





Julie: 您好!deLatour: 小姐您好!Julie: 先生,您是?deLatour: 我叫Pierre-HenrideLatour。

Benoît: 幸会幸会。


deLatour: 很荣幸见到你,Royer先生。

P.H.deLatour 走进了(房间)。


Benoît: 您是学生吗,deLatour先生?P.H.deLatour: 是的,我是学生。

您呢,Royer先生,您的职业是什么?Benoît: 我是一家旅行社的职员。

P.H.deLatour: 啊,您是旅行代理……这该多有意思呀……Julie和Benoît看了看对方。

JulieetBenoît: 再见,DeLatour先生。


T.Mercier: 你的姓是什么?Julie: 我的姓?T.Mercier: 对呀,你叫什么?Julie: Prévost. 反正……我的名字是Julie,我的姓是Prévost.T.Mercier: 你是学生吗?Julie: 不是,您呢……呃……你呢?T.Mercier: 我,我是实习生。

Julie: 实习生。

T.Mercier: 嗯,是的。

ThierryMercier 指Benoît。

T.Mercier: 他,是谁?Julie: 他,他是BenoîtRoyer。

Benoît: 是的,BenoîtRoyer就是我。


我是旅行代理,我住Cardinal-Mercier大街4 号在这。


现在呢,再见!Benoît 把ThierryMercier送到门口。



recist俚语(原创实用版)目录1.RECIST 的含义2.RECIST 的起源和发展3.RECIST 的应用范围4.RECIST 的特点和影响正文RECIST(Réseau des Centres d"Information Scientifique et Technique)是一个法语缩写,意为“科学和技术信息中心网络”。

这个网络最初是由法国政府于 20 世纪 70 年代创建的,旨在促进科学、技术和创新领域的信息传播和共享。

经过几十年的发展,RECIST 已经成为一个庞大的信息资源库,涵盖了众多学科领域。

RECIST 的起源可以追溯到 1970 年代,当时法国政府意识到科学和技术信息的传播和共享对于推动国家经济发展和提高国际竞争力具有重要意义。


从此,RECIST 应运而生,并不断发展壮大。

作为一个信息资源库,RECIST 的应用范围非常广泛。



此外,RECIST 还与其他国家的类似机构保持合作关系,从而进一步丰富了其信息资源。

RECIST 具有很多特点,其中最重要的是它的全面性和权威性。

作为一个国家级的信息网络,RECIST 汇集了大量的科研成果、专利、技术报告等资料,既包括法国国内的,也包括国际的。

此外,RECIST 还对这些信息进行了分类和整理,方便用户检索和查找。

另一方面,RECIST 的影响也是不可忽视的。


同时,RECIST 的成功经验也吸引了其他国家效仿,推动了全球范围内的信息资源共享。

总之,RECIST 作为一个科学和技术信息中心网络,在促进法国及全球范围内的信息传播和共享方面发挥了重要作用。



Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) Quick Reference:Eligibility·Only patients with measurable disease at baseline should be included in protocols where objective tumor response is the primary endpoint. Measurable disease - the presence of at least one measurable lesion. If the measurable disease is restricted to a solitary lesion, its neoplastic nature should be confirmed by cytology/histology. Measurable lesions - lesions that can be accurately measured in at least one dimension with longest diameter ³20 mm using conventional techniques or ³10 mm with spiral CT scan.Non-measurable lesions - all other lesions, including small lesions (longest diameter <20 mm with conventional techniques or <10 mm with spiral CT scan), i.e., bone lesions, leptomeningeal disease, ascites, pleural/pericardial effusion, inflammatory breast disease, lymphangitis cutis/pulmonis, cystic lesions, and also abdominal masses that are not confirmed and followed by imaging techniques; and.·All measurements should be taken and recorded in metric notation, using a ruler or calipers. All baseline evaluations should be performed as closely as possible to the beginning of treatment and never more than 4 weeks before the beginning of the treatment. ·The same method of assessment and the same technique should be used to characterize each identified and reported lesion at baseline and during follow-up. ·Clinical lesions will only be considered measurable when they are superficial (e.g., skin nodules and palpable lymph nodes). For the case of skin lesions, documentation by color photography, including a ruler to estimate the size of the lesion, is remended. Methods of Measurement –·CT and MRI are the best currently available and reproducible methods to measure target lesions selected for response assessment. Conventional CT and MRI should be performed with cuts of 10 mm or less in slice thickness contiguously. SpiralCT should be performed using a 5 mm contiguous reconstruction algorithm. This applies to tumors of the chest, abdomen and pelvis. Head and neck tumors and those of extremities usually require specific protocols.·Lesions on chest X-ray are acceptable as measurable lesions when they are clearly defined and surrounded by aerated lung. However, CT is preferable. ·When the primary endpoint of the study is objective response evaluation, ultrasound (US) should not be used to measure tumor lesions. It is, however, a possible alternative to clinical measurements of superficial palpable lymph nodes, subcutaneous lesions and thyroid nodules. US might also be useful to confirm the plete disappearance of superficial lesions usually assessed by clinical examination.·The utilization of endoscopy and laparoscopy for objective tumor evaluation has not yet been fully and widely validated. Their uses in this specific context require sophisticated equipment and a high level of expertise that may only be available in some centers. Therefore, the utilization of such techniques for objective tumor response should be restricted to validation purposes in specialized centers. However, such techniques can be useful in confirming plete pathological response when biopsies are obtained.·Tumor markers alone cannot be used to assess response. If markers are initially above the upper normal limit, they must normalize for a patient to be considered in plete clinical response when all lesions have disappeared.·Cytology and histology can be used to differentiate between PR and CR in rare cases (e.g., after treatment to differentiate between residual benign lesions and residual malignant lesions in tumor types such as germ cell tumors).Baseline documentation of “Target〞and “Non-Target〞lesions·All measurable lesions up to a maximum of five lesions per organ and 10 lesions in total, representative of all involved organs should be identified as target lesions and recorded and measured at baseline. ·Target lesions should be selected on the basis of their size (lesions with the longest diameter) and their suitability for accurate repeated measurements (either by imaging techniquesor clinically). ·A sum of the longest diameter (LD) for all target lesions will be calculated and reported as the baseline sum LD. The baseline sum LD will be used as reference by which to characterize the objective tumor.所有目标病灶的最长长径总和将会被计算和汇报成基线的长径和,该和作为有效缓解记录的参考基线。



第九单元医学Text A谁还需要医生?在变化的时代洪流中与时俱进费格斯•沙纳汉所有的一切都早经由前人说过,但是没有人听,于是我们不得不总是返回起点,从头开始。

















基线 基线

肝癌 肾细胞癌
肝细胞癌—富血供、动脉期强化、静脉期消退 肿瘤坏死—介入、消融、靶向治疗 改良RECIST--2008年美国肝病研究协会(AASLD) 专用于HCC肝内病灶评价

除了不能用影像学检查,而仅能用临床检查评价的病灶外,所有病灶 必须用影像学检查评价。
胸部X片:仅用于清晰明确病灶,且肺部通气良好。 CT或MRI:CT是目前用于疗效评价最好的方法。胸腹盆腔用10mm, 螺旋CT用5mm层面连续扫描。 超声:一般不作为评价手段。但是如果有可以触及的病变,或者表浅 病变完全消失,超声检查可作为触诊(有标尺的彩照)的补充。

的径单 变(径 化 测 )量 的法 变, 化以 来肿 代瘤 表最 体大 积
创建RECIST标准的理论基础: 肿瘤直径的变化较双径乘积的变化能更好 地反映肿瘤细胞数量的变化. RECIST标准较WHO标准的优点: 更科学的理论基础; 简化测量步骤; 减少误差; 重复效果更好.
判断可测量病灶和不可测量病灶 确定靶病灶和非靶病灶 测量和计算基线肿瘤最长径及最长径之和
•完全缓解(CR ) – 非靶病灶消失,肿瘤标记物正常。 •未达完全缓解(PR)/稳定(SD)–存在一个或多个非靶 病灶;和/或持续存在肿瘤标记物高于正常范围。 •疾病进展(PD) – 出现一个或多个新病灶和/或非靶病 灶明显进展。



2020年12月目录一、概述 (1)二、疗效终点 (2)(一)总生存期(OS) (2)(二)客观缓解率(ORR) (3)(三)无进展生存期(PFS) (4)(四)患者报告结局(PRO) (7)三、探索性试验 (8)(一)剂量探索设计 (8)(二)单臂试验和首次人体队列扩展 (9)四、确证性试验 (10)(一)一般考虑 (11)(二)试验设计 (12)1.成组序贯设计 (12)2.两阶段适应性设计 (13)3.富集设计 (14)4.主方案设计 (15)五、参考文献 (17)附录.中英文词汇对照 (21)一、概述与其他治疗领域一样,抗肿瘤药物在进入临床试验前,应该有足够的基于临床前实验或既往人体试验的科学证据显示某(些)剂量的试验药物在目标人群的安全性。


随机对照试验(Randomized Controlled Trial, RCT)是评价药物有效性和安全性的金标准,如果无法开展随机对照试验,则有效性和安全性结论的证据力度将会有所下降。




























1.Background1背景1.1.History of RECIST criteria1.1RECIST标准的历史Assessment of the change in tumour burden is an important feature of the clinical evaluation of cancer therapeutics.Both tumour shrinkage(objective response)and time to the development of disease progression are important endpoints in cancer clinical trials.The use of tumour regression as the endpoint for phase II trials screening new agents for evidence of anti-tumour effect is supported by years of evidence suggesting that,for many solid tumours,agents which produce tumour shrinkage in a proportion of patients have a reasonable(albeit imperfect)chance of subsequently demonstrating an improvement in overall survival or other time to event measures in randomised phase III studies (reviewed in[1],[2],[3]and[4]).At the current time objective response carries with it a body of evidence greater than for any other biomarker supporting its utility as a measure of promising treatment effect in phase II screening trials.Furthermore,at both the phase II and phase III stage of drug development, clinical trials in advanced disease settings are increasingly utilising time to progression(or progression-free survival)as an endpoint upon which efficacy conclusions are drawn,which is also based on anatomical measurement of tumour size.评价肿瘤负荷的改变是癌症治疗的临床评价的一个重要特征。



The Hidden Side of HappinessPleasure only gets you so far. A rich, rewarding life often requires a messy battle with adversity.幸福隐藏的另一面愉悦舒适不能指引你领略人生的全部,与逆境的艰苦搏斗常常会使人生变得丰富而有意义Hurricanes, house fires, cancer, whitewater rafting accidents, plane crashes, vicious attacks in dark alleyways. Nobody asks for any of it. But to their surprise, many people find that enduring such a harrowing ordeal ultimately changes them for the better. Their refrain might go something like this: "I wish it hadn't happened, but I'm a better person for it."1、飓风、房屋失火、癌症、激流飘筏失事、坠机、黄昏小巷遭歹徒袭击,没人想找到这些但出人意料的是,很多人发现遭受这样一次痛苦的磨难最终会使他们向好的方面转变。


”We love to hear the stories of people who have been transformed by their tribulations, perhaps because they testify to a bona fide psychological truth, one that sometimes gets lost amid endless reports of disaster: There is a built-in human capacity to flourish under the most difficult circumstances. Positive reactions to profoundly disturbing experiences are not limited to the toughest or the bravest. In fact, roughly half the people who struggle with adversity say that their lives have in some ways improved.2、我们都爱听人们经历苦难后发生转变的故事,可能是因为这些故事证实了一条真正心理学上的真理,这条真理有时会湮没在无数关于灾难的报道中:在最困难的境况中,人所具有的一种内在的奋发向上的能力会迸发出来。



好了杰克总共67块8毛5Okay, Jackie, your total is 67.85, please.行All right.给你伙计Here you go, my friend.嘿杰克Hey, yo, Jackie.萨尔怎么样哥们儿Hey, Sal. What's going on, man?最近还好吗老兄What's up, man? How you doing?-见到你很开心 -我也是- Good to see ya. - You too.怎么样今天在哪儿吃火鸡Yeah, what's going on? Where's your turkey today? 去我妹妹家Uh, my sister's house.我妈刚搬过去My mom just moved in over there,我们就在那儿过感恩节了so we're doing Thanksgiving.挺好啊哥们儿不错Oh, nice, man. Nice.帮我跟你妈妈和贝丝问声好Well, say hi to your mom and Beth for me.会的你还在天主教联赛里当裁判吗I will. You still reffin' the Catholic League games? 算是吧到处做点事情Little bit, here and there.我家老大在加州大学圣克鲁斯分校念书Yeah, my oldest is at UC Santa Cruz.所以学费能供一点是一点对吧So, you know, every little bit helps, right?没错感恩节快乐You bet. Well, happy Thanksgiving.感恩节快乐杰克见到你挺高兴Happy Thanksgiving, Jackie. Good seeing ya.-我也是萨尔 -还好吗老兄- You too, Sal. - What's up, man?给我来几张刮刮乐Give me a couple of scratch-offs, please.-没问题 -谢了- Sure. - Thank you.别光吃面包Don't fill up on bread.留着点肚子把豆子吃完听到没有You gotta eat the rest of your beans. Okay?感恩节快乐Hey! Happy Thanksgiving.-杰克叔叔来了 -瞧瞧谁来了- Hey, Uncle Jack's here! - Look who's here. 感恩节快乐Hey. Happy Thanksgiving to you.你好吗老兄How you doing, man?很高兴你来了Glad you could make it.应该的汽车生意怎么样No problem. How's the car business?还不错It is going good.-多谢关心 -挺好- Thank you for asking. - Good.来点红酒吗Would you like some wine?不用我自带啤酒谢谢No. I have some. Thank you very much.臭屁叔叔好Hi, Uncle Fart-Poop.臭屁叔叔Uncle Fart-Poop!别挠我别别别Don't tickle me! No, no, no.-杰克叔叔被挠痒痒了 -亲爱的- Uncle Jack's getting tickled. - Hi, sweetheart. 妈妈Hi, Mom. Mmm.感恩节快乐Hey. Happy Thanksgiving.-抱歉我来晚了 -真的吗- Sorry I'm late. - Really?当然Yeah.通常人家迟到都要先打个电&hearts;话&hearts;的Some people call when they're late.我没带手&hearts;机&hearts;I didn't have my phone with me.这样啊那你手&hearts;机&hearts;买&hearts;&hearts;来干嘛呢Oh. Well, then why have a phone既然你不用它if you're not gonna use it?不知道啊问得好I don't know. That's a good question.你怎么样啊小伙子How you doing, buddy?-挺好的 -见到你真好- I'm good. - Good to see you.我真不明白一个人要是从不接电&hearts;话&hearts;I don't understand why somebody has a phone他买&hearts;&hearts;手&hearts;机&hearts;干嘛if they don't ever answer it.我能吃点土豆吗妈妈Can I have some of those potatoes, Mom?你要土豆吗Do you want some potatoes?多谢Thank you so much.你妈妈有跟你讲过Did your mom ever tell you about our fish tank-我们小时候的那个鱼缸吗 -没有- when we were kids? - No.那时候你外婆带我们去了宠物店Well, your grandmother took us to the pet store我们买&hearts;&hearts;了一个鱼缸and we got a fish tank,里面有好多好看的鱼you know, a bunch of cool fish.第二天我放学回家And I came from school the next day,发现鱼缸里全是洗发水and the fish tank was filled with shampoo.里面的鱼都死了And all the fish were dead.你妈妈就在那里哭And your mom was there crying.外婆就说And Grandma said,"你往鱼缸里倒洗发水干什么""Why'd you put shampoo in the fish tank?"你妈妈说And your mom said,"我想让小鱼洗个泡泡浴来着""I wanted to give the fish a bubble bath."她为什么要给鱼洗泡泡浴啊Why'd she give the fish a bubble bath?这你就得问你妈妈了我也不知道You're gonna have to ask your mom. I don't know. 我猜她总是想要照顾身边每一个人吧I guess she always wanted to take care of everybody. 我爱你I love you.小心别让你妈妈再去祸害那些鱼了Don't let your mom near those fish.晚安杰克叔叔Good night, Uncle Jack.晚安小警长Good night, chief.妈妈怎么样适应这里吗How's Mom, uh, settling in?挺好的看上去她适应得不错Uh, good. Yeah, really good. She seems to be.真不敢相信你把她从海边劝过来了Can't believe you got her outta Seaside.是吧现在不同了Right? It's different now.现在这里又有小孩子It's just all, like, young kids...又有小情侣...and little couples...跑来跑去的有家人running around, families.我想她在那边有种被遗弃的感觉I think she was feeling like a castaway out there.你做得很好我很高兴她来这儿了Yeah, you did good. I'm glad she's here.你最近怎么样有什么新鲜事吗What's going on with you? What's new?也没什么Not much.有在跟谁约会吗Are you seeing anybody?没有No.希望你能找到一个I wish you would.我看好你I really do.这样我会开心很多I would feel much better.一想到你I hate the idea of you这么久都孤独一人我就难受down there by yourself all the time.你有什么好难受的What do you hate about it so much?就是你无依无靠的That you're, you know, just alone.一个人整天喝酒Just drinking all the time and...我很好I'm fine.我很感激但是我没事I appreciate it. But it's... I'm fine.我知道安吉很担心你所以I know that Ang worries about you, so...这跟安吉有什么关系What does Ang have to do with it?你又怎么知道安吉在担心什么Why do you know what Ang would worry about? 因为她打电&hearts;话&hearts;了Because she called她想知道你最近过得怎么样and she wanted to see how you were doing.-她打电&hearts;话&hearts;给你了 -对啊- She called you? - Yeah.-为什么 -这样没问题吧- Why? - Is that okay?我不知道I don't know.为什么她要给你打电&hearts;话&hearts;来问我的事情I mean, what, she called you to talk about me?为什么不直接打给我Why didn't she just call me directly?她就想问问你过得怎么样She just wanted to see how you're doing.我Well... I...我很好I'm fine.听着我知道凯西·科林斯说Look, I know Kathy Collins says她每晚都在哈洛德酒吧外看到你的车she sees your car outside Harold's bar every night.行吧既然是凯西·科林斯说的Well, if Kathy Collins says it,那肯定就是真的must be true.那一定就是我有什么问题You know that something must be wrong.我每天上班So, I go to work,有时候下班了我去喝杯啤酒and then after work sometimes I go have a beer.我只是说I'm just saying...你最好打电&hearts;话&hearts;说清楚You better start calling people.-行 -最好赶紧把这破事儿解释好- Okay. - Better get on this fucking case她自己还有一大堆事情要担心She has other things maybe she ought to be worrying about 却跑来担心我喝了多少instead of worrying about how much I drink.她应该多操心一下I mean, she needs to worry about staying out-怎么离她的冰箱远点 -真棒- of her fucking refrigerator. - Nice.她一打开冰箱门就停不下来She's losing a huge war against the refrigerator.你在说些什么啊杰克What are you talking about? Jack...她应该他妈的找个跑步机减减肥She needs to find the fucking treadmill.别说了也太刻薄了吧好歹是我朋友Stop it. That is so mean. She's my friend.那她就该少管闲事Well, she should mind her business.这就是我为什么不爱来这儿That's why I don't come here.因为总是要变成这种'Cause it always turns to...这二十间卧室里面Which one of the 20 bedrooms哪间是我的am I supposed to be staying in?左手第二间Take the second one on the left.安吉我是杰克Hey, Ang, it's Jack.我只是感恩节快乐I'm just, uh... Happy Thanksgiving.就想给你打个电&hearts;话&hearts; 看看你过得如何I wanted to call you, see how you're doing.也是因为我妹妹告诉我And also because my sister told me你给她打了电&hearts;话&hearts;that you had called her想问我最近的情况and wanted to know how I was doing.我只是说以后你要是想关心我I'm just saying, if you want to know in the future了解近况的话how I'm doing,你可以直接打给我you can call me,我手&hearts;机&hearts;号&hearts;码也没换as I still have the same phone number还是那个号&hearts;码that I had...我们还在一起时用的那个when we were married.杰克我是米格尔Hey, Jack, it's Miguel.好久没听到你的消息了Haven't heard from you for a while, so...索菲亚在问你的事情Sofia was asking about you.我寻思着打个电&hearts;话&hearts;关心一下你Thought I'd give you a call and see how you're doing. 想着或许你能上我们家Thought maybe we'd have you over...你好啊杰克我是海斯主教高中的Hello, Jack, this is Father Edward Devine爱德华·德文神父calling from Bishop Hayes High School.等你有空的时候Will you give me a call back here at the rectory能给我回个电&hearts;话&hearts;吗when you get a chance?号&hearts;码是 1-424-145-3233.1-424-145-3233.今晚我大概10点休息And I'll be up until about 10:00 this evening.如果都不行的话我们可以明早聊If that doesn't work, we can chat in the morning.谢了杰克上帝保佑Thanks, Jack. God bless.你好啊杰克Hello, Jack.最近好吗快进来How are you? Come on in.谢谢你Thanks so much.感恩节过得还不错吧So, did you have a nice Thanksgiving?挺好的你呢I did. How about you?Oh, it was very nice.孙子儿女都来了All the kids and the grandkids were in.-享受天伦之乐啊 -那必须的- I was in my glory. - I bet.-挺好的 -是啊- Good for you. - Oh.你可以从这儿直接进You can go right in here.德文神父马上打完电&hearts;话&hearts;了Father Devine is just finishing up a call.他几分钟就出来So, he will be out in just a couple of minutes,你随便坐着等一下so just make yourself comfortable.多谢了Thanks.我们都特别激动We are all so excited一想到你可能会回到海斯高中at the idea of you possibly coming back和我们在一起to be with us at Hayes.还能再见到你真好杰克It's nice to see you again, Jack.加州校际竞技联盟年度最佳球员杰克·坎宁安你好杰克Hello, Jack.你好啊神父Hey, Father.很高兴见到你感谢你大老远开车过来It's good to see you. Thanks for making the drive. 当然应该的Sure. No problem.请坐下吧Sit down, please.有些日子了是吧So, been a while, hasn't it?Yeah. Since, uh...我爸的葬礼之后my father's funeral.有这么久了吗That long? Mmm.我的天啊时间都去哪儿了My goodness. Where does the time go?我要是知道我就告诉你了If I knew, I would tell ya.结婚了吗Married?现在已经分开一段时间了I'm separated now. For a while.有孩子吗Any children?没孩子No kids.好吧Okay.杰克再见到你真的很令人开心Well, Jack, it is really good to see you again.我想你也好奇我为什么打电&hearts;话&hearts;让你过来And I suppose you're wondering why I called you over here. 是有点好奇I'm a little curious. Yeah.我们的篮球教练汤姆·麦克加里迪Our basketball coach, Tom McGarrity,前几天晚上发心脏病了had a heart attack the other night.不是吧Oh, no.他倒是可以完全康复的He's expected to make a full recovery,但是他妻子认为让他回到球队but his wife doesn't think it's a very good idea不太明智for him to return to the team.我也同意And I tend to agree.我们需要一个新教练杰克We need a new coach, Jack.我第一个想到的人就是你You're the first person I thought of.你想压抑你的热情吗Try to suppress your enthusiasm.不我很感激只是No, I appreciate it. I just... It's, um...只是我已经有很长一段时间You know, it's just, I've been away没有打过篮球了from the game for a long time.我懂我懂I understand. I understand.你知道的我之前都没有当过教练You know, I've never even coached before.我只是打篮球所以我不I just played, so I don't...是那个我的意思是Is the, uh... I mean...这个队伍实力强吗Is the team any good?不不No. No.其实他们已经很久不具备竞争力了We haven't been competitive for quite a while, actually. 事实上他们上一次进入季后赛In fact, the last time they made the playoffs?是在你还在打球的时候Back when you were playing.好吧我很感谢你能想到我神父Well, I really appreciate you thinking of me, Father.但是这实在是我It's just, I...回家然后好好考虑一下杰克Go home and think it over, Jack.我现在已经有很多需要操心的事情了I got a lot going on in my life right now.实在是太忙了It's very busy.回家再考虑一下Go home, think it over.然后早上再打电&hearts;话&hearts;告诉我你的决定Call me with your decision in the morning.明天早上吗Tomorrow morning?我们下一次比赛是在周一晚上杰克Our next game is Monday night, Jack.我没有太多时间I don't have a lot of time.你好神父是这样的我Hey, Father, listen, I...很感谢你Thank you so much能想到我只是for thinking of me.现在可能不是我&hearts;干&hearts;这事的合适时间It's just not the right time for me to take this on.现在我的生活已经被安排得满满的You know, my life's very full right now.非常的充实Very full.我只是I just, um...我已经很久没有打篮球了你知道吗I've just been away from the game for so long, you know? 我真的太久没有打篮球了I've just been away from the game for so long.神父Father...是这样我考虑了很久非常谢谢你Listen, I've given it a lot of thought, and I appreciate it.只是现在对我来说不是个好时机It's just not the right time for me right now.我也很久没有打球了I've been away from the game for so long.我觉得我帮不了你I don't think I can help you.我觉得I don't think...我觉得我帮不了你I don't think I can help you.我觉得我帮不了你I don't think I can help you.神父是我杰克Father. Jack.我不干Not gonna happen.我他妈到底要怎么做What the fuck am I supposed to do?队伍没什么实力The team can't play.他们球打得不好打得不好They're no good. They're no good.我又不能像仙女一样一挥魔杖I can't wave a magic wand,就他妈的把他们变成迈克尔·乔丹吧turn them into fucking Michael Jordan.我的意思是就I mean, just...我也不知道I don't know.也许Maybe.我不知道I don't know.我帮不了你I can't help you with this.这事我没办法帮你I can't help you with this team.神父我想了很久Father, I've given it a lot of thought.我没兴趣I just have no interest教你那个垃圾篮球队in coaching your fucking basketball team. 就这样了That's all there is to it.操Oh, fuck.回到小杜旁边Get back on D!把位置补上Make up for it.搞什么What the fuck?注意小加小加Hey, G. G!小杜继续上快退回来冲冲啊D up! Hey, get back! Let's go! Let's go!动起来快一点快点快点快点Move! Go quick! Quickly, quickly, quickly.州冠军海斯主教高中男子篮球队杰克·坎宁安24号&hearts;年度最佳球员区级冠军海斯主教高中男子篮球队把他拦住查布斯去底线那儿Stop him up top. Chubbs, go to the wing.注意点掩护快掩护掩护Watch it. Screen, screen, screen.传球传球Yo, get through, get through.突破防守Get through that.弗里兹上啊Hey, Freeze. Go!传得好继续Good pass. Come on!干得好小杜Hey, nice job, D-boy.你好教练Hey, Coach.我是丹·埃斯皮诺萨很高兴见到你Dan Espinosa. Nice to meet ya.-你是那个助教吗 -是的- You're the assistant? - I am.我还在学校里面教代数I also teach algebra here at the school.我真的很感谢你答应了这件事Uh, I really appreciate you stepping up like this.这对孩子们来说有很大的意义It means a lot to the boys.你想让我把大家都叫过来吗do you want me to call everybody in,做一些介绍do some intros?不用不用麻烦我就No, that's okay. Just,上篮马库斯进了Take the layup, Marcus! Money!我想先感受一下我在这里的工作Just get a feel for what I'm working with here.没问题Yeah.队伍里所有人都在这了吗就十个人This the whole team? Ten kids?所有人都在这里了That's all we've got.跟你当初打球的时候很不一样对吧A lot different than when you played here, huh? 对啊难以置信Yeah. No shit.我们队伍选拔赛就来了有一百个人We got 100 kids just try out.我高四那年来了一百零四个104 my senior year.都在这打球吗Play ball here?不不像你那时候Well, not like you.我大部分时间都花在公园的长椅上了Spent most of my time on the bench,拿着一个写字板像我现在一样holding a clipboard like I am now.我比你晚几届是九八级的I was a couple of years behind you. Uh, class of '98. 从那以后入队人数就直线下降了Enrollment's really taken a dive since then.弗里兹弗里兹弗里兹Freeze, Freeze, Freeze!如果你愿意我可以从首发阵容开始介绍I can run down the starting five, if you like.卡位Box out!抢篮板球挡人,防守方在篮下阻挡进攻方抢篮板球将进攻方挡在自己背后当然Sure.那个在运球的是布兰登·杜雷特So, uh, the kid with the ball, that's Brandon Durrett. 拉斯·杜雷特的亲戚吗Relation to Russ Durrett?是的是他儿子Yeah, that's his son.他很有实力He's a great player.对比赛感觉很好Really has a good feel for the game.是队伍里最有天赋的球员Easily our most talented guy.然后他旁边那个在后场里的And then, um, playing besides him in the backcourt, 是查布斯·亨德里克斯that's Chubbs Hendricks.他的他的真名是罗纳德His, real name's Ronald.对就是这样这里老兄Oh, yeah. Right here, this man.在底线那儿的是肯尼·道斯and, Kenny Dawes out on the wing.他喜欢整些花里胡哨的但是Bit of a showboat, but,他是个很好的投手Yeah, he's a solid shooter.特别是远投很准Good long-range stroke.回防回防Get back! Get back!这个是山姆·加西亚我们的老队长And Sam Garcia, he's our senior captain.不是很擅长进攻Not much of a scoring threat,但是是个很可靠的防守队员but he's a solid defender.是个好孩子Good kid.然后是马库斯·帕里什And then Marcus Parrish.进球Money!那是我们的中锋That is our center.中锋:是一个球队篮球位置中的中心人物一般都由队中最高的球员担任你&hearts;他&hearts;妈&hearts;在什么老兄What the fuck are you doing, bro?那个孩子是中锋吗That kid's the center?-是啊 -他多高啊这没有两米吧- Yeah. - What is he, 6'4"?闭嘴老兄Shut the fuck up, man.一米九6'3".你们在篮下肯定是任人宰割吧You guys must get murdered on the boards.对啊表现的很差Yeah, it's not been good at all.你白送了他们进球的机会马库斯You're giving 'em open buckets, Marcus.这只是练习兄弟我不在乎This is practice, man. I don't care.那个孩子是谁白衣服的那个Who's that kid there? The white shadow.对那个是鲍比·弗里兹Oh, yeah, that's, uh, Bobby Freeze.他是我们队的第六人He's our sixth man.整个球队最重要的一名替补球员,除了先发五虎之外的打得最好的球员他在橄榄球队里He's actually a starting strong safety是一个首发强&hearts;卫&hearts;for the football team.负责盯梢防守进攻方深入己方阵地的外接手或跑卫,及时阻止对方的进攻然后剩下的那些人Then the rest of the guys,是迪尔伯恩戴利卡特和雅马拓Dearborn, Daly, Carter, and Amato.我把他们从资浅代表队那里带过来I had to bring those guys up from JV资浅代表队:校队的第二队这样我们才能凑齐人数练习just so we could hold a practice.单手上篮啊可以进Take the layup! Money!再来卡位Come on, box out!好了吹哨子结束吧All right. Blow the whistle for me.冷静一点老兄冷静Chill out, man. Yo, take it easy, man.别抓着我Stop grabbing me.集&hearts;合&hearts;Bring it in.走吧快点快点Let's go. Hustle, hustle.好了大家经过讨论All right, guys. As discussed,我很荣幸让你们新的主教练来接手I am honored to turn things over to your new head coach,杰克·坎宁安Jack Cunningham.你好啊教练What's up, Coach.状态怎么样啊How you doing, guys?挺好的挺好Good. Good.你好啊教练What's up, Coach.你是马库斯对吧You're Marcus, right?没错以后你会经常叫这名字的That's right. Get used to calling my name, too.好吧好吧All right. All right.马库斯告诉我你看到那里有什么Marcus, tell me what you see out there.我看到尼基的美臀一直对着我I see Nikki's fine ass keep looking at me.还看到她弯腰了Saw she was bending over.她在试图引起我的注意She tryin' to get my attention.马库斯尊重教练Marcus, just be respectful, please.是他问我看到什么的怎么了He asked me what I saw. What,你想让我对他撒谎吗do you want me to lie to him?你知道我看到什么了吗马库斯You know what I see, Marcus?什么What?你是整个队里最高的You're the tallest player on the team.这不禁让我疑惑为什么你每次上场Makes me wonder why you're putting three-pointers up 都要在外线投三分球every time you come down the court.这是因为三分投篮是我的拿手菜Oh, that's 'cause I got a candy-stroke, Coach.问问丹教练Ask Coach Dan.去年我是我们整个队里三分球投进最多的I made the most threes on the team last year.丹教练去年马库斯投进了几个三分球Coach Dan, how many threes did Marcus make last year? 马库斯Marcus...进了三十四个made 34.他一共投了几次Outta how many attempts?一百三十次Out of 130.命中率是多少What's that a percentage of?百分之二十六For a percentage of 26.我&hearts;操&hearts;Damn!百分之二十六马库斯26%, Marcus.知道为什么他们都不防直接让你投吗You wanna know why they're leaving you open? 这是因为他们认为It's 'cause they don't think你在沙滩上都没法把球投到海里you could hit the ocean from the beach.我的天Oh, shit.他可真是实事求是啊兄弟Yo, he just spit facts at your ass, bro.老兄闭嘴Man, shut up.别啊老兄别生气啊Look it, come on, man. Don't get all butt-hurt别因为他拿你开涮就红脸啊just 'cause he droppin' some knowledge on you. 你想见识什么叫生气吗继续说啊You wanna see butt-hurt? Keep talking shit,我会揍得你屁滚尿流闭上你的嘴watch me beat your fat ass. Shut the fuck up, yo. -你什么都做不了 -停- You ain't gonna do shit. - Hey.别煽风点火I don't need any help.谁是队里三分球进第二多的Who is second in threes on the team?第二应该是肯尼进了二十五个Number two would be Kenny with 25.-他一共投了几次 -六十一次- Outta how many attempts? - Sixty-one.命中率呢Percentage of?百分之四十一Forty-one.爽你听到了吗Snap. You hear that?把球给我让我来大开杀戒Give me the rock, let me go HAM on some bitches.是啊你唯一能杀的只有火腿和芝士Yeah, more like ham and cheese, man.不是事实上火腿和芝士Nah, actually, ham and cheese is what your sister是你妹妹在我们做完以后会给我准备的fries me up after I'm done fiddling her bean.放尊重点教练在这里老兄Yo, show some respect. Coach is here, man.注意你的措辞老兄Watch your mouth, man.肯尼站回队伍里去好了Kenny, get in line. A'ight.好了继续练习吧All right, run it back.马库斯这次你不要离开内线Marcus, this time your feet don't leave the paint.布兰登好了走吧Brandon. All right. Let's go.来吧走了一起来Come on. Let's go, y'all.你是控球后卫是吧You're the point guard, right?控球后卫:是全队进攻的组织者,是球场上拿球机会最多的人让他们进行动态进攻Put 'em in a motion offense.喊出来布兰登Call it out, Brandon.别只拿你的手在空中挥来挥去Don't just wave your hand in the air.他不怎么说话是吧Doesn't talk much, does he?我教了他三年了I have been coaching that kid for three years用一只手都能数清and I can count on one hand我们的对话次数how many times our conversations还包括了have gone past,"是的教练"和"不是的教练""Yes, Coach" and "No, Coach."投的好朋友Good shot, baby.这次进球了And that's money!进来吧Here you go.钥匙比赛用球Keys, game balls,我还组装了一个闪存盘and then I put together a flash drive为了以防万一你想熟悉一下just in case you want to get familiar我们过往的一些比赛战术with the sets we've been running.然后我会给你我的电&hearts;话&hearts;号&hearts;码I'm also gonna give you my phone number如果你有什么问题的话可以打给我if you have any questions.好的Okay.你怎么不当主教练呢Hey, why didn't you take the job?-什么 -一般不都是这样吗- Huh? - Would've made sense.助理教练取代主教练什么的The assistant coach, step in, take the job.我妈有多发性硬化症所以My mom has MS, so...虽然我姐姐白天可以照顾她My sister takes care of her during the day,但她自己还有三个孩子呢but she's got three kids of her own.所以我就负责晚上了So I take nights.说得通Sure.再加上监督练习观察分&hearts;析&hearts;每个人的水平Then with practices, and then you have scouting...不不不没事我能理解Yeah, no. Of course. It makes sense.只能怪一天24个小时太短了There just aren't enough hours in the day.抱歉我不是故意要窥探你私人生活的I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry.不不不没关系No, no, no. It's cool.谁还没点儿负担呢不是吗We all have our own cross to bear, right?那你应该没问题了So you should be good.好极了谢谢你Great. Thank you very much.小意思No problem.-对了教练 -怎么了- Oh, Coach. - Yep?现在有什么衣着要求吗What's the dress code like these days?主教练的话要穿正装系领带Coat and tie for the head coach.-好的谢谢了 -小意思应该的- Great. Thanks. - Sure. No problem.对Yeah!这边这边对Right here, right here. Yeah!来来来Here we go!冲冲冲Yeah!投吧Take the shot.说你呢马库斯That's you, Marcus.杰克能在体育馆再见到你真棒Hey, Jack. Nice to see you in the gym again.谢谢Thanks.说你呢That's you.杰克这位是马克·惠兰神父Jack, this is Father Mark Whelan.他是我们的球队牧师He is our team chaplain.很高兴见到你杰克Pleasure to meet you, Jack.我也是You too.要第一场比赛了兴奋吗Any first game jitters?他&hearts;娘&hearts;的&hearts; 我屎都快吓出来了Fuck. I'm nervous as shit.可不是嘛Yeah.这是什么情况What's this?他们每次比赛前都会这样They do it before every game.大概是鼓舞气势吧Gets them psyched up, I guess.来吧冲冲冲Let's go!好了来集&hearts;合&hearts;吧All right, let's go. Bring it in.-准备好了吗 -没有- Ready? - No.加油Let's go.好了大家伙儿们All right, guys.是时候见证我们真正的实力了Let's see what we're made of.海斯主教高中多尔蒂高中接着那个身材高大的囚犯说 "别担心And the big burly inmate says, "Don't worry about it.Everything's gonna be fine.我只是想玩个小游戏而已I just want to play a little game."他说 "好吧"He goes, "Okay."然后他说 "这个游戏是这样的首先And he says, "In this game, you can pick当老公还是当老婆你先选一个"whether or not you want to be the husband or the wife."然后他答道 "好的" "那你选哪个"And he says, "All right." "Well?""那我当老公好了""Well, guess I'll be the husband."他说 "行啊He goes, "Okay.过来给你老婆吹吹&hearts;萧&hearts;吧"Come on over here and suck your wife's dick."这个好笑That's a good one."给你老婆吹吹&hearts;萧&hearts;" 这句牛逼笑死爷了"Suck your wife's dick." I fucking love that.嘿道克Hey, Doc.今晚第一次比赛怎么样啊秒杀全场了吗How'd opening night go, ace?是秒杀我们那几个小伙子都被罚下场了Yeah, our boy got sent to the woodshed.-给道克来一杯吧 -也给我再来一杯吧- Hey, get Doc a drink, will ya? - And hit me with another one. 道克我有没有告诉过你Doc, did I ever tell you那个书呆子会计师the one about the nerdy accountant挪用了15年公&hearts;款&hearts;的事情who does 15 years for embezzlement?-不用操心我我没醉 -知道你没醉- Don't worry about me. I'm not. - I know.让我做做好我那件事就行Just let me do... do my thing.做你那件事好了谢谢你送我回来All right. I appreciate it.-没事 -现在我就- Okay. - I'm just gonna...-好的晚安了道克 -晚安- All right. Good night, Doc. - Good night.守住他守住他Get your man! Get your man!给点力啊Come on!看住他了Watch him.杰克又是我米格尔Jackie! It's Miguel again.我打来就是想确认一下Just checking in to see你听没听到我跟你说大卫生日派对的事if you got my call about David's birthday party.有时间就给我回个电&hearts;话&hearts;Give me a call when you get a chance.是我虽然现在说这个可能有点迟了Hey, it's me. I know it's late notice,但是我明天见客户会路过你家附近but I'm gonna be down by you for a client visit tomorrow 想看看你要不要和我一起吃个午饭and wanted to see if you wanted to meet for lunch.大概就这样吧收到就给我回个电&hearts;话&hearts; Anyway, call me when you get this.-嗨 -嘿- Hi. - Hey.抱歉我来晚了Sorry I'm late.那辆烂巴士在710号&hearts;路上抛锚了Damn bus broke down on the 710.简直就是场噩梦It was a nightmare.没事我也刚到I just got here.好的Okay.。



1.Background1背景1.1.History of RECIST criteria1.1RECIST标准的历史Assessment of the change in tumour burden is an important feature of the clinical evaluation of cancer therapeutics.Both tumour shrinkage(objective response)and time to the development of disease progression are important endpoints in cancer clinical trials.The use of tumour regression as the endpoint for phase II trials screening new agents for evidence of anti-tumour effect is supported by years of evidence suggesting that,for many solid tumours,agents which produce tumour shrinkage in a proportion of patients have a reasonable(albeit imperfect)chance of subsequently demonstrating an improvement in overall survival or other time to event measures in randomised phase III studies (reviewed in[1],[2],[3]and[4]).At the current time objective response carries with it a body of evidence greater than for any other biomarker supporting its utility as a measure of promising treatment effect in phase II screening trials.Furthermore,at both the phase II and phase III stage of drug development, clinical trials in advanced disease settings are increasingly utilising time to progression(or progression-free survival)as an endpoint upon which efficacy conclusions are drawn,which is also based on anatomical measurement of tumour size.评价肿瘤负荷的改变是癌症治疗的临床评价的一个重要特征。



前厅部前台标准用语1. May I have your passport for registration?可以出示一下您的护照我们为您做登记好吗?2. May I have your business card in order to update your businessparticulars?为方便我们为您提供更好的服务,请赐一张您的名片好吗?3. Mr.XX. I am just going to get your registration card. Would you please waita moment?XX先生,请您稍等片刻,我去取您的登记单.4. Mr.XX .What kind of room do you prefer?XX先生,您喜欢什么样的房间呢?5. How long will you stay with us?请问您打算住几天呢?6. May I know how would you like to settle your bill?请问您打算以何种方式付款呢?7. Would you please pay RMB1000 as deposit, that include your room chargeand other miscellaneous charge until you check out. If there are deposit rest, we will refund them to you upon check-out.麻烦您付1000元押金,多余部分将在您退房时退还给您。

8. I have received your RMB 1000 (as your deposit.)收您人民币1000元(作为您的押金.)9. Mr./Ms. XX would you please check these clauses to see if it is correct,thank you.XX小姐/先生,请您核对一下您的帐单,谢谢。



模块一Unit 11 enjoyable adj. 有乐趣的;令人愉快的2 experience n./vt. 经历,体验3 assembly n. 集会,会议4 headmaster n. 校长5 earn vt. 取得;赚,挣得6 respect n./vt. 尊重,敬重7 devote vt. 致力于;献身8 literature n. 文学9 average adj. 一样的,一般的;平均的10 struggle n. 难事;斗争;尽力vi. 奋斗,尽力;挣扎11 challenging adj. 具有挑战性的12 encouragement n. 鼓舞13 cooking n. 做饭;烹饪,烹饪14 for free 免费15 extra adj. 额外的,外加的16 fond adj. 喜爱的,喜爱的be fond of 喜爱,喜爱17 Spanish n./adj. 西班牙语(的);西班牙人(的)18 sculpture n. 雕像,雕塑19 dessert n. 甜点20 look back (on) 回忆,回忆21 satisfaction n. 中意22 surf vt./vi. 冲浪23 academic adj. 学业的,学术的24 exchange n./vt. 互换;交流25 former adj. 以前的26 graduate vi. 毕业n. 毕业生,27 fluent adj. 流畅的28 painting n. 绘画,绘画作品29 donate vt. 捐赠30 kindness n. 善意31 splendid adj. 极佳的,超级好的32 independent adj. 独立的33 make use of 利用34 title n. (书的)名称;(文章的)题目,篇名35 dynasty n. 朝代,王朝36 somehow adv. 不知什么缘故;不知怎么地37 recent adj. 新近的,最近的38 professor n. 教授39 inform vt. 通知,告知40 opening hours 开放时刻41 run vt. 治理;操作42 host n. 主持人;主人,东道主43 approve vt./vi. 批准,通过;同意,同意44 charge n. 负责,掌管vt. 使承担责任;收费in charge of 负责,掌管45 schoolmate n. 同窗,校友46 broadcast vt./n. 广播,播放47 preparation n. 预备,筹备48 event n. (重要)事件;社交活动;竞赛项目49 outing n. 短途旅行,远足50 graduation n. 毕业51 poet n. 诗人52 generation n. 一代,一代人53 literary adj. 文学的54 select vt. 选择,挑选55 courtyard n. 庭院,院子56 composition n. 作品;模块一Unit 21 act n. (戏剧的)一幕2 curtain n. 窗帘;(舞台上的)帷幕3 can't wait to do something 迫不及待地做某事4 soccer n. <美>英式足球,足球5 frightened adj. 受惊的;可怕的6 be supposed to 应该……,应当……7 bend vi. 哈腰,屈身vt.(使)弯曲8 starve vi. 挨饿;饿死vt. 使挨饿9 cash n. 现金10 garbage n. <美>(生活)垃圾11 pizza n. 比萨饼,意大利饼12 sink n. 水池,水槽,洗碗池(sank,sunk) vi. 下沉,沉没13 garbage can <美>垃圾桶14 adult n. 成年人15 tolerate vt. 容忍;许诺16 behavior (BrE behaviour) n. 行为,举止17 teenager n. (13-19岁的)青青年18 fault n. 过错,错误19 scene n.(戏剧的)一场;场面;景色20 upset adj. 不快乐的,失望的vt. 使不快乐,使失望21 defend vt. 辩白,分说22 emergency n.突发事件;紧急情形23 anyhow adv. 终归;尽管如此24 deserve vt. 值得;应得;应受25 explanation n. 说明,说明26 clinic n. 诊所27 hard adj. 苛刻的,严厉的be hard on 对……苛刻,对……严厉28 now that 既然;由于29 rude adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的30 sign vi. 叹息31 bicycle n. 自行车32 hardworking adj.工作尽力的;辛勤的33 stay up 不睡觉,熬夜34 handle vt. 处置;应付35 error n. 错误36 mix up 混淆,弄乱;搅匀,拌和37 guidance n. 指导,引导38 as if 仿佛,似乎39 insist vi. 坚持,坚持以为insist on 坚持,坚持以为40 DVD abbr. 数字多功能光碟(digital versatile disc的缩写)41 cafe n. 咖啡馆,小餐馆Internet cafe 网吧42 chat vi./n. 谈天,闲聊43 at present 此刻44 argument n. 争吵,辩论;论点,论据45 freedom n. 自由46 worried adj. 担忧的,忧虑的47 harm vt./n. 损害48 foolish adj. 愚蠢的49 patience n. 耐心50 selfish adj. 自私的51 distant adj. 不友好的,冷淡的,疏远的;遥远的52 annoyed adj. 愤怒的,动气的53 forbid(forbade,forbidden) vt. 禁止54 adolescence n. 青春期55 along with 与……一路56 misunderstand(misunderstood,misunderstood) vt. 误解57 normal n./adj. 正常(的),一样(的)58 confused adj. 困惑的,不解的59 physical adj. 躯体的;物质的60 psychological adj. 心理的61 tend vi. 往往;趋向vt. 照看62 limit n. 限制;极限;界限vt. 限制63 wisdom n. 聪慧64 independence n. 独立65 balance vt./vi./n. 平稳;抵消66 last vi. 持久vt. 持续,维持(一段时刻)67 challenge n./vt. 挑战模块一Unit 31 work out 锻炼2 slim adj. 修长的,纤细的3 figure n. 体形;数字;人物4 ashamed adj. 惭愧的,羞愧的5 weight-loss n. 减肥,瘦身6 pill n. 药丸,药片7 kilogram n. 千克,千克8 work vi. 起作用,有成效,奏效9 energetic adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的10 recover vi. 恢复,恢复健康vt. 从头取得,恢复11 liver n. 肝脏12 failure n. 衰退,衰竭;失败;故障,失灵13 contain vt. 包括;容纳14 chemical n. 化学物质adj. 化学的,15 treatment n. 医治;待遇;处置16 painful adj. 令人疼痛的,痛楚的17 damage vt./n. 损害,损害18 attractive adj. 有吸引力的,有魅力的19 embarrassed adj. 为难的,不行意思的,难为情的20 pressure n. 压力21 overweight adj. 肥胖的,体重超标的22 diet n. 节食;日常饮食vi节食,操纵饮食go on a diet 节食23 prefer vt. 更喜爱24 waist n. 腰,腰部;腰围25 suffer vt./vi. 受苦;蒙受(磨难)26 athlete n. 运动员27 effect n. 成效,作用;阻碍side effect 副作用28 fall out (头发等)脱落29 affect vt. 阻碍;(病毒)感染30 achievement n. 成绩31 post n. (在网上发布的)帖子32 membership n. 会员资格,成员资格33 including prep. 包括34 branch n. 分支;分部;树枝35 downtown adv. 在市中心,往市中心(尤指商业中心区)36 freeway n. <美>高速公路37 midnight n. 午夜38 equipment n. 器材;设备39 get into shape 强身健体40 make the most of 充分利用41 marathon n. 马拉松赛跑42 expert n. 专家43 chip (通经常使用复数chips) n. 薯条44 sadness n. 悲伤45 comfort n. 安慰;舒适46 useless adj. 无用的,无效的47 in the long term 从久远角度看48 approximately adv. 大约49 skip vt./vi. 跳过,略过;蹦跳着走50 properly adv. 适本地51 mostly adv. 主腹地;通常52 system n. 躯体,(器官)系统;体系;制度53 skin n. 皮肤54 court vi. 以为,算作;重要vt. 数数55 peaceful adj. 安静的;和平的56 concentrate vt./vi. 集中(注意力、思想等);全神贯注57 amount n. 数量58 as a matter of fact 事实上,其实59 loss n. 丧失,丢失,损失60 gain vt. 增加;取得,博得。



New response evaluation criteria in solid tumours: Revised RECIST guideline (version 1。


1版本)Abstract摘要Background背景介绍Assessment of the change in tumour burden is an important feature of the clinical evaluation of cancer therapeutics:both tumour shrinkage (objective response) and disease progression are useful endpoints in clinical trials. Since RECIST was published in 2000,many investigators,cooperative groups,industry and government authorities have adopted these criteria in the assessment of treatment outcomes. However,a number of questions and issues have arisen which have led to the development of a revised RECIST guideline (version 1。

1). Evidence for changes, summarised in separate papers in this special issue,has come from assessment of a large data warehouse (〉6500 patients), simulation studies and literature reviews。



Receptionist(R ):Good evening,Mr. Smith.Guest(G ):Good evening. Any messages for me?R:Y es. Several. Y ou are so popular here,Mr. Smith.G:Im making new Chinese friends. Were there some visitors or calls?R:A Mr. Li called and he asked me to tell you to call him back as soon as you are back.G:Did he leave his phone number?R:Y es. His home phone number is 57162322.G:Thank you.R:And a Mr. Wang came to see you this afternoon. When I told him you were not in,he said he will contact you at around about 8:00 p.m..G:Anything else?R:Oh,there was a lady by the name of Jiang Lei. She left an invitation card to you. Here you are.G:Great. She invites me to dinner with her family tomorrow evening.R:Y our friends are kind to you.G:Y ou bet. But look at the address. It is Marrig Restaurant on the Wangfujing Street. I ve heard a lot about Wangfujing Street. But I dont know how to get there from the hotel. Can you show me the way?R:Its not far from here. Take the No. 15 bus passing the hotel and get off at the terminal station. Not far ahead,the road forks,take the left one. When you get to the theatre,dont turn left,walk straight on and there you are,the Marrig Restaurant.G:Thats really helpful of you. Thanks a lot.。

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New response evaluation criteria in solid tumours: Revised RECIST guideline (version 1.1)新版实体瘤疗效评价标准:修订的RECIST指南(1.1版本)Abstract摘要Background背景介绍Assessment of the change in tumour burden is an important feature of the clinical evaluation of cancer therapeutics: both tumour shrinkage (objective response) and disease progression are useful endpoints in clinical trials. Since RECIST was published in 2000, many investigators, cooperative groups, industry and government authorities have adopted these criteria in the assessment of treatment outcomes. However, a number of questions and issues have arisen which have led to the development of a revised RECIST guideline (version 1.1). Evidence for changes, summarised in separate papers in this special issue, has come from assessment of a large data warehouse (>6500 patients), simulation studies and literature reviews.临床上评价肿瘤治疗效果最重要的一点就是对肿瘤负荷变化的评估:瘤体皱缩(目标疗效)和病情恶化在临床试验中都是有意义的判断终点。




Highlights of revised RECIST 1.11.1版RECIST的重要修订之处Major changes include: Number of lesions to be assessed: based on evidence from numerous trial databases merged into a data warehouse for analysis purposes, the number of lesions required to assess tumour burden for response determination has been reduced from a maximum of 10 to a maximum of five total (and from five to two per organ, maximum). Assessment of pathological lymph nodes is now incorporated: nodes with a short axis of 15 mm are considered measurable and assessable as target lesions. The short axis measurement should be included in the sum of lesions in calculation of tumour response. Nodes that shrink to <10 mm short axis are considered normal. Confirmation of response is required for trials with response primary endpoint but is no longer required in randomised studies since the control arm serves as appropriate means of interpretation of data. Disease progression is clarified in several aspects: in addition to the previous definition of progression in target disease of 20% increase in sum, a 5 mm absolute increase is now required as well to guard against over calling PD when the total sum is very small. Furthermore, there is guidance offered on what constitutes ‘unequivocal progression’ of non-measurable/non-target disease, a source of confusion in the original RECIST guideline. Finally, a section on detection of new lesions, including the interpretation of FDG-PET scan assessment is included. Imaging guidance: the revised RECIST includes a new imaging appendix with updated recommendations on the optimal anatomical assessment of lesions.主要的修订之处有:病灶数目的判定:为了方便分析,很多小型试验数据库的证据被合并成一个大型数据库。










Future work 下一步工作A key question considered by the RECIST Working Group in developing RECIST 1.1 was whether it was appropriate to move from anatomic unidimensional assessment of tumour burden to either volumetric anatomical assessment or to functional assessment with PET or MRI. It was concluded that, at present, there is not sufficient standardisation or evidence to abandon anatomical assessment of tumour burden. The only exception to this is in the use of FDG-PET imaging as an adjunct to determination of progression. As is detailed in the final paper in this special issue, the use of these promising newer approaches requires appropriate clinical validation studies.工作组在修订RECIST 1.1时考虑到的一个关键问题是:评估肿瘤负荷从一维的解剖学评估修改为三维的解剖学评估或用PET和MRI作出的功能评估是否恰当。




Keywords: Response criteria; Solid tumours; Guidelines关键词:疗效评估标准;实体瘤;指南编译:摘要背景介绍临床上评价肿瘤治疗效果最重要的一点就是对肿瘤负荷变化的评估:瘤体皱缩(目标疗效)和病情恶化在临床试验中都是有意义的判断终点。





