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由于安监部反馈飞机的重着陆事件,假设头天飞机发生重着陆,机组没有报告重着陆(手册上的重着陆检查也说明基于机组的报告),而安监部对于QAR数据的译码是在飞机第二天飞行以后,这种情况下,飞机处于未执行重着陆特检工卡就放行的状态。因此特意要求MCC主控航后对该数据进行监控。航线如果接到机组报告有可能着陆时发生硬/重着陆,则必须打印LOAD REPORT来核实,并确认非异常着陆后才可以放行。


Report 15就是关于飞机一些着陆以及空中出现颠簸时的参数。


(a) Hard landing

A hard landing is a landing with an aircraft weight less than the Maximum landing Weight (MLW) and:

- a vertical acceleration (VertG) equal to or more than 2.6 g and less than 2.86 g at aircraft Center of Gravity (CG) or,

- a vertical speed (RALR) equal to or more than 10 ft/s and less than 14 ft/s.

(b) Severe hard landing

A severe hard landing is a landing with an aircraft weight less than the Maximum landing Weight (MLW) and:

- a vertical acceleration (VertG) equal to or more than 2.86 g at aircraft Center of Gravity (CG) or,

- a vertical speed (RALR) equal to or more than 14 ft/s.

(c) Overweight landing

An overweight landing is a landing with an aircraft weight more than the Maximum landing Weight (MLW) and:

- a vertical acceleration (VertG) equal to or more than 1.7 g and less than 2.6 g at aircraft Center of Gravity (CG) or,

- a vertical speed (RALR) equal to or more than 6 ft/s and less than 13 ft/s.

(d) Severe overweight landing

A severe overweight landing is a landing with an aircraft weight more than the Maximum landing Weight (MLW) and:

- a vertical acceleration (VertG) equal to or more than 2.6 g at aircraft Center of Gravity (CG) or,

- a vertical speed (RALR) equal to or more than 13 ft/s.


具体我们来参考第二张图中的说明。其中的TRIGGER CODE代表了这个报文是由于什么原因发送的,其中在第一张图中的TRIGGER CODE是1000代表这个是机组人工打印导致发送的,还有别的自动发送的原因如下

- 4100: Excessive Radio Altitude Rate (RALR)

- 4400: Excessive Body Normal Acceleration (VRTA) (compared to the limit at landing) - during +/- 0.5 seconds before and after landing

- 4500: Excessive Body Normal Acceleration (VRTA) (compared to the limit at landing with bounce) - during +/- 0.5 seconds at landing (VRTA > VRTAL1.2) or at bounce (VRTA > VRTAL1.3)

- 4800: Excessive Gross Weight (GW) (compared to Radio Altitude Rate (RALR) - at dataset time at landing

- 4900: Excessive Gross Weight (GW) - compared to Body Normal Acceleration (VRTA) - during +/- 0.5 seconds before and after landing.


