36M3 烧结

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Design Proposal Specification of 36m2 Continuous-Strand Sinter Machine

1. 设计原则Design principle

1.1 采用成熟稳定、实用可靠的工艺流程和设备,技术装备水平达到国内先进水平;

Adopt mature and stable, practical and reliable process flow and facilities, technical equipments achieve domestic advanced level.

1.2 控制水平要求经济、实用、稳妥可靠,以保证生产过程顺利进行,确保产品质量达到要求;

Control level will be based on economy, practice, reliability and safety to guarantee production process running smoothly ,so that the products quality can achieve the standards

1.3 贯彻执行国家有关环保、工业卫生、安全、消防、节约能源等有关规范与规定,注意环境保护,强化“三废”治理;

Projects will be executed completely as per relevant regulations and standards of environmental protection, industrial health, safety,

fire-fighting and energy conservation etc., especially consider the environmental protection and emphasize the three industrial wastes.

1.4 总图布置尽量做到顺畅、紧凑、合理;

Try our best to make the lay-out plan more smooth , compact and reasonable.

1.5 在满足工艺生产、环保的前提下,尽量节省投资,减少占地。

Besides meeting the requirements of process producing and environmental protecting , try our best to save the investment and reduce the land use.

2 设计范围、规模、产品方案及工作制度

Scope, scale ,products proposal and working system

2.1 设计范围、规模Scope and scale of design



Design scope: from the simple stock yard to conveyor belt for cold sintered ore (also can be replaced into sinter bin), including process, civil work, supply and drainage of water ,gas for combustion,

ventilation and dedusting, electricity, automatic instruments and

designs of any profession.

2.1.2设计规模:1台36m2环型烧结机,利用系数1.40t/( m2·h),年产高碱度烧结矿40万吨。

Design scale: one 36m2 circular travelling sinter machine with production of 0.4 mtpa high alkalinity sinter ore, utilized coefficient is 1.40t/( m2·h),

2.2 产品方案Production Proposals

烧结矿品位:TFe55.5%; Sinter ore grade: TFe55.5%

烧结矿碱度:CaO/SiO2=1.8 Sinter ore alkalinity: CaO/SiO2=1.8 烧结矿粒度:5~150mm; Sinter ore grain size: 5~150mm

铺底料粒度:10~20mm; Hearth layer grain size: 10~20mm

烧结矿温度:≤150℃;Sinter ore temperature: ≤150℃

烧结FeO含量:≤10%。FeO content : ≤10%

2.3 工作制度Working system

烧结厂为连续工作制,主机年工作330天,7920小时,每天3班,每班8小时,主机作业率90.4%。Sinter plant will follow the continuous working system, including main machine of 330 days working per annum about 7920 hours, triple shift per day and 8 hours per shift.

3 原、燃料供应Supply of raw material and fuel

3.1 含铁原料Fe contained Raw materials


Fe contained raw materials from outside will be transported into stock yards by trucks, piling up as different kind . Forklifts will transport various raw materials into sinter materials bin .The incoming grain size of Fe contained raw materials should not be greater than 10mm.

3.2 熔剂Flux

