

PLUTO 安全 PLC 功能块说明 库说明书

PLUTO 安全 PLC 功能块说明 库说明书

原版说明书PLUTO安全 PLC功能块说明库:Func05.fpsASi01.fpsExt01.fpsUtilities01.fpsAnalog01.fpsCounter01.fps目录:Func05.fps (4)TC1S (4)TC2S (4)TC1T (5)TC2T (5)TC1RTI (6)TC2RTI (7)TC1SIM (8)Start (8)StartT (9)ResetT (9)Reset2T (10)HT2 (10)HT3 (10)HT3 (11)PreReset1 (11)PreReset2 (12)Mute1 (13)Mute1bT (14)Mute2 (15)SDMute1 (16)Twohand1 (17)Upcount (18)Downcount (18)Mutelamp_Q16 (19)MutelampW_Q16 (19)OffDelay (20)LightCurtain1 (21)LightCurtain2 (23)Multiply (25)Divide (25)ModeSelect8 (26)RegisterValid (27)DRegisterValid (27)ASi01.fps (28)ASiSafeOutput1 (28)ASiPlutoAsSafeInput (29)ASiLock1 (29)ASiLock2 (30)ASiLock1_Info (31)ASiLock2_Info (32)ASiAnalogInput (33)ASiParam (33)Ext01.fps (34)Ext_Sig (34)Ext_Val (35)ExtVarBlock (36)ToGateway_User_A (38)ToGateway_User_B (39)ToGateway_User_C (40)ToGateway_ErrorCode (41)ToGateway_B46_I20_I47 (41)ToGateway_B42_I20_I47 (42)ToGateway_ASi_1_15_Safe (42)ToGateway_ASi_16_31_Safe (43)ToGateway_ASi_1_3_NonSafe_In (43)ToGateway_ASi_4_7_Nonsafe_In (44)ToGateway_ASi_8_11_NonSafe_In (44)ToGateway_ASi_12_15_NonSafe_In (45)ToGateway_ASi_16_19_NonSafe_In (45)ToGateway_ASi_20_23_NonSafe_In (46)ToGateway_ASi_24_27_NonSafe_In (46)ToGateway_ASi_28_31_NonSafe_In (47)Utilities01.fps (48)Reg_to_Binary (48)Binary_to_Reg (49)Binary16_to_Reg (50)Analog01.fps (51)ReadVoltage (51)ReadVoltage32 (52)ReadCurrent (53)ReadCurrent32 (54)Counter01.fps (55)HS_SpeedCount_Dir (55)HS_SpeedCount_Up (56)SpeedMon1 (57)Func05.fpsTC1S双通道功能,带启动输入- In1和In2是连接安全设备的主输入。

THTWK-2型 实验指导书 V2.0

THTWK-2型 实验指导书 V2.0

目录目录 (I)第一章系统介绍 (1)1.1 系统概述 (1)1.2 软硬件安装方法 (2)1.3 实验箱模块简介 (4)1.4 THTWK 实验对象地址分配 (21)第二章32位微机原理实验——汇编程序 (23)2.1 汇编编译器的设置 (23)2.2 PCI 设备的配置空间 (24)2.3 32位微机实模式、保护模式工作原理 (27)2.4 汇编实验项目 (29)实验一读取PCI 设备配置空间实验 (29)实验二读取32位开关量实验 (31)实验三 32 位LED 显示实验 (33)实验四点阵显示实验 (35)实验五保护模式下的存储器读写实验 (37)实验六中断实验 (39)实验七 8255模拟交通灯实验 (42)实验八 8255 扫描键盘实验 (44)实验九 8279 扫描键盘实验 (46)实验十步进电机驱动实验 (47)实验十一 A/D 转换(ADC0809)实验 (50)实验十二 D/A 转换(0832)实验 (52)实验十三串行A/D转换实验 (55)实验十四串行D/A转换实验 (56)实验十五直流电机驱动实验 (58)实验十六 LCD 显示实验 (60)实验十七 8251 串行发收实验 (63)实验十八 8251 和16C550 相互收发实验 (65)实验十九 8253电子音调实验 (69)实验二十储存器 DMA实验 (73)实验二十一温度测量实验 (77)实验二十二语音芯片控制实验 (78)实验二十三红外数据发送与接收实验 (83)实验二十四实时时钟实验 (85)实验二十五可编程逻辑器件实验 (87)第三章在Windows 下C 语言编程 (91)3.1 开发过程简介 (91)3.2 相关程序 (92)3.3 Visual C++6.0开发环境简介 (92)3.3.1 开发环境界面 (92)3.3.2 项目工作区 (93)3.4 创建Windows 应用程序 (95)3.5 用户接口函数说明 (99)3.5.1 函数OpenPlx9052 (99)3.5.2 函数ClosePlx9052 (100)3.5.3 访问IO空间的相关函数 (100)3.5.4 访问MEM 空间的相关函数 (101)3.5.5 中断服务相关函数 (101)第四章WINDOWS 中的接口实验——VC++程序 (105)实验一 32位I/O读写实验 (105)实验二存储器读写实验 (107)实验三 PCI中断实验 (108)实验四 A/D 转换(ADC0809)实验 (110)实验五 D/A 转换(DAC0832)实验 (112)实验六 LED点阵显示实验 (114)实验七 LCD 显示实验 (116)实验八 8253电子音调实验 (118)实验九 8255 接口实验(键盘扫描、步进电机、模拟交通灯) (120)实验十 8279键盘显示实验 (122)实验十一串行通信实验 (124)实验十二 USB通信实验实验 (127)第五章驱动程序开发(WDM) (134)5.1 系统环境配置 (134)5.2 利用向导生成程序框架和设备配置信息 (137)5.3 驱动框架的构成及描述 (141)5.4 驱动程序的具体编写 (143)5.4.1 读取硬件资源 (143)5.4.2 I/O 端口读写 (144)5.4.3 RAM 读写实现 (145)5.4.4中断的实现 (145)5.4.5 DMA 的实现 (147)附录一调试工具Turbo debug 的使用 (151)附录二 DOS功能调用(INT 21H) (159)第一章系统介绍1.1 系统概述THTWK-2型32位微机原理与接口实验箱是一套基于PC 机PCI 总线的32 位实验系统。

Smart Pthc-2说明书中文

Smart Pthc-2说明书中文

Smart PTHC-2Ver2.05弧压调高控制系统欢迎你选用Smart PTHC-2调高系统,我们将竭诚为你服务!选择Smart PTHC-2调高系统*******让你更的产品更加胜人一筹,优质的售后服务、便捷高品质的产品性能,快捷的技术支持。






















CVIC 2 控制器中文操作手册

CVIC 2 控制器中文操作手册
5.4 - QUICK CYCLES (作业循环快速编程)菜单................... 24
5.5 - SPINDLE(作业轴)菜单...................... 25
5.6 - STATION(作业站)菜单...................... 26 5.6.1 - STATION(作业站) – 全局参数........... 26 5.6.2 - 输入/输出端子配置................................. 28 5.6.3 - INPUT(输入)菜单.............................. 29 5.6.4 - OUTPUT(输出)菜单.......................... 31 5.6.5 - RUN REVERSE (反向转动)菜单....... 32
3 - 规格说明........................................... 7
3.1 - 设备交货内容........................................... 7 3.2 - 尺寸.......................................................... 7 3.3 - 特性.......................................................... 7 3.4 - 面板.......................................................... 7 3.5 - 背板.......................................................... 8



HEAVTH PTHC-2装箱单PTHC-2弧压自动控制系统序号 名称 数量 备注 1 PTHC-2主机2 航空插座 2,3,4,7,103 100:1分压板4 系统使用说明书5 接近开关 PR12-2DN6 防碰撞夹具7 8注:用户收到货后,请及时开箱检查。


装箱:__________ 日期:__________产品质保说明:感谢您选用本公司产品!凭机身编号和主板编号,海斯科技将为您提供主机保修一年服务,终生成本维修。

下列情况,不属免费服务范围:a) 不符合保修规定,产品上所粘贴的编号或标签破损、缺失、 或与产品不符。

b) 由于环境因素、使用不当及不可抗拒的因素造成之损坏; 未经我公司许可,自行维修或改动造成损坏。

HEAVTH PTHC-2PTHC-2弧压高度自动控制系统使用说明书版本:091109常州海斯科技有限公司HEAVTH PTHC-2目录一、基本概念二、功能简介及特点三、技术参数四、干式切割和水下切割五、工作过程六、操作面板功能介绍七、基本参数调整八、内部参数调整九、分压板十、初始定位介绍十一、接口电路十二、故障维护十三、控制原理图框图与控制接线敬请注意:在使用PTHC-2控制器以前,请仔细阅读本说明书。





ipadic 2.7.0 中文说明书

ipadic 2.7.0 中文说明书

Ipadic version2.7.0用户手册浅原正幸松本裕治2003年11月Copyright c⃝2003奈良先端科学技术大学院大学情报科学研究科自然言语处理学讲座この翻訳版マニュアルは特定非営利活動法人言語資源協会の補助により作成されました。


IPADIC version2.7.0Users ManualMasayuki Asahara and Yuji MatsumotoCopyright(c)2003Nara Institute of Science and Technology,All rights reserved.This edition is for‘‘IPADIC for Japanese”version2.7.0.Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the above conditions for above verbatim copying,provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language,under the above conditions for modified versions.该说明书对应IPADIC2.7.0版本。











2.2PSC控制台的外观和组件:2.3.2 键盘图2.2显示了PSC控制台键盘的按键排列。




图2.2 –键安排和有效的键可以使用的键的功能如下所述。

图例说明RUN PSC控制台切换到运行模式MONITOR PSC控制台切换到监控模式PROGRAM PSC控制台切换到编程模式ALLCLR 清除错误或每个模式移动到初始状态MON 显示控制变量DATA 显示属性数据0 to 9 输入0到9数字+/–切换数据的极性。

每次按下该键时,极性“+”和“ - ”之间切换。

. 输入小数点CLR 设置或修改属性数据ENTER 确认数据,并执行该程序2.3.3 Reset Switch如图2.1所示,在PSC控制台的左下角,有一个开关被称为“Reset Switch ”。


图2.1 PSC控制台的外观和主要部件4.1 PSC控制台的操作模式以下有三种操作模式:"RUN", "MONITOR" 和"PROGRAM" 模式。

每种模式的功能如下所述:1) RUN 模式在这种模式下,控制操作的PSC3000,PSC4000,PSC5000系统可以被执行。



目录第一章可编程控制器的概述 (1)第二章可编程控制器基本指令简介 (5)第三章 GX Developer软件的使用及编程规则 (6)第四章 MCGS组态软件的介绍及使用 (9)第五章实训内容 (12)实训一PLC认知实训 (12)实训二数码显示控制 (15)实训三三相异步电机点动与自锁控制 (18)实训四三相异步电机联锁正反转控制 (20)实训五三相异步电机带延时正反转控制 (22)实训六三相异步电机Y/△换接起动控制 (24)实训七水塔水位控制 (26)实训八LED数码彩灯控制 (29)实训九传送带电机的模拟控制 (31)实训十装卸料小车的模拟控制 (34)实训十一智力竞赛抢答装置的控制 (36)实训十二加热炉自动上料系统的模拟控制 (38)实训十三钻孔动力头装置的模拟控制 (40)实训十四仓库门自动开闭装置的模拟控制 (42)实训十五液体混合装置控制的模拟 (44)实训十六机械滑台的模拟控制 (47)实训十七机械手动作的模拟控制 (51)实训十八十字路口交通灯控制 (54)实训十九装配流水线控制 (57)实训二十自动配料装车系统控制 (60)实训二十一自控成型机控制 (64)附录一 THPFSL-2型网络型可编程控制器综合实训装置使用说明书 (67)第一章 可编程控制器的概述可编程序控制器,英文称Programmable Logical Controller ,简称PLC 。


PLC 是微机技术与传统的继电接触控制技术相结合的产物,它克服了继电接触控制系统中的机械触点的复杂接线、可靠性低、功耗高、通用性和灵活性差的缺点,充分利用了微处理器的优点,又照顾到现场电气操作维修人员的技能与习惯,特别是PLC 的程序编制,不需要专门的计算机编程语言知识,而是采用了一套以继电器梯形图为基础的简单指令形式,使用户程序编制形象、直观、方便易学;调试与查错也都很方便。

深圳市宏宇达数控技术 数控火焰、等离子切割机 电气综合控制系统 说明书

深圳市宏宇达数控技术 数控火焰、等离子切割机 电气综合控制系统 说明书

HYD CNC Technology CO.,LTDTel:+86-755-26625800Fax:+86-755-26729960数控火焰、等离子切割机电气综合控制系统使用说明书V-Ⅲ深圳市宏宇达数控技术有限公司2009-09-01前言目前,国内的数控等离子、火焰切割机产品正在飞速发展,但一直以来,生产数控切割机的各个厂家的控制电路都是按照各自的经验来进行设计生产,从来没有形成一个统一的标准。



如EDGE系统、FASTCNC系统、FORAGE系统、海宝VIII 系统等2、既可配合速度控制方式的系统、也可配合位置控制方式的系统、用户只要根据本设计提供的接口定义就可实现两种控制功能。







Fishman Powerchip2用户指南说明书

Fishman Powerchip2用户指南说明书

Electric Guitar Equipped with Fishman Powerbridge and Powerchip
Mono Instrument Cable
Electric Guitar Amp
Stereo Operation
Plug a stereo “Y” cable into the output of the Powerchip equipped guitar and split the magnetic and piezo pickup signals to separate destinations. Send the buffered piezo signal (Ring) to any instrument level audio input, such as an acoustic instrument amplifier or PA system. Send the unbuffered, “immaculate” magnetic pickup signal (Tip) to a traditional electric guitar amplifier, with no added coloration or signal treatment between the magnetic pickup and the amplifier.
1. Strip 3⁄32” (2.4mm) and tin the wire ends of the pickups.
2. Solder the piezo pickup wire to the circuit board.
The pads are located on the side of the board



PTHC-ⅡOperation manualContents 1.Summarize2.Function & Feature3.Technical Data4.Above And Under Water Cut 5.Working Process6.The Function of Operating Bboard 7.B asic parameters8.Inner Parameters9.Divided voltage board 10.Introduction Of IHS11.Port Circuit12.Control Connection 13.TroubleShootingⅠ、 SummarizePTHC-II plasma arc voltage height controller is equipped with constant current plasma . During cutting course, the current always equals the given current. And the cutting arc voltage will be changed with the fixed speed being the height of torch changing. When the distance gets farther,the arc voltage increases; On opposite, the arc voltage will decrease. PTHC-II plasma arc voltage height controller will inspect the voltage change, then control the distance between cutting torch and material via the lift motor. So that the arc voltage is fixed, the same is the height of cutting torch.Generally, the instruction will list all the cutting parameters for some type of plasma . The user can refer to these parameters. Adjust the voltage in arc voltage height controller to match the selected current. The torch height will keep constant under regular speed.In fact,the user should set the arc voltage according to the height of the cutting torch.In the status of automation ,the arc voltage more high,then the height of the cutting torch more highThe appendix lists the plasma cutting parameters about some American HYPERTHERM plasma . Please refer to the instruction of plasma category to get more details.In fact, the arc voltage height controller should have more assistant functions if it come true completely automatic cutting,the concept of the basic function as below.A、ARC-ON&ARC-OFFARC-ON is the act process that the plasma gets from static state to cutting. Contrarily, the ARC-OFF is. There are2 types of ARC-ON. One is High Frequency input Arc style. The otheris Touch input Arc style.。



COMBOII安装手册(中文版)康宝(Combo II)分体式壁挂一体机操作说明书CODE:27414为了能够充分发挥此紧密型过滤器的作用,请遵照以下的说明使用:1.请查包装内物品COMBO过滤装置的以下所有配件放置在两个包装内。

A)前组件箱(图1)(第50页)a.设备前舱b.设备前整流器c.DIN571 M8*50的螺栓及与相配的栓塞与垫圈两套d.DIN96 M6*40的螺栓及与相配的栓塞与垫圈两套e.橡胶垫两个B)过滤设备箱(图2)f.过滤设备g.设备后整流器h.两个固定后箱的DIN7982 3.9*16的螺栓i.排水管连接口(已安装在过滤设备内部)j.过滤箱排水管k.4个直径为50的排水管接口l.预过滤器盖及水泵钥匙m.水泵使用手册n.DIN 7985 M8*20 的加固顶盖的螺栓两套o.装有4个直径为 50的管子的口袋2.主要特性COMBO这套专为净化泳池水质的而设计的过滤系统是由两个基本部分组成:安装在游泳池壁上的前舱组件和一个包括水泵、过滤器及控制板在内的过滤系统。



只需一个电源及两个排水管即可,并且符合UNE 20-460-93安装标准。





产品使用说明书 HOTSPOT IIWARNINGS(Concerning Hot Spot II Use & Repair)The Hot Spot II is a pulse high energy welding unit and can generate voltages and hot particles that are dangerous to the operator. Care should be taken to avoid coming into direct contact with the uninsulated portions of the holding pliers or wire being welded while using this tool. Particular steps should be taken to avoid damage caused by sparks and sprays of molten metal produced by welding operations. The operator can be protected by a plastic shield from the hot particles. In no case should the unit be used without suitable eye protection such as the shaded goggles provided with the welder. Avoid flammable clothing and do not operate in areas containing inflammable or explosive materials. Very high currents are produced by this device so care should be exercised using the unit in any electrical environments sensitive to such pulses.Internal power supply and energy storage capacitors will retain significant charge for an extended time interval after the unit is turned off. Circuit board inspection or repair should be performed by qualified personnel and only after these capacitors have been discharged. The ground electrode of the welder (heavy lug) is electrically common with power line safety ground and the metal case of the welder. Take care to avoid accidental discharge to the unit's case or other grounded conductors.Use the Hot Spot II in well ventilated areas and minimize breathing the toxic compounds generated by the high temperature arc from the various elements of the components being welded.All potential operators should be aware of the above cautions and the welder's operating characteristics before using the Hot Spot II.警告(HotSpot II的使用和维修)HotSpot II是脉冲高能焊接单元,它能产生电压和热飞溅颗粒物,这些对操作者是有危险的。



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heavy and light force springs provide additional grip force without
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hardened steel jaws provide 2 mounting surfaces

PSCHD60 2 摄像机用户手册说明书

PSCHD60 2 摄像机用户手册说明书

PSCHD60FunctionsThank you for purchasing this camera! With high-performance chips, this product can produce high-definition videos with excellent continuity of dynamic images. It supports H.264 HD video format and can create sharp photos for you. The unique ultraportable design is adopted for this video camera and it is applicable in various fields to enable your daily life convenient, safe and colorful. Make sure to read this manual carefully and keep properly for reference in the future.This user's manual has referred to the latest information during compiling. The screen display and illustrations are used in this user's manual for the purpose of introducing details of this digital camera in a more specific and direct way. Difference may arise between these displays and illustrations and the digital camera actually available for you due to difference in technological development and production batch, under which case, the actual functions of this video camera shall prevail.AnnouncementsPlease read the Announcements carefully before using this video camera for proper and safe operation, so as to bring its optimum performance into play and extend its service life.◆Do not expose the video camera to sunshine directly, nor point its lens to sunlight. Otherwise, the imagesensor of the video camera may be damaged.◆Take good care of the video camera and prevent water or sand particles from entering the video camera◆when it is used on the beach or near water, because water, sand particles, dust or component containing saltmay damage the video camera.◆Keep the video camera contaminated free of dust and chemical materials. Place it in a cool, dry and wellventilated place. Do not place the video camera in a high temperature, moist or dusty place to avoid failure of the video camera.◆Be sure to use the video camera regularly during its long time storage. Please check if the video camera canoperate normally before use.◆If dirt or stain is accumulated on the video camera or on its lens, use soft, clean and dry rag to wipe it awaygently. If the video camera or its lens is stained with sand particles, blow them away gently. Do not use cloth to wipe arbitrarily. Otherwise, it may scratch the surface of video camera or its lens.◆If it is required to clean camera surface, firstly blow away the sand dust accumulated on this surface, andthen wipe the camera gently with rag or tissue applicable to optical equipments. Please use the cleaning agent of video camera for wiping if necessary. Do not use organic solvent to clean the video camera.◆Do not touch the lens surface with fingers.◆Please back up the data if the memory card inside this digital camera is used for the first time. After that,format the memory card of this video camera at one time.◆The external SD memory card is made of precision electronic components. The following situations maycause loss or damage of your data:1. Improper use of the memory card2. The memory card is bent, dropped or collided.3. Place it under high temperature or moist environment or expose to sunshine directly.4. Electrostatic or electromagnetic field exists around the memory card.5. Take out this memory card or interrupt the power supply when this camera or computer is connectedto the memory card (i.e. during reading, writing and formatting).6. Touch the metal contact surface of the memory card with fingers or metal materials.7. The service life of the memory card expires (please replace the memory card regularly).Product Introduction◆This product is small in size and easy for installation.◆With high-performance chips, this product can produce high-definition videos with excellent continuity ofdynamic images, even under low illumination conditions, and supports H.264 HD video format.◆The video mode supports four modes, i.e. VGA (120FPS), HD (60FPS), HD (30FPS) and FHD (1920x108030FPS).◆The photo mode supports four sizes, i.e. 12M, 10M. 8M and 5M.◆ Support high-speed USB2.0◆ It supports a Min SD card with a capacity expansion up to 32G.◆ This product supports video output and live playback functions. Videos can be output to high-definition TVsfor playing clear and sharp pictures.System Requirements System Requirements Operating System Microsoft Windows2000, XP , Vista, 7 CPU Intel Pentium III of more than 800MHz or other CPU with equivalent performance Internal Memory Larger than 512MB Sound Card and Display Card The sound card and video card shall support DirectX8 or higher version. CD Driver Speed of 4 times or faster Hard Disk Free space of more than 500MB Others One standard USB1.1 or USB2.0 portIntroduction to Appearance and KeypadTFT LC D S c r e e n -o f f l i g h t s w i t c h S c r e e n -o f f l i g h t Infrared light C a m e r a lens B u s y l i g h t / c h a r g i n g l i g h tM i c r o S D s l o t H D M I i n t e r f a c eT r i p o d n u tP o w e r k e yS h u t t e r Key Reset keyM i c r o p h o n eUSB interfaceU s a g e __ _____1. Charge the built-in lithium batteryTo charge the camera, connect it to the computer. Then, the charge indicator light (red) will be on. After the camera is fully charged, the charge indicator light will be off. In general, it can be fully charged after 2-4 hours. U S B C a b l e2. Use of Memory Card1. Push the Micro SD card into the card slot according to the concave lettering beside the slot of memorycard till it is completely inserted.2. To take out the Micro SD card, gently press the end of the memory card inward and it will pop up.Note: No built-in memorizer is available in this video camera. Make sure to insert memory card before using.(Advise using Micro SD card higher speed than class 4)3. Startup/Shutdown3.1 Startup: Press and hold the POWER button for 2 seconds. The screen of the display isactivated and the camera is turned on.3.2 Shut down: Press the POWER Key once under idle condition, and the camera will be shut down. .3.3 Auto Screen-off: When the idle time of the camera reaches the automatic screen-off time, it willautomatically turn off the screen to save power. After turning off the screen, the screen-off light will beon.3.4. Shutdown at low battery level: When the battery capacity drops to a low level, the icon: will appear on the LCD display. Please charge the battery timely. When the icon turns red andflickering, the video camera will be shut down automatically.4. Conversion Between Function ModesThe camera has three modes: video recording mode, photo mode and playback mode. These modes can be switched over by clicking the icon in the upper left corner of the LCD display after startup.Video recording mode Photo mode Playback modeV ehicle mode5. Indicator lightBusy indicator light (blue): When the camera is working (e.g.: recording videos, shooting pictures, automatic screen-off, etc.), the busy indicator light will blink.Charging indicator light (red): It indicates the camera is being charged when it is on permanently. After the camera is fully charged, it will be off automatically.6. Video recording modeAfter turning on the DV camera, it will directly get to the video recording mode. You can start recording videos by pressing the shutter button in the preview state. To stop video recording, just press this shutter button again. When the memory card is full or the battery drops to a low level, the camera will also automatically stop video recording:1 Mode icon: indicating currently in the AVI mode.2 Video size: available in FHD/HD(60FPS)/HD(30FPS).3 Recording time: indicating the length of remaining timeto be recorded.4 Icon of setting the time and date5 Battery icon: indicating the current capacity of the battery.6 Digital zoom-in icon: to zoom in by clicking it.7 Digital zoom magnification (x).8 Digital zoom-out icon: to recover by clicking it.9 Menu icon: to be activated by clicking other icons.10 Playback icon: to activate the corresponding menu by clicking it.1 2 34 5678 9 107. Photo mode:After turning on the DV camera, it will directly get to the video recording mode. To switch to the photo mode, click the mode icon in the upper left corner of the LCD display. You can shoot a photo by pressing the shutter button in the preview state.1 Mode icon: indicating currently in the photo mode.2 Photo size: available in 5M/8M/10M/12M.3 Counter: Indicating the number of photos to be taken4 Indicating the face detection function is activated .5 Icon for setting the time and date.6 Battery icon: indicating the current capacity of the battery.7 Digital zoom-in icon: to zoom in by clicking it.8 Digital zoom magnification (x).9 Digital zoom-out icon: to recover by clicking it. 10 Menu icon: to be activated by clicking other icons.11 Playback icon: to activate the corresponding menu by clicking it 12 Photo mode: (Normal/10s Self-Timer/Triple Sequence)122 35 46 78 910 1118. Vehicle mode:1 Mode icon: indicating currently in the vehicle mode.2 Video size: available in FHD/HD(60FPS)/HD(30FPS)3 Recording time: indicating the length of remaining time to be recorded.4 Icon of setting time and date.5 click this icon, the camera can be flipped 180 degrees to take video normally.6 Battery icon: indicating the current capacity of the battery.7 Playback icon: to activate the corresponding menu by clicking it.Note: click this icon, the camera can be flipped 180 degrees to take video normally, click again torecover it. This feature is available only in vehicle mode.12 365 4 79. Playback mode:9.1 After turning on the camera and enabling the Preview state, press the Playback icon () in the lowerright corner of the LCD display to activate the menu (). Click the /to switch to the file list mode. Then you can playback video clips by clicking a file name in the list.Indicate normal video filesIndicate vehicle video filesIndicate photo files9.2 Playback movie clips:In the playback mode, click it to pause. After selecting the fast playback function , click itto fast rewind. Click STOP to exit the playback mode to return to the list mode.9.3 Playback photos:After turning on the camera and enabling the Preview state, press the Playback icon () in the lower right corner of the LCD display to activate the menu (). Click the to switch to the photo playback mode. Then you can view photos by clicking the icon "◄" or "►".9.4 File deletion:After clicking the Delete File icon , the screen will appear as shown in the right figure:Click YES to delete the current file immediately, or click NO to cancel the deletion operation.Connecting the camera to a high-definition TV:Connect the camera to a high-definition TV with a HD cable (as shown below). Then video signals from the camera will be automatically output to the high-definition TV , and you can enjoy HD videos and photos that you have recorded on the high-definition TV .连接图示Application on the personal computer___ ____Connect the camera to a PCThe camera is provided with the plug and play function . Connect the device to the computer with USB line under turning-on state, then it will be switched into the movable hard disk mode.Icon of movable disk will appear on t he window of “my computer”. The photos you have taken can be saved in the removable disk under the file folder I:\jpg (“I” is the removable disk of the camera). Your video files will be saved under the folder of I:\video.Note: if movable disk function is used in windows 2000 or windows operating system with a higher edition, it is unnecessary to install drivers.Application of remote control:1 Keys of remote controlThe keys on the remote control are shown in the right figureOFF keyREC keySNAPkeySignal transmission port2 Use of remote control:Using the remote control will help you realize video recording, photo snapping and shutting down functions without operating the camera itself.While using the remote control, place its signal transmitter port toward the infrared signal receiver light of the camera. Then you can record videos, take photos or shut down the camera by pressing the corresponding buttons.Waterproof Case Using Notice Before sealing the waterproof case, keep the camera housing’s rubber seal clean, a single hair or grain ofsand can cause a leak. You can test by closing the case without inserting the camera. Submerse the case completely in water for about a minute. Remove the case from the water, dry off its exterior with a towel, then open the case. If the entire interior is dry, the case is safe for use under water.Infrared receiver light◆Remember to put the Mode Switch in your desired recording position before inserting the camera in thewaterproof case. There is no external button for the Mode Switch.◆After every use in salt water you will need to rinse the outside of the housing with non-salt water and dry.Not doing this can eventually cause corrosion of the hinge pin and salt buildup in the seal, which can cause failure.◆To clean the seal, rinse in fresh water and shake dry (drying with a cloth may cause lint to compromise theseal). Re-install the seal into the grooves in the backdoor of the housing.Technical parameters Image sensor 5M pixels (CMOS)Function mode Video recording, photo, removable diskCamera lens F3.1f=2.9mmDigital zooming 4XShutter Electronic shutterLCD display screen 2.4-inch touch screenImage resolution 12M (4000 × 3000), 10M (3648x2736), 8 M (3264x2448), 5M (2560×1920)Video resolution VGA: 640x480 (120 frames / sec), HD: 1280x720 (60 frames/sec.) FHD:1920x1080 (30 frames/sec.)White balance AutomaticExposure AutomaticFile formats Video AVIPhoto JPEGStorage medium MicroSD card (Supporting up to 32GB),( without build-in flash memory) USB interface High-speed USB 2.0 interfacePower Supply Built-in 3.7V rechargeable lithiumDimension (length ×width × height) 74*52*33mmWeight Approx. 72g。

中特威多功能LCD编程卡 G2 说明书

中特威多功能LCD编程卡 G2 说明书


4. 如果连接正确,LCD 屏幕则显示出 开机界面,此时按压“ ”或“ ”键,编程卡将显示界面 ,等待几秒后,显示第一个参数设置界面,则表示编程卡与电调 连接成功。

使用“ ”、“ ”与“ ”按键更改参数,按“ ”键保存参数。

说明书产品特点1. 作为独立的设备,利用自带的LCD(液晶屏幕)显示电调参数,进行参数设定。

2. 将电池连接编程卡右侧接口,检测电池整体电压及每节电池的单体电压。

3. 针对中特威有数据回传功能的电调,能够显示实时数据,包括: 电压、电流、输入油门、输出油门、转 速、电池电量、MOS温度与电机温度。

4. 针对中特威有数据记录功能的电调,可读取数据记录值,包括: 最大转速、最小电压、最大电流、外 部温度、最高温度。

5. PWM油门信号检测:识别并显示输入油门脉宽及频率。

6. 油门调速器: 通过编程卡按钮,调整油门信号,对舵机、电调等设备进行油门控制。

7. 可通过中特威蓝牙模块连接手机App对编程卡进行升级。

规格外形尺寸: 84*49*11.5mm 重量:40g 供电电源:DC5~12.6V使用范围1. Beatles G2、Mantis G2、Skyhawk系列航模无刷电调。

2. Shark G2、Seal G2、Dolphin系列船模无刷电调。

1. 断开电调电源。

2. 选择相应的连线方式,将电调与编程卡连接好。

如果电调编程线与油门线复用,则从接收机上拔出电调油门线,按照正确的顺序插入LCD编程卡 的“ESC”插口中。


按键与各插头功能说明使用说明一、 作为独立设备对电调进行参数设定注:1. 使用LCD编程卡将电调参数恢复成出厂默认值 在电调和LCD编程卡联机状态下,多次按“ITEM”键,直至显示“Restore Default”,按OK键,则将电 调的所有参数恢复成出厂默认值。



P T H线操作手册(总14页)本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.MarchPTH线操作手册目录一、目的范围二、工艺流程三、 PTH设备规格表四、 PTH程序图及各缸时间范围五、操作程序5.1开缸程序5.2工艺控制5.3生产操作和维护5.4 PTH线停产处理方法5.5 PTH线生产异常处理方法5.6沉铜效果检测六、PTH线常见问题及处理方法七、背光级数图八、附录1、PTH线操作控制表2、PTH线设备检测一览表一、目的规范规范PTH线流程,提供PTH线工艺控制参数和操作方法,指导生产人员正常生产,以确保生产产品品质,适用于PTH手动或自动线操作。

二、工艺流程三、 PTH线设备规格表备注:SS:不锈钢 QTZ:石英 P.P:聚丙烯 T:气缸振荡 M:机械摇摆 A:打气 V:电振荡器 TF:铁氟龙 C:冷却四、 PTH自动线程序图及各缸时间范围注:滴水时间栏空白无要求各厂根据实际情况可作适当调整五、操作程序5.1开缸程序5.1.1前期准备A、清洗缸体:新线开缸前须用3-5% NaOH溶液泡缸12小时,用清水清洗干净后,再用3-5% H2SO4泡缸12小时,再用清水冲洗,至少2次,药水槽再用纯水清洗一次备用。

旧线视缸体清洁度,可考虑不用酸碱泡,但缸体须用清水洗净,药水缸须用纯水清洗;B、测量:测量缸内壁长、宽、高,计算出缸体积,计算方法:V 体= 长×宽×高(药水液位高度);C、检查生产辅料(比如,H2SO4是否浑浊等)。





如为改扩建矿山, 应说明矿山现状、


(2 列出开发利用方案编制所依据的主要基础性资料的名称。


对改、扩建矿山应有生产实际资料, 如矿山总平面现状图、矿床开拓系统图、采场现状图和主要采选设备清单等。










CPC-II 电压到压力转换器 II代说明书

CPC-II 电压到压力转换器 II代说明书

Product Specification 03352(Revision P, 12/2019)CPC-IICurrent-to-Pressure ConverterApplicationsThe CPC-II (current to pressure converter, generation II) is anelectrohydraulic pressure-regulating valve control designed for use inpositioning single-acting steam turbine valve servos. This CPC’s superbaccuracy and resolution make it ideal for steam turbine valve control and related turbine speed and loadcontrol. The CPC accepts a 4–20 mA pressure demand signal andaccurately controls oil pressure to precisely position single-acting steam turbine governor-valves. Precise and stable steam valve control directly relates to improved steam turbine speed and load control and reduced system mechanical wear.The CPC’s redundancy features make it ideal for critical steam turbine applications, where turbine up-time and availability are essential. This converter can be configured to accept redundant pressure demand inputs, from one or two (redundant) controllers, and vote the input to follow. Alternatively the CPC can be configured to accept signals from both its internal oil pressure sensor and an external (redundant) oil pressure sensor, and use the voted healthy signal.The CPC’s robust design (strong actuator, corrosion-resistant material, single moving rotary valve, and self-cleaning port design) makes it ideal for challenging applications where dirty or contaminated oil may be present.Optionally two controllers can be connected to a single CPC in a redundant Master/Slave fashion to allow the turbine to continue to operate if either turbine control fails, or on-line changes are desired. Designed for use in applications requiring full redundancy,optionally two CPCs can be applied in a dual-redundant fashion, simplifying the entire system and control wiring.DescriptionThe CPC is an electrohydraulic pressure-regulating valve control that utilizes a very accurate internal pressure sensor and PID controller to precisely control steam turbine valves. The CPC consists of a valve-actuator assembly, pressure sensor, and electronic driver module. The unit’s driver module accepts one (or two) 4–20 mA pressure setpoints and compares these setpoints to the sensed oil pressure, to accurately control turbine valve oil pressure.The CPC controls oil pressure by porting supply-oil to its control-oil output port (turbine valve control oil) or back to the system supply tank. This converter’s special PIDarchitecture allows it to perform very stable pressure control during normal conditions, and respond in milliseconds to desired valve step changes during system or planttransients. As a means of protecting the turbine, an internal valve-return-spring forces the CPC to a failsafe position (port oil to drain) and safely close turbine control valves upon any internal unit failure (electrical input power failure, pressure sensor failure, processor failure, etc.).• Oil contaminationresistant • Precise fluidpressure control • Stable & linear valvecontrol • Included valvelinearization table • Redundantinputs/sensors for critical applications • Accepts signalsfrom redundant controllers • Redundant (dual)CPCs(Master/Slave) functionality • Standard mountingand hydraulic connections • Self cleaning valvealgorithm • Status & healthindication • Control pressurereadout • Software servicetool with trending • Certified for NorthAmerican Hazardous Locations • Compliant withapplicable EU Directives • IECEx Certified foruse in explosive atmospheres • Certified for usewithin the EAC-CUReleasedWoodward 03352 p.2The CPC is factory and/or field configurable via a computer-based service tool. The CPC’s PCI Service Tool uses a simple user-friendly format to allow users to easily configure, calibrate, and adjust all internal functions and PID control settings. The CPC includes a 4–20 mA output channel to indicate control oil pressure level, and unit alarm and shutdown relay outputs for use as unit health and status indications into the system controller or plant DCS.FeaturesA Manual Stroke function allows users to manually stroke the CPC output pressure (turbine valve position) locally at the unit, via an internal Manual Stroke Screw. This local manual stroke function is designed with built in security logic to protect the users from un-intentional use of this function during normal operation. Manual Stroke capability is also available via remotely or locally via the CPC’s computer based PCI Tool.Since flow through single and staged inlet steam valves tend to be non-linear throughout their flow range, turbine controls are typically de-tuned to compensate for instability or sluggish control points throughout this range. As a way of allowing turbine control optimization, the CPC includes an eleven-point linearization table to allow turbine OEMs or users to compensate for poor valve linearization by digitally linearizing the control to valve flow relationship.Because many turbine users utilize redundant pressure converters to increase system reliability, and because these type of applications are prone to silting build-up problems in the slave unit, a special “Silt Buster” (patent pending) routine is also configurable to routinely remove internal silt build-up. AccessoriesA standard steel adapter plate is available to allow the CPC to easily interface with systems designed for Voith I/H converters.SpecificationsPerformanceAccuracy: < ±0.2 % of full rangeRepeatability: 0.1 % of full rangeTemperature Drift: < ±0.01 % of full range /°CPressure stability: < ±2 % of setpointFailsafe Operation: Internal return spring forces Control Port oil to drain port on loss of power or detected failures Configuration: Computer based Service Tool (RS-232 communications port)PhysicalDimensions: See outline drawingsHeight x Width x Depth: Approx. (290 x 270 x 270) mm Weight: Approximately 25 kg (55 lb) without oilFluid Ports: See outline drawingsMounting: Any attitude, Four M10 threaded holes,23 mm deep, on the face with the hydraulic ports.Adequate support must be provided for the unit. EnvironmentalOperating Temperature Range: (–40 to +85) °CHydraulic Supply Temperature: (15 to 70) °CImmunity: EN61000-6-2 (2005)Emissions: EN61000-6-4 (2007)Shock: US MIL-STD-810C method 516.2, procedure 1 (10 G Peak, 11 ms duration, saw tooth waveform)Vibration: US MIL-STD 810F, M514.5A, Cat. 4 (0.015 G²/Hz,(10 to 500) Hz, 1.04 Grms)Ingress Protection: IP66 per EN 60529ElectricalInput Supply: (18 to 32) V (dc) @ 1.5 A steady state, 8 A peak (100 ms)Analog Input Signals: Isolated (4 to 20) mA (250 Ω input impedance)Analog Output Signal: (4 to 20) mA; maximum external load: 300 Ω, Accuracy = ±1 % of full scaleDiscrete Inputs: Optically Isolated (requires 24 V (dc) wetting voltage)Discrete Output Rating: 1 A @ 30 V (dc)Service Tool Port: RS-232 communications via straight-through serial cableHydraulicFluid Types: Mineral or synthetic based oils may be used.Contact Woodward for specific oil recommendations.Maximum Input Supply Pressure: 25 bar / 363 psiCPC-II ModelMaximum OutputPressure Range*LocationRating9907-1197(0 to 25) bar /(0 to 363) psiZone 1 & 2 9907-1198(0 to 25) bar /(0 to 363) psiZone 29907-1199(0 to 10) bar /(0 to 145) psiZone 1 & 2 9907-1200(0 to 10) bar /(0 to 145) psiZone 29907-1228(0 to 10) bar /(0 to 145) psiZone 29907-1349(0 to 10) bar /(0 to 145) psiZone 1 & 2 * Note: The recommended maximum output pressure is less than70 % of the supply for the best dynamic performance.Recommended Filtration: (24 to 40) μm nominal, β75 or ISO 20/16 ClassRecommended Viscosity 20 to 100 cStSpecific Gravity: 0.6 to 1.0Flow Capacity: Depends on viscosity and pressure difference (see Figure 3)Return/Drain Pressure: Maximum 2 bar (29 psi)Regulatory Compliance(Listings are limited only to those units bearing theappropriate Marking or Agency Identification)European Compliance for CE Marking:EMC Directive: 2014/30/EUATEX Directive: 2014/34/EU For Zone 1: SIRA11ATEX1310X II 2 G, Ex db IIB T4 Gb. For Zone 2: II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 GcOther European Compliance: (Compliance with thefollowing European Directives or standards does not qualifythis product for application of the CE Marking)Machinery Directive: Compliant as a partly completedmachinery per 2006/42/ECPressure Equipment Directive: Compliant as “SEP” perArticle 4.3 to 2014/68/EUOther International Compliance:EAC Customs Union: Certified to Technical Regulation CU012/2011 for use in potentially explosive atmospheres as Exd IIB T4 Gb X or 2Ex nA IIC T4 Gc X.EAC Customs Union: Declared to Technical Regulation CU020/2011 On Electromagnetic Compatibility of TechnicalEquipment.IECEx: Certified for use in explosive atmospheres per IECEx Certificate IECEx CSA 11.0017X Zone 1: Ex d IIB T4 Gb and Zone 2: Ex nA IIC T4 GcNorth American Compliance:CSA: CSA Certified for Class I, Div. 1, Groups C and D andClass I, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C, and D, T4 at 85°C Ambient.For use in Canada and the United StatesReleasedReleasedWoodward 03352 p.3Figure 1. CPC-II Outline DrawingWoodward 03352 p.4010203040506070809001020Differential Pressure - Bar(P1 to Pc or Pc to Drain)F l o w R a t e (l p m )VIS-15807-11-12Figure 3. CPC-II Flow CapacityVIS-15707-11-12Technical Manual: 26615PO Box 1519, Fort Collins CO, USA 80522-1519 1041 Woodward Way, Fort Collins CO 80524Tel.: +1 (970) 482-5811 Distributors & ServiceWoodward has an international network of distributors and service facilities. For your nearest representative, call the Fort Collins plant or see the Worldwide Directory on our website.This document is distributed for informational purposes only. It is not to be construed as creating or becoming part of any Woodward contractual or warranty obligation unless expressly stated in a written sales contract.Copyright © Woodward 2008–2019, All Rights ReservedFor more information contact:Released。




如为改扩建矿山, 应说明矿山现状、


(2 列出开发利用方案编制所依据的主要基础性资料的名称。


对改、扩建矿山应有生产实际资料, 如矿山总平面现状图、矿床开拓系统图、采场现状图和主要采选设备清单等。










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PTHC-IIPlasma Height Control 操 作 使 用 手 册P T H C -I I尊敬的用户:感谢您购买PTHC-II ! 使用前请仔细阅读此手册。

安全要求 (2)第一章 综述……………………………………第3-4页第二章 安装 (5)第三章 接线……………………………………第6-12页第四章 操作……………………………………第13-15页第五章 调试 (16)第六章 故障排查 (17)第七章 关键配件参考…………………………第18-19页P T H C -I I安全要求熟读这些手册熟读和理解指导性手册,切割机床手册,以及你公司的安全规定。









P TH C -I I第一章: 综述PTHC-II 产品是为通用数控切割机所配等离子电源更优秀切割而设计。




PTHC-II 部件组成及功能:PTHC 控制模块控制模块由控制卡、和人机界面等关键部件组成(各部件请见后章节部件图)。




升降有效行程为不小于150mm 。


建议用户同时使用我公司升降体,如使用其他升降体,要求升降电机DC24V ,电机功率小于75瓦。

PTHC-II 技术特点:l 操作简单,控制精度高,响应速度快。

l 易于设置和操作,可用于任何CNC ,可控制所有机用品牌等离子。

l 具备切割过程中割炬的上升、下降、自动、切割等指示功能,方便操作人员使用和维护。

P TH C -I Il 切割过程中具有自动判断割缝功能,防止切割过割缝时扎枪。

l 具备上升和下降速度独立预设功能,控制方式PWM 平稳控制,切割时升降更稳定。

l 具备保护帽定位和接近开关定位功能,普通等离子(POWERMAX-1650)水上切割时采用保护帽引线定位,高频等离子(MAX200)或水下切割时采用防碰撞自带接近开关作为定位信号。

l 弧压采样转换时间1ms ,切割跟踪控制灵敏度可方便设置。

l 升降机构有效行程不小于150mm ,额定载重10Kg 。

l 具备初始定位、防碰撞、切割过程自动跟踪钢板等功能。

l 具备手动自动切换开关,方便调试和使用。

系统规格l 适应电机: DC24V 直流永磁电机(功率≤75W ) l 控制精度: 通过灵敏度旋钮方便设定l 电压控制设定范围:0---200V (通过旋钮设定)l 切割高度设定范围:0---15mm (通过旋钮设定)l 切割时升降速度设定:0---6000mm/min (PWM 通过电位器预设速度) l 面板手动操作功能:手动上升、手动下降、ARC 和IHS 测试功能、手动和自动切换功能l 控制器重量: 约2.5Kgl 供电要求:16--19V AC (50Hz/60Hz )/100W 工作环境: 0--50℃;95%相对湿度技术支持1、您可以通过网络 可以通过电子邮件:2、可以通过电子邮件:PPLAW@,CUTSYSTEM@3、通过电话:网页上的售后服务电话。

P T H C -I I售后服务本产品自出厂日起,一年内保修,终生维护。







保修方式1、保修期内的产品如有质量问题,请通过EMAIL 或电话和我公司技术人员联系,我公司技术人员负责使用过程中技术指导,如确实是产品故障,用户通过快递方式把产品返回我公司,我公司负责免费更换和维修。

2、保修期外的产品如有质量问题,请通过EMAIL 或电话和我公司技术人员联系,如确实是产品故障,用户通过快递方式把产品返回我公司,我公司负责免费更换和维修。


P T H C -I I控制器的安装(底板安装方式)建议把控制器安装在机床控制柜顶部,或便于操作和显示的位置。




P T H C -I ICNC(数控)插头到控制系统:主要功能实现和CNC系统I/O信号通讯。




PTHC-II下降信号该信号由CNC 控制输出,1脚和3脚接通时,3脚变低电平,下降信号使能,割炬下降;1脚和3脚断开,割炬停止下降。



自动信号(如果CNC 输出为拐角信号,请设置为常闭)该信号由CNC 控制输出,1脚和4脚接通时,4脚变低电平,自动信号使能,割炬高度控制处于自动调整状态;1脚和4脚断开,割炬自动控制关闭。


切割信号该信号由CNC 控制输出,1脚和5脚接通时,5脚变低电平,切割信号(循环启动信号)使能,控制器开始下降动作,等待喷嘴信号或外部上升信号,自动完成初始定位、自动控制割炬提升为切割高度、控制等离子电源引弧和穿孔,穿孔完成后向CNC 输出机器运动信号;切割停止后1脚和5脚断开等离子灭弧。

运动反馈信号该信号由控制器输出给CNC ,6脚和7脚接通时,运动反馈信号使能,控制器在等离子割炬穿孔完成后输出该信号、CNC 接收到运动反馈信号后控制机器移动,切割工件。

切割过程中等离子割炬灭弧或割炬碰撞,此信号停止使能,机器立刻暂停运动(用户使用此功能时必须把等离子电源引弧成功反馈信号接到PLASMA 接口插头3脚和4脚,用户也可不用此功能,把等离子电源引弧成功反馈信号直接给CNC )。


上位机或PLC 给出切割信号后,给一个0.2秒的上升信号。


P TH C -I IPower (电源)插头到用户供电系统:主要功能为THC 提供必须供电交流AC16V —AC19V/100W 。

POWERRVV2X1.0铜电缆电柜针脚号输入/输出功能描述接线示意12输入输入AC-L AC-NP T H CA C 16V -A C 19V 5输入PE保护地线P T H C -I ILifter(升降机构)插头到安装割炬的升降机构:主要功能控制升降附件完成自动切割的需要。

H(图1)针脚号输入/输出功能描述接线示意12输出输出DC DCP T H C升降机构78输出输出DC12V+DC12V-9输入SENSOR P T H C接近开关(N C 系列)M34输出输出上升限位56输出输出下降限位(图2) Lifter 接口信号描述:1脚到2脚连接升降机构上升限位公共端和下降限位公共端,上升限位开关常闭端和下降限位常闭端接电机。







7脚、8脚和9脚请连接防碰撞接近开关,7脚接棕色(+12V )、8脚接蓝色(0V )、9脚接黑色(信号)。


如果接近开关型号NC 和NO 型号选错,升降机构无法正常工作。

P TH C -I IPlasma (等离子电源)插头到等离子电源:控制等离子电源各种信号,实现自动切割的各种要求。

Plasma 接口信号描述:1脚和2脚接等离子电源的引弧控制(Cycle Start 信号)、此两脚接通时等离子电源开始切割板材,此两脚断开时等离子电源停止切割板材。

3脚和4脚接等离子电源的弧转移信号(Machine Motion ),等离子引弧成功P T H C -I I后输出闭合信号(3脚和4脚接通),CNC 接收到此信号后开始机器运动进行切割(电源引弧成功信号接调高,调高CNC 接口6、7脚对应输出到数控系统,电源引弧成功信号也可不经过调高直接给数控系统完成机器运动)。



GUN 口到割炬保护帽定位线:POWERMAX-1650等低频引弧等离子电源,用 2.5平方线直接连接即可。


P TH C -I I第四章:操作调高操作面板(如下图):PTHC-II(Plasma Height Contral)---+此界面各部位功能描述如下:手动操作,升降方式:可通过操作右下角升降自复位按钮控制升降机头上升或下降。


关闭等离子电源供电开关,把此按钮打到ARC-TEST 位置时,可进行初始定位测试。

每给一次ARC-TEST 信号,割炬下降碰到钢板返回喷嘴信号或防碰撞接近开关信号(用喷嘴信号时必须保证喷嘴线和钢板接通,钢板和电源正极接通,电源正极和调高PLASMA 接口5脚正极接通),割炬停止下降并上升至穿孔高度设定(HIS-SET )预设位置。
