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Maintenance Decision for Power Transformer Based on Life Cycle Cost
BIAN Jianpeng,YANG Su,GAO Shichuang,HUA Weijing (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Shijiazhuang Tiedao University,Shijiazhuang 050043,
源自文库第 31 卷 第 5 期 2019 年 5 月
电力系统及其自动化学报 Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA
Vol.31 No.5 May 2019
卞建鹏,杨 苏,高世闯,滑伟静
(石家庄铁道大学电气与电子工程学院,石家庄 050043)
电力变压器在电力系统中担任着电力传输以 及能量转换的极其重要的角色。近年来电网与经济 得到了飞速发展,同时工业生产与人民生活对供电 的可靠性及安全性要求逐渐提高,对变压器的投入 费用、正常运行以及故障维护费用也相应增加,致 使其在寿命周期内的成本花费大幅上升,这就需要对 电力变压器进行基于全寿命周期成本的检修决策研 究,在确保变压器安全可靠运行的前提下,确定最 优检修决策,耗费最低成本,获得最大经济效益[1-2]。
检修优化决策分析是在复杂多变的运行环境 下,将变压器的运行数据与全寿命周期成本模型相 结合对变压器进行分析,兼顾经济性和可靠性,确 定最优的检修策略[3- 。 4] 目前针对电力变压器检修 决策的研究有很多。文献[5]改进了费用–效能评 估模型,建立了变压器动态维修成本的最优化模 型,但是仅分析了 2 次大修的情况,且大修时役龄 回退因子为定值,未考虑小修对役龄回退和故障率 的影响;文献[6]提出了一种基于模糊证据的变压器
economic efficiency under the premise of guaranteeing the reliability. Keywords: power transformer;life cycle cost;dynamic age reduction factor;improved cuckoo search algorithm;main⁃ tenance decision
China )
Abstract: As a crucial equipment in power grid system,the reliability and economic efficiency of a power transformer are inseparable from the safe operation of power grid. To determine the best maintenance strategy while taking into ac⁃ count the reliability and economic efficiency of power transformer,from the perspective of life cycle cost,the dynamic
间间距大修情况进行了对比,结果表明,在保证可靠性的前提下,3 次大修的方案具有最优的经济性。
文献标志码:A 文章编号:1003-8930(2019)05-0077-07
参数 Pa 的自适应策略相结合对布谷鸟搜索算法进行改进,然后应用改进的布谷鸟搜索算法对变压器检修成本 模型进行了优化,得到变压器最优的大修时间以及对应的全寿命周期成本;最后将 3 次大修、2 次大修以及等时
age reduction factor under overhauls and the impact of minor repairs on the age reduction and failure rate are consid⁃ ered,and a dynamic age reduction model under the influence of both overhauls and minor repairs is established. On this basis,a life cycle cost model for the power transformer with the goal of minimizing the life cycle cost is built. At the same time,the cuckoo search algorithm is improved by combining the self-adaptive strategies for search step and param⁃ eters Pa ;afterwards,the improved cuckoo search algorithm is used to optimize the maintenance cost model of power transformer to obtain the optimal overhaul time and the corresponding life cycle cost. Finally,three overhauls,two over⁃ hauls,and equal time interval overhauls are compared. Results show that the scheme of three overhauls has the best