horizontal communication
答案: noise
4、The communication is within business and administration, aiming at a common objective and profits for both the individuals and organizations.
答案: 错
9、Culture cannot be known without a study of communication, and communication can only be understood with an understanding of the culture it supports.
intercultural communication
business communication
答案: culture
3、A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.
答案: 错
1、A good mastery of grammar of one language can guarantee a successful communication.
A:4B:5C:6D:7答案: 【D】2、学习到最后你需要回归到一个原点:回答“我是谁”的问题。
A:对B:错答案: 【对】3、根据本节视频讲到的可知:越是身处全球化的进程中,人们越要明确自己的民族身份感。
A:对B:错答案: 【错】第一章单元测试1、以下说法正确的是:A:在面对面的沟通中情感性的信息更容易被别人接收到B:文化是个人的知识C:在选择沟通媒介时,只需要考虑沟通目标和沟通对象D:文化包括物质文化和社会文化答案: 【A】2、Samovar的跨文化沟通模型图A:包括两种文化B:形状相似就象征着文化距离是比较近的,沟通更容易C:内部个体文化在颜色和形状都与外部总体文化有略微不同的文化属于紧文化D:说明成员能掌握文化中全部的共享知识答案: 【B】3、关于心理学,下列说法正确的有:A:提倡文化的相对性B:心理学既关注人的共性,也关注人类社会文化的多样性C:心理过程可以看到D:强调即使是同一文化、民族或性别的人,也并非完全相同答案: 【ABD】4、Belay的三维度模型中:A:行为角度的跨文化沟通能力,是跨文化敏感性B:认知角度要有跨文化的沟通意识C:情感角度需要有跨文化机敏性D:情感角度的跨文化沟通能力中包括自我概念的内容答案: 【BD】5、在跨文化沟通当中,沟通顺畅、不存在障碍是正常的。
A:对B:错答案: 【错】第二章单元测试1、下列哪项不属于精确文化在管理中的特点?A:从性格、人际、绩效等方面全面考虑B:在管理中对事不对人C:为员工制定明确的目标D:把工作关系与私人关系分开答案: 【A】2、以下说法不正确的是A:集体主义可以与松文化并存B:文化的松紧与个人主义-集体主义是一回事C:松-紧文化对国家中个体的长期心理过程有着密切而重要的影响D:紧文化的社会监督力度更强,这一点被映射在个体水平上,表现为自我监控的严格答案: 【B】3、在文化中,反映人们的宗教观和哲学观的是什么时间?A:正式时间B:非正式时间C:技术时间D:轮回时间答案: 【A】4、在做事取向的文化中,对个体绩效评价的标准是A:根据关系亲疏进行评价B:即使一个人什么都没有做,但也有可能被评价为是顺应天时、无为而治C:用量化的指标、可以被看见的行动或变化,来评价一个人D:不依赖于外在的标准,而是个体内在的成长和自我完善答案: 【C】5、文化取向包括以下哪些内容A:对自我和他人关系的取向B:人性观C:时间知觉和空间知觉D:对权力平等的知觉答案: 【ABCD】6、跨文化谈判可能会遇到的分歧点在以下哪几个方面?A:谈判中的情绪B:谈判的态度C:谈判的时间D:谈判的目的答案: 【ABCD】第三章单元测试1、Hofstede文化五维度理论中,集体主义—个人主义的概念是在哪个层面使用的?A:集体层面B:国家层面C:其余都对D:个体层面答案:【B】2、下列国家中权力距离小的文化是:A:以色列B:菲律宾C:新加坡D:印度答案:【A】3、下列哪些陈述是正确的?A:男性气质文化鼓励竞争B:集体主义文化中的人都比个人主义文化中的人更重视集体C:长期导向的文化更注重孝道和关系的和睦D:个人主义与集体主义是一个连续带的两个端点答案:【ACD】4、关于GLOBE项目的说法正确的是:A:反映了最近数据揭示的文化维度B:提出了自信这一文化维度C:把集体主义维度分为体制集体主义和内群体集体主义D:只测量了文化的一种状况,即现状如何答案:【ABC】5、关于聚焦法取向的说法正确的是:A:是在一个时间的横截面上面来描述文化的特点B:聚焦法取向能够找到形成文化差异的真正原因C:聚焦法取向不能够对文化变迁进行分析D:聚焦法取向关注本土概念的文化专属意义答案:【BD】6、下列哪些选项属于不确定性规避较低的文化?A:倾向于租房子B:容易拒绝不合乎常规的建议C:选择稳定性较强的职业D:对改变抱开放态度答案:【AD】第四章单元测试1、全世界各国都存在同乡会、校友会,这体现了Fajfel社会认同理论中哪一项基本假设?A:人们的自我概念部分地依赖于人们如何评价本群体B:身份感是个体与另外一个人或一个群体建立联系的过程C:人们将世界归类为内群体和外群体D:人们的自尊感源于对本群体成员的社会认同答案:【C】2、根据Marcia提出的自我身份感状态模型,探索充分、但承诺度不高的状态是:A:身份感早闭B:身份感获得C:身份感延缓D:身份感弥散答案:【C】3、有关Baldelomar的跨文化自我身份感状态模型,下列说法正确的是:A:模型从探索的广泛性与狭窄性、选择范围的多和少两个角度阐述了身份感状态在同一种文化当中的发展路径B:在相互独立文化中,可供个体选择的角色和身份的相似性很大C:相互依赖文化的重要特点是相似、传统和复制D:相互独立文化的特点是人们可以选择,可以做个性化的选择,可以自我表达答案:【CD】4、在Phinney等人提出的民族认同阶段发展变化模型中,包括哪些阶段?A:内化阶段B:形成阶段C:未确认阶段D:探索阶段答案:【BCD】5、《中国合伙人》电影中的谈判片段,体现了跨文化体验学习的哪些方面?A:利用文化差异B:以平等之心对待其它文化C:在体验中察觉深层次的文化身份感D:拥有文化反省力答案:【ABCD】第五章单元测试1、孩子什么时候会出现命名激增现象?A:21个月左右B:18个月左右C:12个月左右D:13-18个月答案:【B】2、关于非线性语言,下列说法错误的是:A:逻辑结构是循环的B:看重现在、过去和未来的连续性C:强调传统导向的和主观性的语言D:时间导向上关注长期性答案:【B】3、下列陈述错误的是:A:当一种语言被翻译成另外一种语言后,原意无法被完整地表达B:字面意义相对应的的词汇,因文化的不同可能会被赋予不同的隐含意义C:人们的行为、思想、情感是不受到自身语言的限制D:对新语言的理解总是受限制于我们原有的知识,而知识又可以被我们的语言所反映答案:【C】4、关于语言相对性假说,以下说法正确的是:A:语言的结构可能会影响甚至决定人的思维方式B:人的感知经验通过各种印象呈现出来,而这些印象需要人类心智对其进行组织C:语言的独特内部逻辑约束着说该种语言的人的思维过程,从而造成了说不同语言的人之间有显著的认知差异D:语言的规则具有普遍性,决定语法语言潜力的是内在的“语言获得装置”答案:【ABC】5、在《并非审美观不同》这一案例中,有关发生错位对话的原因,下列说法正确的是:A:是中国人贬已尊人准则的具体体现B:中国人的语言是否定的,但其表情可能是愉悦的,说明中国文化是低情境文化C:根据Martin(1964)的言语层次论,中国主人将敬语型和谦卑型结合在了一起D:美国客人使用了赞誉准则中尽量夸大对别人的赞扬这一条准则答案:【ACD】6、以下哪些属于Baldrige提出的跨文化谈话话题指导原则?A:具有文化敏感性B:保持谈话内容的积极性C:在谈话中积极地主导话题D:避免谈及非常私人的问题答案:【ABD】第六章单元测试1、关于象征手势,下列说法中错误的是:A:象征手势在不同文化中的含义不同B:象征手势(emblem)是那些在本文化中具有明确而具体含义的手势C:以人们问候方式为例,日本人常用鞠躬,因纽特人常用鼻尖相碰D:在同一文化中用象征性手势表达的含义会被误解答案:【D】2、非言语沟通包括:A:时间知觉B:眼神C:面部表情D:沉默答案:【ABCD】3、美国人脸上有笑的表情,通常会和愉快、开心联系在一起。
智慧树跨文化沟通心理学章节答案智慧树跨文化沟通心理学章节答案Last revision on 21 December 2020第一章:1.跨文化沟通具有下列哪些特征A.是一个比较普遍的现象B.仅仅发生在与外国人面对面的交流中C.已经有数千年的历史了D.是一种常见的生活事件2.文化具有下列哪些特征A.文化是后天习得的B.文化是可以共享的C.文化以符号为基础D.文化是一种动态过程3.你怎样让一个法国人知道你很不耐烦了A.拍拍你的嘴唇并且打一个长长的哈欠B.无声的模仿吹长笛C.用中指和食指按你的鼻子B4.在Belay的综合性三维度模型中,跨文化敏感性是情感角度的跨文化沟通能力。
[单选题] *增强变化(正确答案)成熟死亡2、儿童发展心理学是研究()的科学。
[单选题] *儿童心理发展规律儿童各年龄阶段的心理特征儿童心理发展的规律和年龄特征(正确答案)儿童个体心理发展3、皮亚杰认为在儿童11、12 岁以后,儿童的认知水平就进入到()。
[单选题] *感知运动阶段前运算阶段具体运算阶段形式运算阶段(正确答案)4、.下列哪些陈述不符合青少年的心理特点()[单选题] *A精力旺盛B感情丰富C渴望独立D认识能力高,看问题全面(正确答案)5、幼儿期儿童的主导活动是()[单选题] *A)学习(B)运动(C)游戏((正确答案)D)睡眠6、方华情绪快而强,容易冲动,常常是爆发式的,并伴随有明显外部表现,她的气质类型属于()。
[单选题] *A胆汁质(正确答案)B多血质C粘液质D抑郁质7、下列说法中符合"偏执性精神障碍"的特点的是()。
[单选题] *病程演进迅速妄想常有系统化的倾向(正确答案)以意识障碍为主的精神性障碍常有人格分裂样改变8、面谈技巧中最复杂的技术是()[单选题] *解释(正确答案)指导释义面质9、某女生,7 岁,很喜欢语文老师,并总从他的眼神、表情中读出爱她的信息,独处时她还能看到他的笑容和他对她温情求爱的语声,其余未见异常。
[单选题] *偏执性精神障碍(正确答案)严重心理问题心理问题神经症10、“兴高采烈、毛骨悚然、悲痛欲绝、怒不可遏"这四个语句反映的情绪体验依次是()[单选题] *A喜、怒、哀、惧B喜、哀、惧、怒C喜、惧、哀、怒(正确答案)D喜、哀、怒、惧11、常见的人格障碍类型不包括()。
[单选题] *偏执型人格内向型人格(正确答案)反社会型人格强迫型人格12、某大学生每次考试前情绪都表现为心慌、紧张、出汗、坐立不安,这种情况属于()[单选题] *A情绪低落B焦虑情绪(正确答案)C反应过度D心境突变13、最早系统研究自我意识的学者是()[单选题] *A)冯特((正确答案)B)沙利文(C)华生(D)詹姆士14、年联合国世界卫生组织把健康定义为()[单选题] *A 没有身体疾病B 没有身心疾病C 生理心理和社会适应的良好状态D 生理心理社会适应和道德品质的良好状态(正确答案)15、自我概念是指()[单选题] *A)人格中的监控成分(B)人真实的本体性C)人格中的本能成分(D)人如何看待自己(正确答案)16、咨询阶段中最核心、最重要的实质阶段是()[单选题] *诊断咨询(正确答案)巩固评估17、在心理治疗中,病人对心理医生产生的情绪依恋被称为()[单选题] *A自由联想B显相联想C阻抗D移情(正确答案)18、使用开放式提问最主要的目的是()[单选题] *搜集更多资料(正确答案)澄清事实缩小讨论范围获取重点19、动机产生的基础是()[单选题] *A诱因B兴趣C目的D需要(正确答案)20、继时性压力是指()。
智慧树知到《跨文化交际》章节测试答案第一章1、Culture can be defined as: ( )A:Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned andpassed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.B:A system of meaning.C:Culture is a system of meaning and the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communicationD:A system of communication.正确答案:Culture is a system of meaning and the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication2、Two important factors responsible in closely connecting the countries of the world and making the world a smaller place today include: ( ).A:Land and waterB:War and peaceC:Religion and GovernmentD:Communication and trade正确答案:Communication and trade3、What are the 5 stories of the Global Village, as mentioned in the text book?A:Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, TaoB:Western, Marxist, Christian, Islamic, GreenC:Western, Marxist, Christian, Jewish, BlueD:Love, Hope, Peace, Progress, Truth正确答案:Western, Marxist, Christian, Islamic, Green4、“Learning about” a culture involves learning basic things related to that culture such as its history whereas “learning to do” a culture involves understanding why people in that culture behave and act the way they do.A:对B:错正确答案:对5、During the first level of cultural awareness, you start connecting with people from the different culture and begin understanding them.A:对B:错正确答案:错第二章1、The belief that your cultural group is superior to that of others is known as:( ).A:AgeismB:Cultural InferiorityC:Ethnocentrism or Cultural SuperiorityD: Levels of Culture正确答案:Ethnocentrism or Cultural Superiority2、What are subcultures?A:The many different kinds of prejudices many people have.B:The belief that your own culture is far superior to that of others.C:The many smaller cultures within a larger, national culture.D:They are overgeneralizations designed to hurt others.正确答案:The many smaller cultures within a larger, national culture.3、The different Levels of Culture include:( ).A:NationalB:RegionalC:GenerationalD: All the options are incorrect正确答案:All the options are incorrect4、Generalizations are hurtful/harmful. Stereotypes are helpful.A:对B:错正确答案:错5、To avoid stereotyping, one must avoid overgeneralizing.A:对B:错正确答案:对第三章1、Low context communicationis communication that occurs mostly through language.A:对B:错正确答案:A2、High context communication is communication that occurs mostly through language.A:对B:错正确答案:B3、What are examples of behavior codes?A:Books and magazinesB:Body language and social rolesC:Words people say and texts messagesD:Posters and past relationships正确答案:B4、What is one of the major sources of confusion, misunderstanding and frustration in cross-cultural communication?A:The difference in languages spoken by people from difference countries.B:The difference in age between the people communicating.C:The difference in jobs between the people communicating.D:The difference between high and low-context communication.正确答案:D5、For a Chinese student going to the United States for the first time, what might be a source of frustration?A:Only having written forms of communication and no one to help them in person.B:Not feeling confident with their speaking ability.C:The poor public transportation in the United States.D:Not being able to connect with new friends on WeChat.正确答案:A第四章1、Typically, Asians are more formal than westerners and older people are more formal than younger people.A:对B:错正确答案:A2、How do Westerners react to silence?A:They will feel uncomfortable and immediately leave the situation.B:They will likely feel uncomfortable and keep talking to stop the silence.C:They will listen and wait for another person to speak.D:They won’t notice the silence at all.正确答案:C3、Which of the following is a good question to ask in order to start a conversation with a foreigner?A:How long have you been in China?B:Can you use chopsticks?C:What is something that has surprised you the most about teaching in China?D:Can you speak Chinese?正确答案:C4、Westerners prefer to use indirect communication meaning that they say exactly what they think.A:对B:错正确答案:B5、When making first contact with a new person, which of the following matters?A:StatusB:The activityC:CultureD:The SettingE:All the options are incorrect正确答案:E6、In the West, friendships are based on the ability to help one another using personal connections. If someone does something for you, then it is your duty to pay them back with a helpful action later.A:对B:错正确答案:B7、Westerners often find it easy to understand the Chinese system of social credit and social debt because it is similar to how people act in the West.A:对B:错正确答案:B8、Typically, Westerners are much more informal in their friendships than Chinese people.A:对B:错正确答案:B9、Americans expect to gain and lose friendships naturally as their life changes. For example, they may have a group of close friends in high school that will changeonce they reach university.A:对B:错正确答案:A10、Which of the following is true about relationships in the West?A:Relationships often follow the rules of social debts and credits.B:Gift-giving is a common way to incur or repay social obligations in the West.C:Western friends typically have a more informal relationship than Chinese friends.D:Westerners dislike the feeling of dependence in friendships.正确答案:D第五章1、What is one possible reason that Americans don’t feel as attached to their surroundings as people from other cultures?A:America has fewer smells and therefore their surroundings do not have strong emotional attachments.B:Most places in American are considered to be ugly by Americans.C:American restaurants are too loud and Americans prefer peace and quiet.D:All the options are incorrect.正确答案:C2、Americans live in a low contact society.A:对B:错正确答案:A3、High Contact is where a culture prefers to use their vision in order to take in information, therefore they need to stand further away from an object in order to see the whole object and appreciate it.A:对B:错正确答案:B4、Why did the tribe from Central Africa describe the picture differently from how you or I would describe the photo?A:They don’t have the education to understand the picture.B:It was an intentional trick by the person who was showing them the picture.C:They didn’t have experience with photographs before and therefore perceived it differently.D:There was a language barrier and the westerner was not able to understand what the tribes people were saying.正确答案:C5、Perception is the way that something is understood or interpreted using your ability to see, hear, or use other senses.A:对B:错正确答案:A第六章1、What type of learning styleis common in China?A:A parent centered style of learning.B:A student centered style of learning.C:A teacher centered style of learning.D:Equality between the teacher and students.正确答案:C2、What is one of the purposes of pets in the United States?A:To have a friend, because it can be difficult to make friends.B:To satisfy the need for human touch.C:To satisfy the need of having someone listen to you.D:To satisfy the need of having someone be below you.正确答案:B3、How is the inside/outside pattern divided?A:Loud and softB:Rich and poorC:Private and publicD:Humans and animals正确答案:C4、In China, if you make eye contact and widen your eyes, it means you are angry. A:对B:错正确答案:A5、All humans around the world have learned to use their bodies the same.A:对B:错正确答案:B第七章1、With regards to social relationships, hierarchy means making your own decisions and choices that are best for you like what you want to eat for breakfast.A:对B:错正确答案:B2、If a culture has a past-oriented sense of time, what does that mean?A:Tradition is the best teacher.B:The past a future live together side by side.C:We should always be making plans for tomorrow.D:None of the options are incorrect.正确答案:A3、Westerners and Christians historically have believed which of the following?A:Humans are basically goodB:Humans are a mixture of good and evilC:Humans are basically evilD:All the options are incorrect正确答案:C4、What is an example from Chinese culture that shows a balance between living with nature and utilizing science?A:KungfuB:Economic developmentC:Chinese MedicineD:Chinese food正确答案:C5、Which of the following is not one of the 5 orientations from Kluckhohn’s model?A:Human NatureB:Sense of timeC:Social RelationshipsD:High context正确答案:D第八章1、At the Appreciation Stage of cultural adaptation, you are able to:( ).A:Forget about your home cultureB:Accept and appreciate both the similarities and differences of the new culture.C:Like some things from the new culture even more than the home culture.D:Appreciate both the similarities and differences of the new culture and Like some things from the new culture even more than the home culture.正确答案:D2、Experiencing culture shock upon returning home after spending time in a foreign country is known as: ( ).A:Culture ShockB:Culture Shock Part 2C:Culture Shock ReturnsD:Reverse Culture Shock正确答案:D3、A good strategy to adopt if you are feeling lonely in a foreign culture would be: ( ).A:Return to your home culture.B:Try and make friends (both international friends and local friends).C:Talk to friends and family members back home regularly.D:Eat food from your local culture to comfort you.正确答案:B4、One’s perception is shaped by one’s culture.A:对B:错正确答案:A5、Confusion and frustration are commonly experienced during culture shock.A:对B:错正确答案:B。
跨文化交际(广西师范大学)知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新第一章测试1.Culture can be defined as: ( )参考答案:Culture is a system of meaning and the total accumulation of beliefs,customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication2.Two important factors responsible in closely connecting the countries of theworld and making the world a smaller place today include: ( ).参考答案:Communication and trade3.What are the 5 stories of the Global Village, as mentioned in the text book?参考答案:Western, Marxist, Christian, Islamic, Green4.“Learning about” a culture involves learning basic things related to thatculture such as its history whereas “learning to do” a culture involvesunderstanding why people in that culture behave and act the way they do.参考答案:对5.During the first level of cultural awareness, you start connecting with peoplefrom the different culture and begin understanding them.参考答案:错第二章测试1.The belief that your cultural group is superior to that of others is knownas:( ).参考答案:Ethnocentrism or Cultural Superiority2.What are subcultures?参考答案:The many smaller cultures within a larger, national culture.3.The different Levels of Culture include:( ).参考答案:All the options are incorrect4.Generalizations are hurtful/harmful. Stereotypes are helpful.参考答案:错5.To avoid stereotyping, one must avoid overgeneralizing.参考答案:对第三章测试1.Low context communicationis communication that occurs mostly throughlanguage.参考答案:对2.High context communication is communication that occurs mostly throughlanguage.参考答案:错3.What are examples of behavior codes?参考答案:Body language and social roles4.What is one of the major sources of confusion, misunderstanding andfrustration in cross-cultural communication?参考答案:The difference between high and low-context communication.5.For a Chinese student going to the United States for the first time, what mightbe a source of frustration?参考答案:Only having written forms of communication and no one to help them in person.第四章测试1.Typically, Asians are more formal than westerners and older people are moreformal than younger people.参考答案:对2.How do Westerners react to silence?参考答案:They will likely feel uncomfortable and keep talking to stop the silence.3.Which of the following is a good question to ask in order to start aconversation with a foreigner?参考答案:What is something that has surprised you the most about teaching in4.Westerners prefer to use indirect communication meaning that they sayexactly what they think.参考答案:错5.When making first contact with a new person, which of the following matters?参考答案:All the options are incorrect6.In the West, friendships are based on the ability to help one another usingpersonal connections. If someone does something for you, then it is your duty to pay them back with a helpful action later.参考答案:错7.Westerners often find it easy to understand the Chinese system of socialcredit and social debt because it is similar to how people act in the West.错8.Typically, Westerners are much more informal in their friendships thanChinese people.参考答案:错9.Americans expect to gain and lose friendships naturally as their life changes.For example, they may have a group of close friends in high school that will change once they reach university.参考答案:对10.Which of the following is true about relationships in the West?参考答案:Westerners dislike the feeling of dependence in friendships.第五章测试1.What is one possible reason that Americans don’t feel as attached to theirsurroundings as people from other cultures?参考答案:America has fewer smells and therefore their surroundings do not have strong emotional attachments.2.Americans live in a low contact society.参考答案:对3.High Contact is where a culture prefers to use their vision in order to take ininformation, therefore they need to stand further away from an object inorder to see the whole object and appreciate it.参考答案:错4.Why did the tribe from Central Africa describe the picture differently fromhow you or I would describe the photo?参考答案:They didn’t have experience with photographs before and thereforeperceived it differently.5.Perception is the way that something is understood or interpreted using yourability to see, hear, or use other senses.参考答案:对第六章测试1.What type of learning styleis common in China?参考答案:A teacher centered style of learning.2.What is one of the purposes of pets in the United States?参考答案:To satisfy the need for human touch.3.How is the inside/outside pattern divided?参考答案:Private and public4.In China, if you make eye contact and widen your eyes, it means you areangry.参考答案:对5.All humans around the world have learned to use their bodies the same.参考答案:错第七章测试1.With regards to social relationships, hierarchy means making your owndecisions and choices that are best for you like what you want to eat for breakfast.参考答案:错2.If a culture has a past-oriented sense of time, what does that mean?参考答案:Tradition is the best teacher.3.Westerners and Christians historically have believed which of the following?参考答案:Humans are basically evil4.What is an example from Chinese culture that shows a balance betweenliving with nature and utilizing science?参考答案:Chinese Medicine5.Which of the following is not one of the 5 orientations from Kluckhohn’smodel?参考答案:High context第八章测试1.At the Appreciation Stage of cultural adaptation, you are able to:( ).参考答案:Appreciate both the similarities and differences of the new cultureand Like some things from the new culture even more than the home culture.2.Experiencing culture shock upon returning home after spending time in aforeign country is known as: ( ).参考答案:Reverse Culture Shock3. A good strategy to adopt if you are feeling lonely in a foreign culture wouldbe: ( ).参考答案:Try and make friends (both international friends and local friends).4.One’s perception is shaped by one’s culture.参考答案:对5.Confusion and frustration are commonly experienced during culture shock.参考答案:错。
智慧树知到《跨文化交际》章节测试答案第一章1、Culture can be defined as: ( )A:Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned andpassed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.B:A system of meaning.C:Culture is a system of meaning and the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communicationD:A system of communication.正确答案:Culture is a system of meaning and the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication2、Two important factors responsible in closely connecting the countries of the world and making the world a smaller place today include: ( ).A:Land and waterB:War and peaceC:Religion and GovernmentD:Communication and trade正确答案:Communication and trade3、What are the 5 stories of the Global Village, as mentioned in the text book?A:Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, TaoB:Western, Marxist, Christian, Islamic, GreenC:Western, Marxist, Christian, Jewish, BlueD:Love, Hope, Peace, Progress, Truth正确答案:Western, Marxist, Christian, Islamic, Green4、“Learning about” a culture involves learning basic things related to that culture such as its history whereas “learning to do” a culture involves understanding why people in that culture behave and act the way they do.A:对B:错正确答案:对5、During the first level of cultural awareness, you start connecting with people from the different culture and begin understanding them.A:对B:错正确答案:错第二章1、The belief that your cultural group is superior to that of others is known as:( ).A:AgeismB:Cultural InferiorityC:Ethnocentrism or Cultural SuperiorityD: Levels of Culture正确答案:Ethnocentrism or Cultural Superiority2、What are subcultures?A:The many different kinds of prejudices many people have.B:The belief that your own culture is far superior to that of others.C:The many smaller cultures within a larger, national culture.D:They are overgeneralizations designed to hurt others.正确答案:The many smaller cultures within a larger, national culture.3、The different Levels of Culture include:( ).A:NationalB:RegionalC:GenerationalD: All the options are incorrect正确答案:All the options are incorrect4、Generalizations are hurtful/harmful. Stereotypes are helpful.A:对B:错正确答案:错5、To avoid stereotyping, one must avoid overgeneralizing.A:对B:错正确答案:对第三章1、Low context communicationis communication that occurs mostly through language.A:对B:错正确答案:A2、High context communication is communication that occurs mostly through language.A:对B:错正确答案:B3、What are examples of behavior codes?A:Books and magazinesB:Body language and social rolesC:Words people say and texts messagesD:Posters and past relationships正确答案:B4、What is one of the major sources of confusion, misunderstanding and frustration in cross-cultural communication?A:The difference in languages spoken by people from difference countries.B:The difference in age between the people communicating.C:The difference in jobs between the people communicating.D:The difference between high and low-context communication.正确答案:D5、For a Chinese student going to the United States for the first time, what might be a source of frustration?A:Only having written forms of communication and no one to help them in person.B:Not feeling confident with their speaking ability.C:The poor public transportation in the United States.D:Not being able to connect with new friends on WeChat.正确答案:A第四章1、Typically, Asians are more formal than westerners and older people are more formal than younger people.A:对B:错正确答案:A2、How do Westerners react to silence?A:They will feel uncomfortable and immediately leave the situation.B:They will likely feel uncomfortable and keep talking to stop the silence.C:They will listen and wait for another person to speak.D:They won’t notice the silence at all.正确答案:C3、Which of the following is a good question to ask in order to start a conversation with a foreigner?A:How long have you been in China?B:Can you use chopsticks?C:What is something that has surprised you the most about teaching in China?D:Can you speak Chinese?正确答案:C4、Westerners prefer to use indirect communication meaning that they say exactly what they think.A:对B:错正确答案:B5、When making first contact with a new person, which of the following matters?A:StatusB:The activityC:CultureD:The SettingE:All the options are incorrect正确答案:E6、In the West, friendships are based on the ability to help one another using personal connections. If someone does something for you, then it is your duty to pay them back with a helpful action later.A:对B:错正确答案:B7、Westerners often find it easy to understand the Chinese system of social credit and social debt because it is similar to how people act in the West.A:对B:错正确答案:B8、Typically, Westerners are much more informal in their friendships than Chinese people.A:对B:错正确答案:B9、Americans expect to gain and lose friendships naturally as their life changes. For example, they may have a group of close friends in high school that will changeonce they reach university.A:对B:错正确答案:A10、Which of the following is true about relationships in the West?A:Relationships often follow the rules of social debts and credits.B:Gift-giving is a common way to incur or repay social obligations in the West.C:Western friends typically have a more informal relationship than Chinese friends.D:Westerners dislike the feeling of dependence in friendships.正确答案:D第五章1、What is one possible reason that Americans don’t feel as attached to their surroundings as people from other cultures?A:America has fewer smells and therefore their surroundings do not have strong emotional attachments.B:Most places in American are considered to be ugly by Americans.C:American restaurants are too loud and Americans prefer peace and quiet.D:All the options are incorrect.正确答案:C2、Americans live in a low contact society.A:对B:错正确答案:A3、High Contact is where a culture prefers to use their vision in order to take in information, therefore they need to stand further away from an object in order to see the whole object and appreciate it.A:对B:错正确答案:B4、Why did the tribe from Central Africa describe the picture differently from how you or I would describe the photo?A:They don’t have the education to understand the picture.B:It was an intentional trick by the person who was showing them the picture.C:They didn’t have experience with photographs before and therefore perceived it differently.D:There was a language barrier and the westerner was not able to understand what the tribes people were saying.正确答案:C5、Perception is the way that something is understood or interpreted using your ability to see, hear, or use other senses.A:对B:错正确答案:A第六章1、What type of learning styleis common in China?A:A parent centered style of learning.B:A student centered style of learning.C:A teacher centered style of learning.D:Equality between the teacher and students.正确答案:C2、What is one of the purposes of pets in the United States?A:To have a friend, because it can be difficult to make friends.B:To satisfy the need for human touch.C:To satisfy the need of having someone listen to you.D:To satisfy the need of having someone be below you.正确答案:B3、How is the inside/outside pattern divided?A:Loud and softB:Rich and poorC:Private and publicD:Humans and animals正确答案:C4、In China, if you make eye contact and widen your eyes, it means you are angry. A:对B:错正确答案:A5、All humans around the world have learned to use their bodies the same.A:对B:错正确答案:B第七章1、With regards to social relationships, hierarchy means making your own decisions and choices that are best for you like what you want to eat for breakfast.A:对B:错正确答案:B2、If a culture has a past-oriented sense of time, what does that mean?A:Tradition is the best teacher.B:The past a future live together side by side.C:We should always be making plans for tomorrow.D:None of the options are incorrect.正确答案:A3、Westerners and Christians historically have believed which of the following?A:Humans are basically goodB:Humans are a mixture of good and evilC:Humans are basically evilD:All the options are incorrect正确答案:C4、What is an example from Chinese culture that shows a balance between living with nature and utilizing science?A:KungfuB:Economic developmentC:Chinese MedicineD:Chinese food正确答案:C5、Which of the following is not one of the 5 orientations from Kluckhohn’s model?A:Human NatureB:Sense of timeC:Social RelationshipsD:High context正确答案:D第八章1、At the Appreciation Stage of cultural adaptation, you are able to:( ).A:Forget about your home cultureB:Accept and appreciate both the similarities and differences of the new culture.C:Like some things from the new culture even more than the home culture.D:Appreciate both the similarities and differences of the new culture and Like some things from the new culture even more than the home culture.正确答案:D2、Experiencing culture shock upon returning home after spending time in a foreign country is known as: ( ).A:Culture ShockB:Culture Shock Part 2C:Culture Shock ReturnsD:Reverse Culture Shock正确答案:D3、A good strategy to adopt if you are feeling lonely in a foreign culture would be: ( ).A:Return to your home culture.B:Try and make friends (both international friends and local friends).C:Talk to friends and family members back home regularly.D:Eat food from your local culture to comfort you.正确答案:B4、One’s perception is shaped by one’s culture.A:对B:错正确答案:A5、Confusion and frustration are commonly experienced during culture shock.A:对B:错正确答案:B。
跨文化沟通心理学 智慧树知到见面课答案
![跨文化沟通心理学 智慧树知到见面课答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/946cb0bd82d049649b6648d7c1c708a1284a0ae4.png)
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、选择题:文化价值观具有稳定性,目前的文化价值观适用于未来的世界。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、选择题:联合国开会时,代表发言时必须用六种指定的官方语言之一。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】4、选择题: 联合国出版的官方文件是用发言代表所在国家的语言。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】5、选择题:下面哪一种语言不是联合国开会时使用的官方语言?选项:A:中文B:阿拉伯语C:德语D:西班牙语答案: 【德语】见面课:基本文化维度在生活中的应用1、选择题:印度人吃饭时是用左手抓饭吃的。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】2、选择题:有些文化当中的人用沙子洗碗,这是很不卫生的。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、选择题:家庭、学校、同辈群体、大众媒体对个人干净观念的形成起着重要作用。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、选择题:干净不干净是具有文化绝对性的。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】5、选择题:洁癖的人一定比没有洁癖的人干净。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】见面课:如何与不同国家的人沟通1、选择题:德国所有的高速公路是不会限速的。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】2、选择题:在日本,便利店会在门口放置雨伞,这是不安全的。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、选择题:俄罗斯人用手掌放在脖子上表示吃饱了。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】4、选择题:安全感的形成与个人期待、教育、他人的态度是密不可分的。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】5、选择题:不安全的行为一定会造成不安全感。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】1、选择题:所有的美食都具有跨文化性。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】2、选择题:美食受到文化的定义。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】3、选择题:不同文化的人,对“家庭”这个词的理解都是一样的。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】4、选择题:不同文化的人,对“什么样的食材是新鲜的”理解是不一样的。
跨文化交际 Intercultural Communication智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年
![跨文化交际 Intercultural Communication智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/05a7e7aa162ded630b1c59eef8c75fbfc77d94f3.png)
跨文化交际 Intercultural Communication智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下内蒙古民族大学内蒙古民族大学绪论单元测试1.Foreigners are interested to learn about Chinese Culture and Chinese People.At the same time, there are misunderstandings of Chinese culture.A:错 B:对答案:对2.Overseas experiences can expand one's vision and enrich one'sunderstanding of Intercultural Communication.A:对 B:错答案:对3.Before communicating with others, you need to understand your own culturewell.A:错 B:对答案:对4.Culture learning is not so important as language learning.A:错 B:对答案:错5.Knowing all the words and having perfect grammar of a language is enoughto deal with Intercultural Communication.A:错 B:对答案:错6.Everything abroad is the same as “at home”.A:错 B:对答案:错7.In this course, we are going to learn aboutA:Intercultural communication barriers B:Verbal and non-verbalcommunication C:Thearatical foundations of Intercultural Communication D:Acquring Intercultural Communication Competence答案:Intercultural communication barriers;Verbal and non-verbalcommunication;Thearatical foundations of InterculturalCommunication;Acquring Intercultural Communication Competence8.In the study of intercultural communication, we are going to achieve thegoals ofA:understanding the basic termsB:developing communicative competence C:fostering critical thinking ofdifferent cultures D:avoiding potential problems in interculturalcommunication答案:understanding the basic terms;developing communicative competence;fostering critical thinking ofdifferent cultures;avoiding potential problems in interculturalcommunication9.The course you are taking isA:Phycology B:Communication C:Intercultural Communication D:EnglishLiterature答案:Intercultural Communication10.When being asked by other people about your culture, you will be moreaware of your identity.A:对 B:错答案:对第一章测试1.The dialogues at the United Nations, for example, would be termed _________.A:international communication B:interpersonal communication C:interracial communication D:interethnic communication答案:international communication2.In China, if a Tibetan communicates with a Han, it is _____.A:interracial communication B:international communication C:interethnic communication D:interpersonal communication答案:interethnic communication3._____ is the socialization process you go through to adapt to your society.A:Enculturation B:Deculturation C:Acculturation D:Assimilation答案:Enculturation4.Many of the same proverbs appear throughout the world, because all people,regardless of their culture, share common____.A:experiences B:stories C:languages D:arts答案:experiences5.In the popular cultural iceberg metaphor, you can only see about 10-15%above the surface, most part of the iceberg is under the water, which is a bit of a mystery. Which of the following do you think are above the water?A:clothing B:food C:architecture D:music答案:clothing;food;architecture ;music6.Six reasons of why study intercultural communication were mentioned,please try pick the ones mentioned in the following.A:technology B:imperative C:self-awarenessD:demographic changes答案:technology;imperative;self-awareness;demographic changes7.Culture can be categorized as either material or nonmaterial culture.A:对 B:错答案:对8.Culture is that complex whole whichincludes knowledge,belief,arts,morals,law,custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.A:对 B:错答案:对9.It is reasonable that we use what's below our surface to try to understandwhat's above somebody else’s.A:错 B:对答案:错10."Dig the well before you are thirsty" is a Chinese proverb meaning "吃水不忘挖井人”。
智慧树知到?跨文化沟通心理学? 2021 章节测试答案绪论单元测试1、本课程将在〔〕个站点停下。
A:4B:5C:6D:7答案: 【D】2、学习到最后你需要回归到一个原点:答复“我是谁〞的问题。
A:对B :错答案: 【对】3、按照本节视频讲到的可知:越是身处全球化的进程中,人们越要明确本身的民族身份感。
A:对B :错答案: 【错】第一章单元测试1、以下说法正确的选项是:A:在面对面的沟通中情感性的信息更容易被别人接收到B :文化是个人的常识C:在选择沟通媒介时,只需要考虑沟通目标和沟通对象D:文化包含物质文化和社会文化2、Samovar 的跨文化沟通模型图A:包含两种文化B :形状相似就象征着文化距离是比较近的,沟通更容易C:内部个体文化在颜色和形状都与外部总体文化有略微不同的文化属于紧文化D:说明成员能掌握文化中全部的共享常识答案: 【B】3、关于心理学,以下说法正确的有:A:倡导文化的相对性B :心理学既存眷人的共性,也存眷人类社会文化的多样性C:心理过程可以看到D:强调即使是同一文化、民族或性此外人,也并非完全不异答案: 【ABD】4、Belay 的三维度模型中:A:行为角度的跨文化沟通能力,是跨文化敏感性B :认知角度要有跨文化的沟通意识C:情感角度需要有跨文化机敏性D:情感角度的跨文化沟通能力中包含自我概念的内容答案: 【BD】5、在跨文化沟通傍边,沟通顺畅、不存在障碍是正常的。
A:对B :错第二章单元测试1、以下哪项不属于精确文化在打点中的特点?A:从性格、人际、绩效等方面全面考虑B :在打点中对事不对人C:为员工制定明确的目标D:把工作关系与私人关系分开答案: 【A】2、以下说法不正确的选项是A:集体主义可以与松文化并存B :文化的松紧与本位主义-集体主义是一回事C:松-紧文化对国家中个体的持久心理过程有着密切而重要的影响D:紧文化的社会监督力度更强,这一点被映射在个体程度上,暗示为自我监控的严格答案: 【B】3、在文化中,反映人们的宗教不雅观和哲学不雅观的是什么时间?A:正式时间B :非正式时间C:技术时间D:轮回时间答案: 【A】4、在做事取向的文化中,对个体绩效评价的标准是A:按照关系亲疏进行评价B :即使一个人什么都没有做,但也有可能被评价为是顺应天时、无为而治C:用量化的指标、可以被看见的步履或变化,来评价一个人D:不依赖于外在的标准,而是个体内在的成长和自我完善答案: 【C】5、文化取向包含以下哪些内容A:对自我和他人关系的取向B :人性不雅观C:时间知觉和空间知觉D:对权力平等的知觉答案: 【ABCD】6、跨文化谈判可能会遇到的不合点在以下哪几个方面?A:谈判中的情绪B :谈判的态度C:谈判的时间D:谈判的目的答案: 【ABCD】第三章单元测试1、Hofstede 文化五维度理论中,集体主义—本位主义的概念是在哪个层面使用的?A:集体层面B :国家层面C:其余都对D:个体层面答案:【B】2、以下国家中权力距离小的文化是:A:以色列B :菲律宾C:新加坡D:印度答案:【A】3、以下哪些陈述是正确的?A:男性气质文化鼓励竞争B :集体主义文化中的人都比本位主义文化中的人更重视集体C:持久导向的文化更注重孝道和关系的敦睦D:本位主义与集体主义是一个持续带的两个端点答案:【ACD】4、关于GLOBE工程的说法正确的选项是:A:反映了比来数据揭示的文化维度B :提出了自信这一文化维度C:把集体主义维度分为体制集体主义和内群体集体主义D:只测量了文化的一种状况,即现状如何答案:【ABC】5、关于聚焦法取向的说法正确的选项是:A:是在一个时间的横截面上面来描述文化的特点B :聚焦法取向能够找到形成文化差此外真正原因C:聚焦法取向不能够对文化变迁进行阐发D:聚焦法取向存眷外乡概念的文化专属意义答案:【BD】6、以下哪些选项属于不确定性遁藏较低的文化?A:倾向于租房子B :容易拒绝不符合常规的建议C:选择不变性较强的职业D:对改变抱开放态度答案:【AD】第四章单元测试1、全世界各都城存在同乡会、校友会,这表达了Fajfel 社会认同理论中哪一项底子假设?A:人们的自我概念局部地依赖于人们如何评价本群体B :身份感是个体与此外一个人或一个群体成立联系的过程C:人们将世界归类为内群体和外群体D:人们的自尊感源于对本群体成员的社会认同答案:【C】2、按照Marcia 提出的自我身份感状态模型,探索充分、但承诺度不高的状态是:A:身份感早闭B :身份感获得C:身份感延缓D:身份感弥散答案:【C】3、有关Baldelomar 的跨文化自我身份感状态模型,以下说法正确的选项是:A:模型从探索的广泛性与狭窄性、选择范围的多和少两个角度阐述了身份感状态在同一种文化傍边的开展路径B :在彼此独立文化中,可供个体选择的角色和身份的相似性很大C:彼此依赖文化的重要特点是相似、传统和复制D:彼此独立文化的特点是人们可以选择,可以做个性化的选择,可以自我表达答案:【CD】4、在Phinney 等人提出的民族认同阶段开展变化模型中,包含哪些阶段?A:内化阶段B :形成阶段C:未确认阶段D:探索阶段答案:【BCD】5、?中国合伙人?电影中的谈判片段,表达了跨文化体验学习的哪些方面?A:把持文化差异B :以平等之心对待其它文化C:在体验中觉察深层次的文化身份感D:拥有文化反省力答案:【ABCD】第五章单元测试1、孩子什么时候会呈现定名激增现象?A:21 个月摆布B:18 个月摆布C:12 个月摆布D:13-18 个月答案:【B】2、关于非线性语言,以下说法错误的选项是:A:逻辑布局是循环的B :垂青此刻、过去和未来的持续性C:强调传统导向的和主不雅观性的语言D:时间导向上存眷持久性答案:【B】3、以下陈述错误的选项是:A:当一种语言被翻译成此外一种语言后,原意无法被完整地表达B :字面意义相对应的的词汇,因文化的不同可能会被赋予不同的隐含意义C:人们的行为、思想、情感是不受到自身语言的限制D:对新语言的理解总是受限制于我们原有的常识,而常识又可以被我们的语言所反映答案:【C】4、关于语言相对性假说,以下说法正确的选项是:A:语言的布局可能会影响甚至决定人的思维方式B :人的感知经验通过各种印象呈现出来,而这些印象需要人类心智对其进行组织C:语言的独特内部逻辑约束着说该种语言的人的思维过程,从而造成了说不同语言的人之间有显著的认知差异D:语言的规那么具有普及性,决定语法语言潜力的是内在的“语言获得装置〞答案:【ABC】5、在?并非审美不雅观不同?这一案例中,有关发生错位对话的原因,以下说法正确的选项是:A:是中国人贬已尊人准那么的具体表达B :中国人的语言是否认的,但其表情可能是愉悦的,说明中国文化是低情境文化C:按照Martin(1964) 的言语层次论,中国主人将敬语型和谦卑型结合在了一起D:美国客人使用了赞誉准那么中尽量夸大对别人的赞扬这一条准那么答案:【ACD】6、以下哪些属于Baldrige 提出的跨文化谈话话题指导原那么?A:具有文化敏感性B :保持谈话内容的积极性C:在谈话中积极地主导话题D:防止谈及非常私人的问题答案:【ABD】第六章单元测试1、关于象征手势,以下说法中错误的选项是:A:象征手势在不同文化中的含义不同B :象征手势〔emblem 〕是那些在本文化中具有明确而具体含义的手势C:以人们问候方式为例,日本人常用鞠躬,因纽特人常用鼻尖相碰D:在同一文化顶用象征性手势表达的含义会被误解答案:【D】2、非言语沟通包含:A:时间知觉B :眼神C:面部表情D:沉默答案:【ABCD】3、美国人脸上有笑的表情,通常会和愉快、开心联系在一起。
•名称跨文化沟通心理学•对应章节•成绩类型分数制•截止时间 2016-06-09 23:59•题目数35•迟交处理允许迟交•总分数 120•说明:•评语:••提示:选择题选项顺序为随机排列,若要核对答案,请以选项内容为准•第1部分•总题数:20•1【单选题】(3分)在有些文化中,人们更愿意表达自己的情绪,有更丰富的肢体语言,这种文化是:A.中性文化B.感性文化C.高情境文化D.低情境文化正确答案是:B2【单选题】(3分)对新语言的理解总是受限制于我们原有的知识,而知识又可以被我们的语言所反映。
跨文化交际智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下广东外语外贸大学南国商学院广东外语外贸大学南国商学院第一章测试1.“Culture is like the water a fish swims in.” This metaphor implies that ourculture is so much a part of who we are, and what the world is like for us that we do not notice it. ()A:错 B:对答案:对2.As of March 2022, what is the region with the most Memorandum ofUnderstanding with China? ()A:East Asia and Pacific B:Middle East and North Africa C:Sub-Saharan Africa D:Europe and Central Asia答案:Sub-Saharan Africa3."Telling Chinese story well" is a necessary way to let the world know aboutChina's development. ()A:对 B:错答案:对4.The Walled Village is a representative of ().A:Teochew culture B:Guangzhou culture C:Hakka culture D:Chaoshan culture 答案:Hakka culture5.Which of the following is not part of the intercultural competition? ()A:Telling Chinese story B:Impromptu case performance C:Casedemonstration and analysis D:IC-related quick quiz答案:Impromptu case performance第二章测试munication has taken place, regardless of whether our behavior isconscious or unconscious, intentional or unintentional. ()A:错 B:对答案:对2.Which of the following is not a characteristic of communication? ()A:Communication is dynamic. B:Communication is symbolic.C:Communication is reversible. D:Communication is interactive.答案:Communication is reversible.3.Intercultural communication can be considered as the communicationbetween people from different cultural backgrounds. ()A:对 B:错答案:对4.Which of the following is not the general factors of Michael Byram’s model ofICC? ()A:attitudes B:critical cultural awareness C:ability D:knowledge答案:knowledge5.Which of the following is incorrect in terms of the description of ICC? ()A:ICC development is an on-going and lengthy, often lifelong process. B:The general constructs of ICC include knowledge, attitudes, awareness and skills.C:To appreciate other cultures or values is also important. D:Rely onassumption to judge the behavior of a message, both verbal or nonverbal.答案:To appreciate other cultures or values is also important.第三章测试1.Social Identity Theory (SIT) may provide a basis for how people from othercultures perceive and interact with us. ()A:对 B:错答案:对2.Social identity is the portion of an individual’s self-concept derived fromperceived membership in a relevant social group. ()A:错 B:对答案:对3.“Ingroups’ favoritism” and “outgroups’ discrimination” is the psychologicalbasis for ethnocentrism and stereotypes in IC. ()A:对 B:错答案:对4.Gender identity is not only personal and biological but also socially andculturally constructed. It is natured as well as nurtured. ()A:对 B:错答案:对5.Which of the following does not belong to the characteristics of masculinitymentioned in Geert Hofstede’s theory? ()A:modest B:concentrated on material achievements and wealth-buildingC:assertive D:distinct gender roles答案:modest第四章测试1.In individualistic societies, people are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups. ()A:对 B:错答案:错2.Which of the following countries or regions does not score highly forindividualism? ()A:China B:Canada C:the United States D:Australia答案:China3.( ) is not a country with collectivistic cultures. ()A:Malaysia B:China C:Serbia D:Netherlands答案:Netherlands4.Which countries have High Power Distance Index (PDI) scores? ()A:Philippines B:Malaysia C:Russia D:Slovak Republic答案:Philippines;Malaysia;Russia;Slovak Republic5.People pursue job and life security and opt for stiff laws, guidelines andcodes of behaviour. There is a low tolerance for risk-taking and uncertainty in culture with High Uncertainty Avoidance. ()A:对 B:错答案:对6.In a Masculine society, people have preferences for: Assertiveness,Achievement, competitiveness, and Material reward for success. Japan is a typical country with masculine culture. ()A:对 B:错答案:错7.The culture Short-term Orientation tends to focus on the past and present.The emphasis is on quick and fast results. For example, ( ) are countries with such culture. ()A:Iran B:Venezuela C:Morocco D:Colombia答案:Iran;Venezuela;Morocco;Colombia8.People from indulgent cultures tend to have relatively weak control overtheir impulses; while people from restrained cultures tend to have strong control over their impulses. ()A:错 B:对答案:对第五章测试1.Vocabulary is considered to have the most prominent influence on language,and also has a direct and close connection with culture. ()A:对 B:错答案:对2.It is commonly thought that Chinese people are used to indirectcommunication styles, preferring to be more euphemistic and stay on theside of caution, and Chinese people admire the virtue of modesty. ()A:错 B:对答案:对3.Silence is also a kind of communication. ()A:错 B:对答案:对4.Being 30 minutes or even an hour late is considered acceptable in somecountries expect for ().A:Canada B:some southern European countries C:some Latin Americancountries答案:Canada5.You can arrive late a little when attending a party in some countries. ()A:对 B:错答案:对6.People in China and Western countries have a very different understandingof personal and privacy space. In Western countries, people can be verysensitive to infringements on personal space. ()A:对 B:错答案:对第六章测试1.Some of the cyber buzzwords can also become a part of the mainstreamculture and enter the general lexicon. ()A:对 B:错答案:对2.Which of the following does not belong to the four stages of interculturaladaptation? ()A:adaptation stage B:negotiation stage C:honeymoon stage D:interactionstage答案:interaction stage3.Not all sojourners experience culture shock. ()A:对 B:错答案:对4.People living in high context cultures are expected to pay more attention tothe words used in communication than to the context in which things aresaid. Nevertheless, people in low context cultures pay much attention tointerpreting what others mean; they often give more weight to the contextthan to the actual words said. ()A:错 B:对答案:错5.( ) does not belong to the country with principles-first culture? ()A:Canada B:Italy C:Russia D:France答案:Canada6.Which of the following countries does not have a typical hierarchical culture?()A:Denmark B:Japan C:China D:South Korea答案:Denmark7.China is a typical “relationship-based” culture. ()A:错 B:对答案:对第七章测试1.In countries with low power distance index values, it tends to be more equalbetween parents and children. ()A:对 B:错答案:对2.Americans are strongly monochronic, while French have a much greaterpolychronic tendency. ()A:错 B:对答案:对3.Which of the following does not belong to the 4 steps of IC interviewproposed by Holmes and O 'Neil? ()A:Reflecting. B:Evaluating. C:Preparing D:Organizing答案:Organizing4.( ) refers to a preconceived idea about a person’s gender, profession, race,religion, or culture. ()A:Stereotype B:Prejudice C:Discrimination答案:Stereotype5.Which of the following statements about intercultural communication is nottrue? ()A:We need understanding and acceptance in intercultural communication.B:During the process of intercultural communication, one should turn one’s ba ck on one’s own culture. C:We should develop tolerance and acceptance in intercultural communication.答案:During the process of intercultural communication, one should turn one’s back on one’s own culture.。
跨文化交际(山东外贸职业学院)知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新第一章测试1.Which of the following is the same with “first name”?参考答案:Given name2. The twin construct refers to _________.参考答案:individualism and collectivism3. Which one of the following is Not one of the seven facial expressions?参考答案:Pride4.In Japan, The OK sign means参考答案:money5. ______ is at the core of intercultural communication.参考答案:language第二章测试1.In the statements of Rod and Wangjie from2.1, what surprises Rod?参考答案:The Chinese guests never accept his offer of drinks or food.2.Which of the countries doesn’t belong to individualistic culture?参考答案:Greece3.You can tell your boss that you think he is attractive.参考答案:错4.It is OK if you give your professor a music CD to show appreciation.对5.The “lack of pushing and shoving” can be seen as immodest in America whenyou receive a gift.参考答案:错第三章测试1.Both American and Chinese will have three meals a day.参考答案:对2.Chinese like to use MSG to enhance the taste.参考答案:对3.Foodways can be defined as "the eating habits and culinary practices of apeople, region, or historical period".对4.Why Andy feel that he and his wife are not really welcome.参考答案:Because his wife is not included in the invitation.5.Which is an appropriate action when having dinner with westerners.参考答案:Chow with your mouth closed.第四章测试1.Which of the following is Not a taboo topic for an American?参考答案:Birthday2.The term “boy” is potentially insulting if you use it to refer to an ( ) male.参考答案:African-American3.Which of the following is not completely forbidden, but people tend to havevery strong feelings about it and it's probably not a good small talk topic?参考答案:Religion4.Hugging between females and males means they are flirting.参考答案:错5.In Europe, women should not speak to the men at the beginning of theirconversation, because they could be considered slatterns.参考答案:错第五章测试1.Where does tipping originate from?参考答案:England2.What is the meaning of footing the bill?参考答案:It means to pay for the cost of something when the bill is presented.3.In fact, it was Professor Stevens’ personal relation with Ms. Smith that helpedto convince her to change her mind about this project.参考答案:错4.The Chinese offer their name cards with one hand to show their respect.参考答案:错5.America is a large power distance country.参考答案:错第六章测试1.In the Chinese classrooms, the professor’s role is not only that of the expert,but also that of a coach, facilitator and discussion leader.参考答案:错2.In Chinese culture, lying is a social technique that smoothens kinks in arelationship.参考答案:对3.Hugging, kissing and compliments all constitute the expression of affection inthe Eastern world.参考答案:错4.Americans are people of action.参考答案:对5.China can be divided into past oriented societies while America belong tofuture-oriented societies.参考答案:对。
智慧树知到《跨文化商务沟通》章节测试答案第一章1、The belief that your own cultural background, including ways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverbal communication, is superior.culturecommunicationethnocentrismsender答案: ethnocentrism2、The total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.intercultural communicationculturebusiness communicationfeedback答案: culture3、A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.ethnocentrismnoisecommunicationhorizontal communication答案: noiseand profits for both the individuals and organizations.lateral communicationethnocentrismbusiness communicationintercultural communication答案: business communication5、The communication at the same level in an organization.horizontal communicationethnocentrismbusiness communicationlateral communication答案: horizontal communication6、When culture is contrasted with nature, it can be defined as “ life way of a population” in its broad sense, meaning what characterizes the particular way of life of a population.对错答案: 错7、Cul ture is all men’s medium; there is no aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture.对错答案: 对8、The culture shown in an onion consists of two levels; a level of norms and values, or an invisible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.错答案: 错9、Culture cannot be known without a study of communication, and communication can only be understood with an understanding of the culture it supports.对错答案: 对10、In the global village, neighbors communicate free of troubles and difficulties.对错答案: 错11、With the integration of language into the fabric of culture, confusion and dysfunction would reign and the culture would fail.对错答案: 错第二章1、A good mastery of grammar of one language can guarantee a successful communication.对错答案: 错2、Long before writing was developed,we learned to speak first.对答案: 对3、There should always be an attachment at the end of a business memo.对错答案: 错4、A recommendation report is to recommend something to others.对错答案: 错5、Which is not verbal communication?Chat with your leaders and colleaguesDiscuss an issue in a groupGreeting with a smileLeave a message答案: Greeting with a smile6、____ refers to anything that distorts the message the source encodes.NoiseMessageSourceContext答案: Noise7、It is a universal truth that language is by culture and in turn it __ culture.influenced, reflectsdisplayed, influencesdetermined, reflectsshaped, influences答案: influenced, reflects8、Why should we take notes during a business call?Listen attentivelyServes as a record to take follow-up actionReport on the call to someone elseReflect on the call答案: Listen attentively,Serves as a record to take follow-up action,Report on the call to someone else9、How can you identify your audience in preparing a business presentation?AgeAppearanceInterestOccupation答案: Age,Interest,Occupation10、Before making a business call, what kind of questions can you reflect?Do you need to report to your boss?Do you need to get information?Do you want to sell something, or convince the person of an idea?Do you need to ask for the person’s help or support?person of an idea?,Do you need to ask for the person’s help or support?第三章1、Nonverbal behavior reflects the speaker’s subconciousness.对错答案:A2、Depending on the culture,a smile can indicate joy and amusement, it can also indicate embarrassment.对错答案:A3、Posture is the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting.对错答案:对4、Intimate distance is most common when friends, old classmates, acquaintances and relativestalk.对错答案:错5、People in __ cultures usually view silence as lack of communication and are generally ____ with it.low context uncomfortablehigh context uncomfortablehigh context comfortable答案:low context uncomfortable6、Which of the following countries uses high-context language?CanadaGermanyJapanUnited States答案:Japan7、The function of nonverbal signs is sometimes indispensible. For example, placing your index finger to your lips as an alternative to saying “Please calm down so that I can speak” is a case of ____.complementingrepeatingcontradictingsubstituting答案:substituting8、Which statements are correct about nonverbalcommunication?Nonverbal behavior is easily controlledA smile sometimes doesn’t mean a sincere smileNonverbal behavior accounts for much of the meaning we derive from conversation.Nonverbal communication is more than the complement of verbal communication.答案:9、How does nonverbal behavior control the pace or flow of communication?Gesture of stoppingClap handsRaise voice答案:Be silent Gesture of stopping Clap hands Raise voice10、Which of the countries belong to individualistic culture?ItalyAmericaFranceGreece答案:Italy America France第四章1、Power distance is a conceptual was developed by Hofstede to describethe extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequallythe power of multinational organizationsthe power differential between developed and less developed countriesthe power difference between men and women答案:2、Hofstede’s _ index measures the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.value orientationcultural dimensionscultural valuespower distance答案:power distance3、These are the most significant studies of cultural values except ___.Hall's High- and Low- Context TheoryKluckhohn and Strodtbeck's five Value OrientationsFons Trompenars’s model of culture with seven dimensionsGeert Hofstede's six Cultural Dimensions答案:Fons Trompenars’s model of culture with seven dimensions4、The opinion that everyone has a position and clearly defined privileges is____.a view of hierarchical structure of social relationshipa view of group orientation of social relationshipa view of individual orientation structure of social relationshipnone of the above答案:a view of hierarchical structure of social relationship5、Low-context communication is characterized by explicit speaking.对错答案:对6、Chinese culture is high-context in comparison to western culture.对错答案:对7、Cultures with a large power distance are hierarchical cultures.对错答案:对8、At the core of uncertainty avoidance is the idea that the future is predictable.对错答案:错9、Power distance in Hofstede's cultural dimensions is roughly similar to the value Kluckhohn calls hierarchy.对错答案:错10、In a culture emphasizing masculinity, it is more possible for men to play a nurturing role.对错答案:错第五章1、Etiquette is simply showing respect for others.对错答案:错2、Etiquette refers to the guideline for knowing how to behave appropriately in all situations.错答案:A3、Kiss greeting usually happen between two men in the United States.对错答案:错4、It’s OK to write on someone’s business card.对错答案:B5、A handshake should be friendly or respectful gesture, not a show of physical strength. So we should not squeeze other’s hand too hard.对错答案:A6、Before a dish is served, napkins can be placed either on the plate or on the left of forks.对错答案:A7、You’re invited to a business dinner. When do you take your napkin from the table and place it on your lap?Open it immediately.Wait for the host to take his or her napkin before taking yours.Wait for the oldest person at the table to take his or hers.Wait for all the ladies to take theirs before taking yours if you are a gentle man.答案:Wait for the host to take his or her napkin before taking yours.8、Which of the following behavior is appropriate in a business dinner?Use the napkin to wipe your nose.Cut all the food in your plate into small pieces.Sip from the side of the spoon when eating soup.Use the knife with your right hand.答案:CD9、What are the benefits of humor in the workplace?Humor can reduce stress.Humor can block negative emotions.Humor can help people develop rapport with each other.Humor can help solve problems.答案:ABCD10、In many Asian countries, the way you treat someone’s business card is a reflection of:How serious you are about the outcome of the meeting.How much you respect them as a person.What you think of their country.company and title.答案:ABCD第六章and a potential cause of shame to the group.对错答案:A2、Whether an international business negotiation succeeds or not is not only determined by the strategies and skills used in formal negotiation, but also closely related to whether enough careful preparation has been made.对错答案:A3、In the opening phase, the atmosphere is the only factor we should consider.对错答案:错4、Bargaining strength refers to the degree of movement that is possible for each party with respect to individual issues on the agenda.对错答案:错5、In some Asian cultures, they will use communication to encourage harmony, preserve face, and develop ____ relationships.Short-termLong-termMiddle-termShort run答案:Long-term6、The purpose of bargaining is to settle the differences that stand in the way of an agreement. Settling the differences involves____.high-context and low-contextconcession andreappraisaladjustment and compromiseaims and objectives答案:adjustment and compromise7、The proposal should be based on a sound analysis of the buyer’s current situation, taking into account of ____ and ____ within which the transaction takes place.the commercial circumstances, the overall contextthe corporate credit, the bank accounting bookthe manager’s stability, the site selectionthe commercial invoice, the chief negotiator’s ability答案:the commercial circumstances, the overall context8、Differences in____, ____, and____ have a profound impact on how successfully the parties are able to negotiate or conduct business transactions.BehavingWays of thinkingManaging conflictHuman resources答案:9、The political system,____, and the counterpart may in some way determine the success or failure of the negotiation.The legal systemThe business systemThe financial systemInfrastructure and logistics system答案:ABCD10、The specific tasks of the opening phase are concluded: To explain the concrete issueTo create suitable atmosphereTo state proposal in opening phaseTodeclare for our intention。
可编辑修改精选全文完整版智慧树知到《沟通心理学》章节测试答案绪论1、【单选题】(2 分)大家在日常生活中运用沟通心理学理论时,要避免成为(C)A. 人云亦云的人B. 照本宣科的人C. 野蛮分析家D. 过于僵化的人第一章1、【单选题】(2分)我爱你也不是因为你,我恨你也不是因为你,而是因为过去的(D)A. 故事B. 经历C. 不快D. 情结2、【单选题】(3 分)通过(A)缓解压力的这样一种方式其实还是比较科学的A. 运动口腔B. 有氧运动C. 大声哭泣D. 开怀大笑本题总得分:3 分3、【单选题】(2 分)由于女性在家庭中承担家务的先天条件,反而可能激发男人的(C)A. 创伤情结B. 无意识情结C. 内疚情结D. 攻击情结4、【单选题】(2 分)从心身缺陷上来讲,一旦父母吵架、离婚等行为,孩子就会非常及时的(D)A. 成绩出现问题B•要挟父母C. 突然不听话D. 得病5、【单选题】(2 分)我们研究某种事物,从另一种角度看这个事物也被( D )A. 修通了B. 理解了C. 升华了D. 破坏掉了第二章1、【单选题】(2 分)拖延症是人类的本能吗?BA. 是B. 不是2、【单选题】(2 分)在家庭生活中,以男性失去做家务为先天条件来讲,男性和女性谁更容易内疚?AA男性B女性C. 都一样3、【单选题】(2 分)在认知吝啬中,我们所讲到的广度范围是AA. 5-9 个B. 4-7 个C. 5-8 个D. 7-9 个4、【单选题】(2 分)“敢于示弱,随时示弱,及时示弱”更是强者的最高修为之一。
BA. 对B. 错5、【单选题】(2 分)你喜欢或者不喜欢一个人,是因为他(她)恰好是你所喜恶的(A)A. 性格类型B. 人格类型C. 人D. 经历特点。
答案:自动运行6.防御机制是我们处理自己( )的那套方式。
答案:压力感7."容器"的主功能是"()“hold on”,是接纳、承载、提供个体或群体"安全修通”的场所(客体)。
26.Uncertainty avoidance is the extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations.
27.Power distance is the extent in which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally.
45.Culturally diverse communication rules prescribe the appropriate behaviors for a variety of social contexts.
46.Rules concerning informality, formality, assertiveness, interpersonal harmony, and social status can be found in every communication setting.
35.Which of the following choices is not the relationship between language and culture?
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A.对B.错A3.请按文化身份感发展模型对下列过程排序:A 反省。
B 不协调,身份感怀疑。
C 与主流文化价值保持一致。
D 整合的觉知体验。
E 对主流文化和身份感的抗拒。