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Knowledge of psychology
With the knowledge of psychology, we can learn what our reader is thinking about, understand his condition and situation, we can adopt a you-attitude, and we can persuade our readers more easily.
English for International Business Communication
本课程是英语专业(国际经济与贸易)高年 级的核心业务课程之一,是一门将英语与外贸业 务相结合的课程。通过介绍外贸实务中各种英文 业务函件、电传和传真以及其它方式的写作格式、 商业术语和各种不同的表达方法,并通过介绍对 外贸易各环节的具体做法,使学生在提高英语水 平的同时,熟练掌握对外贸易业务中常用的基本 术语及表达技能,培养和提高学生的外贸业务工 作能力。
The knowledge of business theory and practice
The knowledge of business theory will help us persuade our readers, to understand our partners. The knowledge of practice will help us express our ideas clearly and concisely.
Skills of salesmanship
Every business letter is a promotion letter, either to sell the product, the image of the company or to sell oneself. Application letter is to sell yourself. The same is true for Christmas card.
Q2:What are the requirements for good business communication?
The good mastery of English
We should learn English as the local people do, just learn and remember English as the language is spoken. We should not write and speak Chinglish, but American and British English. If we do not, we will make mistakes
国际贸易磋商的过程可分成询盘、发盘、还盘和 接受四个环节,其中发盘和接受是必不可少的, 是达成交易所必须的法律步骤。
向对方询问买卖该种商品的各项交易条件(如商品的品质,规格,价格, 装运等)。询盘实质上是邀请对方发盘(invitation of offers),在商法上 属于邀请要约。(要约是订立合同的必经阶段,不经过要约的阶段, 合同是不可能成立的,要约作为一种订约的意思表示,它能够对要 约人和受要约人产生一种拘束力。)
考试安排: 期末考试1次(闭卷) 时间2013年11月1日 19:30-21:00考试
范围是本学期所学的所有内容。具体内 容随课堂讲解。 分数=70%final exam + 30%平时成绩 (homework & attendance&participation)
Unit One
Business Letter-Writing
Essentials of Business Letter-writing(要点)
Layout of Business Letters(布局) Form(格式) Addressing Envelopes(信封的写法)
Q1:Business letters, what for? (what are the functions Business letters serve) (for Discussion)
Before we go on to the detailed structure of the business letter there is one general principle, on which the American writers lay great emphasis, that is, the “you” attitude.(在谈 到业务信函的具体结构之前,拟先陈述一下美国人在撰 写信函时所强调的一项原则,那就是站在“对方”的立 场。) In our letter we should always keep in mind the person we are writing to, see things from his point of view, visulize him in his surroundings, see his problems and difficulties and express our ideas in terms of his experience.(我们在写 信时应该经常把我们写信的对方放在心上,以他的观点 来看问题,看到他的处境,了解他的问题和困难,并根 据他的经历来表达我们的意见。)
本课程的目的是学习外贸业务书信的标准格 式,了解通过哪些途径来发展新客户,开拓新市 场,如何进行询购某商品,怎样报盘和还盘,学 会拟写信函的写作技巧。
学习内容: 本课程主要学习信例,大量学习外贸实务基本环 节中有代表性的信例。外贸实务基本环节有:建 立业务关系(establish business relations)和资信调 查、(status enquiry)询盘(enquiry)、报盘(offer)和 报价(quotation)、还盘(counter-offer)、订单(order), 履行订单(fulfillment)、支付(payment)、包装 (packing)和运输(shipment)、信用证(L/C)的修改和 展期、索赔(Claim)和解决索赔(settlement)等。本 学期上课六次,覆盖第1-4章,7章共5章内容。
《外经贸英语函电》,上海对外贸易学院 甘鸿编著,上海科技技 术文献出版社, 2001年 参考书目: [1]甘 鸿,《外经贸英语函电---汉语译本》,(修订版),上海,上 海科学技术文献出版社,2001年 [2] 尹小莹,《外贸英语函电》,(第二版),西安,西安交通大学 出版社.1998年 [3] 刘惠玲,《国际商务函电》,(第一版),北京,对外经贸大学出版 社,2002年 [4]J.Chilver 著,孙 平 译, 《商务英语》,(修订版),武汉,武汉 大学出版社, 1997年 [5]兰 天 编著, 《外贸英语函电》,(第四版),大连,东北财经 大学出版社,2004年 [6]丁往道 吴 冰,《英语写作基础教程, (第二版), 北京,高等 教育出版社, 2005年
Conciseness (简要) Clearness and conciseness often go hand-in-hand and the elimination of wordy business jargon can help to make a letter clearer and at the same time more concise.(清楚和简 要往往是相辅相成的。摒弃信中的陈词滥调可使信更清 楚、更简要。) A letter can be made clearer, easier to read and more attractive to look at by careful paragraphing. A paragraph for each point is a good rule.(仔细分段可以使信更清楚、易 读和更有吸引力。一事一段是个好章法。)
项交易条件,愿意按这些条件和对方达成交易的一种表示。接受 (Acceptance)在法律上称为”承诺”,接受一经送达发盘人, 合同即告成立。
《外贸函电》是一门实践操作性很强的课程。 也就是说,要达到正确拟写外贸业务信函的目 的,仅有理论是远远不够的,学员必须学习大 量外贸实务中有一定代表性的信函,熟悉大量 外贸业务中各个环节中常用语,包括词汇、短 语、句型以及习惯表达方式等等,再通过一定 量的练习,对常用语进行操练运用,从而达到 掌握并熟练使用的目的。
Courtesy(礼貌) It should hardly be necessary to stress the importance of courtesy in your correspondence. One of the most important things is promptness. Punctuality will please your customer who dislikes waiting for days before he gets a reply to his letter.(在通信中注意礼貌的重要性实在是毋庸赘述。最 重要的事项之一是及时。及时处理来信会使不喜欢等待 多天才收到回信的客户感到高兴。)
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
对询盘的答复,是卖方根据买方的来信,向买方报盘,其内容可包 括商品名称、规格、数量、包装条件、价格、付款方式和交货期限 等。
称为还盘(Counter Offer)。在法律上叫反要约。还盘实际上是 买方不同意原来卖方发盘中的交易条件而提出的新的发盘,这个 买方提出的新的发盘独立于之前卖方提出的发盘,之前卖方发盘 因买方还盘而失效,还盘可以在双方之间反复进行。
Essentials of Business Letter-writing
Functions of a business letter:
Broadly speaking, the functions of a business letter may be said to be (1) to ask for or to convey information(索取或传递信息) (2) to make or to accept an offer(报盘或接受报盘) (3) to deal with matters concerning negotiation of business (处理业务磋商中的各种问题)
Q3 How to write good and effective Business letters?
Three C principles:
There are certain essential qualities of business letters, which can be summed up in the Three C’s:
Clearness (清楚) First of all, make sure that your letter is so clear that it cannot be misunderstood. A point that is ambiguous in a letter will cause trouble to both sides, and further exchange of letters for explanation will become inevitable, thus time will be lost. (首先,要确保你的信十分清楚,不会使人误解。因为 即使信中有一处模棱两可的地方也会给双方带来麻烦; 为了进行解释,难免要再次来往写信,从而浪费时间。) Next, when you are sure about what you want to say, say it in plain, simple words. (其次,当你已确定要写些什么,就 用普通、简单的词句来写。)