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What did he do?
Did he…?
Yes, he did.
No, he didn’t.
watched TV
What did she do?
She cooked the meals.
Did the boy play basketball yesterday afternoon? No, he didn’t . He played football.
with my mother. In Sunday
morning, I played computer games. In the evening, I do my homework.
What a happy day!
Write your last weekend.
yesterday, the day before yesterday, last year, two months ago, in 2000, just now, this morning
1、动词词尾直接加-ed ———————————————————— eg. work—worked finish—finished listen--listened 2. _以__不__发__音__e_结__尾__,__动__词__词__尾__加__-_d______________ eg. like—liked live—lived phone--phoned 3.__以__辅__音__字__母__加__y_结__尾__的__动__词__,__把__y_变__成__i再__加__-_e_d__ eg. study—studied carry—carried try--tried 4.__重__读__闭__音__节__动__词__,__双__写__词__尾__字__母__再__加__-_ed______
Unit 2 复习课
The Past Tense
Байду номын сангаас
Free talk
一般过去时 ex
Let’s make it
Guessing game
What did she do?
Did she…?
Yes, she did.
No, she didn’t.
washed the clothes
eg. stop—stopped shop--shopped 5.__不__规__则__动__词_______________________________
eg. am—was go—went get—got
help-- helped
call-- called love-- loved
_H_o_w___ _l_o_n_g__ __d_id__ she _s_ta_y__ there? 4、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)
_W__a_s_ there _a_n_y__ orange in the cup?
That’s great√
改写句子: 1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)
Lucy _d_id_n_’__t ____d_o_ her homework at home. 2、He found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句)
_D_i_d___ he _f_in_d__ __a_n_y__ meat in the fridge? 3、She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问)
Did the man cook breakfast this morning? Yes, he did.
What did the boy do after school yesterday ? He played football.
What did he do after class yesterday? He played basketball.
stop-- stopped study-- studied worry--worried
is-- was
are-- were do-- did
go-- went get-- got
say-- said feel-- felt
see-- saw have-- had
Exercise 1. _W_e_r_e_(be) you busy yesterday afternoon? 2. She _w__a_s _ (be) at school this morning.
3. Jane and Ann w__er_e_n_’t (be not) friends before.
4. He _d_id_n_’_t (do not) live in Guangzhou before 2000.
5. I _s_aw__(see) a film with Ann yesterday.
6. Did you __c_al_l _ (call) me last Sunday? 7. What __d_id___ you __d_o__ (do) last night? 8. Where __d_id__ (do) you live last year? 9. What time did you __g_e_t__( get) up this morning? 10. How __d_id___ you ___g_o___( go) to school before?
Hello! I’m Zoom. I am happy last weekend. On Saturday, I watered the flowers and play the football
am→was play→played
with my friends. Then I watch TV watch→watched