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第二Hale Waihona Puke Baidu世界大战十大名将
• “胜利的象征”—朱可 夫
The Munich Conspiracy caused Germany to seize the Sudeten area, the West’s In 1938, Germany annexed the Policy in prewar had achieved Appeasement Austria, then the Fascist’s March 1939 , Germany annexed the crest. In arrogance became more Czechoslovakia . rampant . 慕尼黑阴谋使德国占领了苏台德地区,西方国家绥靖政策
1939年9月1日德国闪击波兰, 9月3日英法对德宣战,二战全面
The Second World War’s process
The Second World War (1939 - 1945) was until now, the human society carried on the scale was biggest, the casualties were most serious, create destroy the biggest global war. The war high point time, the whole world has 60% countries to enter a war, the flames of war spread Asian, European, the Americas, African and the ocean state Five Continents; At the same time the warring parties also in the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic, Indian Ocean and the Arctic Ocean four oceans launches the fight. World War It's warring parties are by country composition and so on US, Soviet Union, China, Britain, France antifascist unions and by Germany, Japan, country composition and so on Italy Fascist country axis powers groups. Although before September, 1939, China's SinoJapanese War, Ethiopia resisted antifascist and so on Italian war resistances already to start, but thought generally the war Germany invaded Poland from September 1, 1939 to start, Japan considered the conclusion to September 2, 1945 to the allied country surrender. 第二次世界大战(1939 -1945年)是迄今为止 人类社会所进行的规模 大,伤亡最惨重,造成破 最大的全球性战争。 战 最高峰时期,全球有60% 国家参战,战火遍及亚洲、 洲、美洲、非洲及大洋州 大洲;交战双方同时也在 平洋、大西洋、印度洋及 冰洋四大洋展开战斗。二 的交战双方是以美国、苏 中国、英国、法国等国组 的反法西斯同盟与以德国 日本,意大利等国组成的 西斯国家轴心国集团。 管在1939年9月前,中国 抗日战争,埃塞俄比亚的 意战争等反法西斯的抵抗 经开始,但一般认为战争 1939年9月1日德国入侵 兰开始,到1945年9月2 日本向盟国投降而告结束。
1939年,英国首相张伯伦、法国总理达拉第同德国的希特勒、意 大利的墨索里尼在德国慕尼黑签订了《关于捷克斯洛伐克割让苏台德 领土的协定》(即慕尼黑协定)。英、法企图用出卖捷克斯洛伐克换 取希特勒东进,侵略苏联。在英、法绥靖政策怂恿下,纳粹德国军队 同年 10—11月占领苏台德区,翌年3月又占领了捷克斯洛伐克全 境,并于9月1日进攻波兰,挑起了第二次世界大战。这就是二战中 臭名昭著的“慕尼黑阴谋”。
1939.9.1 -- 1945.9.2
The fuse( 导火线) of World War II – Munich Conspiracy(慕尼黑阴谋)
In 1939, British Prime Minister Chamberlain, French premier reached pull with Germany's Hitler, Italy's Mussolini signed in the German Munich "Cedes Sudeten about Czechoslovakia Territory Agreement" (the Munich agreement). England and France attempted to betray Czechoslovakia to receive in exchange for Hitler east bound, invades Soviet Union. Under UK, France appeasement policy instigates, accepted the essence Germany army to seize the Sudeten area in the same year October to November, next year has March seized the Czechoslovakia throughout, and attacked Poland on September 1, has provoked the Second World War. This is in the World War II notorious “the Munich plot”.
1938年德国吞并奥地利,法西斯气焰 在战前达到顶峰。1939年3月德国吞并捷克。
On September 1, 1939 ,Germany ignited Poland, and on September 3 ,England and France declared war to Germany, the second World War erupted comprehensively .
The outbreak of The Pacific War
The Second World War's process
The beautiful state currency
factory distributes World War II
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