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901 The One Where No One Proposes
1、nursery 托儿所;影片中指的是“育儿室”hospital room for newborns: a room in a hospital
where newborns stay and are cared for by the nursing staff and
pediatricians prior to going home。
另:nurseryman 苗圃工,nursery school(kindergarten) 幼儿园
2、lounge 侯机室、(旅馆、俱乐部)休息室
3、Gameboy 任天堂的掌上游戏机
4、Foreplay 性爱前的前奏
5、Janitor 看门人
6、Nipple 乳头,在电影中反复出现的tit也是一个意思,不过nipple较为文雅一点。
俗称boobs/doubles, 更粗俗的叫knockers, 字面上看就是撞击你眼球的东西。
7、Goodie! (俗)好呀!
1、He pulled a quarter out of my ear!
Quarter:A coin equals to one fourth of the dollar of the United States
and Canada.二角五分硬币相当于四分之一美元和加元的硬币
北美的硬币币值有nickel 五分,dime 一角,quarter 25美分
2、If you clear things up with Rachel 如果你把事情和瑞秋讲清楚
3、I like to think of myself as the puppet master of the group.
4、come on, let her sleep. She’s so exhausted. 让她睡会吧,她太累了!
表达疲倦可以用be tired, 但be exhausted 表达疲倦程度更高,意思是“筋疲力尽”。
5、What beautiful lukewarm sentiment.
Lukewarm 冷淡的;sentiment 情绪,如果一个人“多愁善感”,我们就说他sentimental.
可以通过这句话掌握英文感叹句用法,英文感叹句引导词有两个:how 和what. 当后面接的是名词词组的时候,就用what 引导,比如what a
fabulous haircut! 而当后面跟的是形容词的时候,就用how 引导,如刚才那句可改为:How fabulous your
haircut is!
6、Mr. Geller: Well you gotta get at it,princess! When your mother and I
were trying to
conceive you, whenever she was ovulating, bam, we did it. That's how I got
my bad hip.
的ovulating的时间,希望这时候做爱可以怀上孩子.Conceive/ be pregnant怀孕, Ovulate
排卵,再补充几个Friends里面常用的女性名词period 月经,tampon 月经棒,是插进
去用的,这样不容易侧漏;vagina 阴道;
uterus 子宫;pubic hair 阴毛。
7、It helps if the woman has an orgasm.
Orgasm 高潮,前面有一季Ross列举做女人好处的时候提到multiple orgasm,可以达到几次高潮。
8、Now's a good time. I'm on my way to have my ears cut off.
8、Two people screwing in there.
口语中骂人就常说Screw it/you! 就跟中文的“操你”差不多。
后面第10集Chandler 公司过圣诞也要加班,那些员工就在chandler椅子上面贴了张纸,写着:Screw you! Mr Bing!
英文中还有一个词可以表示做爱的意思,nail sb, 很好理解吧!
e.g. That guy said he nailed Jennifer Lopez. Well, you can’t believe that.
常见的做爱表达法还有:hump sb / f*k sb /have sex with sb/ sleep with sb/ make love with sb/ (这个表达法不够粗犷,一般女孩子用得比较多,有一集中Ross用了这个词就被Rachel奚落了一阵)
此外,本句there前面加了个in, 一般在英文中副词前面不能用介词,但美国英语中好象特别喜欢在there, here等副词前加介词,比如:What
are you doing out here!/I hate it up here./maybe it’s cold in there./ see
who’s out there./ if I’’’m hogging the ball too much, you can jump right
in there and……/well., people miss you in there./ Eddie likes it over
9、Joey: Actually, technically, I didn’t (propose to her).
Technically 严格说来;
e.g. Although technically you may not have lied, you certainly haven’t
told us the whole story yet.
10、That kid is going to town! 这个孩子将来一定会大有作为。
根据美国传统字典:go to town (Informal)
1. To work or perform efficiently and rapidly.
2. To be highly successful.
11、rush into anything仓促行动VS. slow things down 使……慢下来
Ross: Hey, I'm not going to rush into anything!
Joey: Oh yeah, dude, ..Usually after I have a baby with a woman I like to
slow things down!
1、weird古怪;在表示与平时不符的情况时,美国人特别喜欢用这个词,而几乎不会用strange;weirdo 就表示怪人的意思
2、kinda 口语中为了简便,常使用缩略形式,必须掌握这些常见的缩略语,因为它们在口语中大量出现,不知道的话很多对白根本听不懂。
kind of(有点),e.g. I kinda feel under weather today. 今天我有点不舒服。
Wanna= want to
Gonna=going to You are gonna be fine/ I’m gonna kill you.
Outta= out of
Gotta= got to I’ve gotta take off now.
Gotcha=got you
Ain’t= are’t, isn’t, don’t, won’t等等
3、Magic trick 魔术;hat trick, 帽子戏法,magician 魔术师
4、Well, this is awkward!
Awkward 在口语中使用广泛,主要表示“尴尬的,难为情”意思;embarrassing and requiring great tact or
skill to resolve。
E.g. I find myself in an awkward situation.
此外,awkward 还可以表示笨拙的意思。
E.g. I’m an awkward dancer.
5、She went to pick up aunt Liddy.
Pick up一词,也是口语中最常见的五星级短语之一,一定要熟练掌握。
第一个意思是give sb a lift or collect sb, 用汽车载或接某人
e.g. Mike’s gonna pick me up for a date.
He picked up a hitch-hiker.
Two years after the Asian Financial crisis, some Asian economies are at
last beginning to pick up.
第三个常见意思是“通过实践学会(语言或技术)”to learn something in a casual or unsystematic
way, for example, by frequently hearing it, seeing it done, or trying to
do it。
She soon picked up French when she went to live in France.
第四个意思是“捡起”,可以说pick up a quarter/ a child/ a book/ the telephone
6、And when I knelt down to pick it up Rachel thought I was proposing.
“Kneel down”跪下,还可说go/ get down on one’s knees.
e.g. Kneel down on the grass to examine a flower.
Propose 求婚,名词是proposal. 还可以说ask for sb’s hand(记住这里hand要用单数) ,如果女孩答应了你的求婚的话就是“give you her hand”, 其他与hand 相关的常用短语有:give sb a
hand(帮助某人),give sb a big hand(为某人鼓掌),try one’s hand at
sth(在某方面初试身手),比如Tom Hanks和Dicaprio主演的“猫鼠游戏”中,Dicaprio 就说Then I decided to
try my hand at pediatrics(儿科).
婚礼上牧师说的话完整版如下,在电影中极为常见:Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here in the sight of
God and in the presence of witnesses, to join this man and this woman in
holy matrimony. Any person who can show good cause why these two should
not wed, please speak now or forever hold your peace. Steve, will you take
this woman to be your lawful wedded wife, to live together with her in the
holy state of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep
her in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others, keep yourself
only for her as long as you shall both live? (Excerpted from Independence
根据西方的传统婚俗,新娘要穿四样东西“Something new,Something old;Something blue, and
Something borrowed
7、What the hell am I going to tell him?
The hell用来加重语气,没有特别意义,类似的词语还有the heck(hell 的委婉语),on earth, in the world,
加在what 与be 动词之间即可。
What the heck am I going to tell him?
What on earth am I going to tell him?
What in the world am I going to tell him?
8、But you have to do it now before he hears about it and kicks your ass!
Kick one’s ass 是口语中极为常见的一个表达法,表示“给某人点颜色瞧瞧,惩罚某人”,用来发泄愤怒
To kick ass or to kick someone’s ass means to let them know either by
telling them or by using physical force that you’re not pleased with them.
E.g. He damn well better try it now or he will damn well get his ass
与ass 相关短语还有kiss one’s ass, 拍某人马屁,奉承某人;这种人叫ass-kisser 马屁精
make an ass of oneself 出洋相
注:以上这些词都比较粗鲁,要慎用!some people find the terms offensive
9、Now let’s not get carried away. 我们不要太冲动。
get carried away很容易被理解为“扯远了”,某论坛上面还确凿地举出例子来论证;其实它的意思是“cause sb to
lose-control or to be excited",
“使某人失去控制力或非常兴奋”,如:He tends to get carried away when watching porn on TV.
10、Chandler: yeah, okay, but no foreplay!
Monica: Deal!
Deal 这个词用途很广,原意为交易。
“Let’s make a deal.”我们来做笔交易如何?如果你答应了对方的条件,就可以说”It’s a deal!”
或者就说deal,意思是“就这么定了!”“It’s no big deal/ it’s not a big deal”意思是“没什么大不了的”
11、Are you kidding?
你在开玩笑吧?等于Are you kidding me?/ are you joking?/ are you serious?
12、I just talked him into it, don’t tell me I have to do you too.
Talk sb into doing sth 等于persuade sb to do sth 说服某人做某事
12、You two are so meant to be together. 你们俩太般配了!
meant to be注定要做某事
还可以说:You two are made for each other.
You two are cut out for each other. 意思就是你们造出来就是一对的
其中cut out for/ to be 除了般配之外,还有“做……的料子”的意思
e.g. You are not cut out for/to be a doctor. (选自Patch Adam妙手情真)
13、Come on, let’s give him a little credit.
Give sb credit for sth 赞扬,表扬, get credit for sth 受到表扬
Credit: praise or recognition for something done or achieved
e.g. At least give him credit for trying.
She was given the credit for all I had done.
14、Monica: I can’t believe my dad saw us having sex! He didn’t make it to
one of my piano recitals(独奏会,独唱会), but this he sees!
第一、arrive, go or come 到达,参加
e.g. Can you make it tonight? Can you come to the party.
Make it 后面还可以接间宾语,make it to some place 就象原句中一样。
e.g. I didn't make it to your wedding ceremony, I am sorry.
如果你得奖了,或者成功达到了目的,你就可以说:I made it!
这里同样可以接间宾:Jeff became a school dropout in 14 but he finally made it to
Tsinghua University.
第三、表示赚钱!Make money, make a fortune
问一个人月薪多少,不用那些什么salary, 或者earn 这些大词
How much do you make a month? 就是最地道的表达
15、You up to the task, sailor? 你能胜任这任务吗?
Be up to 有三个意思
首先是决定,是某人的职责,形式为be up to sb. 比如:An Indian or a Chinese meal? It’s up to
He’s not up to the part of Othello.他演不了奥赛罗这个角色。
第三个意思是busy with sth 忙于做某事;He’s up to nothing good. 他现在没干好事.
(are) You Ok? 你没事吧
(are) You serious? 你不是说真的吧?
(do )You love him? 你爱他吗?
(Is there) Any progress in the case?
16、I didn’t look at it! Stupid baby’s head was blocking most of it.
Block 是阻挡,遮住的意思
作为名词block是街区的意思,在电影中你经常会看到别人指路说:It’s three blocks
away. You can’t miss
it. 美国城市的建筑一般都是几座楼簇成一个正方形,这样的一圈房子就叫一个街区;这样建筑的话整个城市就呈棋盘状分布,最便于交通。
16、I’ll tell you about it. Be cool!
Be cool!冷静点。
Be a man! 拿出大丈夫的气概来!
Be a good sport! 做个有气度的人!
Be my guest! 我请客!/不必客气!
Be brave! 勇敢点!
Be careful! 小心点!
Be good!要乖!/不要乱来!(通常是长辈离开之前给小孩说的,鼓励他好好表现) Be reasonable! 讲点道理嘛!
Be smart! 放聪明点!
Be tactful! 圆滑点!/别那么呆板!
17、Dude! Step up! I proposed!
Dude 来自黑人英语,原意是纨绔子弟,但在俚语中指fellow, 即“家伙,伙计(一般指男人的意思)
比如后面有集JOEY 对Chandler说:”Dude, come home. I think Monica’s cheating on you.”
现在口语中用来打招呼的还有:You guys/dude/buddy/pal/man/fella/folks/lad/chap/bud 都是“伙计,朋友”的意思(以上全部是笔者看美国电影时记录下来的,绝对实用),用得最广的恐怕就是Hi, you guys!
还有要注意man, 不一定用来指男人,它表示一种感叹语气。
1、That kid is going to town! 这个孩子将来一定会大有作为。
2、Mike’s gonna pick me up for a date.
3、Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here in the sight of God and in the
presence of witnesses, to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.
Any person who can show good cause why these two should not wed, please
speak now or forever hold your peace. Steve, will you take this woman to
be your lawful wedded wife, to live together with her in the holy state of
matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness
and in health, and, forsaking all others, keep yourself only for her as
long as you shall both live?
4、What the hell am I going to tell him?
5、Now let’s not get carried away.
6、Monica: I can’t believe my dad saw us having sex! He didn’t make it to
one of my piano recitals(独奏会,独唱会), but this he sees!
7、But you have to do it now before he hears about it and kicks your ass!
8、Come on let’s give him a little credit.
9、You two are so meant to be together.
10、Are you kidding?
11、You up to the task, sailor?。