初中英语位置关系 形容词的用法和位置

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1. We should keep the windows o_p_e_n(开) in class. But after school,
we should keep them c_l_o_se_d(关).
2. “Who made the classroom __C__ ?
the teacher asked angrily.
初中英语中的位置关系总结: 一、形名;动副;系表
二、不定代词与形容词的位置 三、 enough 放的位置 四、陈述句语序与疑问句语序
1 Who are you?
2 I want to know who you are.(对)
陈述句语序(主语在前,动词在后)。 从句应当使用陈述句语序。
1 What is he doing? (对) 2 I want to know what is he doing? (错) 3 Where did he go? (对) 4 Can you tell me where he went? (对)
形容词 与副词 adjectives → adj. adverb → adv.
I am tall enough to touch the top of the blackboard. 1)形名;
3) enough 的位置是:名前;形后。
Practice! Ready?
-Is there __A__ with the computer?
-Yes. Something is wrong with the mouse(鼠标).
3 Howard keeps himself strong.
宾语补足语 ¤
⊙ The strong man is Howard. ⊙ I have something important to tell you. ⊙I have enough money to buy a bike.
A excited; excited
B exciting; exciting
C exciting; excited
D excited; exciting
Yao Ming is a good player, he plays basketball well.
If you keep happy every day, you live a life happily.
A clean B cleanly
C dirty
D beautifully
–ing形容词:(物)令人…… -ed形容词:(人)感到,觉得……
Harry Porter is an ___ book for children, but my cousin isn’t _C__ in it.
⊙ Sometimes we make Mr. Yu happy. Sometimes we make him angry.
⊙ We should keep the classroom clean and tidy.
3、make sb.+ adj. 使某人…
keep sth. + adj. 使某物保持…
If you are careful, you always do something carefully.
形容词修饰名词,常和系 动词连用;副词修饰动词或 形容词。简称 “形名;动副”
Mr. Yu came in the classroom ___D__. He looked/was very ____.
Learning aims(学习目标)
一、 形容词的用法和位置
二、 - ing形容词和-ed形容词
1 The strong man is Howard.
2 Howard is strong.
表语(系动词即:be动词与感官动词 ¤ 等,后接的形容词就是表语)
A interesting; interesting
B interested; interested
C interesting; interested
D interested; interesting
Chinese people were very____ when Liu Xiang broke the world record(记录). What _D___ news it was!
2、系动词 + adj.
keep/get/turn/grow/ become + adj.
⊙ He looks _h_a_p_p_y_. (高兴) ⊙ The weather gets _w_a_r_m_. (暖和) ⊙ The music sounds _b_e_au_t_if_u_l_. (美丽) ⊙ The dish smells __g_oo_d__. (好) ⊙ The food tastes _d_e_li_c_io_u_s. (美味) ⊙ The silk feels __s_o_ft__. (柔软) ⊙ Some leaves on the tree become _c_o_lo_r_f_ul in autumn. (颜色鲜艳的)
A anything wrong
B wrong anything
C something wrong
D wrong something
Mr. Fat doesn’t have __B___ to buy a car. But he is ____ to buy a motorbike.
A enough money, enough rich B enough money, rich enough C money enough, rich enough D money enough, enough rich