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As the main body of the appraisal,appraiser must appear to wittness in court , its because of their unusural function in the judicature as well as the decided funtion of the appraisal result to the cases result. But in our country, appraisers are always not to appear in court on their writtings to answer the questions in the indicature practice. The reasons are what the legislation is not to be perfect and also the appraisers are not to appear in the court. But the appraisers absence would affect the fair procedure directly and the legitimate rights of the litigants. Profiting by the corrlation stipulation of the oversea, and on the special detialls of our country, we can develop the system design which is good for the system of the appraiser again, by clearing about the appraisers duty and consuming the system of the personal safety protection and the economy compensates.

Key words:Appraiser ;Appraisal result:Witness in court;Legislative suggestions


