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中国环境科学 2019,39(8):3316~3322
China Environmental Science
郭俊元*,文小英,羊润锦,林 越,赖雨隆,周育玉,杨 红 (成都信息工程大学资源环境学院,四川 成都 610225)
摘要:本实验以玉米秸秆为原料,制备了生物炭和 AlCl3 改性生物炭,研究了 2 种生物炭分别调理污泥后的脱水效果,并探讨了污泥脱水性能的改善机理.
城市污水处理厂剩余活性污泥含水率高达 98%以上,在采用卫生填埋、污泥焚烧、污泥堆肥、 污泥消化处理前,含水率必须降低至 60%以下[1-3].目 前,我国污泥的脱水技术主要有离心脱水、带式脱水 和板框压滤脱水等,在脱水之前,常投加 FeCl3、 Al2(SO4)3、PAC、CPAM 等化学药剂调理污泥,以提 高污泥的脱水性能,但长期使用化学药剂会导致污 泥中重金属富集等二次环境污染[4-5].研究表明,无机 或有机骨架颗粒能够降低污泥饼的可压缩性,从而 在污泥脱水过程中,保持泥饼的通透性和多孔性,有 利于水和污泥 EPS 的释放,提高污泥的脱水效果[6-8]. 因此,开发安全,高效,绿色环保和廉价的骨架颗粒是 我国环境工程领域污泥减量化和资源化研究的热 点.我国每年农作物秸秆产量高达 0.5~0.8Gt,约占世
Preparation of corn stalks biochar and improvement of dewatering performance of sludge. GUO Jun-yuan*, WEN Xiao-ying, YANG Run-jin, LIN Yue, LAI Yu-long, ZHOU Yu-yu, YANG Hong (College of Resources and Environment, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, China). China Environmental Science, 2019,39(8):3316~3322 Abstract:Biochar and AlCl3-modified biochar were prepared by using corn stalks as materials to enhance the dewatering of the sludge. The performances of these two biochar for the enhancement of the dewatering of the sludge and possible enhancing mechanisms were discussed. Results showed that SRF, MC, SV30 and CST of the sludge were decreased and YN was increased after conditioned by the two biochar, indicating higher sludge dewaterability. Furthermore, dewatering of the sludge conditioned by the AlCl3-modified biochar was significantly better than that conditioned by the biochar that without modification. Especially, when the dosage of the biochar modified by 3mol/L of AlCl3 solution was adjusted to 3g/L, SRF, MC, SV30 and CST were decreased to 1.3×1012m/kg, 81.9%, 78.6% and 35s, respectively, YN was increased to 17.8kg/(m2·h). For the enhancing mechanism, on the one hand, after conditioned by the biochar, certain skeleton structures were formed in sludge cake to make water cut across easily by decreasing the sludge EPS; on the other hand, charge neutralization occurred when the AlCl3-modified biochar (loaded with positively charged aluminum species on its surface) was dosed into the sludge system, thus destroying the stable sludge colloidal system, thus far easier to congregate the sludge particles, which enhanced the dewatering of the sludge. Key words:aluminum chloride (AlCl3);corn stalks;biochar;sludge dewatering
结果表明,经过 2 种生物炭调理后,污泥比阻(SRF)、泥饼含水率(MC)、污泥沉降体积指数(SV30)、毛细抽吸时间(CST)均下降,污泥净产率(YN)升高,说明
污泥脱水性能得到了改善,且 AlCl3 改性生物炭对污泥脱水性能的改善效果明显优于生物炭.当 AlCl3(溶液浓度 3mol/L)改性生物炭的用量为 3g/L 时,调 理后的污泥 SRF,MC,SV30,CST 分别降低至 1.3×1012m/kg,81.9%,78.6%,35s,YN 增加至 17.8kg/(m2·h).分析原因:一方面,经过生物炭调理后,泥饼中会形成一 定的骨架结构,使得污泥中的水和 EPS 能够更容易地释放;另一方面,经过 AlCl3 改性后,改性生物炭携带的正电荷(Al3+)能够与污泥颗粒所带的负电荷发