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2 Modern Buildings and Structural Materials


Many great buildings built in earlier ages are still in existence and in use. (许多早期建造的伟大建筑现在仍然存在和使用着) Among them are the Pantheon(1)and the Colosseum(2)in Rome, Hagia Sophia(3)in Istanbul; the Gothic churches of France and England, and the Renaissance(4)cathedrals(5), with their great dome s(6), like the Duomo(7)in Florence and St. Peter’s(8)in Rome. (它们是罗马的潘提翁神庙和大斗兽场,伊斯坦布尔的圣索菲亚教堂;英国和法国的哥特式教堂、文艺复兴时期的天主教堂,是大圆屋顶,就象佛洛伦萨的多莫教堂和罗马的圣伯德大教堂) They are massive structure s(9) with thick stone walls that counteract the thrust of their great weight. (他们是用厚石墙建成的大块结构,厚石墙抵消了他们巨大的重量所产生的推力) Thrust is the pressure exerted by each part of a structure on its other parts. (推力是结构的一部分产生的作用于另一部分的压力)



(3)Hagia Sophia圣索菲亚教堂(533-537年),位于土耳其伊斯坦布尔;





(8)St. Peter’s罗马圣彼得大教堂(1506-1626年),当时是在拉斐尔和米开朗



(9)massive(大块的,块状的,巨大的);massive structure大体积结构/大块结构

These great buildings were not the product of knowledge of mathematics

and physics. (这些伟大的建筑不是数学和物理知识的产物) They were constructed instead on the basis of experience and observation, often as the result of trial and error(10). (它们不是根据经验和观察建造的,常常是反复试验的结果) One of the reasons they have survived is because of the great strength that was built into them-strength greater than necessary in most cases. (它们仍然保存完好的原因之一是建成它们的强度远大于大多数情况下所必需的强度) But the engineers of earlier times also had their failure. (但是早期的工程师也有失败的情况) In Rome, for example, most of the people lived in insulae(11), great tenement(12) blocks that were often ten stories high. (例如在罗马,大多数人居住在群屋或出租的十层高的经济公寓内) Many of them were poorly constructed and sometimes collapsed with considerable loss of life(13). (这些房屋建筑结构很差,有时倒塌使其使用期大大缩短)

(10)trial and error 反复试验,试错法,尝试法;



(13)loss of life使用期缩短,寿命缩短;

Today, however, the engineer has the advantage not only empirical information, but also of scientific data that permit him to make careful calculations in advance. (现在工程师的优势在于不仅可以利用经验的数据,也可以利用科学的数据,这些科学的数据使得他们可以事先进行详细的计算) When a modern engineer plans a structure, he takes into account the total weight of all its component materials. (当一个现代的工程师设计一个结构时,他要考虑所有组成部分材料的总重量) This is known as the dead load(恒载), which is the weight of the structure itself. (称为静载,即结构自身的重量) He must also consider the live load(活载), the weight of all the people, cars, furniture,
