


选课之前呢首先要排课表,排课表排课表排课表 首先你得先登录 然后你是不是就美滋滋的打开了选课系统 的确选课的时候的确是在这~但是现在还没课程信息哦~ 然后你就会发现并没有2015级咦哈哈其实在这~ 没错就是这!

然后就可以开始啦 首先呢我们要选的课有这几种: 1.公共必修这个包括形式与政策、马概、体育、英语、其中呢,行 策和马概是在这选的,体育是在体育学院—公共体育里 选,英语呢慢班的就是在这选,快班的是在公共平台— 快班课程中选。 2.专业必修综计汇编线代,这个可以选其他专业的~(树莓的有特 有的)综计其实哪个老师都可以啦~ 3.学科基础高数咯~老师基本跟我们不一样~但我只想说谷懿水的 可怕…… 4.素选在公共平台—通识教育—2013(14的是校本部的) 素选有6类:社科、自然、人文、艺术、体技、外语 外语在大三的时候修,修2门,so现在不选。其他一 共9门,也就是说有一类只选1门的,其他2门。 人文在大二的时候会统一强制上一个大学国文。在选 课中,素选一共不能超过3门~

一些注意事项: 1.要看好校区,体育英语素选啥的不要选成本部的了,虽然有些体育素选老师人好可以调,但是不好联系吖~而且他们记住你了要是表现不好的话会很危险的(⊙o⊙) 2.把所有课找好了之后排个课表,上课和考试时间都不要冲突 3.对了英语选的时候还要注意后面的备注,别选成别人学院的了 4.还有其他学院的专业课不能选吖 5.再说几个特好的老师吧~徐景颐(给答案!从不点名!讲的特好!)、王涛(给题!点名加分!讲的特好还看电影!)、付云仙(考试交论文、平常做小组展示)、沐炜(开卷) 对了体育有个神课李晓峰的网球!老师超级好给分超级高还可以不去,,,但是但是但是不好抢啊简直秒没。而且女生也可以选男生选课反之亦然 希望能帮助到你咯~~我只是一个善良的学姐(??欒?)


云南大学软件学院实验报告 课程:无线网络安全实验学期:2017-2018学年春季学期任课教师:张云春 专业:信息安全学号:________ 姓名: _______ 成绩:___________ 实验6蓝牙技术破解 一、实验目的 1.使用手机和相关蓝牙设备,开启蓝牙,对蓝牙技术进行深入学习,并模拟蓝牙技术的攻击。 2.使用专业工具对蓝牙PIN (个人身份码)进行破解。 二、实验内容 1.简要分析蓝牙设备的两种认证方式“传统配对”和“安全简化配对”方式。并对实验所选设备 的认证模式进行确认。 传统配对:该种配对方式建立在两台设备的BD_ADDR,由发起者创建的16字节随机数,用户 在两台设备上手动输入的PIN码(用户无法更改PIN码的固定PIN码”除外)。 安全简化配对:这种配对方式与传统配对方式最大的区别在于不需要手动输入pin码,在设备寻找到对方设备之后,双方计算后自动生成6位随机数,双方互相确认对方生成的随机数与自己 的是否相同,如果相同,则确认了建立通信的对方的身份,完成配对。 为了后面步骤中截获pin码,这里实验设备选择了一台具有传统配对方式的塞班手机,并且因为没有硬件支持,笔记本电脑没有办法抓到蓝牙的数据包,所以选用了一台方便导出蓝牙日志文 件的安卓手机。在下图中,打开了开发者选项中的HCI信息收集日志。 ■an钿电胃 賢特睦Bl钛誉

2. 进行主动式设备扫描。使用 Wireshark 等工具捕获“询呼扫描”和“询呼应答”等 关键数据报 文,并对其内容进行解析。 在塞班手机和安卓手机完成配对后,我们通过文件管理器找到安卓手机中的 寻呼扫描: 丄 0? Tig L LUII LI'V 丄丄 nt2_truj 气 z^eriL rie&eL 2 0.072976 controller host HCI_EVT 7 Rcvd Command Complete (Reset) 3 0/073347 host controller HCI.CMD 4 Sent Read Buffer Size 4 0.074213 eontroller host HCI^EVT 14 Rcvd Cammand Complete (Read B 耳 A rnntrfil 1 H ^T rm 11 WnF Hn Command Opcode: Reset (?xOcOS) Status: Success (&x06) 「广nmmanrl 4 n -Framis > 1 1 设定扫描的周期以及扫描允许的参数 I.LDt UestinatLee PTCt&CDL Ler^-t 呂 JJIE^ 127 0.299269 host controller HCT-iCMD 呂 S ent Write Current IAC LAP 12S a.363S57 controller host HCI.EVT 7 Rcvd Cc-wnjn^ Comp 1 ft* (Write Cmrr 一 1甜 0.303^4 heat controller Kl_CMD 呂 S ant Write Inquiry ^can Activity Encapsulation type; Bluetooth H4 with linux header (^9) Arrival Time: Jun 14, 2S1B IS:他估目.昭624*90內中国标確时间 [Time shift far this packetr 么的初閤舶曲 seconds] Epoch Time : !S2S974Sia .seconds [Time delta from previous captured frame: &.0^0^67*0?^ seconds] [Time delta from previous displayed f ranra-L 0.000067?90 seco 仃白空] [Time since reference ar first frame : ^.^3-9240^0 secwids] Frame Number: 129 Frame Lengt h : 8 bjrtes (64 bits-} Capture Length: B bytes (64 bits) [Frame is marked; Ffllse] [Frame 15 ignored : False] Point-to-Point Dirictian : Sent (6) [Prat CK 口 1 $ in frame: bLuetoot h :hci_h4:ibthci_cmd ] btsnoop_hci.log 文 件,导入到电脑中,使用 WireShark 打开这个文件。 Epoch Time: [Time delta


一、交际英语 1、May I move your bag a little and take this seat?_______________. A:I don't mind B:It doesn't matter C:You do it please D:Go ahead 答案: D 2、- ________________- You too! A:Merry Christmas! B:What a beautiful day! C:Help yourself! D:It's very kind of you! 答案: A 3、- Who's speaking?- This is Tom . A:speaks B:spoken C:speaking D:saying 答案: C 4、- Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?- __________ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can't miss it. A:I beg your pardon? B:What do you mean? C:You're welcome. D:Mm, let me think. 答案: D 5、- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?- _______________ A:Speaking, please. B:Oh, how are you? C:I'm listening. D:I'm Don. 答案: A 一、交际英语 1、May I move your bag a little and take this seat?_______________. A:I don't mind


云南大学学位评定委员会学位授予公示 经云南大学学位评定委员会2013年6月27日审定,同意授予VU HONG THUAT 武洪述等105名研究生博士学位,同意授予BOULOM KETSANA等1459名研究生硕士学位,同意授予张菲等549名研究生工程硕士学位,同意授予袁燕等150名研究生法律硕士硕士学位,同意授予张继武等9名研究生高级工商管理硕士硕士学位,同意授予龚茨聘等9名研究生工程管理硕士硕士学位,同意授予乔晶等96名研究生工商管理硕士硕士学位,同意授予刘洁等75名研究生公共管理硕士硕士学位,同意授予孟昊等2名研究生国际商务硕士硕士学位,同意授予杨爱华等90名研究生汉语国际教育硕士硕士学位,同意授予陈前前等3名研究生会计硕士硕士学位,同意授予夏晶等9名研究生教育硕士学位,同意授予沈汪等20名研究生艺术硕士学位,同意授予胡怡倩等22名研究生社会工作硕士硕士学位,同意授予丁研等16名研究生文物与博物馆硕士硕士学位,同意授予郎晶晶等29名研究生新闻与传播硕士硕士学位,同意授予朱立颖等20名研究生应用统计硕士硕士学位。现将学位授予名单公示如下: 博士学位(105人) 法学 (27人) VU HONG THUAT(武洪述)白利友陈泫伊杜鲜郭婧HUNG YITING(洪宜婷)和沁金杰李世武刘从水 吕怀玉吕瑞荣彭艳邵建平苏斐然孙美璆唐虹 王秋俊王晓艳吴艳谢新松徐绍华徐昕许瑞娟 杨建林张青周宏 工学 (1人) 赵磊 管理学 (7人) 胡红霞李佳妍李莉叶李玫王旭东杨懿子志月经济学 (7人) 李劲松刘高秀卢英齐美虎王婷杨洋张天龙 理学 (46人) 陈丹陈铎之丁建海杜刚段星德关莉何俊何謦成胡劭骥郎学东李宏伟李华宏李杰李润鑫 李素敏李祥李娅琼李宗泽梁成钦林英刘丹丹 刘金卓刘久东刘萍刘新有龙飞王兵王超 王海燕王清生王蕊王文玲王晓萍吴暇玉余富朝 张涛张艳艳张引张远宪赵慧赵普映钟莲梅 周玖璇朱海军朱平朱文勇

15年大学英语B统考 电大 网院网考模拟试题

大学英语B统考电大网院网考模拟试题5 大学英语B5 一、交际英语 1、--- Happy New Year to you and your parents!-- ________________. A:No,thank you B:You are happy, too C:Yes, we are happy D:The same to you 答案:D 2、- I have passed the English exam. - _______. Congratulations! A:Sorry B:Good luck C:Come on D:Well done 答案:D 3、-- Please help yourself to the seafood.-- ________ A:No, I can't. B:Sorry, I can't help. C:Well, seafood don't suit. D:Thanks, but I don't like seafood. 答案:D 4、- This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.- _______ A:You may ask for help. B:I'll give you a hand. C:Please do me a favor. D:I'd come to help. 答案:B 5、- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic.- ______ A:Great, I am very art-conscious.

大学国文考试整理 云南大学

填 空 《诗经》可谓“中国诗歌之鼻祖”;赋、比、兴、风、雅、颂合称《诗经》“六艺”填 空 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之 填 空 江流天地外,山色有无中 填 空 江间波浪兼天涌,塞上风云接地阴 填 空 文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作 填空她彷徨在这寂寥的雨巷,撑着油纸伞,像我一样,像我一样地默默彳亍(chichu,音赤触)着,冷漠,凄清,又惆怅。该诗意境朦胧,诗中意象富有象征意味,运用象征手法。 填 空 《再别康桥》诗中“三美”:音乐美、绘画美、建筑美 填 空 《周易》“观乎天文,以察时变;观乎人文,以化成天下” 填 空 汉字历经甲骨文、金文、小篆(秦篆)、隶书(汉隶)、草书、楷书、行书 填空《庄子在诸子散文中艺术成就最高,其想象丰富,构思奇特,意境雄阔,具有浓郁的浪漫主义色彩。 简答 此诗描绘了诗人弃官归田后的悠然自得的心态,反映了陶渊明心远世俗,欣赏自然的兴致和领悟。全诗景、情、理融为一体,以“心远”为总纲,分三层揭示了“心远”的内涵。前四句谢了身处“人境”但精神超脱的忘世心态。中四句写了静观周围而沉浸自然之中的忘我心态。最后两句深入的写了“心”在体验自然的兴致之后的领悟到难于言表的人生真谛。此诗意境从忘世到忘我,再到忘言,层层递进,是陶渊明“以物观物”所创造的“无我之境”的代表作。 简答《春江花月夜》哪几句最精彩,为什么? 《春江花月夜》中,月是全篇的诗眼,是全诗的灵魂所在。那么最精彩的句子当然离不开“月”这个意象,《春江花月夜》一诗中,我认为“江畔何人初见月?江月何年初照人?人生代代无穷已,江月年年只相似。”几句最为精彩。诗人张若虚是沉浸在春江花月夜的美景之中,提出了这个永无答案的问题。然而诗人传递的并不是全然伤感的情怀,他描绘出了世界的美丽,感慨着生命可贵,诗句有怅惘和感伤之情,但同时也令人警醒,这是唐代时代精神的反映。 简答对唐玄宗和杨玉环的爱情有什么看法? 在《长恨歌》这首长篇叙事诗里,作者以精炼的语言,优美的形象,叙事和抒情结合的手法,叙述了唐玄宗、杨贵妃在安史之乱中的爱情悲剧。问及对二人的爱情有什么看法,我认为爱情是无所谓对错的。正因为唐玄宗是一代帝王,所以他的爱情才如此让人关注。他爱的越执着,最终的结局就越悲凉,所以诗人乃至世人才如此之“恨”。当爱情与政治挂钩,作为一代帝王的唐玄宗就不得不顾及到国家,顾及到政权。一旦他因儿女私情而不过问国政大事,因为政权的流失、国家的悲剧,就注定了李杨二人的爱情是一个悲剧。

云南大学软件学院计算机网络原理期中试卷 王世普

云南大学2015至2016学年上学期软件学院2014级 《计算机网络原理》期中考试试卷(闭卷)答案 满分:100分考试时间:100分钟任课教师:王世普 第一题答题卡: 第二题答题卡: 1.(1)is the protocol suite for the current Internet.. (1)A. NCP B. TCP/IP C.UNIX D.ACM 2.A GIF image is sent as email ,What is the content-type (2) . (2)A.multipart/mixed B.multipart/image C.image/JPEG D.image/gif 3.A user want to send some forms(表单)to Web server using HTTP protocol, the request line method is (3). (3)A.GET B.PA TCH C.MOVE D.POST 4.If a TCP segment carries data along with an acknowledgment, this technology is called (4)acknowledgment. (4)A. backpacking B. piggybacking C. piggying D. mother’s help 5.TCP is a (5)transport layer protocol that ensure data to be exchanged reliably by(6). So it requires set up connection before data exchanged by ( 7 )-way handshaking. (5)A.connection B.connectionless C.join D.disconnection (6)A.datagrams B.acknowledgements C.data D.segment (7)A.one B.two C.three D.four 6.A user requests a Web page that consists of a basic HTML file and 5 JPEG image files. d trans denoting the time to transfer a file. The total time is (8) to request the Web page in Nonpersistent connections mode?


写作B 9、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.你最喜欢哪本书; 2.你喜欢的理由。 The Book I Like Best 10、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.你特别喜欢的食物; 2.你喜欢的理由。 My Favourite Food 11、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.你在英语学习中遇到什么困难; 2.你如何克服这些困难。 How to Overcome Difficulties in My English Studies 12、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.介绍家庭主要成员; 2.描述令你难忘的家庭活动。 My Family 13、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.自学的优点; 2.自学中遇到的主要困难。 Self-study 14、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.介绍你的一位好朋友; 2.描述你们的友谊。 My Best Friend 15、写作 Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 Which is more important, Health or Wealth? 1.介绍你对健康与财富之间关系的看法; 2.简述你持有以上看法的理由。


一、交际英语 1.-I'mlookingforashirtformyfather. -_________ A.Whatsizedoyouwear? B.WhatcanIdoforyou? C.Howaboutthisone? D.Whatsizedoesyourfatherwear? 答案:D 2.-Pleasehelpyourselftotheseafood. -________ A.No,Ican't. B.Sorry,Ican'thelp. C.Well,seafooddon'tsuit. D.Well,I'mafraidIdon'tlikeseafood. 答案:D 3.-________ -Heteachesphysicsinaschool. A.Whatdoesyourfatherdo? B.Whoisyourfather? C.Whatisyourfatherdoing? D.Whereisyourfathernow? 答案:A 4.-Hey,Tom,what'sup? -__________ A.Yes,definitely! B.Oh,notmuch. C.Whatishappeninginyourlife? D.Youarelucky. 答案:B 5.-Who'sspeaking? -ThisisTom________. A.speaks B.spoken C.speaking D.saying

答案:C 电大、各类远程网络教育统考大学英语B、计算机应用基础统考辅导全套题库,精心整理并归类完毕,全中文翻译,视频教程讲解,零基础一次性通过,索取请加QQ: 二、阅读理解 HighintheSwissAlpsmanyyearsago,therelivedalonelyshepherd(牧羊人) boywholongedforafriendtosharehisevenings.(很多年以前,在瑞士阿尔卑斯山上住着一个牧羊人,他 期望能找到一个朋友在夜晚与他为伴。)Onenighthesawthreeoldmen,eachholdingaglass. Thefirstoldmansaid:“Drinkthisliquidandyoushallbevictoriousinbattle.” Thesecondoldmansaid:“Drinkthisliquidandyoushallhavecountlessriches.” Thelastoldmansaid:“Iofferyouthehappinessofmusic-----thehorn(号角).” Theboychosethethirdglass,Thenextday,hecameuponagreathorn,tenfeetinlength,Whenheputhislipstoit,ab eautifulmelody(旋律)floatedacrossthevalley.Hehadfoundafriend. Sogoesthelegend(传说) ofthehorn.acrossthemountainsides.Eventoday,onaquietsummerevening,itsmusiccanbeheardfloatingamongth epeaks. 6.Thepassagetellsushislonelyjobabouttheshepherdboy. A.T B.F 答案:A 7.Theboychoosetodrinktheglassofferedbythelastoldmanbecausetheboywasthirsty. A.T B.F 答案:B 8.Aftertheshepherdboyfoundthehorn,hediscovereditwaslikeanew-foundfriend. A.T B.F 答案:A 9.TodaythehornisheardintheSwissAlpswhenitrains. A.T B.F 答案:B 10.TheLegendoftheHornwouldbethebesttitleforthepassage. A.T B.F 答案:A IntheUnitedStates,itisnotcustomarytotelephonesomeoneveryearlyinthemorning.(在美国通常不会在清


1、《诗经》是中国第一部诗歌总集,本来只称《诗》或《诗三百》,是我国________________诗风的源头,“风”、“雅”、“颂”与“赋”“比”“兴”合称为《诗经》“___________” 2、“关乎人文,以化成天下。”语出《________》一书. 3、近体诗可分为_________和__________两类。 4、先秦诸子散文中,文学艺术成就最高的是《_________》 5、________是中国田园诗的开创者;___________是中国山水诗的开创者。 6、王维被称为“__________” 7、提出“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”的唐代诗人是_________ 8、《史记》是我国第一部___________通史。 9、“四书”是指《_________》《孟子》《大学》《_______》 10、“溯洄从之”中的“从”字的意思是_________ 11、“纵我不往,子宁不嗣音”中,“嗣”字的意思是__________ 12、“可怜光彩生门户”中“可怜”的意思是____________ 13、"雪肤花貌参差是"中“参差”的意思是____________ 14、“丛菊两开他日泪,_______________________” 15、“天长地久有时尽,_________________________” 16、“莫辜负四围香稻,万顷沙,________________,____________” 1、《诗经》是我国_______诗风的源头。“风”、“雅”、“颂”与“赋”“比”“兴”合称为《诗经》“___________” 2、《子衿》一诗首开后世小说___________描绘。 3、《礼记》亦称《小戴记》或《小戴礼记》,与《__________》、《仪礼》合称为“三礼”。 4、《礼记。大学。明德》一文中提出的三纲是指:_____________、亲民和止至善,八目是指:_______、________诚意、正心、_______、齐家、治国、平天下。 5、《史记》是我国一部__________通史,包括本纪、表、书、世家、_________五个部分。 6、白居易是唐代诗坛上__________运动的倡导者,提出了“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”的口号。其诗作《_______》《琵琶行》代表了唐代长篇叙事诗的最高成就。 7、“赋”是一种介于________和散文之间的文字样式。 8、“青枫浦上不胜愁”中的“胜”拼音为_________,解释为_____________. 9、“可怜楼上独徘徊”中的“可怜”解释为___________. 10、“可怜光彩生门户”中的“可怜”解释为_____________ 11、《大观楼长联》,莫孤负四围香稻,____________,_______________三春杨柳。 12、徐志摩是新月派的中坚力量,其是做致力于追求诗歌的音乐美、绘画美和_____美。 13、余光中的《听听那冷雨》一文,传达了作者浓浓的__________________. 赏析题: 1、《谏逐客书》一文具有明确的写作动机,从中也体现了“为文”对于“前途”的重要意义。该文突出的艺术特点是什么?为何能使秦王收回成命,任用客卿?


一、交际英语 1、- I have an appointment with Dr. Edward.- ______________ A:Please wait for a minute. B:Are you sick? C:Tell me about your appointment. D:Dr. Edward didn't tell me. 答案:A 2、May I move your bag a little and take this seat?______ _____________. A:I don't mind B:It doesn't matter C:You do it please D:Go ahead 答案:D 3、- This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.- ______________ A:You may ask for help. B:I'll give you a hand. C:Please do me a favor. D:I'd come to help. 答案:B 4、- _______ - Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week. A:When did your parents arrive in Paris? B:How long have your parents been in Paris? C:Did your parents arrive in Paris last Wednesday? D:When will your parents go to Paris? 答案:B 5、- Thank you for inviting me.- ______________ A:I really had a happy time. B:Oh, it's too late. C:Thank you for coming. D:Oh, so slowly? 答案: C 二、阅读理解 1、Computers can injure you.电脑会伤害到你。Most other injuries happen suddenly. For example,if you fall off a bike and break your arms,it happens very quickly. But computer injuries


四、完型填空 Everyone has hobbies. A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time. People who take up hobbies are hobbyists. They paint pictures, sing pop songs, ___1___ music instruments and collect stamps or other things. They grow flowers, ___2___ fishing and hunting. They climb mountains, swim, skate and play games. People today have ___3___ time than ever for hobbies. In early times, people were ___4___ busy making a living to have hobbies. Nowadays machines have taken the place of many workers. More people retire at an earlier age. They have hobbies ___5___ these activities offer them enjoyment, friendship, knowledge, and relaxation. (1)、 A:because B:more C:play D:go E:too 答案:C (2)、 A:because B:more C:play D:go E:too 答案:D (3)、 A:because B:more C:play D:go E:too 答案:B (4)、 A:because B:more C:play D:go E:too 答案:E (5)、


大学英语一(1-A) 单选题 1.I was afraid ________ being off by myself, away from my family for the first time A. of B. at C. but D. that 2.I soon learned that my life was ________ me. A. up to B. toward C. out for D. onto 3.As a result, I began to look upon myself ________ a different perspective. A. at B. to C. from D. around 4.____________ Louis went to his father’s workshop. A. Three-years-old B. Three year old C. Three-year old D. Three-year-old 5.One day, the pastor of Louis church told his parents _______ a school for the blind in Paris A. about B. on C. of D. to 6.Louis thought the officer‘s code was slow and the dashes took _______ too much space. A. out B. up C. down D. away 7.The child __________ and fell down on the ice. A. slipped B. sprang C. stopped D. fitted 8.The poor boy was __________ with hunger and cold. A. fainted B. curious C. shocked D. blunt 9.Jenny ____________ to pass her driving test on the fifth attempt. A. managed B. controlled C. handled C. handled 10.When the teacher ___________ the classroom, all the students stood up. A. came B. arrived C. appeared D. entered 多选题 1.What was the author of A Transition Point in My Life afraid of when entering college? A. Being away from home B. Being not so smart as the new schoolmates C. Being surrounded by the people he didn‘t know. D. Being unable to do well in his studies 2.What did the writer of A Transition Point in My Life do in order to do well in his studies? A. Asking his friends to help B. Going to class on time C. Doing his assignment and handing them in. D. Making notes 3.Why does Alexis Walton think that higher learning is necessary in today‘s society? A. Maintaining assurance of ourselves B. Making other people confused. C. Becoming good at math. D. Making us be familiar with our environment and everyone in it. 4. A university professor is different from a high school teacher in that ___________. A. he knows more about the subject he teaches B. he teaches his students how to learn the subject C. he helps his students to study by themselves D. he writes books for his students 5.Braille was _____________. A. the only sun of the family B. youngest child in the family C. slow in his class because of his blindness D. helped with his homework by his sisters and a friend 6.Books for the blind to read in the Paris school _____________. A. were big and heavy B. were written with large and raised letters C. were only of 14 D. took much time to read 7.Braille system___________. A. consists of dots and dashes B. was created when Braille was 15 C. is only used in France D. uses six dots to express different letters 8.For hundreds of years, people in Europe and America ____________ . A. thought tomatoes were poisonous B. did like the colour of tomatoes C. did not dare to eat tomatoes D. rejected to plant tomatoes 9.The Wright brothers tried ______________ . A. automobiles B. kites C. gliders D. The Wright Flyer 10.What decisions did the author of A Transition Point in My Life have to make? A. When to go to bed B. When to eat, when and what to drink. C. What courses to take. D. With whom to be friendly 是非题 1.Short after you left, a girl came into our office looking for you. Y. 对(没有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) N. 错(有语法. 搭配或拼写等错误) 2.When you‘re away from your family, you have to be responsible to yourself.


2019年电大远程网络教育《大学英语B》统考试 题真题附答案两份合集 试题一 一、交际英语 1、- Thank you for inviting me.- _______ A:I really had a happy time. B:Oh, it's too late. C:Thank you for coming. D:Oh, so slowly? 答案:C 2、- Hello, may I talk to the director now?- _________ A:Sorry, he is busy at the moment. B:No, you can't. C:Sorry, you can't. D:I don't know. 答案:A 3、-- Must I take a taxi?-- No, you ________ . You can take my car. A:had better to B:don't C:must not D:don't have to 答案:D

4、-Could you help me put up the signs on the wall? -_______. A:No problem B:I hope so C:That's all right D:That's a good idea 答案:A 5、- Mr. Jones, this is Sean, an English teacher from the United States.- ________ A:What can I do for you? B:Nice to meet you. C:Please keep in touch. D:Haven't seen you for ages. 答案:B 二、阅读理解 1、、There are many kinds of ants in the world that always live in companies. 世界上总以群居生活的蚂蚁有很多种。They are the most hard-working creatures and most of them make their nests under ground. The small black ants that we see running back and forth in the grass are the same ants that bother us by coming to our picnics uninvited. They are not trying to be harmful, but are only doing
