


Unit 1

1.characteristic n. __________

2.radium n.__________

3.painter n. __________

4.put forward __________

5.scientific adj. __________

6.conclude vt. & vi. __________

7.conclusion n. __________

8.draw a conclusion __________

9.analyse vt. __________

10.△infect vt. __________

11.△infections adj. __________

12.△cholera n. __________

13.defeat vt. n . __________

14.expert adj. n__________

15.attend vt. __________

16.physician n. __________

17.expose vt. __________

18.expose…to __________

19.deadly adj. __________

20.cure n. vt. __________

21.outbreak n. __________

22.challenge n. vt. __________

23.victim n. __________

24.absorb vt. __________

25.suspect vt. n. __________

26.enquiry n. __________

27.neighbourhood n. __________

28.severe adj. __________

29.clue adj. __________

30.pump n. vt. __________

31.Cambridge __________

32.foresee vt. __________

33.investigate vt. & vi. __________

34.△investigation n. __________

35.blame vt. n__________

36.pollute vt. __________

37.handle n. vt __________

38.germ n. __________

39.link vt. & n. __________

40.link…to…__________ 41.announce vt. __________

42.certainty n. __________

43.instruct vt. __________

44.responsible adj. __________

45.construct vt. __________

46.construction n. __________

47.contribute vt. & vi. __________

48.apart from __________

49.firework n. __________

50.chart n. __________

51.creative adj. __________

52.co-operative adj. __________

53.positive adj. __________

54.(be)strict with…__________

55.△Nicolaus Copernicus


56.△revolutionary adj. __________

57.movement n. __________

58.make sense __________

59.backward adv. & adj.


60.△loop n. __________

61.△privately adv. __________

62.spin vi. & vt__________

63.△brightness n. __________

64.enthusiastic adj. __________

65.cautious adj. __________

66.reject vt. __________

67.universe n. __________

Unit 2

68.unite vi. & vt. __________

69.kingdom n. __________

70.consist vi. __________

71.consist of __________

72.△London Heathrow


73.province n. __________

74.△River Avon __________

75.△River Thames __________

76.△River Severn __________

77.divide…into __________

78.△Wales __________

79.△Scotland __________

80.△Northern Ireland__________

81.clarify vt. __________

82.accomplish vt. __________

83.conflict n. __________

84.unwilling adj. __________

85.break away (from) __________

86.union n. __________

87.△the Union Jack __________

88.credit n. __________

89.to one’s credit __________

90.currency n. __________

91.institution n. __________

92.△educational adj. __________

93.convenience n. __________

94.rough adj. __________

95.roughly adv. __________

96.△Midlands __________

97.nationwide adj. __________

98.attract vt. __________

99.△historical adj. __________ 100.architecture n. __________ 101.△Roman n. adj. __________ 102.collection n. __________ 103.administration n. __________ 104.port n. __________

105.△Anglo-Saxon __________ 106.△Norman n. adj. __________ 107.△Viking n. __________ 108.countryside n. __________ 109.enjoyable adj. __________ 110.leave out __________

111.△opportunity n. __________ 112.description n. __________ 113.fax n. vt. __________

114.possibility n. __________ 115.plus prep. adj. __________ 116.quarrel n. vi. __________ 117.alike adj. __________

118.take the place of __________ 119.break down __________

120.arrange vt. __________ 121.wedding n. __________ 122.fold vt. __________ 123.sightseeing n. __________ 124.delight n. vt. __________ 125.royal adj. __________

126.uniform n. __________

127.△St Paul’s Cathedral __________

128.splendid adj. __________ 129.△Westminster Abbey __________ 130.statue n. __________

131.△Buckingham Palace __________

132.△Greenwich n. __________ 133.△longitude n. __________ 134.△imaginary adj. __________ 135.△navigation n. __________ 136.△Highgate Cemetery __________

https://www.360docs.net/doc/b3810665.html,munism n. __________ 138.△original adj. __________ 139.thrill vt. __________

140.pot n. __________

141.error n. __________

142.tense n. __________

143.consistent adj. __________

Unit 3

144.aspect n. __________

145.impression n. __________ 146.take up __________

147.constant adj. __________ 148.constantly adv. __________ 149.jet n. __________

150.△jet lag __________

151.△flashback n. __________ 152.previous adj. __________ 153.uncertain adj. __________ 154.guide n. vt. __________ 155.tablet n. __________

156.△expertise n. __________ 157.capsule n. __________

158.steward n. __________

159.stewardess n. __________ 160.opening n. __________

161.sideways adv. __________ 162.surrounding n. adj.


163.tolerate vt__________.

164.△combination n. __________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/b3810665.html,ck vi. & vt. n.


166.adjustment n. __________ 167.mask n. __________

168.be back on one’s feet __________ 169.△hover vi. __________

170.carriage n. __________

171.press vi. & vt. n. __________ 172.fasten vt. __________

173.belt n. __________

174.safety belt __________

175.lose sight of…__________

176.sweep up __________

177.flash vt. & vi. __________ 178.switch n. vt. __________ 179.timetable n. __________ 180.△exhausted adj. __________ 181.slide into __________

182.optimistic adj. __________ 183.△pessimistic adj. __________ 184.speed up __________

185.△pedal n. __________

186.△alien n. adj. __________ 187.mud n. __________

188.desert n. __________

189.△enormous adj. __________ 190.△imitate vt. __________ 191.△moveable adj. __________ 192.citizen n. __________

193.typist n. __________

194.typewriter n. __________ 195.postage n. __________

196.postcode n. __________ 197.button n. __________

198.instant n. adj. __________ 199.receiver n. __________

200.△efficiency n. __________ 201.△efficient adj. __________ 202.△ribbon n. __________ 203.dustbin n. __________

204.△dispose vt. __________ 205.△disposal n. __________ 206.ecology n. __________ 207.greedy adj. __________ 208.swallow vt. __________ 209.material n. __________

210.recycle vt. __________

211.△manufacture vt. __________ 212.goods n. __________

213.△etc abbr. __________

214.representative n. adj.


215.settlement n__________

216.motivation n. __________

Unit 4

217.journalist n. __________ 218.△involve vt. __________ 219.editor n. __________

220.photograph n. vt. __________ 221.photographer n. __________ 222.△photography n. __________ 223.△unforgettable abj.


224.△assignment n. __________ 225.delighted adj __________ 226.admirable adj. __________ 227.unusual adj. __________ 228.assist vt. __________

229.assistant n. __________ 230.submit vt. __________

231.profession n. __________ 232.professional adj. n.


233.colleague n. __________ 234.eager adj. __________

235.concentrate vt. __________ 236.concentrate on __________ 237.amateur n. __________

238.update vt. __________

239.acquire vt. __________

240.assess vt. __________
