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Language acquisition
Language acquisition Language acquisition Language acquisition Language acquisition Language acquisition
General readers intended for the educated public General readers intended for the educated public Language acquisition; works offering general views of language development Language acquisition; works offering general views of language development Language acquisition; works offering general views of language development Language Teaching Language Teaching Language Teaching Language Testing Pedagogical grammar Language Teaching
Suggested Readings for MA Students Li, W. (2007). The Bilingualism Reader (2nd Edition.). New York: Routledge. Yip, V. and Matthews, S. (2007). The Bilingual Child: Early Development and Language Contact . New York: Cambridge.
Language acquisition; works offering general views of language development Computational linguistics
Computational linguistics
Computational linguistics Corpus Linguistics Corpus Linguistics
Language teaching Language teaching Language teaching Language teaching Language teaching Language teaching
Corpus Linguistics
phonetics and phonology Applied linguistics phonetics and phonology Dictionaries General readers intended for the educated public General readers intended for the educated public General readers intended for the educated public Acquisition
Language acquisition
Language acquisition
Language acquisition
Acquisition / Language acquisition; works offering general views of language nt CALL
Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. (2006). How Languages Are Learned (3rd edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Saville-Troike, M. (2006). Introducing Second Language Acquisition . NY: Cambridge. Crain, S. and Lillo-Martin, D. (1999). An Introduction to Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition . MA: Blackwell. Chapelle, C. (2001). Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Bialystok, E. and K. Hakuta (1995) In Other Words: The Science And Psychology Of Second-language Acquisitio . New York: Basic Books. O'Grady, William (2005) How Children Learn Language . London: Cambridge University Press. Bloom, Paul. (2002). How Children Learn the Meanings of Words . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Foster-Cohen, Susan. (1999). An Introduction to Child Language Development . London: Longman. Berko Gleason, Jean. (2008). The Development of Language (7th Edition) . Allyn & Bacon 劉月華, 潘文娛, 故韡(2004). 實用現代漢語語法 . 商務印書館; 呂叔湘. (1999). 現代漢語八百詞 . 商務印書館; 盛炎 (2006). 語言教學原理 , 重慶出版社. Lyle, B. and Palmer, A. (2000). Language Testing in Practice . Oxford: Oxford Xing, J. (2006). Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language – A Pedagogical Grammar. Hong Kong University Press. Brown, H. Douglas (2007). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (3rd Edition). Pearson ESL Ladefoged, Peter. (1995) Elements of Acoustic Phonetics . University Of Chicago Press. [Ch. 1, 2, 3, 9] Ladefoged, P. & Johnson, K. (2010) A Course in Phonetics (6th Edition). Wadsworth.
primary category Bilingualism Bilingualism
secondary category Bilingualism Bilingualism
Tomasello, Michael. (2001). The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition . Cambridge, Cognitive linguistics Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Jurafsky, D. & J. Martin. (2008) Speech & Language Processing (2nd Edition). Computational linguistics Pearson Prentice Hall Wong, Kam-Fai, Wenjie Li, Ruifeng Xu and Zheng-sheng Zhang. (2009) Computational linguistics Introduction to Chinese natural language processing . Morgan & Claypool Publishers. [ebook available at the CUHK Library website] Computational linguistics 俞士汶 (2003) 計算語言學概論 . 商務印書館 McEnery, Anthony, Richard Xiao, and Yukio Tono. (2006) Corpus-Based Corpus linguistics Language Studies: An Advanced Resource Book . Routledge. Biber, Douglas, Susan Conrad, Randi Reppen. (1998) Corpus Linguistics : Corpus linguistics Investigating Language Structure and Use . Cambridge University Press, 1998. [also available as 語料庫語言學. 外語教學與研究出版社] Meyer, Charles F. (2002) English Corpus Linguistics: An Introduction . Cambridge Corpus linguistics University Press, 2002. [also available as 英語語料庫語言學導論. 上海外語教育出版社 (2002)] Trask, R.L. (1996). A dictionary phonetics and phonology. London: Routledge. Dictionary (Chinese translation: 语音学和音系学词典 (2000). 北京 : 语文出版社.) Johnson, Keith, and Helen Johnson. (1998). Encyclopedic dictionary of applied linguDictionary Wells, J. C. (2008). Longman pronunciation dictionary. Harlow, England : Pearson Dictionary Longman. Crystal, David . (2008). (6th. Ed). A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics. Oxford : Dictionary Baker, Mark (2002) The Atoms of Language: The Mind's Hidden Rules of General readers Grammar . New York: Basic Books. Jackendoff, Ray (1995) Patterns in the Mind . New York. Basic Books. General readers Pinker, Steven (2010 -Kindle Edition, 2007- Paperback, 1994-Hardcover) The General readers Language Instinct . New York: William Morrow. Bloom, P. (1994). Language Acquisition : Core Readings . Boston: MIT Press. Language acquisition