



Rain is still falling, tick by tick, as if the law of the clock. Listen to the sound of willow branches, new leaves, flowers and fruits, just like a picture that has been handed down for thousands of years.


The solar term rotates and everything grows.


The weather has begun to turn slightly hot, and the farmers in the field have begun to prepare for the approaching harvest season. The rice in the field, which is crisscross and crisscross, has raised their proud heads and seen their future of continuous endeavor.


After the rain was over, the old man squatting on the ridge of the

field brushed his white beard and pondered slightly: “it's like” the crowing of a mole, the emergence of an earthworm, the birth of a melon, the show o f bitter vegetables “. In the summer, it's coming again.”


Looking far away, dusk, recalling his past, little by little, or love, or hate, or confusion, or struggle, he went through ups and downs, his fate turned around, and finally returned to the origin - this remote village. Busy, gradually used to, today repeated yesterday, but has a new look.


Looking around, the nearby hillside was covered with loess at

the beginning, and now the lush orange trees are half of the hillside. In the dusk, they are like a green veil, covering the old man's bent back, soft and solemn. Every year, the summer comes as promised; every year, the old man comes to the ridge of the field with a kind of respect and piety, listening to the noise of the mole in the field, watching the earthworms in the soil busy, watching the orange trees on the hillside climbing What a wonderful festival! It's the summer solstice. Everything is born. The most brilliant moment of life is not that it will never wither, but that it will always grow again after withering, the seasons change, the solar terms rotate, and the people who resolutely move forward in the ups and downs of life are not pursuing this natural principle?


A time when all things are growing is coming again!


A world just recovered from the severe winter, so it was hugged by the enthusiasm of growth.


Can the old man feel the changes of nature, solar terms and the

coming of summer when he is surrounded by the city and buried in his desk? It must be OK! The old man thought.


Some people say that the city is full of steel and cement, the days are formatted, the solar terms are changed, and the vitality and vitality of nature cannot be realized here. But I don't think so. The old man's grandson thought.


Looking through the window glass in front of the desk, people come and go in the bustling city. The pedestrians on the concrete road are busy. The white-collar workers in the office buildings are active. The subway passengers on the way to and from work are also crowded. The blood in the city, the giant steel beast, is gradually turning from a trickle in spring to a chrysalis into a butterfly and into

a billow in the ocean, Even the dust in the air and the haze in the city are so bright. At the summer solstice, the atmosphere of the city has become more dynamic, and the light of the city has become more bright.


The corners of grandson's mouth rise slightly. Will grandpa feel this vitality? At this moment, is it just like in the past years to feel this summer spirit on the ridge? You will. He thought so. Then, unconsciously, I murmured the words “murmur, earthworm, wangguasheng, bitter vegetables sh ow” that I read every summer when I was a child following my grandfather on the ridge.


At the summer solstice, everything is born, which declares the change of the world from gentleness to enthusiasm. From the countryside to the city, from the elderly to the young, have added a

long-standing vitality; the password of the solar term melts in people's blood, has become the unique cultural gene of this nation, which is endless.
