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Reader response of Hamlet of Shakespear 中文A班王开伶(Karlinyou) 2009010130

I s the proverb “1000 eyes of 1000 individual Hamlet” that attracted me to read Hamlet, the head of Shakespeare’s four tragedies, I couldn’t help thinkin g whether Hamlet is so special as to cause everyone to have different thoughts of him? Does he possess any fine qualities that can move us? With these qu estions, I open the book, and find myself entering an interwoven world of goo d and evil. What strikes me most are Hamlet’s cou rage displayed in his reven ge, his integrity and the humanism in him, etc.


Revenge is the clue of the whole play. The story began with a murder. T he king of Denmark died mysteriously and his brother came to power. Hamlet, the son of the previous king, felt that his father’s death was very strange. M oreover, to his surprise, his beloved mother married his uncle soon after his fa ther’s death. After some investigation, a shocking result came to Hamlet that h is father was murdered by his uncle. Out of anger, Hamlet began to revenge.

In the course of his revenge, Hamlet appeared very calm, patient and courageo us. To achieve his goal, he even pretended to be mad. To revenge, Hamlet ha

d gon

e through so much suffering, but he still held on, and eventually succeed ed in killing his enemy.

It’s hard to imagine what a tough revenge that must be! I don’t mean to s how my support for this kind of revenge, but I dare say that the qualities Ha mlet showed during the course such as patience, honesty, justice and courage worth learning. Just like Hamlet facing his enemy, I may also face with many challenges, problems or difficult situations in my life , I should cool down at first to analyze whether I have the ability to deal with them at the present ti me. If not, what I should do is just accumulating experience and knowledge, t hen I will do what I can to achieve my goal. Hamlet can wait for a few year s in order to revenge, why can’t I wait for even shorter time to solve a probl em?


Humanism shines in every part of the book, especially in the image of H amlet. “Courtier’s eyes, scholar’s tongue, soldier’s sword, flower filled with the country’s hope, mirror of the era, model of the human relations and the cente r of worldw ide attention.” Ophelia’s this description exactly summed up the hu manism in Hamlet. Hamlet desires equality and believes the kindness of human

ity. For example, Hamlet gives equal weight to his servant and the courtiers a nd treats his servant as his friend. Meanwhile, as a practitioner of humanism, Hamlet is very kind. He is kind to everyone including his enemies.

The flash of humanity! One can give equal weight to his close friends, b ut how about strangers? One can be kind to someone he is familiar with, but how about others? In this play, Hamlet gives us the answer that everyone is b orn equal and should be treat ed kindly. It’s no wonder Hamlet has become su ch a remarkable image in literature. It is from Hamlet that I learn how to be a approachable person.


Love is a permanent topic of literature. The roles shaped by Shakespeare always have complex characters, but they have one thing in common: they all know what love is and how to love. Hamlet is a typical representative.

Someone may say Hamlet is so indecisive that he misses many opportuniti es to revenge. But little to they know, he is afraid of hurting his mother beca use he loves her so deeply. I think it’s the most shining part of him and the most striking thing I admire. Hamlet can discard all just for his mother, why can’t I? From now on, I will try everything I can do to make up for what I owed m y mother. I’d love to share her toil and sorrow. I’d love to see her la ugh because it is the most beautiful in the world. I’m willing to devote my ti me to staying with her. Tiny though the things are, I still expect to show my pure love to my mother. In th is sense, all I’ve decided to do are enough, com pletely enough.

Love is also displayed in the love affairs between Hamlet and Ophelia. T hey are both not accepted by the world because their behaviors are more than a little different from ones in tradition. However, they are against all the odd s and get determinedly together. Their love is born to be a tragedy, but they don’t regret at all. It is enough as long as they have owned. This is what true love is.

Finishing reading this play, I involuntarily want to express my thanks to Shakespeare for writing this great play in which Humanism shines. I also want to thank Hamlet for his reminding me of the true meaning of love and settin g an example for me. Many thanks also go to my dear mom, thank her for h er unselfish and endless love!
