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1.What can I do for you。

I’d like two boxes of apples。

2.Help yourself to some chicken。

3.What fine weather it is today。

4.Which is the way to the shoe factory。

5.This class is studying now。Miss Gao teaches them。

6.We will have a two-month holiday after the exam.

Let's meet ________ XXX

答案: B。(选择A和D的同学要注意each other和one another的区别。each other表示两个人之间的相互关系。XXX

表示三个人或三个人以上之间的相互关系)14.I have two sisters。________ XXX

答案: A。(选择B的同学要注意both表示两者。all表示

三者或三者以上)15.He is a good teacher。We all love


答案: A。(选择B、C、D的同学要注意代词的性别和人


16.I'm sorry I can't go with you。I'm busy ________ XXX

答案: C。(选择A和D的同学要注意介词后面要用动词的-ing形式)17.She is interested ________ music.A。onB。inC。atD。with

答案: B。(选择A、C、D的同学要注意介词in和interested的搭配)18.The book is ________ XXX

答案: A。(选择B、C、D的同学要注意on表示在某个物

体的表面)19.I'll be back ________ two hours.A。afterB。inC。onD。for

答案: B。(选择A、C、D的同学要注意in表示在某段时

间内)20.The cat is ________ the tree.A。onB。inC。atD。under 答案: D。(选择A、B、C的同学要注意under表示在某个


答案:neither。nor (改写:He is not proficient in either English or French。but he excels in Japanese.)

20.The concert was __________ than I expected。


答案:A (改写:XXX)

21.The teacher asked us to __________ the homework before class。

A。hand inB。hand outC。hand overD。hand off

答案:A (改写:XXX instructed us to submit the homework before class.)

22.I’m sorry。but I can’t __________ to your party this weekend。

A。come upB。come acrossC。come overD。come to

答案:C (改写:I apologize。but I am unable to attend your party this weekend.)

23.The company is looking for XXX __________ XXX。


答案:A (改写:The company is XXX.)

24.The movie was __________。I XXX。


答案:A (改写:The movie was us。I dozed off in the middle.)

25.I’m not sure if I can __________ your request。but I’ll do my best。


答案:A (改写:I am uncertain if I can fulfill your request。but I will make every effort to do so.)

答案: D (选择A和B的同学要注意语境。with表示需要某物的辅助。of表示属于的关系)27.She was tired ________ hungry after the long journey.


答案: A (选择B的同学要注意。but表示转折关系)28.You can take either the bus ________ the subway to get there.


答案: B (选择A和C的同学要注意语境。or表示选择关系)29.I can’t decide ________ to go to the beach or to the mountains.


答案: C (选择A和B的同学要注意语境。whether表示选择关系)


28.I refrained from purchasing the XXX would give me one.

29.I will look for a new job unless the company pays me more money.

30.Take your time。the bus XXX.

31.John。please demonstrate how to send an email。This is my first time doing it.

XXX。I am happy for you.

33.I am XXX so many different tasks in such a short amount of time.

34.-- Can you speak English?

Yes。I can speak not only a little English but also some French.
