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2015年China Daily常见热词翻译(一)

港务局 port office; harbor authority

高保真音乐 hi-fi music

高材生 top student

高层次、全方位的对话 high-level and all-directional dialogue 高产优质 high yield and high quality

告吹 fizzle out; fall through; fail

高等教育"211工程" the "211" Project for higher education

高等教育自学考试 self-study higher education examination

高度自治 high degree of autonomy

高端产品 high-end product

高发期 high-incidence season

高分低能 high scores and low abilities

高峰 peak time

高峰论坛 summit forum

高干 high-ranking official; senior cadre

高杠杆交易机构 highly-leveraged institutions(HLI)

高官会 Senior Officials Meeting (SOM)

搞花架子 do something superficial

搞活国营大中型企业 invigorate large and medium-sized

state-owned enterprises

告急 be in an emergency; report an emergency; ask for emergency


高级检察官 senior public procurator

高级经理人员 high-level managerial personnel; senior personnel

高级商务师 certified business executive; senior business engineer; high-level economist; senior commercialist

高级设备 sophisticated equipment

高技术产业化 apply high technology to production

高架公路 elevated highway; overhead road

高架轻轨 elevated railway

高精尖技术 high-grade, high-precision, advanced technology 高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,全面贯彻"三个代表"重要思想 hold high the banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and carry out the important thoughts of "Three Represents"

高考 college (or university) entrance examination

高科技板块 high-tech sector

高难度动作 stunner, stunt

高清晰度 high definition

高清晰度电视 high definition TV

高手 master hand, expert

(精通电脑和网络的)高手 geek

高危人群 high-risk group

高消费 high consumption

高效节能 energy-efficient

高校扩招后首批毕业生 college graduates who were the first to be enrolled under the college expansion of 1999

高校扩招计划 college expansion plan

告小状 secretly report on somebody; rat on somebody

高新技术产业开发区 high-tech industrial development zone

高新技术产业化 industrial application of new and high technologies

高压手段 high-pressure tactics

高原反应,高山反应 altitude stress; altitude sickness

高知 high-level intellectual

高指标 high target

高致病性禽流感 highly pathogenic bird flu

个案 individual case (involving special circumstances)

各大菜系 major styles of cooking

个股 individual share

各行各业 every walk of life

隔行扫描 interlacing scan

各尽所能 let each person do his best; from each according to his ability

各就各位 On your marks!

隔离病房 isolation ward

(公路)隔离带 median strip

格列佛游记 Gulliver's Travels

革命老区 old revolutionary base areas

革命气派 revolutionary mettle
