
川金丝猴图片来自:J.Patric Fischer黔金丝猴图片来自:滇金丝猴图片来自:Rod Waddington川金丝猴数量最多,种群数量大概在8000-15000只左右。
缅甸金丝猴图片来自:越南金丝猴图片来自: 不是所有金丝猴都“长金丝”仔细观察这几种金丝猴,你会发现,貌似除了川金丝猴外,其他几种也不是金色的啊。


1.云南发现第五种金丝猴暂定名“怒江金丝猴” [J],
2.存在一种新的中程相互作用力—第五种力吗? [J], 杨新社;刘易成
3.立昇超滤膜在第五届世界水大会广受国外专家关注 [J],
4.欧盟委员会专家小组确认世界首例“疯羊病” [J],
5.云南怒江州发现薪种金丝猴——怒江金丝猴 [J],

黔金丝猴皮毛呈灰色, 在两肩间有一卵圆形白色斑, 故又称 灰仰鼻猴、白肩仰鼻猴。是我国特有的3 种金丝猴中种群数量 最少的一种。 黔金丝猴分布于贵州省, 与保护滇金丝猴有关的自然保护区 共2 个, 分别在佛顶山(石阡县, 2 .7 万公顷)和梵净山自然保护区 内。梵净山自然保护区位于江口县、印江县和松桃县境内, 面 积4 .2 万公顷, 是主要保护森林生态系统和黔金丝猴、大鲵、珙 桐、梵净山冷杉、丽江铁杉等珍稀动植物的国家级自然保护区。
目前,除我国外,这些稀世珍 宝在世界上仅有法国、英国等极少 数国家的博物馆中收藏有若干标本。 金丝猴的珍贵程度与大熊猫齐名, 同属“国宝级动物”,它们毛色艳 丽,形态独特,动作优雅,性情温 和,深受人们的喜爱。
学 名:Rhinopithecus brelichi 英文名:Guizhou Golden Monkey 别 名:灰金丝猴、白肩仰鼻猴、牛尾猴、线绒、果然兽、果 然绒
年栖息于海拔1500-3300米的森林中。 其植被类型和垂直分布带属亚热带山地 常绿、落叶阔叶混交林、亚热带落叶阔 叶林和常绿针叶林以及次生性的针阔叶
金丝猴天敌很多,豹、金猫都常偷袭猴群,雕也 伤害幼体。因金丝猴群体心齐,性情机警,行动迅速, 很少被天敌危害。这一点在周至国家级自然保护区观 察时已得到证实。金丝猴全身是宝。它的皮毛美观 华丽,质地柔软,制作的皮衣、皮褥不仅保暖,还 有治疗风湿病的特效。它的肉、骨、血及内脏等还 是珍贵的滋补性药物或食物。金丝猴除了具有重要 的观赏价值、经济价值外,还具有多学科的学术科 研价值。 由于存在消费市场,所以非法偷猎的潜在市场依 然存在。


任宝平 ①② 夏述忠 ③ 李庆芬 ① 张树义 ②33 梁 冰 ② 邱军华 ③
( ①北京师范大学生命科学学院 , 北京 100875)
( ②中国科学院动物研究所 , 北京 100080) ( ③上海野生动物园 , 上海 201300)
2001207212 收稿 , 2001212220 修回 3 中国科学院 “知识创新工程”重要创新方向 ( KSCX 221203) 项目和国家自然科学基金委员会杰出青年基金 (No. 30025007) 资助 33 通讯作者 E2mail : zhangsy @a21. net . cn 第一作者简介 任宝平 , 29 岁 , 博士 。现在中国科学院动物研究所进行博士后研究 。研究方向 : 动物生态学和灵长类学 。E2mail :
16 ♂
( San Wang , SW)
同上 ( Same above) 同上 ( Same above)
甘肃文县 ( Wen County , Gansu)
Ⅱ 971 号的父亲 ( Fat her of No. 971)
( Short Tail , ST)
( Wen County , Gansu)
Poirier , 1970) 、长鼻猴 ( N asalis larv at us , Holli2 hn , 1973) 和东黑白疣猴 ( Colobus guerez a , Holli2 hn , 1973) 等 , 因为资料不全面而不能确切定位 。
按照其本人的分类系统 , Dixson (1998) 把红 绿疣猴归入第 10 种 (无锁结 、抽动和多次短时插 入) 类型 , 把长鼻猴归入第 12 种 (无锁结 、抽动 和单次短时插入) 类型 。Ren et al . (1995) 对两 只雄性川金丝猴的研究初步认为金丝猴的交配模式 属 Dewsbury 系统的第 12 种类型 , 但因为其中 1 只 由于 1 h 内两次射精次数与一次射精次数相近 , 因 此没有最终确定该物种究竟具有何种类型的交配模 式 。本文将尝试在 Dewsbury 和 Dixson 的分类系统 中定位雄性川金丝猴的交配模式 。

其中三种(滇金丝猴、黔金丝猴、川金丝猴)分布在中国的西南山区,越南金丝猴分布在越南北部,怒江金 丝猴见于在缅甸北部和云南高黎贡山中段。
吻部突出,两颚粗壮,牙齿32枚,鼻孔朝前向下紧靠,手足均有5个指、趾,具扁平的指甲,均能直立。昼 行性。无颊囊,齿尖低,食性比较杂,通常四肢基本等长,尾长约与体长相等或长些。
仰鼻猴属是典型的森林树栖动物,常年栖息于海拔1500-3300米的高海拔地区的森林中。其植被类型和垂直 分布带属温带亚高山和亚热带山地常绿、落叶阔叶混交林、亚热带落叶阔叶林和常绿针叶林以及次生性的针阔叶 混交林等四个植被类型,随着季节的变化,它们不向水平方向迁移,只在栖息的环境中作垂直移动。
截止2020年,据湖北神农架调查有4群,最多的猴群为123只,估计约有500只左右。川东巫山有2-3群,数 量不足100只。陕西秦岭约有53个猴群,每群小的约50只左右,大的约100只左右,最多约300只,估计陕西境内 约有5340只。四川和毗鳞甘肃南部,金丝猴的分布,在岷山约有1300平方公里面积,邛崃山约平方公里,大雪山 和小凉山约有2000平方公里有分布,总计约有2500平方公里内面积有分布。
金丝猴属共有5个物种,体长51-83厘米不等,唇厚。金丝猴的鼻孔与面部几乎平行,俗称“朝天鼻”,鼻 孔大,上仰。这一特点是对高原缺氧环境的适应,鼻梁骨的退化有利于减少在稀薄空气中呼吸的阻力。
仰鼻猴背部有发亮的长毛;颜面青色,一般头顶、颈项、肩膀、上臂、背部和尾部灰黑色,头侧、颈侧、躯 体侧面和四肢内侧褐黄色。不同种毛色也有不同,川金丝猴毛色金黄,黔金丝猴和滇金丝猴毛色为黑灰色,缅甸 金丝猴全身呈黑色。毛质十分柔软。


Fauna&Flora International(FFI)研究人员在仰光说:“简而言之,波帕叶猴已经面临灭绝。
Trachypithecus popa,简称T. popa,腹部呈灰棕色和白色,黑色的手和腕看起来有点像手套。
FFI缅甸计划的灵长类动物学家Ngwe Lwin说:“迫切需要进行其他野外调查和庇护办法,由FFI和其他机构进行,以庇护叶猴免于灭绝。
“ 烈焰红唇”滇金丝猴

“ 烈焰红唇”滇金丝猴作者:暂无来源:《环境与生活》 2016年第2期栖息海拔最高的灵长类动物濒危物种是指由于物种自身原因或受到人类活动或自然灾害的影响,而导致其野生种群在不久的将来面临绝灭几率很高的物种。
滇金丝猴是世界上除人类以外栖息海拔最高的灵长类动物,长年生活在人迹罕至的高山地带,活动范围在海拔2500 ~ 5000米之间,活动量大,活动范围广。


2010年10月26日,世界灵长类动物研究的权威刊物——《美国灵长类学报》发表了这一成果,为了纪念阿克思基金会(ARCUS基金会,致力于世界野生猿类研究)的创始人乔恩·斯瑞克(Jon Stryker),并感谢他对缅甸灵长类调查项目的支持,将新种拉丁名定为Rhinopithecus Strykeri,成为继川金丝猴、滇金丝猴、黔金丝猴、越南金丝猴之后,世界上发现的第五种金丝猴。

2010年3月,野生动植物保护国际(FFI)的调查人员在缅甸克钦邦东北部调查灵长类动物时,获得了一具完整且不同于任何已知灵长类动物的标本,并将其定名为Rhinopithecus strykeri。

草草吃过晚饭后,我们开启了又一轮马不停蹄的“折腾”:晚上8点30 分自福贡出发,四个多小时车程后的凌晨1点左右抵达泸水。

2010年3月,野生动植物保护国际(ffi)在缅甸克钦邦东北部进行长臂猿生存及保护现状调查时意外发现的仰鼻猴新物种burmese snub-nosed monkey,中文译名为缅甸金丝猴。
由于商业采伐、盗伐盗猎等因素已严重威胁黑仰鼻猴生存,且种群呈快速下降趋势,国际自然保护联盟已将其评定为极度濒危物种(critically endangered)。
2013年,中南林业科技大学和中国科学院动物研究所开始专门针对云南高黎贡山国家级自然保护区南段北部,即怒江州片马地区(26°2.337' n,98°39.127' e)的怒江金丝猴进行野外调查和行为生态初步研究。

American Journal of Primatology72:1–12(2010)RESEARCH ARTICLEA New Species of Snub-Nosed Monkey,Genus RhinopithecusMilne-Edwards,1872(Primates,Colobinae),From Northern Kachin State, Northeastern MyanmarTHOMAS GEISSMANN1,3Ã,NGWE LWIN2,SAW SOE AUNG2,THET NAING AUNG2,ZIN MYO AUNG2,TONY HTIN HLA2,MARK GRINDLEY4,AND FRANK MOMBERG31Anthropological Institute,University Zu¨rich-Irchel,Zu¨rich,Switzerland2Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association(BANCA),Yangon,Myanmar3Fauna&Flora International(FFI)Asia Pacific Programme,Jakarta,Indonesia4People Resources and Conservation Foundation(PRCF),Chiang Mai,ThailandWe describe a snub-nosed monkey that is new to science from the high altitudes of northeastern Kachin state,northeastern Myanmar,the Burmese snub-nosed monkey,Rhinopithecus strykeri sp.nov.Descriptions are based on a skin and skulls of four specimens obtained from local hunters.The new species is geographically isolated from other snub-nosed monkeys and separated from them by two major barriers—the Mekong and the Salween(Thanlwin)rivers.The species is chiefly diagnosed by its almost entirely blackish fur coloration with white fur only on ear tufts,chin beard,and perineal area, and its relatively long tail(140%of head and body length in the adult male).Preliminary surveys and interviews with hunters indicate that the new species is limited in distribution to the Maw River area,a small region of the Salween-N’mai Hka divide in northeastern Kachin state,northeastern Myanmar.The distribution area appears to cover about270km2,and the species may consist of only three groups with a total population of approximately260–330individuals.Our data on hunting pressure suggest that the species is Critically Endangered.Am.J.Primatol.72:1–12,2010.r2010Wiley-Liss,Inc.Key words:Burmese snub-nosed monkey;Rhinopithecus strykeri sp.nov.;Rhinopithecus bieti;Kachin state;Myanmar;New speciesINTRODUCTIONDuring gibbon surveys in Myanmar[e.g.Geissmann et al.,2008,2009,in preparation;Lwin et al.,2010], hunters reported the presence of a monkey species with prominent lips and a nose that faced upwards. This monkey was reported from the eastern Hima-layas of northeastern Myanmar,from the area east of the upper N’mai Hka River(a tributary to the Irrawaddy5Ayeyarwaddy River)in northeastern Kachin state.The description was clearly suggestive of a snub-nosed monkey(genus Rhinopithecus).Snub-nosed monkeys are threatened primates known only from restricted parts of China and Vietnam north of approximately221N latitude (Table I).No snub-nosed monkey has been reported in Myanmar to date:all previously known popula-tions are located to the east of that country.Two major species boundaries—the Mekong and the Salween(Thanlwin)rivers—separate Myanmar from the habitat of the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (R.bieti),which is the geographically closest snub-nosed species,suggesting that any population in Myanmar could be a new taxon.To follow up on the interviewfindings,we conducted afield survey in the area indicated by the hunters and discovered an apparently small population of a new species of snub-nosed monkey that exhibits external characteristics unlike any other snub-nosed monkeys described previously. We propose the scientific name Rhinopithecus stry-keri sp.nov.for the species and provide an account of its morphology together with some observations on its behavioral ecology and conservation status. METHODSThe location of the survey area is shown in Figure1.Ourfirstfield and interview survey in this area was conducted from February10to March16, 2010as part of the nationwide Hoolock Gibbon Published online in Wiley Online Library(). DOI10.1002/ajp.20894Received1September2010;revision accepted12September 2010Contract grant sponsors:Halycon Fund;Arcus Foundation; Contract grant number:0803-35;Contract grant sponsor:US Fish &Wildlife Service Great Apes Conservation Fund;Contract grant number:98210-8-G662.ÃCorrespondence to:Thomas Geissmann,Anthropological Institute, University Zu¨rich-Irchel,Winterthurerstrasse190,CH–8057 Zu¨rich,Switzerland.E-mail:thomas.geissmann@aim.uzh.chr2010Wiley-Liss,Inc.TABLE I.Species of the Snub-Nosed Monkeys(Genus Rhinopithecus),Their Distribution[Groves,2001and Geissmann et al.,this study],and Conservation Status[IUCN,2010]Species Distribution StatusGolden snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus roxellana Mountains of central and western China:Sichuan,Ganssu,Hubei,and ShaanxiEndangeredGrey snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus brelichi Restricted to Fanjinshan,south of theYangtze in Huizhou,ChinaEndangeredTonkin snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus avunculus Restricted to few areas of northeasternVietnamCritically endangeredYunnan(or black) snub-nosedmonkey Rhinopithecus bieti Ridge of the Mekong-Salween divide,Yunnan and TibetEndangeredBurmese snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus strykeri sp.nov.Known from a small area of theSalween–N’mai Hka divide,northeasternMyanmarNot listed yet,but qualifiesas Critically Endangered(thispaper)Fig.1.Map of study area showing villages visited during this study and estimated ranges of snub-nosed monkeys in Kachin.Inset:Map of Myanmar showing location of the study area(square).The reported sighting was made during a survey on May1,2010.Am.J.Primatol.2/Geissmann et al.Status Review,the second one from April24to May 8,2010to target snub-nosed monkeys in particular. Both surveys occurred during the dry season.During the two surveys,the survey team conducted interviews with65respondents from33 villages located along the N’mai Hka,Maw,Lakin and Me rivers in northeast Kachin State,north-eastern Myanmar.Interviews were conducted with hunters in all villages within the survey area shown in Figure1.The area covered by the interview survey ranges from26.227051N(Ngwapaka)to26.871021N (Hkindammay)and from98.291611E(Pashe)to 98.643731E(Chichitago).Elevations of villages ran-ged from385m(Phamawzup)to1,880m(Chichitago) above sea level(a.s.l.).Information on snub-nosed monkeys was obtained from25of33villages, whereas interviewees from eight villages did not appear to know the species.Specimens were obtained at Pade and Htantan villages.Comparative data from other Rhinopithecus species were obtained by inspecting and photograph-ing captive individuals in China(Beijing Zoo,Beijing Breeding Centre for Endangered Animals,Guangzhou Zoo,Kunming Institute of Zoology,Kunming Zoo, Shanghai Zoo)and Japan(Higashiyama Zoo in Nagoya)between1990and2010,and by studying skins and skulls in the collection of the Kunming Institute of Zoology in May2010.Additional com-parative photographs of all species of snub-nosed monkeys were obtained from Cyril C.Grueter and from the Internet.The research adhered to the legal requirements of Myanmar,and the research adhered to the American Society of Primatologists(ASP)Principles for the Ethical Treatment of Non Human Primates (see /society/resolutions/EthicalTreat mentofNonHumanPrimates.html).THE BURMESE SNUB-NOSED MONKEY Order Primates Linnaeus,1758Superfamily Cercopithecoidea Gray,1821Family Cercopithecidae Gray,1821Subfamily Colobinae Jerdon,1867Genus Rhinopithecus Milne-Edwards,1872Rhinopithecus strykeri species novumHolotypeSkull(with mandible),skin,and photographs of gutted carcass of adult male.Collected by Ngwe Lwin,Saw Soe Aung,Thet Naing Aung,and Zin Myo Aung on March7,2010from two hunters from Pade village(26.424861N,98.312371E,1,012m a.s.l.),who had caught the monkey one or two days before,south of the Maw River.The skull and skin(AIMZ15504.a and15504.b respectively)have been deposited in the Anthropological Institute and Museum of the University of Zu¨rich(AIMZ),Zu¨rich,Switzerland.ParatypesTwo adult skulls,one male and one female, collected by Ngwe Lwin and Saw Soe Aung on February23,2010from a hunter from Htantan village(26.555631N,98.497891E,1,533m a.s.l.).The hunter collected these monkeys c.2007from north of the Maw River.On the same day,another hunter from Htantan gave us[Ngwe Lwin and Saw Soe Aung]a bag he had made out of the skin of a juvenile snub-nosed monkey.The monkey was caught in January2010,also north of the Maw River.The female skull(AIMZ15505)has been deposited in the primatological collection of the Anthropological Institute and Museum of the University of Zu¨rich (AIMZ),Zu¨rich,Switzerland.The male skull (BANCA2010.6)and the bag(BANCA2010.4)have been deposited in the zoological collection of Hlawga Wildlife Park,Yangon Division,Myanmar.Type LocalityThe trapping locality of the holotype was determined as26.431011N,98.388941E(elevation 2,815m)in the Maw River area,northeastern Kachin state,and northeastern Myanmar.DiagnosisA species of the genus Rhinopithecus[sensuGroves,2001]as defined according to broad distribu-tional and physical characteristics.The most con-spicuous of these are the wide upturned nostrils:the openings face forwards and theflaps of skin lateral to the nostrils are directed upwards.This new species is distinguished from other species by its black or blackish ventral parts,all black or blackish limbs,and a white chin beard.ComparisonsA comparative list of50external chara-cteristics(mostly fur and skin coloration)of all species of snub-nosed monkeys is presented in Table II.It is based on the data compiled by Chaplin and Jablonski[1998],revised and supplemented by thefirst author(T.G.).Rhinopithecus strykeri cks the white underparts and white thigh backs of R.bieti,the white underparts and white circum-facial hair of R.brelichi,the yellowish-orange body fur and the skinflaps on the lateral upper lip of males of R.roxellana,and the bright gingery red fur colora-tion on underside and inner side of limbs of R.brelichi.The new species shows similarities with R.bieti in the presence of a distinct,forward-swept occipital crest in adult males,and white ear tufts that sharply contrast with the black surrounding fur.Am.J.Primatol.A New Species of Snub-Nosed Monkey in Myanmar/3TABLE parison of External Characteristics of All Species of the Snub-Nosed Monkeys(Genus Rhinopithecus)SpeciesCharacteristic RhinopithecusroxellanaeRhinopithecusbrelichiRhinopithecusavunculusRhinopithecusbietiRhinopithecusstrykeri sp.nov.HeadColor of crown hair Brown Brown Black Gray BlackColor of temple hair Orange Brown White orbleachedBuff BlackColor of forehead hair Orange Brown White orbleachedBuff Dark gray brownColor of ear tuft White orbleached White orbleachedWhite orbleachedWhite orbleachedWhite orbleachedColor of whiskers White orbleached White orbleachedWhite orbleachedBlack White orbleachedColor of hair on cheeks Yellow White orbleached White orbleachedBrown Dark gray brownBody ventralColor of throat hair Yellow Orange Orange Orange Buff brown Color of collar hair Yellow Orange-buff White orbleachedGray Buff brownColor of inner arm hair White orbleached Yellow Cream White orbleachedUpper arm:buffbrown tobrown,lowerarm:blackColor of inner thigh hair Yellow Yellow Gray Cream Dark gray brown Color of ventral coat Yellow Dark-brown Buff Cream Dark gray brown Body dorsalColor of hair on nape ofneckBrown Brown Black Black BlackColor of hair over deltoidregionRed or chestnut Blackish brown Black Black BlackColor of hair on lateralaspect of armBrown Black Black Black BlackColor of hair over triceps region White orbleachedWhite orbleachedWhite orbleachedWhite orbleachedBlackColor of hair on lateralaspect of forearmBrown Black Black Black BlackColor of hair on back ofhandBrown Dark Black Black BlackColor of cape on upperbackBrown Black-brown Brown Black Black Color of lower back hair Red or chestnut Red[-brown]orchestnutBlack Brown Black Color of sacral hair Yellow Brown Black Brown BlackColor of hair over iliac region White orbleachedCream White orbleachedGray Blackish brownColor of hair around perineum White orbleachedGray-cream White orbleachedCream White orbleachedColor of hair on back of thigh White orbleachedYellow Black White orbleachedBlackColor of hair on lateralaspect of thighBrown Blackish-brown Black Black Black Color of hair on leg Brown Black Black Black Black Color of hair on foot Cream–Black Black Black Color of hair on tail Red or chestnut Black Buff Black Black Color of tail tip White orbleachedBlack Cream Black Black SkinColor of skin around eyes Blue Blue Blue Blue Pale pink Color of skin on philtrum White White Grayish blue White Pale pinkAm.J.Primatol.4/Geissmann et al.Description of HolotypeFur coloration mostly black.Crown with thin, high,forward-curved crest of long,black hairs. Protruding ear tufts white.Face mostly naked,skin pale pink.Upper lips laterally with whitish hairs (‘‘moustache’’).Distinct white chin beard.Circum-facial hair(lower front,cheeks)blackish brown, protruding into facial area below eyes.Upper chest (clavicular area)also blackish brown,intermingled with few whitish hairs.Lower chest black with a faint sepia tinge.Perineal area white,clearly defined. Limbs black,inner sides of upper arms and upper legs blackish brown.Tail black and long,about140% of head plus body length.Body measurements are presented below.MeasurementsFor skull measurements,see Table III.Body measurements taken on the freshly dead holotype male on March7,2010are:head-body length55.5cm and tail length78.0cm.EtymologyThe species is named in honor of Jon Stryker, President,and Founder of the Arcus Foundation.His generous support for primate conservation globally funded thefield survey in Myanmar that led to the discovery of this new species.Vernacular Name and Name-Related Lore The ethnic groups in the Maw River area are Law Waw and Lisu.In Law Waw language,the Burmese snub-nosed monkey is called myuk na tok te.In Lisu language,the monkey’s name is mey nwoah.Both names mean‘‘monkey with an up-turned nose.’’Many people assured us that this species was particularly easy tofind when it was raining.The monkeys reportedly tend to get rainwater in their upturned noses,to which they respond with audible sneezes.To avoid getting rainwater in their noses, the monkeys allegedly spend rainy days sitting with their heads tucked face-down between their knees. Further Details of Specimens Collected HolotypeOur survey team visited Pade village and inquired about the snub-nosed monkeys in the afternoon of March6,2010,because we were informed previously that a hunter in Pade had aTABLE II.ContinuedSpeciesCharacteristic RhinopithecusroxellanaeRhinopithecusbrelichiRhinopithecusavunculusRhinopithecusbietiRhinopithecusstrykeri sp.nov.Color of supralabial skin White White Pink White Pale pink Color of actual lips White White Pink Pink Pale pink Color of skin on ear Flesh Flesh Flesh Flesh Flesh Color of skin on palm ofhandPink Black Black Black BlackColor of skin on foot Brown Black Flesh Black Black Color of nipples White Flesh Flesh Black Flesh Color of ischial callosities Light brown Flesh Flesh Light brown Dark gray Color of perineal andsurrounding skinBlue–Flesh Pink Pale brown Color of penis Blue Flesh Flesh Black Black Color of scrotum White Red Flesh White White HypertrichyLength of hairs on withers Normal Normal Normal Elongated Medium Length of hairs oversacrumLong Medium Medium Medium Medium Crest at vertex Present Present Absent Present Present Distinctive whorls orcrown swirl on headAbsent Absent Absent Present PresentEar tuft Present Present Absent Present Present Whiskers Absent Absent Absent Absent Present Swept back whiskers Absent Absent Present Absent AbsentTail length to body Short(100–130%)Long(nearly150%)Long(nearly150%)Short(100–130%)Long(ca.140%)Tail tuft Present Present Present Absent Absent Hypertrichy at base of tail Absent Absent Absent Present AbsentAm.J.Primatol.A New Species of Snub-Nosed Monkey in Myanmar/5skin and skull of the species.Unfortunately,when we arrived,the specimen had reportedly already been sold to a Chinese man,so we moved on to Pashe village.In the late afternoon,two locals came to our house and said they had caught a monkey with an upturned nose in an iron trap south of the Maw River(within the area tentatively ascribed to‘‘Range 2’’,Fig.1).We inspected and photographed the carcass on March7,2010(Fig.2).By that time,it had already been gutted.The carcass was readily identi-fied as an adult male.This was confirmed by the dentition.We obtained the skull and the complete skin of this specimen.ParatypesTwo unsexed adult skulls(Fig.3),one male,one female,were obtained from a hunter from Htantan village on February23,2010.The hunter collected these monkeys about3–4years ago from north of the Maw River(within‘‘Range1’’on Fig.1).He remembered that the smaller(female)specimen had‘‘more white fur’’than the bigger one.A bag made out of the skin of a juvenile snub-nosed monkey(Fig.4)was obtained from a hunter from Htantan on February23,2010.The monkey was caught in January2010in the northern part of Group Range1(north of the Maw River).The piece of fur used for the bag is completely black in the dorsal area and blackish brown in the ventral area. Other Specimens Seen and Specimens Described by HuntersOn May1,2010,Le Me A Si and Dai Laum,two of our local survey team members from San Buk village,encountered a group of snub-nosed monkeysTABLE III.Cranial and Dental Measurements(mm)of Three Specimens of Rhinopithecus strykeriHolotype,male Paratype1,male Paratype2,female Variable AIMZ15504.a BANCA2010.6AIMZ15505Cranial length nasion—opisthocranion10.15a––Greatest skull length prosthion—opisthocranion13.28a––Bizygomatic breadth10.57––Cranial breadth across vault(bieuryonic)7.91––Cranial breadth across supramastoid crests8.96––Postorbital breadth 5.51 5.54 5.33 Cranial height,basion—bregma 5.98– 5.53 Nasion to basion–8.347.23 Maximal length of foramen zygomaticum 4.185 4.61 3.73 Palate length,prosthion to staphylion 5.19 5.57 4.75 Palate breadth,across(a)M3–M3 4.22 4.27 3.71 Palate breadth,across(b)canines 4.21 4.43 3.10 Maximal length of postcanine toothrow,maxilla 3.61 3.55 3.65 Maximal breadth of postcanine toothrow,maxilla0.91 1.030.93 Canine length(mesiodistal) 1.00 1.000.63 Canine breadth(labiolingual)0.800.810.54 Length of M30.930.850.91 Breadth of M30.8750.9250.88 Length of M20.810.840.80 Breadth of M20.900.970.92Basal length(basion to prosthion)9.6010.348.49 Biorbital breadth,inner7.718.087.14 Biorbital breadth,outer9.379.708.06Orbit breadth 3.12 3.27 2.76Orbit height 2.735 2.82 2.87Face height,prosthion to nasion 5.31 5.78 4.76 Mandible length infradentale(a)to gonion8.51––Mandible length infradentale(b)to condyle10.075––Bimental breadth 2.833––Minimal corpus height between M1and M2 2.855––Mandibular width,bicondylar8.433––Ascending ramus height,perpendicular from tip ofcoronoid5.878––Maximal ascending ramus height,gonion to centre ofcondyle surface4.73––Breadth incisura mandibulae 2.37––Coronoid to gonion5.50––a Not reliable because the occipital bone is missing and with it possibly some contribution to the cranial length.Am.J.Primatol.6/Geissmann et al.counting at least seven individuals (including one infant)within the Range 2area on Figure 1(specific location:26.433001N,98.413931E,elevation 2,503m)[Momberg et al.,2010].They described the monkeys as ‘‘black with long black tails.’’The infant was all black,but only the dorsal aspect was visible as the infant was clinging to the belly of its mother.The location of this sighting is indicated in Figure 1.In Maw Ban village,we saw an additional skull of an adult female snub-nosed monkey in the headman’s house (Fig.5).Additional Descriptions From Hunters The various hunters we interviewed described the snub-nosed monkeys they observed or hunted before as follows:adults all black,except for white chin,ears,and perineal area,and somewhat paler color on the inner sides of upper arms and on the chest.These reports are consistent with the diag-nosis above.Two hunters commented on young individuals being paler or having more white fur than the adult,especially around chest or throat.In snub-nosed monkeys,neonatal coats tend to be paler than the adult fur coloration.This is particularly pronounced in the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (R.bieti ),in which infants are uniformly white to grayish white,except for a small dark cap when first born [Chaplin &Jablonski,1998,p 92;T.G.,own observations].Geographic DistributionPreliminary surveys and notes on habitat asso-ciations indicate that the range of the new species encompasses the mountain forests in the watershed area of the Maw River,a tributary to the N’mai Hka River,and forests across the range to the east above the village of Chichitago.The species therefore appears to be limited in distribution to a small area of the Salween–N’mai Hka divide in northeastern Kachin state and northeastern Myanmar (see Fig.1).The coordinates of the distribution area are 26.311–26.511N and 98.341–98.611E.HabitatThe distribution area is mountainous,and slopes are very steep in most places (Fig.6).The forests of this area and their botanical composition were first studied by Frank Kingdon Ward who traversed the snub-nosed monkey forests at the end of August 1914[Kingdon Ward,1921].The main forest types in the range of the snub-nosed monkeys are Cool Temperate Rain Forest (1,830–2,440m)and Mixed Temperate Forest (2,135–2,745m).Silver Fir Forest occurs at elevations of 2,745–3,660m (conifer zone).Five locations where snub-nosed monkeys were sighted or caught by hunters were visited by us:their altitudes range from 1,720–3,190m.We have no information how high up the mountains the monkeys go,but the highest mountain in this range is 3,660m.Groups of Rhinopihecus bieti exhibit an altitudinal range of 2,625–4,600m (n 55groups)[Gru ¨ter,2009,p 110],which suggests that the Burmese species tends to occur at lower altitudes than the latter.According to local hunters,snub-nosed monkeys spend the summer (i.e.the snow-free times from May to October)mostly at higher altitudes,in mixed temperate forests and conifer forests.In winter,however,when snowfall probablyrestrictsFig.2.Rhinopithecus strykeri ,new species.Views of the freshly dead male holotype (Skull and Skin:AIMZ 15504)in Pade village on March 7,2010.Photos:Ngwe Lwin.Am.J.Primatol.A New Species of Snub-Nosed Monkey in Myanmar /7the availability of food,the monkeys descend to lower elevations and may be found closer to villages.The monkeys reportedly occur near Wayawbuk village in October and November,for instance,and are said to be easy tofind at that time.Other non-human primates occurring in the survey area include Shortridge’s langur(Trachy-pithecus shortridgei),stump-tailed macaque(Macaca arctoides),Assamese macaque(M.assamensis), Rhesus macaque(M.mulatta),and northern pig-tailed macaque(M.leonina)[Momberg et al.,2010]. DISCUSSIONPossible Taxonomic Relationships Between the New Species and Other Rhinopithecus spp Based on a simple numerical comparison of50 external characteristics(mostly fur and skin colora-tion)of the species of snub-nosed monkeys in Table II,the new species exhibits the highest number of matches with R.bieti(24),closely followed by R.avunculus(22)and R.brelichi(17),all of which exhibit large areas of black fur.In contrast,there are only eight matches with the predominantly orange or yellow colored R.roxellana.It is tempting to assume that this moderately higher similarity between R. bieti and the new species indicates a closer affinity between the two,but morphological similarity, especially in color[Geissmann,2002],does not necessarily correspond to phylogenetic relationship.The pronounced,forward-swept crest of adult males of R.bieti(Fig.7)and the new species(Fig.2) may be a shared derived characteristic,which is absent from other odd-nosed monkeys.If this interpretation is correct,it would support a close relationship between R.bieti and the new species. The shorter geographical distance between these two species(Fig.8)also supports thisinterpretation. Fig.3.Rhinopithecus strykeri,new species.Skull and mandible of the adult male holotype(AIMZ15504.a).Photos:Thomas Geissmann. Am.J.Primatol.8/Geissmann et al.Population SizeBased on interviews with hunters from the villages located near the distribution range of the new species,we estimate that there are approximately three to fourgroups of snub-nosed monkeys,which occur in three distinct parts of the distribution area.The inferred ranges of three groups are indicated in Figure 1,but require further verification.Two hunters from Lakin and three hunters from Htantan reported that about two groups,each containing approximately 30indivi-duals,are sometimes encountered north of the Maw River (northern part of Group Range 1,see Fig.1).Hunters from the villages of Pashe,Wayawbuk,Phamawzup,and Htanpaungku reported that there are two groups near the Maw River:one group lives north of the river and has about 60–80individuals (Group Range 1);the other group lives south of the river and has about 80–100individuals (Group Range 2,Fig.1).Hunters from Chichitago village reported that every year around July,a group of about 150animals appears at the foothills of the snow-capped mountains above the village (Group Range 3,Fig.1).Reportedly,the monkeys come to that area to eat bamboo shoots.The location of the remainder of the third group’s range is not reliably known.In addition,there is a remote valley located roughly in the middle of the three known group ranges.Whether snub-nosed monkeys also occur in that valley,and whether they belong to one of the three groups described above,is unknown.None of our interviewees were familiar with that valley,because it is far away from all villages.As a tentative summary of all interview information,we estimate that the total population size consists of three groups containing a total of about 260–330individuals.The ranges shown in Figure 1are also based on information provided by the interviewed hunters.The sizes of the Group Ranges 1,2,and 3are approximately 47,72,and 41km 2,respectively.If the unstudied valley in the middle of the three ranges is included in the calculation,the whole distribution area could cover around 273km 2.Although we cannot exclude the possibility that additional groups of this species occur in other sites in Kachin,all interviewees who appearedfamiliarFig.5.Skull of an adult female snub-nosed monkey in a hunter’s house in Maw Ban village,May 2010.Photo:NgweLwin.Fig. 6.Habitat of the Burmese snub-nosed monkeys in the western part of Range 1.Photo:NgweLwin.Fig.7.Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti ),adult male at Kunming Zoo.Photo:ThomasGeissmann.Fig.4.Bag made out of a Rhinopithecus skin by a hunter from Htantan village;Paratype 3(BANCA 2010.4).Photo:Thomas Geissmann.Am.J.Primatol.A New Species of Snub-Nosed Monkey in Myanmar /9with this species reported that it occurs only around the Maw River.We have conducted field surveys and hunter interviews along both sides of the N’mai Hka River from Chibwe northwards up to the type locality,paying special attention to primates [i.e.Geissmann et al.,in preparation].That area was previously surveyed during the Vernay-Cutting expedition of 1938–1939[Anthony,1941].We also conducted interview surveys north of the type locality up to the Me River.In 2009/2010,the Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association (BANCA),Yangon,also conducted environmental biodiversity surveys north of Me River in the Khaun-glanghpu region (Aung Soe Than,personal commu-nication to NL and TG).None of these surveys found evidence for snub-nosed monkeys in these regions.The only interviewees who were familiar with snub-nosed monkeys knew them from the species distribution range (as shown on Fig.1).During the biodiversity surveys of 2009/2010conducted by BANCA,however,verbal reports were obtained that monkeys with upturned noses might also occur in the Lwe Nue mountain range (Swe Swe Aung,personal communication,May 2010).This range is located west of the N’mai Hka,just north to the confluence of the N’mai Hka and Mali Hka rivers.This area will need further investigation.Conservation StatusAll previously described snub-nosed monkeys are Endangered or Critically Endangered (Table I),threatened by the fast growing human population,deteriorating environments and accelerated defores-tation,and the hunting of monkeys for food and traditional ‘‘medicine’’[Li et al.,2002].This new species also qualifies as globally threatened,based on the available data.The Bur-mese snub-nosed monkey is currently known to exist at only a single location.The overall known range of the species (a minimum polygon including the three Group Ranges and the areas in-between them)covers a maximum area of about 273km 2.Using the criteria defined by IUCN [2001],the Burmese snub-nosed monkey qualifies as Critically Endangered,CR A4c,d.As explained below,the available data meet the requirement of an inferred ‘‘population size reduction of Z 80%during a three-generation period y and where the reduction or its causes have not ceased.’’In our assessment,‘‘c’’refers to a decline in area of occupancy,extent of occurrence and/or quality of habitat,‘‘d’’refers to actual or potential levels of exploitation,both of which are supported by information in this article.We estimate the ‘‘three-generation period’’for this species to be 18years.Generation length is defined as ‘‘the average age of parents of the current cohort (i.e.newborn individuals in the population)y Generation length is greater than the age at first breeding and less than the age of the oldest breeding individual’’[IUCN,2001].Because the generation length of snub-nosed monkeys is unknown,we use the age at first reproduction as a minimum estimate of generation length.In other species ofsnub-nosedFig.8.Distribution map of the snub-nosed monkeys (genus Rhinopithecus ),after records compiled from Li et al.[2002],Nadler et al.[2003],Wang et al.[1998],and Zhang et al.[1992].Am.J.Primatol.10/Geissmann et al.。


梵净山梵净山是黔(qian)金丝猴的主产地,山上著名的蘑菇(mo gu)岩,曾在小学的课本中出现过。
要知道,大部分天牛都是会蛀蚀( zhu shi)树木,属于善飞的昆虫。
螽( zhong)斯也来了,繁殖(fan zhi)蚁爬上它的大腿准备搭车。
第二天查看捕虫陷阱,捕获著名的大型步甲——疤( ba)步甲。

1.科学家发现灵长类动物将病毒传给人类的证据 [J],
2.中国发现最古老灵长类动物化石距今5500万年 [J], 孝文
3.一种发现于卷尾猴身上的新型HBV进一步揭示灵长类动物嗜肝病毒的进化起源[J], Breno FdCDS;刘智勇;谢智钦;邓飞杰
4.缅甸勐玛地区发现新的大煤矿 [J], 刘伟
5.新发现2种可能由非人灵长类动物传播给人的反转录病毒 [J], 郭志儒
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火虫 , 属于熠萤属 。付新 华表 示 , 都 湖北 省水栖 萤火虫极 其
丰 富, 急需 加以保护 , 武 汉 萤” 但 如“ 的种 群数 量不 到千 只 ,
濒临灭绝 。 缅 甸 中 国公 司 工 地 现 金 丝 猴 新 物 种
3 %的动物种类面临灭绝危险 , 中灭绝危 险度较高 的动物 3 其 包括玳瑁等 3 6 5 5种动 物。从动 物类群 来看 , 两栖 类动 物面 临的危 机 最紧 迫 , 至少有 4 % 的物 种 濒 临灭 绝 ; 地 区来 1 从 看, 东南亚 的物种损失最严 重 , 大规 模种 植油 棕 、 采伐 森林 、
[ 物育种 ] 作 上海 农科院培育 的“ 糖” 米 规模种植成功 , 降 大 为糖尿病患者 带来 了“ 口福”
中国金丝猴或越南金丝猴 的全新 物种。
这种猴子数量十分稀少 , 目前 还无人抓拍到 它们 的清晰 照片 , 现有 的图像是研 究人员 根据 目击 者 的描述 , 用 图形 运
处理软件绘 制的效果 图。当地的 中 国开 发 商 已明确 表示 将 顾及环保 和生 态问题 , 尽力保护这种金 丝猴 。 [ 生物保 护 ]
据 21 0 0年 1 月 1 1 2日《 民晚报》 息 , 新 消 由上海 市农 业 科学 院培 育的首批 “ 降糖 ” 大米 在松 江新浜 镇规模 化种植 获
据 中国军网 2 1 1 2 0 0年 O月 8日和 3 0日分别援 引新华 社 名古屋 电 , 日本 名古屋 举行 的 《 物 多样 性公 约 》 十 次 在 生 第
缔约方会议上 , 世界 自然保护联 盟公布 了“ 0 0年濒 危动 物 21 名单 ” 。名单 显 示 , 危 物 种 比 20 濒 0 9年增 加 了 10 0 0多 种 ,
存的证据基本上都 出现在 欧洲 、 西亚 和邻近 的非洲 地 区, 此 次发现表 明共存现象发生 的地理 范围一直 扩展到 了亚洲 各 地, 这有 助于思索现代人类是如何在欧亚大 陆东部—— 乃至
更广阔的东半球各地—— 出现的。
保存了完好 的胚胎 , 这是 陆栖 脊椎 动物 中迄今发 现的最古老
天活 动 。 研 究 人 员 根 据 这 种 猴 子 的遗 骸 , 断 它 们 是 不 同 于 推
77 ・
乌夫指 出 , 2 2 到 0 5年 , 全球 粮食 产量需要 翻一 番 , 耕地 面 但 积不 会增 加 , 且水资 源和其 他相 关资 源 的用量会 有所 减少 , 因此粮食作物 多样 性的保护 、 研究和利用对保证 全球未来 粮 食安 全十 分重要 。
的类人猿 。这 种突然出现 的多样性证 明 , 这些类人猿很可 能 是从别处移居到非洲的 。在 没有证据 表 明非洲有更 古老 的 化石证据 的情况下 , 科学家得出结论认为亚洲是类人猿最 可
能 的发 源 地 。
生 物岩溶 、 古气候 、 古环境等提供了重要资料 。
华 中农 业 大 学 科 学 家发 现 新 种 萤 火 虫— — “ 汉 萤 ” 武
了一个明显 的下 巴——这 是 分辨 现代 人类 的标 志性 特 征。
这些化石是现代人类在东亚 出现 的最早证据 , 比原先 以为 的
首批 现代人到达东亚的时间 ( 6万年前 ) 推前 了数万年 , 改变 了科学界对东半球东部 现代人 类起 源状 况的原有 认识。相 关研究论文发表在美 国《 国家科学 院学报》 网站上。
得成功 , 为广大糖尿病 患者带 来 了“ 福音 ” 。据 介绍 , 首批 种
《 生物 多样 性公 约》 第十次缔约方会议公 布 2 1 0 0年
濒危 动物名单 , 过遗 传资源利益分配的相关议定 书 , 通 提 出 21 22 0 0~ 0 0年保护生物多样性 目标
植的 3 0亩 ( 2 h )“ 糖 ” 米 平 均 亩 产 3 0 g( 0 合 0a 降 大 0 k 合
上 海 市 松 江 区 农 技 中 心培 育 的 “ 彩 大 米 ” 种 成 功 五 试
古野 马等 6 4种濒危物种 的危 险度 已经 有 了降低 , 是人类 这
生物保护取 得的进展 。
据21 00年 1 月 《 民晚报 》 1 新 消息 , 松江 区农技 中心在总
共 约 1亩( 1 1h ) 合 / 5 a 的试 种 的 “ 五彩 大米 ” 得成 功 , 获 亩产 40~ 0 k ( 60 7 0 k/ a 。 0 5 0 g 合 0 0~ 50 gh )
【 生物 ] 古
智人洞化石还提示 , 早期现代人类 曾经与欧亚 大陆西部
和北部的尼安德特人共存 了数万 年。先前 有关 两种人类 共
南非发现世界最 古老 陆生脊椎 动物 胚胎—— 巨椎龙胚胎 据2t 0 0年 1 月 1 1 5日《 参考消息》 援引英国广播 公司 网 站报道 , 加拿大多伦多大学 的罗伯特 ・ 赖斯 教授 领导 的研究 小组发现 , 7 在南 非发 现 的名 叫巨椎龙 的恐 龙蛋化 石 1 6年 9
据 中国军网 2 1 00年 1 0月 3 1日援引新华社武汉 2 1 0 0年 1 0月 3 1日电, 华中农业 大学 植物科 学 院副 教授付新 华发现
匹兹堡卡内基 自然 历史 博 物馆 的克利斯 托弗 ・比尔德 说 : 如果我们 的假说是对 的, “ 那么类人 猿向非洲 的早期移居 实在是一 件 极其 重 要 的事 件——是 人类 进 化 史 的 关键 环 节 。 他还说 : 当时非 洲是 一个孤 立 的大陆 , ” “ 当这 些类 人猿 出现时 , 这个地方还没有任何可与它们竞 争的生物。这导致 了类人猿在一段时间内旺盛 的多 种进化趋势 , 其中一支的直 系后代就演变为人类 。如果没有 类人猿 祖先 成功地从 亚洲 移居非洲 , 那么人类就根本不会存在。 ”
据 21 0 0年 l 0月 2 8日环球时报 援引 路透社 2 1 0 0年 1 O 月2 7日报道 , 一个缅 甸专 家小组在 缅甸北 部 的一个 中国公
生 物学 教学 21年( 6 第4 01 第3卷) 期
司工地附近发现 了一种之前从未 见过的金丝猴 。据报道 , 新 发现的金丝猴全身呈 黑色 , 白色的 耳朵 和胡 须 , 有 经常 在雨
展 了调查 。专家估计 , 此次调查记录 的生 物种 数 比原先 的记
录 翻一 番 。
茂 兰 自然保护 区植被 良好 , 森林 生态 空 间广 阔 , 喀斯特 地貌充分 发育。历年科考 成果 为研究 森林 生态 、 洞穴 生物 、
共 同生活于该地区 ; 而在 此时期之 前 , 非洲几 乎没 有过 已知
会议通 过的《 获取与 惠益 分享 名 古屋 议定 书 》 规定 , 在 利用植物和微生物等遗传 资源 或原住民的传统 知识时 , 要将 产生的利益公平地返还 给原产 国 , 防止不 正当获取 遗传资 要 源, 加强对发展 中国家生物 多样 性的保护 。
会议通过的保 护生物 多样性 数值 目标 提 出 , 2 2 在 00年 前 至少要 在 1 %的陆地和包括公海在 内的 1% 的海域建 立 7 0 保护 区 , 采取有效措施制止生物 多样 性 的损失 , 2 2 在 0 0年前
的胚 胎 , 它们是由生 活在约 19亿年前的恐龙 留下的。 . [ 古人类]
利 比亚 出土 的 类 人 猿 化 石 显 示 人 类 祖 先 或 来 自亚 洲
[ 物种新发现 ]
贵 州茂 兰 国 家 自然 保 护 区发 现 动 植 物 新 物 种
据 中国军网 2 1 0 0年 1 月 1 1 1日援 引新华社 贵阳 2 1 00年 1 1月 1 1日电 , 旨在查明茂兰 自然 保护 区生物 多样 性本 的一 项 调查 活动 自2 1 0 0年 3月启动 以来 , 已经发 现了动物新种 4
鸟类 、 爬行动物 、 两栖动 物、 鱼类 以及 入侵 种 、 洞穴生 物等开
《 自然》 杂志撰文介绍 , 利 比亚杜 尔阿 塔拉 发掘 出土的 类 在
人猿化石证明 , 人类 的直 接祖先 或许来 自亚 洲 , 管长期 以 尽 来公认 的说法是人类起源于非洲 。 考古小组 发 现 的类 人猿 化 石 表 明 , 始 新 世 中期 , 在 即 30 9 0万年前 , 生活在 非洲 利 比亚 的类人猿 有 着令人 惊奇 的 多样性 , 存在三类截然不 同的类人 猿 , 它们 大约在 同一时期
化 石 证 据 表 明 现 代 人 到 达 中 国 的 时 间 比 先前 认 为 的早 数 万 年
了一种水栖 萤火 虫新 种 , 将 它命名 为 “ 汉萤 ” 并 武 。相 关研 究论文 已经发表于 国际权威学 术期刊 《otx》 动物分类 ) z0 a ( a
杂 志上 。
萤火虫可以分为水栖 和陆栖两 大类日《 参考 消息》 引英 国《 日电讯 援 每
报》网站 2 1 00年 l O月 2 7日文章 , 一个考 古小 组 的专家 在
种、 植物新种 2种 以及 大量新分 布种 。本 次调查 过程 中 , 研 究 人员对 种子植 物、 珍稀植 物 、 藓 和蕨类 植物 、 苔 哺乳 动物 、
了 8种水栖萤火虫 , 国湖北 省就 占了一 半。付新 华 已经进 我
行了1 O年的萤火虫研究。20 08年 5月 , 付新华 在稻 田水洼 中 意外发现了一种翅膀黑色的萤火虫并将其带 回实验 室进行 繁 殖 ,0天后卵孵化出幼虫。观察显示 , 2 该种萤火虫幼虫腹部长
有可在水 中呼吸的鳃 , 明该种萤火虫为水栖萤火虫。 证
开 垦土地是其主因。名单 还显示 , 朱鹃 、 加利福 尼亚 秃鹰 、 蒙
“ 降糖 ” 大米还含有 丰富 的蛋 白质 、 膳食纤 维等 , 但其 所含 的
“ 糖分 ”胆固醇 和脂肪等却 趋 近于 “ 。 因此 ,降 糖” 、 零” “ 大米