聚合物锂电池 半自动卷绕机机型机型::ZY ZY--A2A2--130H 0H操作维护手操地地:电电Tel : 传真Fax :http://www.索引一、概述——————————————————————2 (一)机器概述———————————————————2 (二)特性说明———————————————————2 (三)机器主要组成部分————————————————3 二、技术规格————————————————————3 (一)适用规格———————————————————3 (二)技术指标———————————————————4 (三)上机原材料的要求——————————————4-5 三、机械调整————————————————————5 (一)安装—————————————————————5 (二)操作说明———————————————————6 (三)上料板的调整—————————————————7 (四)产品规格不同时的调整—————————————8 (五)设备注意事项————————————————9-11 (六)故障与排除方法————————————————11 四、维护保养————————————————————1一、概 述(一、)、机器概述机器概述机器概述::本机器是为生产方形锂离子电池的电芯而设计制造的半自动动力电池卷绕设备,贴胶方式为纵向贴胶式。
(二、)、特性说明特性说明特性说明::1、 本机器适用于方形聚合物锂电池电芯卷绕的专用设备。
2、 本设备隔膜放卷采用闭环控制的恒张力控制系统:经检测放卷浮辊角度位置信号,送入PLC 运算,再由PLC 控制步进电机放卷速度快慢,实现放卷速度实时跟随调整,浮辊位置——PLC ——步进电机——浮辊位置,三者组成一个闭环控制系统,通过实时调整放卷速度实现隔膜张力的相对恒定。
中航锂电(洛阳) SE130AHA 产品规格书
产品规格书型号:SE130AHA客户名称:客户确认:日期: 2010-03-23中航锂电(洛阳)有限公司China Aviation Lithium Battery(LUOYANG)Co.,Ltd 制定校对审核批准修订履历版次日期变更内容备注A/0 2010.3.23目录(Table of Contents)1.适用范围Scope (4)2.产品类型Production (4)3.单体电池尺寸Dimensioned Drawing (4)4.标称技术参数Nominal Specification (4)5.测试条件Standard environmental test condition (6)6.电池性能Battery Performance (7)7.运输Transportation.................................................... (8)8.贮存及其它事项Storage and Others (8)9.电池使用时操作指示及注意事项Operating Instruction and Cautions (9)10.电池使用时警告事项及注意事项Warnings and Cautions for cell (10)1.适用范围Scope本产品规格书描述了中航锂电(洛阳)有限公司(以下简称中航锂电)生产的可充电锂离子电池的产品性能指标及技术要求。
This purpose of this documents is to specify a 100Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate energy cell which manufactured by China Aviation Lithium Battery (Luoyang) Co., Ltd short for CALB by the following statement.2.产品类型Production2.1 产品名称Production Name :磷酸铁锂动力电池Lithium Iron Phosphate energy cell2.2型号规格Model :SE100AHA3.单体电池尺寸Dimensioned Drawing :项目Item 描述Description 尺寸DimensionsL 长度Length 142mm ±1mmW 宽度Width 67mm±1mmH 高度Height 218mm±1mm4.标称技术参数Nominal Specifications序号S/N: 项目Item参数说明Electrical Specification备注Remark1.标称容量Nominal Capacity **********放电******************* 2.最小容量Minimal Capacity **********放电*******************3.标称电压Nominal Voltage 3.2 V4.内阻Internal Impedance≤0.9mΩ最大充电电流Maximum chargecurrent 1C5.充电(恒流恒压CC-CV)Charging(ConstantCurrent ConstantVoltage, CC-CV)充电上限电压Maximum chargevoltage3.6V最大放电电流Maximum Pulse Discharge Current 2C(30S)6.放电Discharge放电终止电压Minimum dischargevoltage2.5V标准充电Standard charge 4h7.充电时间Charging timeStandardcharge快速充电Rapid charge 1h参考值Reference Value8.推荐SOC使用窗口Recommend SOCwindowSOC :10%~90%充电charge 0°C ~ 45°C9. 工作温度The ambientoperatingtemperaturerange 放电Discharge-20°C ~ 55°C短期(1个月内)Withinone Month -20°C ~ 45°C10.贮存温度The long termambient storage temperature 长期(1年内)Within oneyear-20°C ~ 20°C11.储存湿度The storage humidity <70%12. 电池重量Cell weight Approx 约3.2k gApprox. 3.2kg13 壳体材料Case Material 塑料Plastic5.测试条件Standard environmental test condition:5.1测试环境条件Test Circumstance本规格书中各项试验应在标准大气条件下进行。
ZY-DLA 80~130mm 78~128mm 22~80mm
ZY-DLB 120~180mm 118~178mm 22~80mm
ZY-DLC 170~230mm 168~228mm 22~80mm
ZY-DLD 230~300mm 228~298mm 30~80mm
材料材料长度材料宽度材料厚度内径外径正极片500~1600 78~298 0.1~0.2 - - 负极片500~1600 78~298 0.1~0.2 - - 隔膜料卷80~300 0.016~0.045 76.2 250 终止胶带料卷10~20 0.01~0.035 76.2 150
3、设备能力:2 ~ 3个/分钟(根据卷针宽度,极片长度/宽度)
团队口号:做最优秀的企业,做最优秀而的团队,做最优秀的员工卷绕机设备说明书和规范操作七.安全操作规程 (3)一.触摸屏控制参数介绍 (4)1.1速度画面 (4)1.1.1 左送料速度: (4)1.1.2 左切刀速度: (4)1.1.3 拉胶速度: (4)1.1.4 滚筒速度: (4)1.1.5 左黄标缓存 (4)1.1.6 卷针速度设置: (4)1.1.7 卷针宽度: (4)1.1.8 拍平时间: (5)1.1.9 排出时间: (5)1.2卷绕参数 (5)1.2.1左送料位置: (5)1.2.2左切刀位置: (5)1.2.3下料针: (5)1.2.4贴胶针 (5)1.2.5滚筒电机 (6)1.2.6主卷针设置: (6)1.3放卷参数 (6)1.3.1左极片和左隔膜调整相同 (6)1.3.2锥度张力参数 (7)1.4配方画面 (7)1.5系统参数(系统1和系统2) (7)1.5.1 偏差 (7)1.5.2 左切刀安全位: (7)1.5.3左辊座伸出位: (7)1.5.4卷针补偿 (7)1.5.5左留白距离: (7)1.5.6左留白长: (7)1.6手动控制画面 (7)二.故障处理调整方法及规范 (10)2.1 正负极边距不良 (10)2.2 隔膜往内抽芯 (11)2.3 隔膜往外抽芯 (11)2.4 入片打折 (11)2.5 负极包不住正极 (11)2.6 隔膜包不住负极 (12)2.7 黄标误判 (12)2.8 贴胶与拉胶异常 (13)2.9隔膜或极片褶皱 (13)2.10左找极耳失败报警 (13)2.11隔膜螺旋 (14)2.12极片收尾错位 (14)2.13隔膜收尾错位 (14)2.13连续侧短路异常 (14)三.设备硬件功能介绍(结构,原理) (15)3.1~3.16部件名称 (15)3.17抽风机 (17)3.18静电消除器 (17)3.19真空泵 (17)3.20储气罐 (17)3.21压力传感器: (18)3.22绝缘测试 (18)四.设备非部件功能结构原理介绍 (24)4.1所有可调节气压值大小的部件 (24)4.2锥度张力控制: (24)4.3正负极放卷张力原理 (24)4.4隔膜张力原理 (25)4.5设备整理结构图及功能作用 (25)4.6主卷机构介绍: (26)4.7三工位介绍 (26)4.8电芯卷绕过程简图 (26)4.9电芯卷绕工艺流程图 (27)4.10气压压力检测感应器 (28)4.11传感器介绍: (28)4.12隔膜介绍 (28)五.型替方法与规范和报检标准 (29)5.1.型替 (29)5.2型替自检项目 (30)六.点检保养 (31)七.安全操作规程1.严禁两人同时操作一台设备2.设备维修时必须挂状态牌3.设备正常运行时,无异常情况,不得进入设备警戒区域4.操作前,检查设备安全防护是否齐全。
锂电池产品说明书中英文对照版模板NOHON?手机锂电池用户使用说明书版权版权? 诺希电子产品本使用说明书受国际版权法保护。
请仔细阅读本使用说明书, 同时也请参阅您的手机或电子产品使用指南。
目录产品特色 (3)使用说明 (4)警告 (5)用户注意 (6)如何处理废弃电子产品 (6)保养条款 (6)产品特色NOHOH高容量锂电池系列产品是一款超强电量, 安全稳定, 环保耐用的优质产品。
超强电量: 采用高密度物料的高容量电芯, 制成超级电量的顶级锂电池产品。
安全稳定: 所有的锂电池都没有防过冲、防过冲及防短路的精密保护装置, 能够保护在意外情况精准启动保护功效。
耐用: NOHON锂电池产品内阻低储电量高, 无论待机状态或者通话时间都比一般锂电池产品更长。
环保: 锂电池产品充电次数可达五百次以上, 这样可大大减低更换电池次数, 既节省费用同时更达至环保减排作用。
国际标准: NOHON 所有锂电池产品不含有镉、铅、汞等污染环境的金属, 完全符合国际标准。
【电池正面背面侧面展示: 电池尺寸为63.5×41×5.99mm 】使用说明 1. 我们建议您在首次使用此NOHNO 电池前, 将电池完全充电。
2. 新电池只有在二、三次完全充电和放电的周期之后才能达到最佳性能。
3. 请勿将充满电量的电池连接至充电器因为过分充电可能会缩短电池寿命。
4. 如果您打算长时间不使用电池时, 请必须将电池拆下, 并存放在低温干燥的环境, 而且电池必须充满。
电池即使未使用也会自动放电池正负极 1930 毫安超大电, 应避免电池过分放电处于低电状态导致无法再度充电。
6.请不要放于充电座上充电超过24小时, 不使用时将充电器从电源插头及装置中拔出。
7.请不要把电池留在过热或过冷的地方( 如夏天或冬天的密封车厢中) , 会缩短电池电容量及寿命。
锂电池半自动动力电池卷绕机机型:JYDL-75-150操作维护手册地址:中国.广东省东莞市望牛墩镇官洲工业区电话Tel:传真Fax:目录一、安全注意事项 (1)二、概述 (4)●装置概要●原理简图●主要特性三、技术规格 (5)●规格●主要指标●对原辅材料之要求四、装置的组成 (7)五、装置的安装调整 (7)六、机器的调试 (8)七、操作流程 (11)●开机检查及参数设定●手动操作●自动操作八、故障与排除方法 (17)九、维护保养 (19)本操作维护手册仅供参考,若有更改恕不另行通知。
二、主要技术数据1.主轴转速: 0 ~ 52 转 / 分(采用变频调速无级可调)2.铁芯最大尺寸:对角线≤500 mm3.加工范围:绕制≤ 80mm4.驱动电机:功率2.2Kw,转速1440转/分5.气缸直径:φ80 mm6.压缩空气气源:压力>0.4MPa 流量35M3/H7.总功率:小于 5 Kw8.主机外形尺寸:1.3 m(高)×1.3m(宽)×0.8m(厚)9.主机重约:1.2T三、运行:(一)准备1.首先检查电源是否正常,有无缺相现象,电源采用三相五线制,380V±10V交流电源输入。
(二) 操作1、将三组定位轮中心与芯板中心调于一条线上,使钢带从尾滚中穿过各功能部件达卷绕之芯板或三相铁芯之内圈并固紧。
操作规程文件编码发布日期卷绕机第1 页共7页1、开机1.1 确认外部电源、气源处于正常开启状态。
1.2 将气源开关手柄(见图1)由水平位置沿逆时针方向旋转至竖直位置,此时气源开启。
1.3 将设备电源插头插在配套电源插座上(见图2)。
1.4 按下设备背面对开门上的球形开关按钮(见图3),此时对开门把手弹出;打开设备背面对开门;用左手将空气开关(见图4)开启(向上扳);关上设备背面对开门。
1.5 将设备控制箱(见图5)右上角“电源开关”钥匙由水平位置沿顺时针方向旋转打到竖直位置;此时设备控制箱上的“电源指示灯”点亮;同时设备控制箱上的触摸屏开启,其显示为“自动运行画面”画面(见图6)。
2、设置配方(此步骤由工序主管操作)操作规程文件编码发布日期卷绕机第2 页共7页2.1 在触摸屏上按下“参数画面”键,进入“配方参数设定”画面(见图7)。
2.2 点击“添加配方”输入区,输入区弹出对话框(见图7);按下相应数字,输入五位数字代码,按下“ENT”键进行确认;此时对话框消失,“添加配方”输入区显示已输入的五位数字代码。
2.3 按下“速度参数”键,进入“速度参数设定”画面(见图8)。
2.4 根据工艺参数表要求,依次输入“原点脉冲”(A)、“首卷速度”(B)、“入片速度”(C)、“卷绕速度”(D)、“尾卷速度”(E)、“胶带速度”(F)、“反卷速度”(G)等参数(参数输入方法见2.2相关内容)。
(/、200、200、200、200、300、200)2.5 按下“长度参数”键,进入“长度参数设定”画面(见图9)。
2.6 根据工艺参数表要求,依次输入“首卷长度”(H)、“上层长度”(I)、“下层长度”(J)、“卷绕长度”(K)、“尾卷长度”(L)、“胶带长度”(M)、“粘胶长度”(N)、“反转长度”(O)等参数(参数输入方法见2.2相关内容)。
(2.00、1.20、2.00、37.00、3.00、0.50、0.20、0.10)2.7 按下“配方参数”键,进入“配方参数设定”画面。
SOLAR LANTERNModel:7703User ManualOperating Instructions:Solar lantern is equipped with a switch that turns the lights on and off. Besides, the same switch is also used for selecting the required level of light intensity. Higher intensity will lower the number of operation hours of the lantern. On the other hand, lower light than what is required can cause extra strain on the eyes. Therefore, it is very important to select the correct light intensity for the working environment.The battery capacity is shown by the indictor, when the battery level is low, the indicator will flash in red. When the battery level is above 5.6V, the indicator will flash in green. When the indicator is flash red, please recharge the lantern immediately.Important: Make sure you turn off the lantern before charging the battery.Charging Instructions:1-Plug the solar panel cable into the lantern2-Expose the solar panel to sunlight3-Or plug the AC adaptor cable into the lantern, use AC electricity to charge for optional for best performance ※Place the solar panel direct to sunlight.※Clean the solar panel regularly with a damp cloth, so that dust or dirt does not block the sun’s rays.※Store the solar panel indoors when not in use, to protect against theft or damage due to bad weather.※Keep the lantern shaded form the sun during charging in order to increase chaise rate.WARNING:THE CHIP IS HIGH INTENSITY LED FILTER, PLEASE KEEP AWAY FROM DIRECT EYE CONTACT Instructions for the solar panel※Please keep the surface always clean and avoid scratching※Please place the solar panel at the strongest sunshine area to absorb enough sunshineBattery Care & Maintenance:-The solar lantern uses a 6 volt 4.5 Ah sealed Lead Acid (SLA) rechargeable battery.-To keep your battery working perfect:※Immediately charge the battery after complete discharge※Never leave the battery in a fully discharged state※Recharge the battery even if fully charged at least once every 2 monthsDC Outlet Plug for Mobile Charge Function:USB mobile charge port with 10 charging connectors:Motorola V3, V8; Nokia 8210, 6101; Sony Ericsson K750; Samsung E760, D800; iPhone;Do not use this battery for other products.When replacing the battery, ONLY USE a 6 volt sealed lead Acid rechargeable battery for replacement。
Renogy Core Series 12.8V 100Ah 深度循环锂铁苯磷酯电池用户指南说明书
Symbols Used (1)Introduction (1)Key Features (1)SKU (1)What’s In the Box? (2)Required Tools & Accessories (2)Get to Know Deep Cycle Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery (3)Dimensions (3)How to Size Battery Adapter Cables? (4)Fix the Battery to a Position (Optional) (4)Step 1. Plan a Mounting Site (5)Step 2. Wear Insulating Gloves (5)Step 3. Remove the Dust Cover. (6)Step 4. Check the Battery (6)Step 5. Run the Battery Adapter Cables Through the Insulating Sleeves (6)Step 6. Install Battery Terminals (7)Step 7. Install the Insulating Sleeves (7)Step 8. Connect the Battery to Other Devices (8)How to Connect Renogy Core Batteries in Series or Parallel (9)Calculate Voltage and Current in Series and Parallel Connections (9)Balance Batteries Prior to Connection (9)Series Connection vs. Parallel Connection — Installation Steps (10)Battery Cell Balancing (12)Charging/Discharging Parameter Settings (12)Battery Charging and Discharging Logic (13)Charging Logic (13)Discharging Logic (14)How to Estimate the Battery SOC? (14)Battery Management System (14)Troubleshooting (15)Specifications (16)General (16)Operation Parameters (16)Maintenance & Storage (17)Inspection (17)Cleaning (17)Checking Voltage (17)Storage (17)Important Safety Instructions (18)General (18)Battery Safety (18)Renogy Support (19)InspectionPlease perform regular inspections following the steps below:z Examine the external appearance of the battery. The housing and terminals of the battery shall be clean, dry, and free of corrosion.z Check battery cables and connections. Replace any damaged cables and tighten any loose connections.In certain application scenarios, corrosion may occur around the terminals. Corrosion can causeincreased resistance and poor contact. It is recommended to regularly apply insulation grease toeach terminal. Insulation grease can form a moisture-resistant seal and protect the terminals fromcorrosion.CleaningPlease clean the battery at regular intervals following the steps below:z Disconnect the battery from the system.z Clear the leaves and debris from the battery.z Clean the battery with a soft, lint-free cloth. The cloth can be dampened with water or mild soap and water if the battery is extremely dirty.z Dry the battery with a soft, lint-free cloth.z Keep the area around the battery clean.z Reconnect the battery to the system.Checking VoltagePlease check the battery voltage periodically to assess battery health. If the battery is unable to be activated with a charge/discharge current greater than 1A or the battery is activated with a resting voltage below 10V, the battery may have been severely overdischarged due to self-discharge or parasitic loads. Please stop using the battery until the fault can be corrected and the battery can be charged.StoragePlease follow the tips below to ensure that the battery emerges from storage in a good condition:z Charge the battery to 30% to 50% SOC.z Disconnect the battery from the system.z Store the battery in a well-ventilated, dry, clean area with temperatures between -13°F (-25°C) and 149°F (65°C).z Do not expose the battery to direct sunlight, moisture, or precipitation.z Handle the battery carefully to avoid sharp impacts or extreme pressure on the battery housing.z Charge the battery at least once every 3~6 months to prevent it from overdischarge.z Fully charge the battery when it is taken out of storage.The manufacturer accepts no liability for any damage caused by:z Force majeure including fire, typhoon, flood, earthquake, war, and terrorism.z Intentional or accidental misuse, abuse, neglect or improper maintenance, and use under abnormal conditions.z Improper installation, improper operation, and malfunction of a peripheral device.z Contamination with hazardous substances or radiation.z Alterations to the product without express written consent from the manufacturer.Generalz Wear proper protective equipment and use insulated tools during installation and operation. Do not wear jewelry or other metal objects when working on or around the battery.z Keep the battery out of the reach of children.z Do not dispose of the battery as household waste. Comply with local, state, and federal laws and regulations and use recycling channels as required.z In case of fire, put out the fire with a FM-200 or CO2 fire extinguisher.z Do not expose the battery to flammable or harsh chemicals or vapors.z Clean the battery regularly.z It is recommended that all cables should not exceed 10 meters because excessively long cables result in a voltage drop.z The cable specifications listed in the quick guide account for critical, less than 3% voltage drop and may not account for all configurations.z Do not expose the battery to strong electrostatic fields, strong magnetic fields, or radiation.Battery Safetyz Please keep the battery away from water, heat sources, sparks, and hazardous chemicals.z Do not puncture, drop, crush, burn, penetrate, shake, strike, or step on the battery.z Do not open, dismantle, repair, tamper with, or modify the battery.z Do not touch any terminals or connectors.z Please make sure any battery charger or charge controller has been disconnected before working on the battery.z Do not connect or disconnect terminals from the battery without first disconnecting loads.z Do not place tools on top of the battery.z Please use suitable handling equipment for safe transportation of the battery.z Do not insert foreign objects into the positive and negative terminals of the battery.。
CONTENTSPrecautions (1)Use Caution ..............................................................................................................................1Lithium Battery Cell Warningss ...........................................................................................................................................1Installation .. (2)Installation Procedures (2)Installation Opening (2)Uninstall the Main Unit...........................................................................................................................3Wiring Connections ................................................................................................................................3Control Panel Button Locations .................................................................................................................. 4Operation ...................................................................................................................................................4Power / SRC ...........................................................................................................................................555Adjust Volume (VOL) ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5555Adjust Menu Options (SRC) ..............................................................................................................................5Set the Clock (CLK) .......................................................................................................................................5Change the Source (SRC) .. (5)Reset System (RESET).................................................................................................5 ......................................................................................................................5Switch Between US and EU Frequency ...................................................................................................................5Change Bands (BAND) ..........................................................................................................................5Manual Tuning (|<< / >>|) .............................................................................................................555Auto Seek Tuning (|<< / >>|) ......................................................................................................................................................6Automatic Music Search (AMS)Mute ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6Store/Recall Preset Stations (1 - 6)..........................................................................................................................................6.......................................................................................................................................66Insert SD Card Insert USB AUX In Jack Release Panel .........................................................................................................................Play/Pause Next/Previous Track Fast Forward/Backward Track Search Track/Folder Navigation Remote Control ........................................................................................................................................7Remove Insulating Sheet .....................................................................................................................7 Button Names and Locations ................................................................................................................7Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................ 8 . (9)PRECAUTIONSLithium Battery Cell Warnings•Cell leakage may cause damage to the remote control.•Do not throw cells into as this may cause an explosion.•Keep battery cells out of reach of children.Use cautions••• ••••• Be sure to lower the volume before switching off the unit or the ignition key.Some MP3/WMA files may not be playable.INSTALLATIONInstallation ProceduresFirst complete the electrical connections and then check for correctness.unit to the car body by bubber cushion.INSTALLATION(CONT.)-Only use speakers with 4 ohms impedance.-Do not attach the control panel to the chassis before wiring is complete.-The maximum current of the auto antenna is 200mA.Wiring ConnectionsUninstall the Main Unit1.Remove the metal strap from the main unit.2.Remove the plastic trim out from the main unit.3.Insert a bracket key into the left and right side of the main unit and draw the unit out ofthe mounting sleeve.CONTROL PANEL BUTTON LOCATIONSREMOVE PANEL1.POWER/SRCto turn off the unit.RADIO,USB&CARD , AUX IN,modes (if there are USB and SD card inside the unit).radio and Aux. When the user inserts a USB flash drive or SD Card, their respective logos will illuminate on the display.OPERATION8.CLK9.SD CARD SLOT 11.FF( ) &12.FB( )In the radio mode, long press the FF( ) or FB( ) button for more than 2 seconds, the unit will search the next or previous frequency step by step.Short press the FF( ) or FB( ) button, the automatic search will start, it will search upward or downward for the strong signal radio station within the cuttent band. The auto searching will stop until find a station.13.BND/AMSAt the radio status,press and hold the VOL button to enter switch state of the US(USA) and EU(EUROPE) frequency,then rotate the VOL knob to select US frequency or EU frequency,afterselecting US or EU frequency,the system will switch to the selected frequency 3 seconds later.In the radio mode, rotate the volume knob to increase or decrese the volume level of the soundIn radio mode,short press the BND/AMS button repeatedly to select the one of the radio band : FM 1,FM 2,FM 3,AM1,AM2 in a cycle sequence. When you select a band, the word F1、F2、F3 for FM band,and A1、A2 for AM band will be shown on the LCD display.preset station in each band.AMS button to scan eachPress the BND/AMS checkDuring USB or SD playback, short press the BND/AMS button to enter track search mode, then rotate the VOL knob to track forward or backward; if no any operation in 5 seconds,it will play the current track.When the 6 strongest stations will be stored intoPress the button to flip down the front panel. Remove the front panel to gain access to the SD card slot. Insert an SD card, then attach and close the front panel. Switch to SD mode when you Press the CLK button once to display the real time, With time appearing on the display.Press and hold CLK button for more than 2 seconds until the time flashes. You can adjust the HOUR and MINUTE by pressing the button and button respectively and press the CLK button to switch the HOUR and MINUTE.OPERATION17.14.MUTEB PORT16.AUX IN JACK18.RESETTo reset all parameters to factory default values. Press the button to flip down the control panel form the head unit and remove the control panel,then use a subject with a sharp point end to thrush the RESET hole.flash on the LCDREMOTE CONTROLButton Names and Locations1.Power button2.MUTE button3.CLK (clock) button4.LOUD (loudness) button5.AMS (automatic music search) button6.PREV (previous) button7.EQ (equalizer) button8.SRC (source) button9.RPT (repeat) or 3 button10.INT (intro) or 2 button11.LOC (local) button12.VOL (volume) button13.SEL (select) button14.BAND button15.ST (stereo) button16.>|| or 1 button17.NEXT button18.RDM (random) or 4 button19.- 10 or 5 button20.+ 10 or 6 buttonTROUBLESHOOTINGA lot of static in broadcastSPECIFICATIONSGeneralPower supply Requirement :DC 12VMaximum power output :50W X 4CHSpeaker impedance : 4 - 8 OhmUnit Dimensions(WxHxD) :7.0 X 2.0 X 3.8 inchWeight : 1.54 Lb (0.7 kg)Fuse :15 ARADIOFMFrequency Range USA / EUROPE: 87.5 MHz - 107.9 MHz / 87.5 MHz - 108.0MHzChannel step:200 KHz / 50 KHzAMFrequency Range USA / EUROPE: 530 KHz - 1710 KHz / 522-1620 KHzChannel step:10 KHz / 9 KHzUSB/CardUsable Audio Formats .........................................................................................MP3/WMAPre-amp Output .................................................................................................. Front and Rear Frequency Response .........................................................................................20 Hz - 20 KHz S/N Ratio ............................................................................................................................60dBShop for other digital media receivers on our website.。
GA800DriveAC Drive for Industrial ApplicationsManual SupplementAffecteddocuments:GA800Installation&Primary Operation(TOEPC71061737)GA800Technical Reference(SIEPC71061737)GA800Quick Setup Procedures(TOEPC71061748and TOEPC71061750)GA800Quick Setup Procedures for IP55/UL Type12Heatsink External(TOEPC71061780and TOEPC71061781)1Supplemental Information -Applicable Documents2YASKAWA TOEPYAISUP11D GA800Drive ManualSupplementThe contents of this supplement apply to the product instructions in Table 1.1.Electrical Shock Hazard.After the input protective device trips,do not immediately energize the drive or operate Wait for the time specified on the warning label at a minimum and make sure that all indicators are OFF .Then check the wiring and peripheral device ratings to find the cause of the problem.If you do not know the cause of the problem,contact Yaskawa before you energize the drive or peripheral devices.If you do not fix the problem before you operate the drive or peripheral devices,it can cause serious injury or death.◆UL ComplianceInstall one of the types of short circuit protection devices in Table 2.1or Table 2.2to comply with UL 508C.Semiconductor protective type fuses are recommended,but the tables also show alternative short circuit protection devices.■Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB)Ratings•Maximum MCCB rating is 200%of the Normal-Duty drive full load output amp (FLA)rating.•When you use MCCBs you must mount the drive in a ventilated enclosure according to the minimum enclosure volume specified in this document.Note:When you use MCCBs,current limiting type are recommended,but not required.■Semiconductor Fuse Ratings•When you use semiconductor fuses as UL listed drive protection,the drives and fuses must be in the same enclosure.•Where multiple semiconductor fuse ratings are listed for a single drive,Yaskawa recommends the larger fuse for cyclical load applications that frequently approach 150%overload.Smaller semiconductor fuses (than what is listed)of the same manufacturer and series are permitted;however,this can cause fuses to clear prematurely.■Non-Semiconductor Fuse Ratings•Maximum CC,J,T,RK1or RK5fuse rating is 175%of the Normal-Duty drive full load output amp (FLA)rating.•When you use class CC,J,or T fuses as UL listed drive protection,models 4371and larger have the same minimum enclosure volume requirements as MCCBs.•When you use RK1or RK5fuses,you must mount the drive in a ventilated enclosure according to the minimum enclosure volume specified in this document.2Short Circuit Protection Requirements for UL ListingYASKAWA TOEPYAISUP11D GA800Drive Manual Supplement 3■Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR)The maximum SCCR provided by drive and fuse,or drive and MCCB combinations in this document,is 100,000RMS symmetrical amps.•240V models:Use the protection specified in this document to prepare the drive for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 100,000RMS symmetrical amps and not more than 240Vac.•480V models:Use the protection specified in this document to prepare the drive for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 100,000RMS symmetrical amps and not more than 480Vac.■Electric Code ComplianceThe user must provide short circuit protection to protect input branch circuits as specified by the National Electric Code (NEC),the Canadian Electric Code,Part 1(CEC),and local codes.2Short Circuit Protection Requirements for UL Listing4YASKAWA TOEPYAISUP11D GA800Drive ManualSupplement■Required Short Circuit ProtectionTable 2.1Approved Short Circuit Protection for GA800AC Drives (240V)2Short Circuit Protection Requirements for UL ListingYASKAWA TOEPYAISUP11D GA800Drive Manual Supplement5Table 2.2Required Short Circuit Protection for GA800AC Drives (480V)6YASKAWA TOEPYAISUP11D GA800Drive ManualSupplementRevision HistoryYASKAWA TOEPYAISUP11D GA800Drive Manual Supplement7TOEPYAISUP11Revision:D <4>-January 2022Published in U.S.A.20-4-03_YAIYASKAWA AMERICA,Inc.*TOEPYAISUP11*YASKAWA AMERICA,INC.2121,Norman Drive South,Waukegan,IL 60085,U.S.A.Phone:+1-800-YASKAWA (927-5292)or +1-847-887-7000Fax:+1-847-887-7310DRIVE CENTER (INVERTER PLANT)2-13-1,Nishimiyaichi,Yukuhashi,Fukuoka,824-8511,JapanPhone:+81-930-25-2548Fax:+81-930-25-3431www.yaskawa.co.jpYASKAWA EUROPE GmbHHauptstraße 185,65760Eschborn,GermanyPhone:+49-6196-569-300Fax:+49-6196-569-398E-mail:***************.com YASKAWA ELÉTRICO DO BRASIL LTDA.777,Avenida Piraporinha,Diadema,São Paulo,09950-000,BrasilPhone:+55-11-3585-1100Fax:+55-11-3585-1187.brIn the event that the end user of this product is to be the military and said product is to be employed in any weapons systems or the manufacture thereof,the export will fall under the relevant regulations as stipulated in the Foreign Exchange and Foreign TradeRegulations.Therefore,be sure to follow all procedures and submit all relevant documentation according to any and all rules,regulations and laws that may apply.Specifications are subject to change without notice for ongoing product modifications and improvements.Original Instructions©2020YASKAWA AMERICA,Inc.。
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聚合物锂电池 半自动卷绕机机型机型::ZY ZY--A2A2--130H 0H操作维护手操地地:电电Tel : 传真Fax :http://www.索引一、概述——————————————————————2 (一)机器概述———————————————————2 (二)特性说明———————————————————2 (三)机器主要组成部分————————————————3 二、技术规格————————————————————3 (一)适用规格———————————————————3 (二)技术指标———————————————————4 (三)上机原材料的要求——————————————4-5 三、机械调整————————————————————5 (一)安装—————————————————————5 (二)操作说明———————————————————6 (三)上料板的调整—————————————————7 (四)产品规格不同时的调整—————————————8 (五)设备注意事项————————————————9-11 (六)故障与排除方法————————————————11 四、维护保养————————————————————1一、概 述(一、)、机器概述机器概述机器概述::本机器是为生产方形锂离子电池的电芯而设计制造的半自动动力电池卷绕设备,贴胶方式为纵向贴胶式。
(二、)、特性说明特性说明特性说明::1、 本机器适用于方形聚合物锂电池电芯卷绕的专用设备。
2、 本设备隔膜放卷采用闭环控制的恒张力控制系统:经检测放卷浮辊角度位置信号,送入PLC 运算,再由PLC 控制步进电机放卷速度快慢,实现放卷速度实时跟随调整,浮辊位置——PLC ——步进电机——浮辊位置,三者组成一个闭环控制系统,通过实时调整放卷速度实现隔膜张力的相对恒定。
ZY-A2-100H /ZY-A2-130H 型聚合物锂电池卷绕机,同时辅以本公司最新气缸张力控制技术,可在卷绕程中自动平滑调整张力。
较好地解决了电芯内部较好地解决了电芯内部‘‘S ’形不良不良,,提高了电池质量提高了电池质量。
3、 根据电芯需要,采用极片外包或隔膜外包,先入正极或先入负极或正负极同时插入皆可。
4、 采用双卷针组合,翻转工位结构。
5、 生产不同规格的电芯时,能快速更换规格件,更换卷针10分钟之内,更换规格件1小时以内。
6、 本机器主要机械零件及面板均采用铝合金及不锈钢等材料,耐腐蚀性强。
7、 在设备运转过程中,有任何异常均能自动预警、自动停机。
(三)机器主要组成部分 机架由结构框架及安装面板等组成。
电器控制部分由PLC 、人机界面、步进电机、步进电机驱动器、近接感应器、光电感应器、气缸磁性感应器、按钮开关、电磁阀及气缸等组成。
二、技术规格(一、)、适用适用适用规格规格规格:: 表1序号 参数项目 技术参数 单位 备注 1 卷针组合宽度 15~75 mm 2极片宽度35~127mm3 极片长度 250~1500 mm4 隔膜宽度 38~130 mm5 10~25mm 6 终止胶带宽度mm (二、)、技术指标技术指标技术指标:: 表2序号 参数项目 技术参数 单位 备注 1 速度 4~8 pcs/min 2 卷绕精度(重叠度)±0. 5~0.7 mm 3 稼动率 ≥98% 4 良品率 ≥98% 5 电源 AC220V 50Hz6 设备总功率 1.0 KW7 气源气压 0.5~0.7 MPa8 重量 800Kg 9 外形尺寸1500L ×1200W ×1500Hmm注: 上述参数仅供参考,若因技术发生变动恕不另行通知,以即时洽谈及合同协议为准。
(三、)、上机原材料的要求上机原材料的要求上机原材料的要求:1、 极片为单张极片,带极耳、局部贴胶和包胶。
2、 隔膜为料卷,内径:Φ73~Φ76.2mm; 最大外径:Φ250㎜。
3、 极片、隔膜宽度、长度在该设备的应用范围内。
4、 极片上不能有异物或毛刺,尺寸精度在公差范围内,无皱折、扭曲等缺陷。
5、 正极片a) 裁剪后的正极片宽度公差小于0.1mm,不得出现蛇游状;b)正极片长度应一致,极耳位置及与长度方向垂直度符合要求;c)正极片表面应平整,前端不可翘曲。
7、隔膜a)裁剪后的隔膜宽度公差小于0.1mm;b)隔膜料卷两端面平整,且与芯轴垂直;c)隔膜卷芯轴内径应符合要求(Φ73~φ76.2 mm)。
如下图:下一页””进入“时间参数设置”画面:1.7点动“下一页操作者根据生产工艺设定好时间参数:隔膜焊接时间:0.1~0.3S 焊接时间会影响焊接的牢固程度、隔膜焊口的质量、隔膜拉丝等。
焊接延时卷绕:0.1~0.3S 即焊接后隔膜的冷却时间,它也会影响焊接的牢固程度、隔膜焊口的质量、隔膜拉丝等。
预卷延时卷绕:0.1~0.4S 下个电芯在焊接后隔膜的冷却时间,它也会影响焊接的牢固程度、隔膜焊口的质量、隔膜拉丝等。
极片吸附延时:0.0~0.4S 极片吸附延时会影响到拾起极片的可靠程度。
接胶吹气时间:0.2~0.4S 接胶吹气的作用是当送胶带摆臂要把备好的胶带传送到贴胶轮上时,一方面贴胶轮通过真空把胶带吸紧,同时接胶气缸吹气把胶带推上贴胶轮,“一吸一推”以便更好地把胶带附着在贴胶轮上。
需要设置的参数:起始张力(建议80-100左右),终止张力(建议150-190左右) 变张力过程圈数(建议0.2-2)其中:起始张力起始张力起始张力减减终止张力 决定张力由大到小变化落差的大小; 变张力过程圈数变张力过程圈数决定张力由大到小这一过程的缓急。
1.9 点动 “退出退出”” 进入“系统菜单”画面,点动 “参数设定参数设定”” 进入“系统功能设定”画面选择系统功能:并选择是““正极先入正极先入””方式还是““负极先入负极先入””方式卷绕电芯, 是采用正预正预卷还是反预卷反预卷反预卷方式卷绕电芯,导板吸附吸附吸附真空或关闭。