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1. 努力!奋斗!

Work harder! Keep on!

2. 拜托你们,跑龙套的也要找些专业的嘛.

I’m begging you, you’d better find a professional extra for this role.

3. 痛应该是从外到内,再反映出来的.

Pain is transmitted from your body to the inside, and outside again.

4. 你们的问题就是:演技太差!

Your problem is: your acting stinks.

5. 小姐,如果你非要叫我跑龙套的话,可不可以不要加个“死”字在前面?

Miss, if you must call me an extra, you don’t need to add “damned” in front of it.

6. 不上班你养我啊?

Are you supporting my living if I don’t go to wor k?

7. 我这辈子已经受了太多的挫折,我实在是太累了.如果连你也失去了,我真的支持不下去了.

I’ve encountered too much failure in my life, and I’m very tired. If I lose you too, I can’t hold on anymore.

8. 我们现在是谈生意,不是谈恋爱.

We’re talking about business here. Don’t mix your personal feeling into it.

9. 我说过你一定行的,记不记得?

I’ve said you can make it someday, remember?

10. 钱不是重点,重点是演技有没有发挥的空间呢?

Money is not important , I only want to practice my acting.


1. 千金易得,知己难求

It’s easy to get a wife but not easy to get a wife who understands me.

2. 笑得好看一点嘛

Show us a happy look.

3. 我的心又悲心又痛I’m so miserable

八个老婆如豺狼恶虎 My wives are abnormal housewives

人家当我享尽齐人福 But others envy me so much

其实空虚寂寞谁人知谁人知In fact, I’m lonely.

4. 你就当众示范一下你的泡妞****吧

Why not show us how to court a girl for us?

5. 这怎么行,我可是个黄花大闺女啊

No, I’m a girl, a decent girl.

6. 这个死人妖

It’s a ladyboy!

7. 你要知道美女这个东西,跟鲜花一样需要有绿叶来衬托才会显出她的娇媚.

You know, pretty woman is like flowers. You’ll be all eyes for her beauty if some leaves are around.

8. 原来当今世上最美丽的笑容,就是充满了爱心的笑容,我终于找到了我的理想

The prettiest smile is the smile with love. I’ve found my dream lover.

9. 以你的智慧,唬得了你吗?

How can I cheat a wise guy like you?

10. 我跟你相依为命,同甘共苦了这么多年,一直把你当亲生骨肉一样教你养你,想不到今天白发人送黑发人!

We have suffered for such a long time. I take you as my relative. How can you leave me like this…?

11. 我连命都不要了,看你还怎么跟我比?

I don’t want my life either, see how can you compete with me?

12. 死做活做像条狗,被人骂不能汪汪叫

Life is difficult. But, you have to smile even when you are scolded.

13. 谁当你是低等下人了,我们只是当你是条狗而已

We don’t treat you as low ranking workman, we just treat you as a dog.

14. 有缘千里来相会

It’s a destiny for us to meet again.

15. 不要因为我是娇花而怜惜我,用力吧

Don’t save your energy becau se I am so pretty and civilized.


1. 还有王法吗?还有法律吗?

Is there no justice? Is there no law?

2. 这是一个社会动荡,黑帮横行的年代,其中又以”斧头帮”最令人闻风丧胆.惟独一些连黑帮也没兴趣的贫困社区却可享有暂时的安宁.

In a time of social unrest and disorder, the gangs have moved in to consolidate their power. The most feared of them all is the Axe Gang. Only in the poorest districts, which hold no interest for the gangs, can people live in peace.

3. 点解霎时间会没水呢?

What happened to the water?

4. 就算杀了一个我,还有千千万万个我

You can kill me, b ut there’ll be thousands more of me.

5. 单挑啊

We’ll go one-on-one.

6. 自己人啊

We’re on the same side!

7. 我不入地狱,谁入地狱?

You cannot escape your destiny!

8. 警恶惩奸,维护世界和平这个任务就交给你了

The duty of upholding world peace and punishing evil will be yours.

9. 有钱给钱,没钱收拾包袱,滚!
