lecture 4 汉英语言类型对比与翻译(动态与静态)

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III. 汉英动态与静态取向对比
• The computer is a far more careful and industrious inspector than human beings. • 【原译】计算机比人检查的更细心、更勤快。 • 【试译】机检比人检要细致、勤快得多。 • 3. 名词优势加上介词优势,使英语的静态倾向更加显著。英 语介词具有丰富多样的词汇意义,常常表达汉语中要用动词 表达的概念,例如, • (1) He has someone behind him. • 【原译】有人给他撑腰。 • 【试译】他有人撑腰。(他有后台。) • (2) The smell of wild flowers came to us on the light breeze that was blowing. • 【原译】野花的芬芳乘着轻风向我们扑来。 • 【试译】和着微风,野花香扑鼻而来。
II. Main Concepts
• Nominalization • In linguistics, nominalization is the use of a word which is not a noun (e.g. a verb, an adjective or an adverb) as a noun, or as the head of a noun phrase, with or without morphological transformation. • The term can also refer specifically to the process of producing a noun from another part of speech via the addition of derivational affixes. • Two types of nominalization are found in English. One type requires the addition of a derivational suffix to create a noun. For example, in the sentence “Combine the two chemicals,” “combine” acts as a verb. This can be turned into a noun via the addition of -ation, as in “The experiment involved the combination of the two chemicals.”
III. 汉英动态与静态取向对比
• 英语是屈折语(inflectional language),语言形态相对丰富, 但英语动词的形态变化繁复而稳定,使得动词的使用受到形 态的制约,而名词就没有这个问题,造就了词类优势上的名 词优势,使得表达倾向于多用名词,因而叙述呈静态,具体 表现如下: • 1. 名词化是常见现象。英语中丰富的词缀可以把动词、形容 词轻松派生成名词,在英语语言学家Eric Partridge看来,将 动词转化为名词乃是英语极普遍、极有效的构词法。动词与 名词之间的互相转化正是英语的独特之处,广发使用名词业 已形成现代英语总的发展趋势。 • 2. 常用施事名词(agentive noun),以代替动词。英语惯用 表行为或动作意义的普通名词代词动词,既保留原词的动作 意义,又揭示施事者,与前置形容词构成静态结构,例如,
III. 汉英动态与静态取向对比
• 4. 常用形容词表达动作意味,尤其是动词的同源形容词,例 如, • (1) I am doubtful whether he is still alive. • 【原译】我怀疑他是否还活着。 • 【试译】我怀疑他还活着。 • (2) The teacher thanked her pupils because they are very cooperative. • 【原译】学生们配合得很好,老师向他们表示感谢。 • 【试译1】老师感谢学生们配合得好(很配合)。 • 【试译2】学生配合得很好,老师很感谢。
II. Main Concepts
• Nominalization • In some circumstances, adjectives can have nominal use (nominalized adjective), as in the poor to mean poor people in general. • In all varieties of Chinese, particles are used to nominalize verbs and adjectives. In Mandarin, the most common is 的 de, which is attached to both verbs and adjectives. For example, 吃 chī (to eat) becomes 吃的 chīde (that which is eaten). • Two other particles, found throughout the Chinese varieties, are used to explicitly indicate the nominalized noun as being either the agent or patient of the verb being nominalized. 所 (suǒ in Mandarin) is attached before the verb to indicate patient, e.g. 吃 (to eat) becomes 所吃 (that which is eaten), and 者 (zhě in Mandarin) are attached after the verb to indicate agent, e.g. 吃 (to eat) becomes 吃者 (he who eats). Both particles date from Classical Chinese and retain limited productivity in modern Chinese varieties.
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III. 汉英动态与静态取向对比
• 2. 动词或动词词组可以充当句子的各种成分。中国古代哲学 认为“动而成象则静”,因而汉语中动词经常出现在主语、 宾语、中心词等名词性位置,化动为静,类似英语的名物化 或名词化(nominalization),如“打也没有用”、“鱼吃跳, 鸡吃叫”、“日程安排”。汉语动词的这一功能弹性使动词 及动词词组(连动式词组、兼语式词组等)无需改变词形态 就可以充当句子的各种成分,例如, • 他不停地来回走着,激动得说不出话来。 • 【原译】He kept on walking back and forth, being too excited to say a word. • 【试译1】He kept on walking to and fro, too excited to say a word. • 【试译2】He was too excited to say anything but to keep on walking back and forth.
II. Main Concepts
• Nominalization • In other cases, English uses the same word as a noun without any additional morphology. This second process is referred to as zero-derivation or conversion. The use of “change” in the following is a good example: (1) I need a change (noun), (2) I will change (verb). • English also has a number of words which, depending on subtle changes in pronunciation, are either nouns or verbs. One such type, which is rather pervasive, is the change in stress placement from the final syllable of the word to the first syllable ( initial-stress-derived noun). For instance, (1) Profits have shown a large increase. (['inkri:s] noun) (2) Profits will continue to increase. ([in'kri:s] verb) • An additional case is seen with the verb use, which has a different pronunciation when used as a noun. For example, The use of forks is dangerous ([ju:s] noun); Use your fork! ([ju:z] verb)
Lecture Four 汉英语表达的动态与静态取向
I. Case Study
• 请比较分析下列英语句子,并将其译成汉语,然后做汉英对 比,观察双语的用词特点。 • 1. The doctor arrived extremely quickly and examined the patient uncommonly carefully; the result was that he recovered very speedily. • 2. The doctor’s extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery. • 【原译】医生迅速到达,并非常仔细地检查了病人,因此病 人很快就康复了。 • 【试译】医生火速赶到,仔仔细细做了检查,病人很快就康 复了。 • 【讨论】句1 用动词,结构松散,类似汉语之铺排,叙述呈 动态(dynamic);句2用了相应动词的派生名词,结构紧凑, 行文简洁,语义逻辑分明,叙述呈静态(static)。两句的汉 语译文总体相似,叙述动态倾向明显。
III. 汉英动态与静态取向对比
• 汉语是非屈折语(non-inflectional language),词语缺乏形 态变化,词类中,名词较为凝滞,动词较为活跃,不仅可以 连用,还可以广泛代替名词(如“别在巴黎”中的“别”) 和形容词(如“人生苦短”中的“苦”),因此,汉语用词 倾向于多用动词,叙述呈动态,动感强烈。具体表现如下: • 1. 动词连用是汉语的常见现象,是现代汉语句法的显著特征, 例如, • (1)我倒了一杯茶给他喝。 • 【原译】I offered him a cup of tea. • (2)游行的人拿着鲜花和彩旗在街道上行进。 • 【原译】The paraders marched in the street, carrying flowers and banners in their hands. • 【试译】The demonstrators were marching on the street, (with) flowers and banners in their hands.