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Unit 4 Don ' t eat in class.

Section A 1a — 1c ( P19 )

*教师寄语:No rules, no standards.没有规矩,不成方圆。





4.复习must 的用法。 【课前自学】:I 、预习交流

1. 根据音标拼读单词并牢记并 熟读1a 的校规;

2. 自学课文,说说你注意到的 重点和疑惑然后翻译句子短语。

不准在课堂上讲话! _____________________________________________

不准带手机和刀到教室! _________________________________________

不准踢(kick)教室门! ____________________________________________

1. school rules _______________

3. (be) on time _______________

5.在餐厅 _________________

7. _______________________ 在课堂上


I 、新课呈现

Step1 Revisio n

How do you get to school?

How far is it from your home to school? <

How long does it take to get to school?

Do you usually arrive late for school?

Step2 1a

(1) read and summarize the key phrases and make sure you can use them.

我们必须在8:30前到达学校。 _____________________________________________

李老师总是准时上课(have class 。 ____________________________________________

不准在教室里追玩打闹。 _________________________________________________

(2) Prese nt key senten ces withthese pictures.

Don' t arrive late for class.

We must be on time. Don' t run in the hallways.

Don' t eat in the classroom. Don' t liste n to music in class. Don' t fight.

2.到达 __________________ 4. i n the hallways _________________ 6.听音乐 _______________________ 8.必须,不得不 _____________________



1肯定祈使句一般以动词原形开头:Run in the hallways.

2. ___________________________________________ 祈使句的否定形式一般在动词原形前加_________________________________________________ :

__________ run in the hallways.


(3) Finish 1a, and the n check the an swers.

Step3 Liste ning

Liste n and finish 1b. Check the an swers.

考考你At school , We must _________ (know)the school rules and we ca'

_______ 违反)them. But some students usually do'do so. Peter always ______ (run) in the hallways, we must tell him “ _________________________________________ If we

see Amy _______ (eat) in the classroom, we can say, ”

And Mike , he likes _________ (listen) _________ music very much, but we must tell him

he can't _______ (listen) _____________ 在课堂上).

Step4 Pair work

Talk about the rules in 1a.


( )1. If you arrive late _______ class, you must say _______ to your teacher.

A. for, tha nks

B. for, sorry

C. to, sorry

( )2. —Can you si ng in the classroom?

A. Yes, you can.

B. No, I can.

C. Yes, we can.

( )3. Don ' t arrive late. You must be _________ time.

A. to

B. on

C. at

( )4. Please listen _______ the teacher carefully认真地).

A. to

B. on

C. at

( )5. Don t ________ TV after class.

A. watch

B. watches

C. watching

