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学 院 生命科学学院 专 业 生物科学 年 级 生科2班 姓 名 方海燕
论文题目 活性氧与肿瘤研究进展
指导教师 陈磊 职称 讲师
2017 年 5 月 3 日
【摘要】 (3)
Abstract (3)
Keywords: (4)
1概述 (4)
2肿瘤患者氧化还原状态改变 (4)
3肿瘤患者ROS增多机制 (5)
3.1遗传分子生物学改变 (5)
3.2能量代谢改变 (5)
3.3炎性因子参与 (5)
3.4杭肿瘤药物使用 (5)
4 ROS与肿瘤生物学特性关系 (5)
4. 1与肿瘤形成研究发现 (5)
4.1.1脂质过氧化生物膜磷脂中的多不饱和脂肪酸 (5)
4.1.2 DNA损伤ROS通过诱导核DNA ( nDNA ) (5)
4.1.3蛋白质破坏 (5)
4.2 ROS与肿瘤转移 (6)
5 ROS与肿瘤治疗 (6)
6结语 (6)
参考文献 (7)
Abstract:OBJECTIVE; To discuss the relationship between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and tumor, including the development,metastasis and treatment of tumor. METHODS; Using "reactive oxygen species and tumor" as key words to trace related papers from January 2000 to June 2013 in the database system of PubMed and CNKI. Thirty-nine literatures were finally selected according to the inclusion criteria as follows; 1) reactive oxygen species and development of tumor;2) reactive oxygen species and metastasis of tumor; 3)reactive oxygen species and treatment of tumor. RESULTS; Tumor patients suffered from redox imbalance, manifesting as increasing of the oxidative stress level. Domestic and foreign studies of gastrointestinal tumor tonguc carcinoma brcast cancer all found the change of oxidative stress level. The main mechanisms why
reactive oxygen species (ROS) arc ample in tumor patients arc as follows:1) the change of genetic molecularbiology, including relative mutations of transcription factor Nrf2,its inhibitor protein Kcapl and in RAS pathway, overexpression of oncogene protein(such as Raf, Mos, MEK and Myc) and silence of tumor suppressor gene(such as p53);2) tumor cells arc in high metabolic state, thus patients obtain inadequate nutrition and result to the accumulation of ROS;3) chronic and nonspecific activation of immune system gives birth to abundant prion flam matory cytokines;1)the use of antitumor drugs, especially doxorubicin and cisplatin. ROS arc closely related to tumor biological characteristics. On the one hand ROS involved in the development of tumor by mechanisms of lipid peroxidation, DNA damage and protein injury. On the other hand they also participated in the metastasis of tumor. For instance,its scavenger could decrease the metastasis of tumor. Besides, ROS can regulate migration and invasion of tumor. What’s more, the interaction of ROS and transcription factor Snail can induce the production of epithelial mesenchymal transition (EM丁).It is noticeable that the action of ROS is related to their concentration, In other words, high concentration may lead to cell apoptosis, while low one can induce cell proliferation and carcinogenesis. Many antincoplastic drugs killed tumor cells by facilitating the production of ROS, uch as ethasclen,arsenic trioxide,cisplatin,rubidomycin and 5-FU. CONCLUSIONS; ROS not only affects biological properties of tumor, but exists intimate relationship with tumor therapy. Seeking appropriate ROS concentration offers prodigious help for prevention and treatment of tumor. Keywords:ncoplasms; reactive oxygen specics; therapy; revicw literature 肿瘤是临床的常见病与多发病,严重威胁着人类的健康。目前,致力于肿瘤防治的研究很多,学者们发现,自由基与肿瘤之间的关系密切,特别是活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)。随着现代科学技术的发展,学者们突破了自由基测定的屏障,从分子水平观察半衰期极短ROS在生物细胞内的变化情况。同时,逐步研究发现,ROS不仅与肿瘤的发生和发展有关,还和肿瘤的治疗有着密切联系。
anion, O
2 ),也有双电子还原状态,如过氧化氢(hydrogen peroxide, H
电子态,如轻自由基(hydroxyl radical, HO "),亦有初级激发态,如单线态氧(ringlet oxygen)等。正常生物体在新陈代谢过程中,不断生成ROS,与此同时,对抗ROS的机制也孕育而生,它们相互作用,维持机体氧化与抗氧化的一个相对平衡状态。这些对抗ROS的物质包括2大类:一类是抗氧化酶,如超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase, SOD)、过氧化氢酶( cata-1ase, CAT)和谷肤甘肤过如维生素A、维生素C和还原型谷肤甘肤(reduced glutathione,USH)等[1]。