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(1)社会人物为施事者,充当为…意为act as or like

例:nurse……to nurse to act as a nurse for sick people(护理)

tutor…to tutor to act as a tutor to(当…的教师、辅导)

father…to father to be the father of(当…父亲,像父亲般的对待)

police…to police to keep order in(a place)as a policeman(维持(某地)的治安)这一类词以家庭成员,社会职务为主,在名词转化成动词的过程中,词义的核心,即该词无论是作为名词,还是动词的主要词义特征未变。这就有利于作者的表达和读者的理解。以护士为例,一提到这个词,我们脑海里自然会浮现出护士如何细心照料病人的情景,而这一点正是nurse转换成动词后所想要表达的。

(2)名词用动物名称来表达,执行动作的主要是人,也有物。人和物的行为与原词所表示的动物的行为相似,也可解释为act as or like,模仿…

例:ape…to ape to imitate like an ape(模仿)

dog…to dog to follow or hunt like a dog(尾随,追踪)

monkey…to monkey(with)to mimic,play mischievous tricks like a monkey(胡闹,瞎弄)

bull…to bull to force so to do sth. By using one‟s strength or by intimidating him(用武力威胁(某人)做某事)

这类词由动词名称为充当,利用人或物的行为与动物行为特点的相似性,简洁、明确地把作者的意图展现在读者面前。以snake为例,蛇爬行时是蜿蜒曲折前进的。“The road snakes through the mountains”一句中山间公路环绕的样子用snake一词就让读者如临其境。

(3)名词是动作的间接对象,也是以社会关系的人为主,转化后有结果、后果之意。例:fool…to fool to make a fool of(愚弄)

knight…to knight to make sb.a knight(授予…爵士称号)

group…to group to form…into a group or groups (把…编成组)

widow…to widow to cause to be a widow (使…成寡妇)

cash…to cash to change into cash (兑成现金)

martyr…to martyr to put to death, cause to suffer (为…损躯)

orphan…to orphan to cause to be an orphan (使…成为孤儿)

这类词都具有某种结果、后果之意。如orphan的本义是无父亲,martyr为已牺牲的人,knight则已成为爵士。Orphancd by war告诉我们的信息是His parents are killed by war。而the death of one‟s patents正是orphan的含义。



例:hammer…to hammer to strike with a hammer (用锤子敲)

boat…to boat

ship…to ship to send by ship (用船运输)

needle…to needle the throng to push one‟s way through the crowd

like a needle (摩肩接踵)

helicopter…to helicopter (坐直升飞机旅行)

mail…to mail to send by mail (寄邮)

telegram…to telegram to give sb a telegrom (打电报)

在讲究效率、快节奏的今天,英语词汇在这方面的应用正好体现了这一点。To bicycle 不用再说to go by bicycle,to chopper不用再罗嗦to go there by helicopter,to bulldozer可以不用说to push sth,down by a bulldozer。这类词的共同点是可用动词词组+by/with+原词来表示。


例:bottle…to bottle to put into a bottle (用瓶装)

pocket…to pocket to put into the pocket (用袋装)

garage…to garage to put in a garage (放入车库)

list…to list to enter into a list (编入进目录)

corner…to corner to put into a difficult position (使某人走投无路)

这类词通常是动作发生的地点或范围。To bottle指盛在瓶中,更形象一点的To corner表入化隅,to pocket the coin中,pocket既表示了硬币最后放入的地方,也表示了put这个动作。


例:hand…to hand to give with hand (上交)
