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although---w_____/ d_____ the fact...
besides---at the s_____ time/ m_____/ in the m_____
for example---for i_____
be sure to----be b_____ to
advantage--- s_____
very surprised---- _____ to my surprise/ to my _____ surprise
because-----_____, for
because of----on a_____ of/ d_____ to/ t_____ to
at last----e_____ly
take-----a_____ (various measures)
make use of-----_____ advantage of (make the best/_____ of
Here I’d like to advocate ----c_____ on( the public) to…
pay steady attention to-------attach great i_______ (to)
make-----a______ (great progress/success/high scores)
focus on----c_____ on (our studies)
have-----c_____ (organize)various activities
take part in-----p________in such an activity
make-----c_____ (a harmonious environment)
do harm to----c_____ damage to
do good to -----be b______ to
face-----be f_____with (challenges/difficulties)
realize-----f______ (one's dream)
master---have a good c________ of
there is no doubt that----there is no d_____ing that...
good---- pl____ /en_____
soon----in _____ time
get----g_____ (experience/ knowledge)
like-----go i_____ for/ be c_____ for/ be keen on(sports/jazz)
make ...better-----i_____ (efficiency/quality/management)
reduce----r_____/ e_____ (the pressure)
so---c_____ly/thus/therefore but---never_____
When they left------ When _____was time for them to leave
more and more popular------i_______ly popular
The following are my reasons------The reasons are ___ f____.
I want to do----p_____ to do
try my best to----- s____ no e_____
at any time and any place------whenever and wherever p_____
make rules------s____t up r_____rules
should------be s_____ to do/ I f____/ feel it necessary to…/ c____
I would be grateful if you could…------I would a______ it if you could...
There is a serious problem that------There e_____ a serious ph______that
As soon as we arrived at the Old People’s Home…--- On a______ at the Old People’s Home we started our work at once---we s____ about working at once
ignore others’ opinions ------turn a d_____ear to others
le arn better…learn more e______ly
have too much work to do----be heavily b______ed
although---while/ despite the fact...
besides---at the same time/ meanwhile/ in the meantime
for example---for instance
be sure to----be bound to
in fact----actually/ as a matter of fact/ practically
advantage--- strength
very surprised---- much to my surprise/ to my great surprise because-----as, for
because of----on account of/ due to/ thanks to
at last----eventually
take-----adopt (various measures)
make use of-----take advantage of (make the best/most of
Here I’d like to advocate---- call on ( the public)
pay steady attention to-------attach great importance (to)
make-----achieve (great progress/success/high scores)
focus on----concentrate on (our studies)
have-----conduct (organize)various activities
take part in-----participate in such an activity
make-----create (a harmonious environment)
do harm to----cause damage to do good to-----be beneficial to face-----be faced with (challenges/difficulties)
realize-----fulfill (one's dream)
master---have a good command of
there is no doubt that----there is no denying that...
good---- pleasant /enjoyable
soon----in no time
get----gain (experience/ knowledge)
like-----go in for/ be crazy for/ be keen on(sports/jazz)
make ...better-----improve (efficiency/quality/management) reduce----relieve/ease (the pressure)
When they left------ When it was time for them to leave
The following are my reasons------The reasons are as follows. more and more popular------increasingly popular
I want to do----prefer to do
try my best to----- spare no efforts to
at any time and any place------whenever and wherever possible make rules------set up relevant rules
should------be supposed to do/ I find/(feel) it necessary to…/ can
I would be grateful if you could…------I would appreciate it if you could...
There is a serious problem that…------There exists a serious phenomenon that…
As soon as we arrived at the Old People’s Home…--- On arriving at the Ol d People’s Home we started our work at once---we set about working at once
ignore others’ opinions ------turn a deaf ear to others
learn better…learn more effectively
have too much work to do----be heavily burdened。
