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例(1)Finance ministers and business leaders at the
world Economic Forum are showing surprisingly little concern over the soaring euro and the tumbling dollar.

Credit information Credit references Financial standing Bolster Capital expansion pattern Life insurer Financial institutions Make full allowance for Pursuant to Serial number Stipulate Shipment a named vessel Loading on board The bill of loading The date of issurance
(3)选择词义时,注意词义的感情色彩 例(5) A foreign business representative, neither overly sympathetic toward China nor overly disposed against it, would need to be convinced on a number of scores before he could responsibly commit his firm to taking an equity position in a Chinese enterprise. 译文:一名外国企业代表,如果对中国既无过分好感,又无 过分恶意的话,要动真格地实施向一家中国企业投资入股, 就往往需要有一系列评估数据来帮助他作出最终决定。 Sympathetic:的外延意义有“同情的”、“谅解的”、“赞 同的”“合意的”,将其中任何一个放在译文中都不妥, 因为其感情色彩不是很充分。
Floating policy is of great importance for export trade; it is, in fact, a convenient method of insuring goods where a number of similar export transactions are intended, e.g. where the insured has to supply an overseas importer under an exclusive sales agreement or maintains sales representatives or subsidiary companies abroad.
(6)选择词义时,要注意前言后语搭配得当 每一种语言都有其独特的搭配方式 例(8) China’s top industrial regulator said on Tuesday that the country is unlikely to see a “double dip” in its economy in the second half of this year. 译文:中国最高产业监管机构本周二表示,今年下半年,中国 不可能出现经济“二次探底”的情况。
译文一:在世界经济论坛中,各国财政部长及产业界领袖对于 飙涨的欧元及下挫的美元表现出惊讶与关心。 译文二:在(瑞士达沃斯举行的)世界经济论坛上,各国财政部 长以及产业界领袖们对于一直在飙升的欧元以及不断下挫的 美元表现出令人吃惊的冷漠态度。
汉语中只有通过词汇手段来传达英语中通常以形式手段来传 达的意义。比如汉语的词汇手段“一直在”“不断”;而英 语则用形式手段“ing”
(5)选择词义时,所选词语要符合逻辑和所描写的客观世界 语言主要是用来描写客观世界的。因此,任何语言表达都 必须符合逻辑、符合对客观世界的描述,否则就会语意不 通,给交际带来困难。 例(7) Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we’d certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis. 译文:若实验室检测合格,且你们给我们的报价具有竞争 力,我们一定会定期大量订货。 go well:基本意思是“进展顺利”、“没出差错”,在这 里,明显关注的是检测结果而非检测过程。
(1) Spoil yourself but not your figure. 尽情享受,苗条如故。/好口福不发福。 (2) Every time a good time.(麦当劳广告) 分分秒秒欢乐逍遥。/每一次光临,都是好心情。 (3) Gold lion for men only. 金利来,男人的世界。 (4)In touch with tomorrow take Toshiba, take the world. (5)Apple thinks different. 苹果电脑,不同凡“想”
3.2 Translation Methods
(1) 注意区分词语使用的是常用意义还是专业意义 例(1) The claim concerning the quality of the commodity shall be lodged within 30 days after arrival of the cargo at the port of destination.
“信用调查资料” “信用参考资料” “财务状况” “支撑、援助” “资本注入” “寿险公司” “金融机构” “充分考虑到” “依据” “序列号” “订定” “装船、出货” “记名货船” “装船” “提单” “签发日期”
第三单元 词义的选择
3.1 Practice
It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system. Central banks were no longer required to support their own currencies.
①security: “证券” ②interest: “利息” ③accept: “承兑” ④distributor: “经销商” ⑤balance: “余额” ⑥operator: “经营者” ⑦royalty: the amount of the minimum royalty paid by the Company to Licensor will be credited against the payment of running royalty accruing under this agreement. (该公司支付给许可方的最低特许权使用费的总金额将从根据 本协议而增值的变动专利权税支付款项中扣除) “使用费” ⑧In kind: “以货代款”
商务英语翻译原则之三:Clarity (明晰)
例(4) We continue to make essential investments in our drive for more competitive products and services, delivered on ever shorter cycles. 译文一:寻求于更短时间内推出更具竞争力产品和服务的驱使 之下,我们持续进行重要的投资。 译文二:由于一心想着要提供周期更短、竞争力更强的产品和 服务,我们就不断地进行着各种基础的投资。 “drive”:“驱使” 、 “由于一心想着要” “continue to”: “持续”、“不断进行”
词法翻译一般涉及词义的选择、增益翻译 法、凝练翻译法、词义引申翻译法等。 本课程重点从英汉语言差异的视角来探讨 商务英语翻译中各种词法翻译。

商务英语翻译的原则 ABCF A accuracy B brevity C clarity F flexibility
claim:在普通英语中,为“声称”、“要求”; 但在国际贸易中,具有“索赔”的专业意义;同 “lodge”搭配“lodge a claim”使用。
(2)一词多义时,根据句子的前言后语来确定其意义 例(2)Deposits are, so to speak, unsecured credit held by the people and kept at financial institutions. 这么说来,存款是人们手中持有的并放在金融机构里的 没有担保的债权。 例(3)He bought the furniture on credit. 他是靠赊账买下那件家具的。 例(4)There is no financial risk in selling to East European countries on credit. 向东欧各国赊销是没有财务风险的。
商务英语翻译原则之二: brevity(简洁)
英语有句谚语:Brevity is the soul of wisdom.
简洁:不是指在文字表述中所使用的字数越少就意味着越简 洁。就翻译而言,简洁是指在充分表达并不损失原文意义的 情况下使用尽可能少的字数的表达。
例(2)as part of the plan to bolster its financial standing, the struggling life insurer will seek capital injection of about 100million dollars from financial institutions. 译文一:这家经营有困难的寿险公司,将从金融机构寻求现金 增资一亿美元,作为计划提升财务状况的一部分。 译文二:作为计划提升财务状况的一部分,这家在竞争中求生 存的寿险公司将从金融机构寻求约一亿美元的资本注入。
(4)选择词义时,注意词语的语体色彩 词语的语体色彩就是指词语的正式程度。 英语的词语通常分为五种语体: Hyperformal-formal-normal-informal-hyperinformal 汉语的词语通常分为三种语体:书面体、普通体和口语体。 例(6) The home of your dreams awaits you behind this door. Whether your taste be a country manor estate or a penthouse in the sky, you will find the following pages filled with the world’s most elegant residences. 译文:打开这扇门,您就可以领略到您那梦寐以求的家。不 管您期冀的是乡间宅第,还是摩天大楼的顶屋,接下来的 几页刊印的全是世界上最高雅的住宅供您选择。
trade in: “以旧物折价换物” draw: “开立(票据)” Consideration: “报酬金” bill: “汇票” Acceptance: “承兑” Draft: “汇票” Document: “凭证、单据” Negotiate: “议付”
collect: “到付” confirmed: “保兑的” honour: “兑付” principal: “委托人” quotations: “报价” offer: “发盘” “报盘” commission: “佣金” divulge: 泄露(机密等)