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班级:1403018 姓名:张可心学号:14030188030
This project requires you to implement an optimized version of quicksort, and compare the performances of the following combinations:
(1)Cutoff values from 0 to 50;
(2)Take pivot to be the 1st element, random, median of random three, and
median of random five.
The tests must be done on the following three kinds of inputs:
(1)sorted input;
(2)reverse-ordered input;
(3)random input.
The size of input can be taken from 1000 to 10000. The run times must be plotted with respect to the sizes to illustrate the difference. (figure out using excel, matlab in the Report)
a[],int p,int r,int number)和Partition(int a[],int p,int r,int number)俩函数进行排序。
void _qsort(a, p, r, number)
if p q=Partition(a,p,r,number) _qsort(a,p,q-1,number) _qsort(a,q+1,r,number) int Partition(int a[],int p,int r,int number) { int x,temp; if(number==1) temp=p; } else if(number==2) { temp=rand()%(r-p+1)+p; } else if(number==3) { int b[5]; b[1]=rand()%(r-p+1)+p; b[2]=rand()%(r-p+1)+p; b[3]=rand()%(r-p+1)+p; sort(b+1,b+4); temp=b[2]; } else if(number==4) { int b[10]; b[1]=rand()%(r-p+1)+p; b[2]=rand()%(r-p+1)+p; b[3]=rand()%(r-p+1)+p; b[4]=rand()%(r-p+1)+p; b[5]=rand()%(r-p+1)+p; sort(b+1,b+6); temp=b[3]; } else{ temp=p; } x=a[temp]; swap(a[temp],a[p]); int i=r+1; for(int j=r;j>p;j--) { if(a[j]>=x) i--; swap(a[i],a[j]); } } swap(a[i-1],a[p]); return i-1; } int main() { int n,a[200000]; cout<<"测试数据:"; cin>>n; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) a[i]=random(51); cout<<"序列的顺序(1顺序;2随机;3逆序):"; int s; cin>>s; if(s==3) sort(a+1,a+1+n,greater else if(s==1) sort(a+1,a+1+n); else if(s==2){ } else{ } cout<<"确定基数:1,第一个数;2,随机数;3,3个随机数的中位数;4,5个随机数的中位数:"; int number; cin>>number; clock_t start,end;//计时 start=clock(); _qsort(a,1,n,number); end=clock(); cout<<"用时:"< for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) {