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CAO Hongjie1-2, WANG Limin2, XU Mingyi2, HUANG Qingyang2, LUO Chunyu2, XIE Lihong2, NI Hongwei2
(1. College of Geological Science, Harbin Normal University, Harbin 150025, Heilongjiang, China; 2. Institute of Natural Resources and Ecology, Science Academy of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, Heilongjiang, China)
Abstract: To evaluate the changes in extracellular enzyme activities and microbial biomass in soils with vegetation types at different successional stages, we used the method of spatio-temporal substitution and five typical vegetation types (e.g., moss, grass, shrub, elfin wood and mixed broadleaf-conifer forest) growing on volcanic lava plateau of Wudalianchi area as the research subjects. Seven soil extracellular enzymes including a-1,4-glucopyranosidase (aG), p-1,4-glucopyranosidase (pG), P-D-Cellubiosidase (CB),卩-1,4xylopyranosidase (XYL) , p-1,4-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase (NAG), L-Leucine amino peptidase (LAP) and Phospatase (PHOS), their activities, and soil microbial biomass were determined. The results showed that the microbial biomass of moss community and its contribution rate to soil nutrient banks (SMBC/TOC, 0.49%; SMBN/TN, 0.87%; SMBP/TP, 1.27%) were lower than those of other vegetation types. With the development of succession, the soil microbial biomass and its contribution rate to soil nutrient banks showed the increasing trend. The activities of soil extracellular enzymes related to C-, N-, and P-cycling differed significantly among the vegetation types. With the development of succession, the activities of CB, XYL, LAP and PHOS increased, while the activities of 卩G、 CB、XYL> NAG> LAP and PHOS in soils of mixed broadleaf-conifer forest were 62& 14, 156.44, 112.56, 516.43, 608.19,
关关系,aG、阳、CB、XYL和LAP与土壤镀态氮具有显著的正相关关系;NAG和PHOS与速效磷和C:N具 有显著的正相关关系,与硝态氮具有显著的负相关关系。研究结果为进一步探讨植被演替过程中植被类型与土
http: //qks.csuft.edu.cn
五大连池新期火山熔岩台地不同植被类型 土壤微生物量及酶活性变化特征
2.黑龙江省科学院自然与生态研究所,黑龙江 哈尔滨150040)
Soil microbial biomass and enzymes activity under different vegetation types at the new stage volcanic lava platform, Wudalianchi area, northeast China
类型下与碳、氮和磷循环相关的胞外酶活性[a-1,4-毗喃葡萄糖昔酶(aG) , [3-D-葡萄糖昔酶(卩G),纤维
二糖水解酶(CB) , P-1.4-木糖昔酶(XYL) , P-1.4ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱN-乙酰基氨基葡萄糖昔酶(NAG),亮氨酸氨基肽酶
摘要:以五大连池新期火山熔岩台地苔薛、草本、灌丛、矮曲林、针阔混交林5种典型植被类型为对象,釆用 空间代替时间的方法,研究不同演替阶段植被类型土壤微生物微生物量及胞外酶活性的变化特征。结果表明:
苔薛地衣群落的微生物量及其对土壤养分库的贡献率(SMBC/TOC, 0.49%; SMBN/TN, 0.87% SMBP/TP, 1.27%)
针阔混交林的 0G、CB、XYL、NAG、LAP 和 PHOS 活性分别为 62&14、156.44、112.56、516.43、608.19 和 1 140.36 nmol g 'h ',显著高于其它植被类型;土壤微生物量碳和氮与7种胞外酶活性之间均具有极显著的正相
第39卷第11期 2019年11月
Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology
Doi:l 0.14067/j.cnki」673-923x.2019.11.013
Vol. 39 No. 11 Nov. 2019