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World of work
Training and workshops
J&C Training is a company providing training for other businesses. Look at the courses J&C Training offers and tick the ones that you find interesting. Compare with a partner and explain why the courses interest you.
Language points 1. Public event 公共事件 2. Advise sb. on sth.
3 Read this profile about the owner of J&C and fill the gaps
with the jobs in exercise 2.
Match the jobs (1- 4) with their definitions (A-D) 1 2 3 4 an author a speaker a trainer 4 a consultant (D) (A) (B) (C)
A someone who talks at public event B someone who helps people to improve at a sport , skill or school subject C someone who advises people on a particular subject D someone who writes books or articles
WORD PREPRATION 1. technique: skill; method of doing sth. 2. cross-cultural adj. 3. presentation: oral report 4. public speaking 5. consultant: person who gives expert advice consult: go to a person/ book for information, advice 6. run courses/ workshops: organise … 7. one- to- one
13. involve: include or affect sb./ sth. In its operation 14. responsibility: duty be responsible for sb. /sth. 15. title: name of a book, picture… 16. sample: one of a number of things that can be booked as to see what the rest is like 17. account: statement of money paid or owned for goods or services 18. correspondence: letters 19. badge: thing that shows a person’s occupation, rank, membership of a society 20. identify: show, prove who or what sb./ sth. Is 21. catering service: providing food for social events 22. MD: managing director 总经理,执行董事 23. Gadget [gæ dʒɪt]: smell mechanical device or tool小巧的器械,小玩意儿 24. interior: inner part; inside 25. electrical appliances: device concerned with electricity 26. ship: vt. send or transport sth. in a ship
Selling techniques Cross-cultural communication Business English intensive courses How to set up a business through the internet Team building Health and safety in the workplace How to give effective presentations How to deal with difficult customers
J&C is a training consultancy for personal and professional development in the workplace . It is based in Oxford and it is run by Janet Coyte. Janet is an trainer experienced teacher and (1)_______. She runs courses and workshops for companies and universities. As a consultant (2)________, she helps business people overcome difficulties. She sometimes gives one-to-one sessions on the phone or via email.
8. accredited: [əkreditid] generally accepted or believed/ officially recognised 9. motivational adj. motivate: stimulate/ cause sb. To want to do sth 10. entertaining: interesting, amusing, pleasing 11. client: customer in a shop person who receives help or advice from a professional person 12. professional adj. doing as a full-time job n. person qualified or employed in one of the professions
27. bonus: payment added to what is usual or expected, additional payment 28. catalogue: book containing a complete list of items 29. positive: adj. 1. confidently holding an opinion 2. with no possibility of doubt, clear and definite 30. presence: person’s way of standing, moving as it affects other people 31. diary: daily record of events, thoughts
4Байду номын сангаас
I’d like some help with writing a novel. ( No )
4 Read the five sentences from emails sent to J&C Training.
Which requests can J&C help with? 1 I want to study business English, but I can’t travel to Oxford. ( Yes ) Our university department needs some IT training. Can you help? ( No ) I want to give a speech at my brother’s wedding. ( Yes )
BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. Training related to places a. internal training/ in-house training:内部培训,在工作场所的在职培训 on-thejob training b. External training: 将员工送往专门培训机构的离岗培训 off-the-job training c. web-based training 2. Training related to the content a. New employee orientation training b. Leadership training c. Performance appraisal training d. Team building training e. Training the trainer f. Operating new equipment training
- About us
She is the (3)________of author several books, and she writes articles on public speaking and presentation skills. Janet is also an internationally accredited public (4)________, and she speaker gives motivational talks around the world. Clients of J&C say that their courses are entertaining, professional and very practical.
Public speaking
Speed reading and memory supertraining
Language points Workshop: a. Small workplace where manufacturing are done 车间、作坊 Eg. I will send raw material to the workshop. b. A brief intensive course for a small group that focuses especially on techniques and skills in a particular field 研讨班 Eg. He runs a two-day workshop on management techniques. “对… 感兴趣” Sb. is interested in sth. /Sth. Interests sb. /Sb. finds sth. Interesting Sth. Appeals to sb. /Sth. is appealing to sb. /Sb. finds sth. appealing Sb. Is attracted by sth. /Sth. attracts sb. /Sth. Is attractive to sb.