,罗中秋,等.铜渣基磷酸盐胶凝材料的制备及其性能研究[J].硅酸盐通报,2018,37(5):1503-1508.[5]杜海云,马倩敏,郭荣鑫,等.铜渣-水泥复合胶凝材料力学性能研究[J].硅酸盐通报,2017,36(5):1634-1638,1645.[6]王茹,王高勇,张韬,等.稻壳灰在丁苯聚合物/水泥复合胶凝材料凝结硬化过程中的作用[J].硅酸盐学报,2017,45(2):190-195.[7]薛兴勇,韩要丛,苏俏俏,等.铜渣基磷酸盐胶凝材料的力学性能与微观结构[J].硅酸盐通报,2023,42(5):1750-1757.[8]张冉玥,杨仕教,杨晴,等.铜渣磁选预处理对铜渣基胶凝材料活性和抗压强度的影响[J].中国有色冶金,2023,52(1):98-106.(上接第9页)参考文献[1]刘洋涛.碳化硅纳米线的制备及吸波性能研究[D].呼和浩特:内蒙古工业大学,2022.[2]李雪婷.碳化硅纳米线基多元吸波材料的制备与性能研究[D].西安:西安建筑科技大学,2021.[3] N a k a t aSY,U e s u g iA,S u g a n oKJ,e t a l.S t r a i nE n g i n e e r i n g o fC o r e-s h e l l S i l i c o nC a r b i d eN a n o w i r e s f o rM e c h a n i c a l a n dP i e z o r e s i s t i v eC h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n s[J].N a n o t e c h n o l o g y,2019,30(26):1361-1374.[4] C h e n J J,S h iQ,X i nLP,e t a l.AS i m p l eC a t a l y s t-f r e eR o u t e f o rL a r g e-s c a l eS y n t h e s i so fS i C N a n o w i r e s[J].J o u r n a l o fA l l o y s a n dC o m p o u n d s,2011,509(24):6844-6847.[5]牛芳旭.碳化硅及其复合材料的制备与电磁波吸收性能研究[D].济南:山东大学,2019.[6] K u a n g JL,J i a n g P,H o uXJ,e t a l.D i e l e c t r i cP e r m i t t i v i t y a n d M i c r o w a v eA b s o r p t i o nP r o p e r t i e so fS i C N a n o w i r e sw i t hD i f f e r e n tL e n g t h s[J].S o l i dS t a t eS c i e n c e s,2019,91:73-76.。

激光辐照硅烷气体 分子(SiH4)时.硅烷分子很容易热解
热解生成的气构硅Si(g)在一定温度和压力条件下开始成核和 生长,形成纳米微粒。
特点: 该法具有清洁表面、粒子大小可精确控制、无粘结、粒度分 布均匀等优点,并容易制备出几纳米至几十纳米的非晶态或 晶态纳米微粒。
该法制备超细微粉是近几年兴起的。 激光束照在反应气体上形成了反应焰, 经反应在火焰中形成微粒,由氩气携 带进入上方微粒捕集装置。该法利用 反应气体分子(或光敏剂分子)对特定波 长激光束的吸收,引起反应气体分子
激光热解、激光光敏化和激光诱导化 学合成反应,在一定工艺条件下(激光 功率密度、反应池压力、反应气体配 比和流速、反应温度等),获得纳米粒 子空间成核和生长。
姓名:`` 学号:``
概 述
纳米碳化硅是高温,高频和高压等苛刻环境下理想的结构 和功能材料,在航天、国防和原子能领域有重要的作用。纳米 碳化硅的性能在很大程度上取决于其结构和形貌,不同的应用 背景要求具有不同的结构和形貌的纳米材料。碳化硅纳米线具 有良好的弹性和柔韧性,是一种比碳化硅纳米晶须性能更好的 金属,陶瓷和树脂复合材料增强剂;而定向排列的碳化硅纳米 线具有非常低的场发射性能,是真空微电子器件的一种理想的 阳极材料;纳米结构的多孔碳化硅材料具有良好的蓝光发光性 能和电磁损耗性能,是一种非常有前途的蓝光发光材料和军用 吸波材料。
从小到大: 原子团簇纳米颗粒 从大到小: 固体微米颗粒纳米颗粒
目前纳米材料制备常采用的方法: 气相法 蒸发-冷凝法 化学气相反应法
沉淀法 喷ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ法
碳化硅纳米线 吸波

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多孔 SiCO 陶瓷中 SiC 纳米线的原位合成及生长机理

电子饱和迁移率等特性, 在高温、高频、大功率、高 密度集成电子器件等方面具有巨大的应用潜力 [2-4]; 同时也可用于增强陶瓷、金属和高分子材料 , 从而 制备得到性能优异的复合材料[5-7]。Wong 等[6]通过
收稿日期: 2012-05-28; 收到修改稿日期: 2012-07-30 基金项目: 江苏省材料摩擦学重点实验室开放基金 (kjsmcx07005); 江苏省高校自然科学基金 (08KJD430010); 江苏省普通 高校研究生科研创新计划 (CXZZ11_0558); 江苏大学高级专业人才科研启动基金 (09jdg033); 常熟市科技发展 规划项目(CG201005) Materials Tribology Key Laboratory of Jiangsu Opening Foundation (kjsmcx07005); Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu High Education (08KJD430010); Postgraduate Innovation Project of Jiangsu Province (CXZZ11_0558); Talent Foundation of Jiangsu University (09jdg033); Changshu Research Project (CG201005) 作者简介: 潘建梅(1985–), 女, 博士研究生. E-mail: jmpanc@ 通讯作者: 程晓农, 教授. E-mail: xncheng@
通过热重分析, 研究了固化后海绵/有机硅树脂 的热解行为, 其曲线如图 1 所示。 从图中看出, 样品 的热解过程主要分两个阶段。试样第一阶段的失重 在 170~640℃, 失重约为 25wt%, 主要来自于有机硅 树脂的 Si–O 主链的断裂和海绵的裂解。试样第二阶 段(640~1200℃)的失重较小, 约为 5wt%, 主要来自 于有机硅树脂中含硅基团的重排反应 , 逐渐向陶瓷 化转变。 从图 1 也可看出, 试样的陶瓷产率达 70wt%。

纳 米线 , 并对 其进 行 了 系统 的电子 显微 结构 研究 。
1 实 验
采用 热蒸 发 方 法 制 备 SC纳 米 线 具 体 过 程 : i 用
SO粉 末作 蒸 发源 , 晶硅 片 为 衬底 , 墨 片作 加 热 i 单 石
片 。SC纳米 线 的生 长 在 温度 和 环 境 压强 可 控 的 高 i
关键 词 :热 蒸发 ; 外延 生 长 ;i ; 米 线 SC 纳
中 图 分 类 号 : 7 ; N 0 . ; B 0 0 8 T 342 T 33 文 献 标 识 码 :A
维纳 米 材料是 指 在两 个维 度方 向上 为纳 米尺
低通 过使 用较 少量 的 SO( . g i 0 1 )和较低 的 SO蒸 发 i 温度 来实 现 。反应完 成后 , 衬底 颜色 变成 浅灰色 。
般 小 于 2 I 直径 在 l L . m, 0~8 m 之 间 , 直径 随 0n 且
长度 增长 而逐 渐 减 小 。而 且 , 纳米 线 只在 几个 倾 斜
的方 向和垂 直 于衬 底 的 方 向上 生 长 , 米 线 的生 长 纳
起点 是 衬 底 , 米 线 和 衬 底 之 间 很 可 能 存 在 外 延 纳
像 , 1 高倍 S M 像 。 由 图可 见 纳 米 线 的 长度 图 b为 E
SC具有 禁带 宽度 大 、 导率 高 、 i 热 电子 饱 和 漂移 速 度 大和 临界击 穿 电场 高等 特 点 , 高 频 、 在 大功 率 、
耐 高温 、 辐 照的半 导 体 器 件 及 紫 外 探 测器 和短 波 抗
首 先 自发 形 成 了一 层 SC多 晶膜 , 米 线 在 这 层 多 晶 膜 的 某 些 晶 粒 上 外延 生 长 。在 显 微 结 构 分 析 的 基 础 上 , 文 i 纳 本

三、研究方法和步骤1. 氮化镓纳米线的制备(1) 选择合适的衬底材料,如硅、蓝宝石等。
(2) 制备合适的金属催化剂,如金、镍等。
(3) 制备氮化镓的前驱体气相源,如三甲基氮化铝(AlMe3)、氨(NH3)等。
(4) 使用反应室进行化学气相沉积法进行制备。
2. 碳化硅纳米线的制备(1) 选择合适的衬底材料,如硅、蓝宝石等。
(2) 制备合适的金属催化剂,如镍、铝等。
(3) 制备碳化硅的前驱体气相源,如四氯化硅(SiCl4)、异丙基气体(C3H7OH)等。
(4) 使用反应室进行化学气相沉积法进行制备。
3. 纳米线性质表征(1) 使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察纳米线的形貌和尺寸。
(2) 使用透射电子显微镜(TEM)对纳米线进行成分分析和微结构分析。
(3) 使用拉曼光谱仪对纳米线进行光谱性质分析。

酚醛 树 脂 :线 性 酚 醛 树 脂 ,软 化 点 8 5—
9 ̄ 5 C,出碳率约 5 % ,太原 有机化工 厂;硝 酸 0
荫 | 料 机 t 材
CK u a靶 ( 0 k 4 V,10 A) 0 m ;透射 电子 显微 镜 (E T M) 表征 :采用 日本 电子 株式 会社 的 J O E L一 21 00型透射 电子显微镜表征碳化 硅的形貌 ;能
摘 要 : 以酚 醛 树 脂 为 碳 源 、 正硅 酸 乙酯 为 硅 源 、硝 酸 锆 为 催 化 剂 ,通 过 溶 胶 一凝 胶 法 和 碳 热 还 原 法 制
备 出碳化硅纳米线 。用 x射线衍射仪和 透射 电子显微镜进行 了表 征。 结果表 明,通 过此 法制备 的碳 化硅 为
SC,具有光滑 的表 面、长而直的线状结构 ;氧化锆在 低 于熔点 时也起 到液 相催化 作 用,为碳化硅 的生 i
已采用各种不同方法制备 出形貌各异的 S i C纳米 线 。Y ak等 人采 用碳 热还 原 法直 接加 热 WO .B e 与石墨的混合物 ,在浸有 NO催化剂 的硅片基 i
体上 得 到 了 SC纳 米 线 J .H e等 人 以纳 i 。H .Y
将 1 6g酚醛树脂和一定量的硝酸锆溶 于 4 L 0m
碳 化 硅 ( i 是 一 种 宽 带 隙 的 半 导 体 材 SC)
锆 :A R,天 津市 化 学 试 剂 三 厂 ;硝 酸 :A R,质 量分 数 6 % ,太 原 化 肥 厂 化 学 试 剂 厂 ;正 硅 酸 7 乙酯 :A R,天 津 福 晨 化 学 试 剂 厂 ;六 次 甲基 四 胺 :A R,河 南 焦 作 市 化 工 厂 ;氢 氟 酸 :A R,质 量分 数 4 % ,上海 国药 集 团化 学试 剂公 司 。 0
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Large-scale Synthesis of b -SiC Nanochains and Their Raman/Photoluminescence PropertiesAlan Meng 1,Meng Zhang 2,Weidong Gao 2,Shibin Sun 2,Zhenjiang Li 2*AbstractAlthough the SiC/SiO 2nanochain heterojunction has been synthesized,the chained homogeneous nanostructure of SiC has not been reported before.Herein,the novel b -SiC nanochains are synthesized assisted by the AAO tem-plate.The characterized results demonstrate that the nanostructures are constructed by spheres of 25–30nm and conjoint wires of 15–20nm in diameters.Raman and photoluminescence measurements are used to explore the unique optical properties.A speed-alternating vapor –solid (SA-VS)growth mechanism is proposed to interpret the formation of this typical nanochains.The achieved nanochains enrich the species of one-dimensional (1D)nanos-tructures and may hold great potential applications in nanotechnology.IntroductionControlled,rational,and designed growth of 1D nanos-tructures,such as nanowire,nanorod,nanotube,and nanobelt have attracted considerable attentions in nano-technology due to the distinct potential applications in functional electronic,photonic,and mechanical nanode-vices [1-4].1D SiC nanostructures,as an outstanding wide-gap semiconducting materials [5-8],have exhibited great applications in composite materials,optical circuits,light-emitting diodes,field-emission devices,and hydro-gen storage [9-12].These properties make SiC a pro-mising candidate for various applications in nanoscale photoelectronic device [13].As known to all,some intrinsic properties are directly connected with the specific morphologies,much effort has being devoted to the synthesis and applications of various 1D SiC nanostructures,and different types of SiC nanos-tructures have been synthesized and reported in present literatures [14-23].Incentived by the development of novel 1D SiC nanostructure to pursuit its unique prop-erty,a simple chemical vapor reaction (CVR)approach combined with nanoporous AAO template for SiC crys-tal growth control was successfully developed.Herein,the SiC nanostructures were obtained via the chemi-cal vapor process between the C (vapor)pyrolyzedfrom the C 3H 6and SiO (vapor)generated by a solid –solid reaction between milled Si-SiO 2;therefore,the process was called after chemical Vapor Reaction (CVR).The CVR approach has been well revealed for the synthesis of SiC nanostructures due to the inherent advantages of simple process,low cost,lower tempera-ture,catalyst free and high purity quotient [24].Just recently,we have successfully synthesized periodic composite SiC/SiO 2beaded nanostructures (SiC nano-wires and SiO 2nanospheres)on carbon substrate via the CVR approach [25].Wei et al.[26].have synthesized 1D SiC/SiO 2nanochain heterojunctions are composed of 3C-SiC strings and SiO 2beads via microwave method;however,the chained homogeneous nanostruc-ture of single-crystalline SiC has not been reported ere-now.In this paper,the nanostructures of the product are constructed by spheres of 25–30nm and conjoint wires of 15–20nm in diameters.[111]is the typically preferred growth direction with high density of stacking faults.Moreover,the as-gained nanostructures may have great application in improving the properties of the nano-composite materials due to the strong adhesion between the contoured surface nanowires and matrix comparing to the smooth-surface nanowires [27].Synth-esis,characterizations,the corresponding Raman spec-troscopy and photoluminescence measurement are also reported and discussed in this paper.A SA-VS growth mechanism is further proposed to interpret the growth mechanism of the uniform single-crystalline SiC nanochains.*Correspondence:zjli126@ 2College of Electromechanical Engineering,Qingdao University of Science and Technology,266061,Qingdao,People ’s Republic of China.Full list of author information is available at the end of the articleMeng et al .Nanoscale Res Lett 2011,6:34/content/6/1/34©2010Meng et al.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License(/licenses/by/2.0),which permits unrestricted use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original work is properly cited.ExperimentalThe nanoporous AAO template was prepared by a two-step aluminum anodic oxidation process.Prior to ano-dizing,the high-purity aluminum thin sheets were annealed at450°C for2h,rinsed in distilled water,then electro-polished to achieve a smooth surface.Subse-quently,the samples were anodized in0.3M oxalic acid (40V,17°C,4–5h,Al sheet as an anode).First,the ano-dized layer was removed by etching in a mixture of phosphoric acid and chromic acid at60°C for8–10h. Second,the samples rinsed in distilled water and oxalic acid was anodized again in0.3M oxalic acid(40V, 16°C,7–9h,Al sheet as an anode).After the anodizing, the unwanted aluminum matrix was dissolved in HgCl2 solution at room temperature.Finally,the template was rinsed with distilled water and immersed in5%phos-phoric acid for about20–40min at32°C to adjust the pore diameter and remove the barrier layer at the bot-tom of nanoholes.Typical CVR processes were carried out as follows: First,the AAO template was put at the bottom of the homemade reaction chamber and supported by a piece of carbon cloth.The mixture of Si and SiO2powder (molar ration1:1)was placed over the AAO tem-plate,and a piece of carbon cloth was inserted between the template and the mixture powder. Another piece of carbon cloth was situated over the powder.Then the chamber was placed into a vertical furnace, before heating,the furnace was purged2–3times with high-purity argon(Ar)using a rotary vacuum pump,the temperature of furnace was increased to1,230°C from room temperature at a mean speed of450–500°C.h-1 held the top temperature for10-15min.Meanwhile,the steady flow of C3H6at0.1–0.2sccm from the bottom of the graphite reaction chamber was started and main-tained it for5–10min.Finally,the power was switched off and the furnace was cooled to room temperature. The synthesized AAO template and SiC nanochains were characterized by a JEOL JSM-6FESEM equipped with elemental EDX equipment.Further detailed struc-tural information was obtained by a JEOL-2010HRTEM and SAED.XRD pattern was recorded by a Rigaku D/ max-2,400X-ray diffractometer.Raman spectra were measured by a Renishaw2,000micro-Raman spectro-meter.Photoluminescence spectra were performed in a Hitachi F-4500fluorescence spectrophotometer. Results and DiscussionThe representative XRD pattern of the products grown on AAO template is also observed in Figure1,suggest-ing that b-SiC is the only crystalline phase.The major diffraction peaks could be assigned to the(111),(200),(220),and(311).These values are in well agreement with the known values for b-SiC(JCPDS Card.No.29-1129).The low-density peak is due to the crystal stack-ing faults[28].Moreover;the amorphous background in the pattern is caused by the AAO template.Typical FESEM image scanned from the top surface of the AAO template is distinctly shown in Figure2a.The well-ordered pores are clearly observed for the prepared template.Figure2b is the side view of the vertically cut template,which clearly shows the AAO template posses-sing coterminous nanopores parallel to each other and perpendicular to the surface of the template.Figure2c is the enlarged image of rectangular area in Figure2a,it can be observed that AAO nanopores are inhomogen-eously distributed with diameters of30–70nm and dis-tances between the neighboring pore of10–30nm.Low-magnification FESEM image(Figure3a)shows the nanochains grown on the AAO template via CVR approach,which are quite different from the traditional smooth nanowire.High-magnification FESEM image further reveals that the nanostructures in Figure3b and3c were the perfect beaded morphology with sphere size of25–30nm evenly and connected by the wire of15–20nm in diameter.No catalyst particles are attached onto the tips of the as-grown nanochains that are marked by the white circles,so we generally believe the growth process is induced by VS mechan-ism.In addition,the EDX spectrums(Figure4)reveal that the AAO template is composed of Al and O ele-ments,the quantitative analysis indicates the atomic ratio of Al and O is approximately2:3,corresponding to the stoichiometric composition of Al2O3.The nano-chains are composed of Si and C,and the molecular ratio of Si/C calculated from the EDX data is about 1:1,corresponding to the stoichiometriccomposition Figure1Representative XRD pattern of the products grown on the AAO template indicating the crystalline b-SiC.of SiC.The appearance of Al and O peaks is due to the existence of AAO substrate.Furthermore,HRTEM image (Figure 5)provides the detailed structural information of the products.As shown in Figure 5a,the perfect SiC nanochain has sphe-rical size of 25–30nm and wire between adjacent spheres of 15–20nm.Also,the stacking faults could be clearly observed within the nanostructure marked by arrows,suggesting that the SiC crystal possess a high density of defects.Additionally,during the cooling process,the resi-dual oxygen and SiO vapors in the reaction chamber would also react to produce SiO 2,which will then diffuse,precipitate,and nucleate easily on the surface of SiC nanostructure,otherwise,as the activity of the SiC nano-structures at the nanoscale,the surface of the products may be oxidized to be SiO 2in small amounts at room temperature after the reaction.Finally,both of above two reasons may result in the formation of very thin amor-phous SiO 2layer,as shown in Figure 5b SiC nanostruc-tures are actually wrapped by a very uniform thin SiO 2layer of 2–5nm.Figure 5b distinctly depicts the spacing within the crystal between two adjacent lattice planes is 0.252nm,indicating the crystal grows along [111]direc-tion.These values are in well agreement with the known values for b -SiC crystal.The inset image in Figure 5a shows the corresponding SAED patterns,the sharp and regular single diffraction spots clearly indicate that the crystallized structure which could be indexed to the cubic crystalline b -SiC.Compared with the SiC nanowire arrays in our for-mer work [24],we supposed that the position of the AAO template and the reaction time have palyed important roles in determining the morphology of the products.The nanoarrays can be synthesized just during short reaction time and the low reaction rate;moreover,the AAO template must be placed over the milled powders,and the detailed growth mechan-ism has been depicted in the relevant paper.The SiC/SiO 2composite nanostructures [25]were synthe-sized without using any template or catalyst and two-stage vapor –solid growth mechanism was pro-posed.The first stage is the formation of the SiC nanowires within stacking faults,and the second stage is the formation of the SiO 2spheres at the faults position.Moreover,the distribution of the gas over the carbon substrate is uniform,and the sub-strate could not limit the concentration of thereactant.Figure 2Typical FESEM images of the ordered nanopores AAO template prepared by aluminum anodic oxidation processes .a The top surface image.b View of the vertical section.c The enlarged image of marked area in Figure 2a.Chen et al.have analyzed that the fluctuations of the growth conditions could influence the morphology of a nanostructure during the VS growth process [29].The detailed depict has been reported in our other paper [30].Typically,four possible reactions happened during the SiC nanostructure formation,as follows:Si SiO SiO +→22(1)C H C v H 36233→()+(2)SiO C SiC s CO v +→()+()2(3)SiO CO SiC s CO +→()+322(4)Herein,in order to achieve longer reaction time and higher reaction,the AAO template was placed atthe bottom of the reaction chamber to prepare the SiC nanochains;we believe that the nanoporous AAO template has played a key role in the synthesis of SiC crystal.In order to interpret the formation process,a reasonable SA-VS growth mechanism is proposed and schematically shown in Figure 6.The original nucleate and growth of the SiC crystal could be induced by the micro-particles of Si,SiO 2and surface defects of AAO template via a traditional VS growth mechanism [31].While with the C 3H 6gas flow introduced into the chamber and encountered with the AAO template,the flow direction of C 3H 6gas is guided by the nanopore channels (Figure 6a).Under the controlled flow speed of C 3H 6gas,it is reasonable that the concentration of car-bon decomposed from C 3H 6gas form a regular and alternate gradient distribution over the whole template plane.A maximum carbon concentration may probably occur over the around center of the nanopores,astheFigure 3Representative low-magnification (a)and high-magnification (b,c)FESEM images of the nanochains grown on AAO template via CVR approach.Figure 4EDX spectrums of the AAO template (a)and SiC nanochains (b).schematic simulated alternative carbon concentration curve over the template shown in Figure 6b.Thus,dur-ing the further growth of SiC nanostructure along [111]direction,the growth of SiC crystal would be definitely affected by the change of carbon concentration,the maximum concentration is convinced to induce the maximum growth speed of SiC crystal,and finally the maximum diameter of formed SiC nanochains.Cor-respondingly,the thinner SiC nanostructures will be obtained following the lower carbon concentration.After continuous vs growth process,the diameter alter-nating SiC nanochains are obtained at last,as isschematically shown in Figure 6c.Owing to the nano-porous AAO template and the controlled gaseous flow of C 3H 6,the SiC nanochains could be formed by the SA-VS growth mechanism.In addition,the same experi-ment process was also performed by the use of carbon substrate with smooth surface instead of nanoporous AAO template,only smooth SiC nanowire while no nanochain was observed.This strongly proved that pro-posed SA-VS growth mechanism of SiC nanochain was assisted by the nanoporous AAO template.A typical Raman spectrum of as-achieved SiC nano-chains is shown in Figure 7.Two feature peaks at around 783and 930cm -1could be assigned to the TO and LO phonon peaks of cubic SiC crystal,respectively,and a shift of 13cm -1and 42cm -1are observed com-paring with the modes of bulk SiC [32,33].When com-pared with that of SiC whisker,a shift of 11cm -1is observer for the TO peak [34].The unique physical properties may be caused by the size confinement effect,inherent stacking faults,and novel chained morphology of SiC nanostructures [35].Otherwise,slightalloyingFigure 5a Low-magnification and b high-magnification HRTEM images of the SiC nanochains .The inset image in (a )is the corresponding SAEDpatterns.Figure 6a Schematic illustration for the bottom-up C3H6flowing through the ordered nanoporous AAO template .b The simulative carbon concentration curve upon the AAO template during the synthesis process.c The stimulant SiC nanochains.may be also the reasons to the peaks shift of the Raman spectrum.Figure8displays a room-temperature PL spectrum of the as-obtained products.When excited with light from a xenon source(excitation wavelength of270nm),the typical nanostructures show emission band centered at 408nm,which is in accordance with the value of3C-SiC nanobelts[16]and SiC nanoneedles[36].Compared with the previously reported luminescence from the aligned SiC NWs,the emission peak is obviously shifted [37].Similar emission peaks at about390nm were also reported for the SiC/SiO2nanochain heterojunctions, which was attributed to the neutral oxygen vacancy formed at the interface boundary of SiC/SiO2[26].In the present work,the SiC nanochains were uniformly wrapped by a thin SiO2amorphous film.Hence,we pro-posed that the wide PL peak may be due to the follow-ing reasons:altering diameter of the nanostructures, stress at the SiC/SiO2interface boundary,the size con-finement effect and high density of defects including stacking faults within the SiC nanostructures. ConclusionsIn summary,a simple CVR approach assisted by the nanoporous AAO template is successfully developed to form the single-crystalline b-SiC nanochains using Si-SiO2powder and C3H6gas as raw materials.The as-obtained nanostructures with spheres of25–30nm and conjunct wires of15–20nm in diameters typically pos-sess novel chained homogeneous nanostructure which is different from the products have been reported.A SA-VS growth mechanism is proposed to interpret the for-mation of the SiC nanochain.This approach could also be applied to synthesize nanochains of the other materials.Raman and PL characterizations confirm the unique optical properties which mean the products may hold great application in functional nano-devices. AcknowledgementsThe work reported here was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.50972063,50572041,the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province under Grant No.Y2007F64,the Science and Research Development Plan of Education Department in Shandong Province under Grant No.J06A02,the Tackling Key Program of Science and Technology in Shandong Province under Grant No.2006GG2203014,the Application Foundation Research Program of Qingdao under Grant No.09-1-3-27-jch and also the Key Technology Major Research Plan in Qingdao under Grant No.09-1-4-21-gx.We express our grateful thanks to them for their financial support.Author details1Key Laboratory of Eco-chemical Engineering,Ministry of Education;College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering,Qingdao University of Science and Technology,266042,Qingdao,People’s Republic of China.2College of Electromechanical Engineering,Qingdao University of Science and Technology,266061,Qingdao,People’s Republic of China.Received:1July2010Accepted:9September2010Published:26September2010References1.Gudiksen MS,Lauhon LJ,Wang JF,Smith DC,Lieber CM:Nature2002,415:617.2.Xia Y,Yang P,Sun Y,Wu Y,Mayers B,Gates B,Yin Y,Kim F,Yan H:AdvMater2003,15:353.3.Kong XY,Ding Y,Yang R,Wang ZL:Science2004,303:1348.4.Hao YF,Meng GW,Wang ZL,Ye CH,Zhang LD:Nano Lett2006,6:1650.5.Madelung O:In Intrinsic Properties of Group II-V and I-VI Compounds;Landolt-Bornstein New Series,Group III.Volume22.Springer,Berlin;1987.6.Wang ZL,Dai ZR,Gao RP,Bai ZG:Appl Phys Lett2000,77:3349.7.Duan XF,Huang Y,Cui Y,Wang J,Lieber CM:Nature2001,409:66.8.Soueidan M,Ferro G,Kim-Hak O,Habka N,Soulière V,Nsouli B:Cryst GrowthDes2008,8:1051.9.Yang W,Araki H,Tang C,Thaveethavorn S,Kohyama A,Suzuki H,Noda T:Adv Mater2005,17:1519.10.Niu JJ,Wang NJ:J Phys Chem B2007,111:4368.11.Han XD,Zhang YF,Zheng K,Zhang XN,Zhang Z,Hao YJ,Guo XY,Yuan J,Wang ZL:Nano Lett2007,7:27.12.Lithoxoos GP,Samios J:Nano Lett2006,6:8.13.Feng DH,Jia TQ,Li XX,Xu ZZ,Chen J,Deng SZ,Wu ZS,Xu NS:Solid StateCommun2003,128:295.14.Gundiah G,Madhav GV,Govindaraj A,Seikh MM,Rao CN:J Mater Chem2002,12:1606.15.Ye HH,Titchenal N,Gogotsi Y,Ko F:Adv Mater2005,17:1531.16.Xi GC,Peng YY,Wang SM,Li TW,Yu WC,Qian YT:J Phys Chem B2004,108:20102.17.Pei LZ,Tang YH,Zhao XQ,Chen YW,Guo C:J Appl Phys2006,100:046105.18.Yang WY,Miao HZ,Xie ZP,Zhang L,An LN:Chem Phys Lett2004,383:441.19.Wu RB,Li BS,Gao MX,Chen JJ,Zhu QM,Pan Y:Nanotechnology2008,19:335602.20.Gao FM,Yang WY,Wang HT,Fan Y,Xie ZP,An LN:Cryst Growth Des2008,8:1461.21.Wang HT,Xie ZP,Yang WY,Fang JY,An LN:Cryst Growth Des2008,8:3893.22.Yang YY,Meng GW,Liu XY,Zhang LD,Hu Z,He CY,Hu YM:J Phys Chem C2008,112:20126.23.Zhang XN,Chen YQ,Xie ZP,Yang WY:J Phys Chem C2010,114:8251.24.Li ZJ,Zhang JL,Meng AL,Guo JZ:J Phys Chem B2006,110:22382.25.Li ZJ,Gao WD,Meng AL,Geng ZD,Gao L:J Phys Chem C2009,113:91.26.Wei GD,Qin WP,Zheng KZ,Zhang DS,Sun JB,Lin JJ,Kim Ryongjin,Wang GF,Zhu PF,Wang LL:Cryst Growth Des2009,9:1431.27.Wang DH,Xu D,Wang Q,Hao YJ,Jin GQ,Guo XY,Tu KN:Nanotechnology2008,19:215602.28.Koumoto K,Takeda S,Pai CH:J Am Ceram Soc1989,72:1985.29.Chen XL,Li JY,Lan YC,Cao YG:Modern Phys Lett B2001,15:27.30.Meng AL,Li ZJ,Zhang JL,Gao L,Li HJ:J Cryst Growth2007,308:263.31.Fu QG,Li HJ,Shi XH:Mater Chem Phys2006,100:108.32.Olego D,Cardona M:Phys Rev B1982,25:3889.33.Feng ZC,Mascarenhas AJ,Choyke WJ,Powell JA:J Appl Phys1998,64:3176.34.Cambaz GZ,Yushin GN,Gogotsi Y,Lutsenko VG:Nano Lett2006,6:548.35.Wu RB,Yang GY,Gao MX,Li BS,Chen JJ,Zhai R,Pan Y:Cryst Growth Des2009,9:100.36.Wu RB,Pan Y,Yang GY,Gao MX,Wu LL,Chen JJ,Zhai R,Lin J:J Phys ChemC2007,111:6233.37.Xi GC,Liu YK,Liu XY,Wang XQ,Qian YT:J Phys Chem B2006,110:14172. doi:10.1007/s11671-010-9787-7Cite this article as:Meng et al.:Large-scale Synthesis of b-SiC Nanochains and Their Raman/Photoluminescence Properties.Nanoscale Res Lett20116:34.。