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A. All over the world, people walk in their own characteristic ways.
B. The idea that people communicate volumes by their posture and walk is not new.
C. People have long been aware of the idea that it is essential to walk properly.
for young males when with one another is to sit on the base of the spind and their feet wide apart. Their respect position is like our military
many resources, and we create too much waste. The world is overflowing with pollution and
waste. We cannot continue like this forever. We should be more (5)
with their legs apart. When they sit, they put their feet on the floor with legs apart and, in
some parts of the country, they cross their legs by putting one ankle on the other knee.
Leg behavior indicates sex, status, and personality. It also indicates whether or not one
is at ease or is showing respect or disrespect for the other person. Young Latin American males avoid cross their legs. In their world of machismo (男子气概), the preferred position
Read the following paragraphs. Choose the best answer to each question. Write your answer A,
B or C on the Answer Sheet.
How do people learn body language? The same way they learn spoken language-by
. In America, for example, women stand with their thighs together.
Many walk with their pelvis (骨盆) tipped slightly forward and their upper arms close to
C. Such patterns of masculine and feminine body behavior vary from one culture to
8. Choose the best statement to conclude the paragraph.
equivalent: spine straight, heels and ankles together—almost identical to that displayed by
properly brought up young women in New England in the early part of this century.
A. No one becomes an instant expert on people's behaviors by watching them at
B. American males lean back and prop their legs up on the nearest object.
Information for the examinees:
e This examination consists of 3 parts. They are:
Part 1: Vocabulary and Structure [10 points] Part 2: Paragraph Organization and Development [ 40 points] Part 3: Writing an Essay [50 points]
C. Little girls imitate their mothers or an older females. 7. Choose the best topic sentence for this paragraph.
A. Body language is not something that is independent of the person. B. Non-verbal communication systems are interwoven into the fabric of the
Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure [10 points]
— Questions 1 5 are based on the following task.
Choose the appropriate words or expressions from the box to complete the following paragraph. There are THREE extra choices that you don't need. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.
A. produces
B. However
C. just as
D. care
E. consequences F. Although G. convenient H. responsible
Technology surrounds us and is a part of our daily lives. We can find technological innovations at home, our workplace, our schools, and our playgrounds. (1)
humorous and suspect. There is a bounce and looseness to the French walk, as though the
parts of the body were somehow unrelated. (8)
6. Choose the best supporting example.
their body. When they sit, they cross their legs at the knee or cross their ankles. American
men hold their arms away from their body, often swinging them as they walk. They stand
Sheet; therefore, you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.
e The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time
allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.
e There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer
observing and imitating people around them as they're growing up. (6)
. Little
boys imitate their fathers or a respected uncle or a character on television. In this way, they
technology has improved our lives in some ways, it has also brought many negative (2)
Modern technology has made life very (3)
. We have everything we need and
The way we walk, similarly, indicates status, respect, mood, and ethnic or cultural
affiliation. To white Americans, some French middle-class males walk in a way that is both
learn the gender signals appropriate for their sex. Regional, class, and ethnic patterns of
body behavior are also learned in childhood and persist throughout their life.
our inventions take care of so many unpleasant details in our day-to-day lives. Foods from all
over the world are available at local supermarkets. International travel is now fast and easy.
protecting our world while still enjoying conveniences.
Part 2 Paragraph Organization and Development [ 40 points]
Questions 6- 8 are based on the following task. (15 points)
We can talk to friends on cell phones any time, anywhere, and we can catch a TV show from
many countries far away.
, these conveniences have a price. We consume too much energy and too
试卷代号: 1359
国家开放大学 2 0 1 9 年春季学期期末统一考试
2019 年 7 月
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