国际商务英语函电Unit 11 Insurance

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Covered by Marine Cargo Insurance

Perils of the Sea 海上风险
1) Natural Calamities (自然灾害)
earthquake, tsunami, flood, heavy weather such as hurricane, thunderstorm, etc. 2) Fortuitous Accidents (意外事故) Stranding触礁,grounding搁浅, sunk, collision, fire, explosion
2. Losses due to Extraneous Risks 外来损失

Actual total loss: it means the non-existence of the
iFra Baidu biblioteksured cargo in value.
Constructive total loss: it’s unlikely to recover the

Extraneous Risks
General Additional Risks: 一般附加险 Special & Specific Additional Risks: 特别和特殊附加险

General Additional Risks

T.P.N.D.(threft, pilferage and non-delivery)偷窃,提货不着险 F.W.R.D.(fresh water and / or rain damage)淡水雨淋险 Shortage: 短量险 Intermixture and Contamination混杂,玷污险 Leakage 渗漏 Clash&breakage 碰损,破碎险 Taint of odour 串味险 Heating &sweating 受热,受潮险 Hook damage 钩损险 Breakage of packing 包装破裂险 Rust 锈损险
General average: it means a sacrifice made for
the common safety of both the cargo and the ship.

Partial damage of cargo by sea water is, for instance, a particular average, while partial damage of cargo by water that has been used to put out a fire is a general average since the damage has been made in order to save both the ship and the cargo on board the ship of all the cargo owners.(of course, the damage caused by the fire is still a particular average)
(Literal meaning: not liable for particular average)
Extent of coverage: pay claims for total loss and partial loss caused by fortuitous(意外的) accidents such as stranding(触礁),grounding(搁 浅), collison(碰撞), sinking, fire, explosion,etc. It doesn’t pay partial loss caused by natural calamities.

In international trade, the transportation of goods from the seller to the buyer is generally over a long distance by air, by land or by sea and has to go through the procedures of loading, unloading and storing. During this process it is quite possible that the goods will encounter various kinds of perils and sometimes suffer losses. In order to protect the goods against possible loss in case of such perils, the buyer or seller before the transportation of the goods usually applies to an insurance company for insurance covering the goods in transit.
1. I’d like to talk something about the insurance on our
porcelain ware. 2. Please note that our insurance coverage is for 110%of the invoice value. 3.How about your covering the insurance against All Risks for 120% of the invoice value with PICC?
2、保险险别 中国人民保险公司(PICC) 制定的中国 保险条款(China Insurance Clauses略称 C.I.C.)中的海洋运输货物保险条款
平安险(Free from Particular Average,FPA)
基本险别 水渍险(With Particular Average,WPA)

Coverage:险别 Average:海损 PICC:中国人民保险公司
1、货物运输保险定义 是指投保人(Insured)在货物装运前向保险人 (Insurer)投保,即办理保险手续(Insurance Formalities)、选择保险险别(Coverage)、确定 保险金额(Insurance Amount)、支付保险费 (Premium)并领取保险单证(Insurance Documents)的过程。此后,如果投保货物在运输 中遇险而发生损失,则承保人应负责对投保险别范 围内的损失进行经济补偿。
strike, war, failure to deliver, etc.
1. Losses due to Marine Perils 海上损失
actual total loss(实际全损) total loss constructive total loss(推定全损) general average(共同海损) partial loss particular average(单独海损)
subject matter or the cost of recovery will exceed the value of the subject matter.

Particular average: it means a loss that is borne
solely by the owner of the lost property(ship or cargo).
Three Basic Coverages

F.P.A. : 平安险 W.P.A.: 水渍险 All Risks: 一切险
Note: All Risks > W.P.A. > F.P.A.
F.P.A. 平安险

Free from Particular Average(F.P.A.):

life insurance
Personal insurance health insurance
personal accident insurance
Property insurance (财产保险)
marine insurance cargo transportation insurance and others

Extraneous Risks 外来风险
1) General Additional Risks
theft, pilferage, rain damage, shortage, breakage, leakage, etc.
2) Special &Specific Additional Risks
Special&Specific Additional Risks

Failure to Delivery 交货不到险 Import Duty 进口关税险 On Deck 舱面险 Rejection 拒收险 Aflatoxin 黄曲霉素险 War Risks 战争险 Strike Risks 罢工险
一切险(All Risks) 一般附加险 附加险别 特殊附加险(War Risks)
1)FOB和CFR交易,由进口方对货物投保、办理 投保手续并支付保险费用。
2)CIF交易,习惯上由出口方按发票金额 (Invoice Value)的110%投保一切险(All Risks),即100%是CIF发票总值,10%是合理 的利润和其他费用。 4、保险费 premium 通常为保险金额的一定比例。 保险费=保险金额×保险费率
W.A./ W.P.A. 水渍险

With Average/ With Particular Average:

It provides cover against total loss and partial loss due to perils of the sea.
All Risks 一切险
4. The insurance rate is at a premium rate of 5%.

Insurance premium provides a pool or fund into which the many contribute and out of which the few who suffer loss are compensated.
Insurer/underwriter: 保险人/承保人 The insured/ assured: 被保险人 The applicant:投保人 Premium 保险费 Premium rate 保险费率 Insurance policy 保险单
Chapter 12 Insurance

1. How much do you know about insurance?

2. Why is it necessary to cover insurance in the foreign trade? 3. What do insurance companies do with the premium collected from the insured?
Besides the risks covered by FPA and WA, All Risks also provides cover against some extraneous risks of loss or damage(esp, general additional risk). Coverage: All Risks= FPA+WPA+General Additional Risk