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大锅内放足水,把所有香料 装入一只纱布袋中,扎紧袋 口,放入锅中,将水烧开, 然后加入糖、盐,调好味, 将炸好的鸡整齐地放入名册 人,用旺火烧开,撇去浮沫, 稍煮5分钟,将锅中鸡上下翻 动一次,盖上锅盖, 改用文火煮4~6小时,以 肉烂脱骨为止。煮鸡的卤汁 应妥善收存,以后再用,老 卤越用越香。香料袋在鸡煮 熟后捞出,下次再煮鸡时再 放入,一般可用2~3次。若制 做1只鸡可用砂锅,香料用量 酌减,也可取些卤汁使用。
the culture
the chisken has about two thousand years of history background,we discovered the wellpreserved chicken, in chu tombs and identified the chicken is Red-Cooked Chicken, Fuliji Style
配料有八角、小茴香、砂仁、白芷、桔皮、 辛夷、草果、三乃、良姜、肉寇、花川、 丁香等十几种香料。
将鸡坐骨磕断,肋骨压扁、掰开,将鸡 两腿折断,不能脱皮,插入肛门内。左 翅膀从宰杀刀口穿入鸡嘴内拉出倒别, 右翅膀翻别向上,使鸡呈椭圆形。 The chicken should have a fixed position, so that it looks beautiful. Then we coated with a layer of spices over him and wait for half an hour.
can't Fried the old chicken with tender chicken together, tender chicken takes about two minutes and old chicken takes about three minutes. We need cover the surface of the chicken with maltose(麦芽糖) before Fried.So it seems that the color of the chicken is yellow.
chicken factory
We have sold more than one hundred million chickens every yearBiblioteka Baidubefore 2012 and have the value about Six billion yuan.
Welcome to buy
烧鸡,香气扑鼻,色佳味美,肉质白嫩,肥而不腻,肉烂而 丝连,骨酥,嚼之即碎,有余香,如在出锅后趁热,轻轻提 起鸡腿一抖,鸡肉便会全部脱落而骨架相连。
(Red-Cooked Chicken, Fuliji Style) isThe china's intangible cultural heritage (中国非物质文化遗产) the chicken looks well,smells good and taste delicious. Fat but not greasy. you can eat the chicken combine meat with bone at at the sametime,beacuse the bone is very crisp and fragrant . When you eat you will find that the bones and meat is not connected
the excellent material
The chicken must be free-range( 散养)chicken, the age shoud be about six months to two years.They only eat bugs and grass.
many first price
1、中国第一届食品博览会被评为中国名菜,列入《中国名菜谱全国食品总公司 举办的熟食品内部展销会》上名列第一; 2、全国肉禽蛋制品评比会上蝉联部优,荣获第一名; 3、全国禽制品评比会上三联冠荣获名特产品; 4、香港国际食品博览会上被评为金奖; 5、北京中国国际农业博览会上评为名牌产品; 6、中华著名特产专家认定委员会认定为中华著名特产; 7、上海首届绿色产业博览会上被评为金奖;