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1.Lin Tao gets up at 6:30 every day.

2.There are many things in the supermarket.

3.The girls are buying pens.

4.Bill is playing basketball.

5.The boys are carrying a big box.


6.Is this pen cheap or expensive?

7.Can I have a hag of milk?

8.What’s the name of the supermarket?

9.How much orange juice do you want?

10.What day is it today?


11.M:Mum,what do we have for lunch today?

W:What about rice and fish?

M:Rice and fish?OK,fish is my favourite.And some tofu.

W:OK. I must buy some now.

Q:What do they have for lunch today?

12. M:How much is it?

W:Seven yuan a kilo.

M:It’s too expensive. I won’t buy it.

Q:Where are they talking?

13.M:Can I help you,madam?

W:Some tomatoes,please.

Q:What vegetable does the woman want?

14.W:Jim,what do we have for supper now?

M:Let me go and have a look.Oh,there’s only a little bread.

W:So we must buy some food tomorrow.

M:Yes,we must buy some fish,meat and chicken.

Q:What do they have for supper now`?

15.M:Hi,Lily!Get up quickly.It’s tune to go to school.

W:Why?Dad!It’s Saturday today.

M:Oh,yes,it’s Saturday.You have no classes today or tomorrow.

Q:When does Lily go to school?


Please come to Sandy’s shop.It’s for children.These bags are only thirty

yuan.Do you want to buy a sweater for your son?It’s only twenty-two yuan.And for girls,T-shirts in red,green and black are only fifteen yuan. What nice socks!

They’re only five yuan.
