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A bear went out of the zoo to search his child.
Surrounded by so many people , he climbed the electrical pole out of panic(惊慌).
When he reached the top of the pole, he didn’t know whtat to do.
• cause v. 引起; n. 原因
• examine
v. 检查
• accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地
• remains
n. 尸体,残骸
• wire n. 电线
• volt n. 伏特(电压单位)
• power line 电力线
• solve v. 解决
• mystery 了的)
• hot line 热线; • hot topic 热门话题 • It sells like a hot
cake/cakes. 表示一个东 西的畅销, 热销
• best seller 畅销的东西 • hot potato 棘手的问题 • hot news 最热点的新闻 • 2.★fireman n. 消防队员 • hydrant n. [ˈhaɪdrənt]消防栓, 消防龙头 • fire extinguisher [ɪkˈstɪŋgwɪʃə] • 灭火器 (extinguisher n. 熄灭者, 灭火器) • extinguish=put out 灭火
power 力所不能及
It is beyond my power to understand how the computer works.
• 【课文讲解】
• 1、Hot snake
• hot snake 触电的蛇
• get an electric shock 触 电
He decided to get down, but unfortunately, he was killed for touching the wire.
Finally, he fallen from the pole and passed away.
What will happen when a snake meet an eagle which is right around a pole and electical wire ?
★ wire
n. 金属线,电线
He tied a basket to the bicycle with a piece of wire.
telephone wires 电话线
Electric wires
wireless adj. 无线的
wireless telegraphy 无线电报
★volt n. 伏特
voltage n. 电压,伏特数
★ power 1)电力,动力 electric power 电力 water power 水力 2)力,能力 (自然的体力、智力)
His power is failing. 他的体力在衰退。
3)权力,支配力,势力 political power 政治权力 not within one’s power= beyond one’s
• 2、At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California.
• at last 最后,终于
• put out a fire
(put out扑灭,熄灭,关掉)
• Please put the ligLeabharlann Baidut/fire out.
n. 谜(无法接受地, 解释不
• snatch v. 抓住
• spark n. 电火花
• 1.★hot adj. 带电的, 充 电的
• hot adj. 热的;新鲜的;棘 手的;带电的, 充电的
• hot-hot-hot 麻辣烫; • hot-wings 辣鸡翅;hot dog
• hot-tempered 火暴(脾气)的 (temper n. 脾气)
What will happen when a snake meet an eagle, right around the wire ?
They caues a fire.
• 【New words and expressions】(13)
• hot
adj. 带电的,充电的
• fireman
n. 消防队员
• ★cause v.& n. 引起;原 因
• ① v. 引起 • cause sth. 引起麻烦 • Carelessness causes
accidents. 粗心导致事故 • Pride causes failure. • 骄傲使人失败 • cause sb. to do sth. 引
起某人做某事, 导致某人做某 事
• check
v. 核实, 核对
• ★accidentally adv. 意外地, 偶然地 (但更趋 向于 “偶然” 的意思)
• accident->accidental ->accidentally
• accident n. 事故 • unexpectedly adv.
出乎意料地(更趋向于 “意外” 的意思) • ★remains n. 尸体, 残骸
• Illness caused him to lose his temper.
• (lose one’s temper 发火)
• ② n. 原因,强调事情发生的直接原因(一 个)
• because 因为
• reason 理由,其他各种的理由(很多个)
• ★examine
v. 检查
• examine the soil
• remains指dead body
• ★solve v. 解决 • solve the mystery • solve the problem • ★snatch v. 抓住 • catch v. 抓,如抓鱼 • hold v. 握着 • snatch v. (突然抓起来)强调动作的突然

• seize v. 抓住(用力) • seize my arm