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With advances in technology, information networks and the formation of global markets to global competition, the traditional mode of production management poses a severe test. In this paper, the concerning supply chain management information sharing research literature review, explore their research progress, discuss information sharing to promote supply chain management, the impact through. Supply chain management is an effective way for enterprises to adapt to global competition, supply chain management emphasizes the value of the whole creation and sharing of different ownership enterprises, there are software platform as a basis for the full and effective sharing of information, so that the integration and sharing of information resources, thereby achieve the goal of supply chain management. In order to better provide products and services to customers as the center, companies must increase the reaction rate, the ability to respond to changing requirements grasp. At this time, the supply chain and supply chain management has become a hot topic. Only on the basis of information sharing in order to achieve the use of supply chain management software platform to achieve process optimization and new value creation, in order to meet the needs of the end customer. Therefore, information sharing also exists a very large role in the enterprise.

Keywords: supply chain, supply chain management, information sharing


1 引言 (1)

2 供应链管理基本概念 (1)

3 供应链中的信息共享分析 (3)

3.1 信息共享的内容 (3)

3.2 信息共享价值 (3)

3.3 信息共享方式 (3)

3.4 影响供应链信息共享的障碍 (3)

3.4.1 共享信息带来的额外利润分配不均 (4)

3.4.2 信息共享需要成本 (4)

3.4.3 信息共享可能泄漏商业秘密 (4)

3.4.4 信息不对称 (4)

3.4.5 信息的非标准化................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

3.5 信息技术在企业供应链信息共享中的应用 (4)

3.6供应链信息流 (5)

4 供应链中节点企业间信息共享的重要性 (6)

4.1 缓解了供应链中的“牛鞭效应” (6)

4.2 促进了无缝供应链的形成 (6)

4.3 缓和了供应链各企业间的目标冲突和矛盾 (6)

4.4 降低了供应链的运行风险 (7)

5 信息共享中出现的问题 (7)

5.1 供应链节点企业追求自身利益最大化 (7)

5.2 因运营成本较高导致信息共享程度低下 (7)

5.3 供应链节点企业信息管理水平参差不齐 (8)

6 解决问题的对策 (8)

6.1合理的信息共享系统 (8)

6.2信息共享的相关保障制度 (8)

6.3有效的激励机制 (9)

7 总结 (9)

参考文献 (10)

致谢 (11)
