



Why doesn't the conductor face the audience?________As the only person with his back to the audience, the conductor is a figure who is bathed in the spotlight, but his complex work requires a high degree of musical skill, as well as an ability to extract what he desires out of the group of artists he leads--his orchestra.

________A person may become a conductor without graduating from the conducting department of a music school or studying in any kind of conductor's training program. However, becoming the conductor of a famous orchestra requires a great deal more than what is needed merely to join an orchestra.

________These naturally examine a conductor's technique and musical interpretation while he conducts an orchestra through a prepared piece of music, but they also involve a sight-reading element________The conductor then has to sit in a room and memorize the piece before coming out and leading the orchestra through the piece by memory. Not only does the conductor have to make his arm and hand motion properly, and signal all the entrances of each instrument, he has to point out intentional mistakes made by the orchestra members on the spot.

The least capabilities a conductor must have are: The ability to memorize an entire score. A good ear for distinguishing correct notes among the music of the entire orchestra.________

Of the conductors that meet these requirements, those with better musical insight and a higher level of charisma(魅力) will succeed.

A. The need for a common musical standard becomes necessary

B. The ability to lead a group of professional musicians

C. There are many conducting competitions

D. For this, the score of music is given to the conductor on site

E. This is how the role of the conductor came to be established

F. The role of the conductor is in fact not well understood

G. There are no examinations for becoming a conductor



(1)根据前面的“Why doesn't the conductor face the audience”可知,人们对乐队指挥这一工作不甚了解,再根据本空后的内容推断应选F项。故答案为F。

(2)根据本空后面的“A person may become a conductor without graduating from the conducting department of a music school or studying in any kind of conductor's training program”可知,乐队的指挥不需要毕业于专业的音乐学校或经过相关的训练,与G项的“不用考试”一致。故答案为G。

(3)根据空格后面的“These naturally examine a conductor's technique and musical interpretation while he conducts an orchestra through a prepared piece of music”,这里的These指的是C项中的competitions。故答案为C。

(4)根据后面的“The conductor then has to sit in a room and memorize the piece”,即把音乐的总谱现场给乐队指挥,然后指挥需要现场记忆。故答案为D。

(5)与前面的“The ability to memorize an entire score”中的ability是并列的。故答案为B。【点评】此类文体的文章的行文需要通过一定的衔接手段来实现,文章的衔接手段有:重复使用某一词语或子范畴词语,使用同义词表达,用总称指代指代具体事物或用具体事物指代整体。使用代词避免重复等。


Seven years ago, my wife told our 6-year-old daughter about our wedding weekend. My wife had moved back home to spend the weekend with her family.

As I was tucking our daughter in (把女儿的被子掖好) later that night, she asked if she could "come home like mommy did" when she got married one day. (Hopefully, one day far off into the future...) I told her our house would always be open to her. She gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. She was extremely happy.

After a few seconds, I could see her mind churning (思绪翻腾)—the happiness dissipated. She pushed her finger into my belly and told me in low spirits, "Your belly is too big and you are too fat. I don't know if you are going to make it."

I was shocked. It was true that my health had fallen into a huge decline in the previous five years as I was building Contegix. I had not thought of it as destroying a future with my family. A 6-year-old girl saw what I missed.

I decided to run a mile the next morning. I couldn't make it 1/4 mile. I didn't give up and went out the next morning.

Seven years later, I have lost 60 pounds and regularly run ultra marathons. I attempted my first 100 miles last August, but I missed the terminal point at mile 87 after running on a torn hamstring (腿筋撕裂) for the previous 79 miles.

Yet, the most important distance I will ever go will be walking her down the aisle (结婚) one day. I would not make it if it hadn't been for the honesty and innocence of a 6-year-old.

(1)Why was the author's daughter happy? (no more than 15 words)

(2)What does the underlined word "dissipated" in Paragraph 3 mean? (one word)

(3)What happened to the author as he was building Contegix? (no more than 10 words) (4)What does the author regularly do seven years later? (no more than 5 words)

(5)What do you think of the author? Please explain. (no more than 25 words)

【答案】(1)Because she was told the house would be always open to her.

Or: Because the author told her their house would be always open to her.

(2)disappeared. /vanished.

(3)His health declined. /His health fell into a huge decline.

(4)He regularly runs ultra marathons.

Or: Running ultra marathons.

(5)He's a good father because he didn't want to disappoint his daughter and began to take care of his health (take exercise regularly) for his family.

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者与女儿7年前的一段对话,是女儿所说的话让作者更加关注自己的健康并给了作者减肥的决心和动力,与此同时作者也不想让女儿失望。七年之后作者减掉了60磅,并参加了超级马拉松,由于腿筋撕裂,作者没有完成比赛,但作者很满足,作者认为最重要的距离是在女儿结婚时,陪女儿走过红地毯的距离。(1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“I told her our house would always be open to her. Sh e gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. She was extremely happy.”可知,作者的女儿快乐是因为作者告诉她他们家的门永远向她敞开。故填Because she was told the house would be always open to her. Or: Because the author told her their house would be always open to her.(2)考查词义猜测。根据第三段中的“Sh e pushed her finger into my belly and told me in low spirits.”可知,女儿情绪变得低落,所以"dissipated"意思是Disappeared./Vanished (消失) 的意思,女儿的快乐了。故填disappeared./vanished.

(3)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“It was true that my health had fallen into a huge decline in the previous five year s as I was building Contegix.”可知,作者在建造Contegix时,作者的健康状况急剧下降。故填His health declined./His health fell into a huge decline.

(4)考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的“Seven years later, I have lost 60 pounds and regularly run ultra marathons.”可知,七年后,作者减掉了60磅,并定期参加超级马拉松比赛。故填He regularly runs ultra marathons.Or: Running ultra marathons.

(5)考查推理判断。短文叙述了作者与女儿的7年前的一段对话,是女儿所说的话让作者更加关注自己的健康并给了作者减肥的决心和动力,与此同时作者不想让女儿失望。七年之后作者减掉了60磅,并参加了超级马拉松,由于腿筋撕裂,作者没有完成比赛,但作者很满足,作者认为最重要的距离是在女儿结婚时,陪女儿走过红地毯的距离。短文中充满了父亲对女儿的爱,对家庭的爱。所以作者是一个好父亲,因为他不想让女儿失望,所以他通过锻炼的方式使自己更健康,是为了女儿,也是为了这个家。故填He's a good father because he didn't want to disappoint his daughter and began to take care of his health ( take exercise regularly ) for his family.



After we all came to the conclusion that our family could responsibly care for dog; my husband and I started our search at a local animal shelter.

We discovered a medium-sized male dog named Duke. This dog was a approximately only two years old and seemed to have the sweetest character. He looked at us through intelligent eyes and already knew how to fetch a ball. My husband and I immediately adopted him Duke quickly fit into our family's lifestyle. And he quickly learned the tricks like "sit", and "come".

But there was one skill that Duke could not seem to grasp---that of a watchdog. My husband was trying to teach him to remind us by giving a single warning bark when someone came into the yard. Duke would listen carefully to my husband's commands, but would cock (竖起)his

head to one side in confusion and disappointment as if to tell his master that he just didn't understand what my husband was asking him to do. My husband would give his "watch" command. Duke would stand up---muscles tightened in readiness, but would not have a clue as to what he was in readiness for.

One morning we heard the garbage collectors come up the driveway to get our garbage.

My husband went to the open bedroom window so Duke could hear and see the men through the screen.

"Watch" my husband commanded. Duke rose in readiness, looked at my husband as sudden comprehension dawned on him, gave a quick tail wave, and leaped through the window screen jumping happily out to greet the garbage men.

Seeing that, I couldn't help laughing. My laughter did nothing for my husbands mood when he found what was happening and he just went away to repair the screen with no expression on his face.

Duke brought our family so much fun. We never scolded or beat him. He was one of our family members.

(1)What was Duke like when the author adopted him? (no more than 10 words)

(2)What did the author's husband expect Duke to do as a watchdog? (no more than 15 words) (3)What is the meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 5? (no more than 10 words) (4)How did the author and her husband feel about Duke's leaping through the window? (no more than 10 words)

(5)How do you think people should treat their pets? (no more than 20 words)

【答案】(1)It was medium-sized, young, sweet and intelligent.

(2)To remind them by giving a single warning bark when someone came into the yard.

(3)Suddenly Duke understood his master's command/intention/thoughts.

(4)The author was amused while her husband feet calm about it.

(5)I think people should love their pets and have fun with them instead of abusing them.

Or: I think people should love their pets and treat them as the family members.


(1)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“We discovered a medi um-sized male dog named Duke. This dog was approximately only two years old and seemed to have the sweetest character. He looked at us through intelligent eyes and already knew how to fetch a ball.”可知,当作者收养Duke时,他中等大小的身材、年轻、可爱且聪明。故答案为It was medium-sized,young, sweet and intelligent.

(2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“And he quickly learned the tricks like ‘sit’,‘stay’,and ‘come’”.和第三段中的“But there was one skill that Duke could not seem to grasp — that of a watchdog.”可知,Duke被作者的家庭收养后学会了“sit”,“stay”,“come” 和“be a watchdog”,故答案为Duke learned how to “sit”,“stay”,“come” and “be a watchdog”.

(3)考查词义猜测。根据第五段中的“gave a quick tail wave, and leaped through the window screen, jumping happily out to greet the garbage men.”它很快地摇了摇尾巴,从窗玻璃里跳出来,高兴地跳出来迎接收垃圾的人。可知,Duke突然明白了主人的命令/意图/想法。故答

案为Suddenly Duke understood his master's command/intention/thoughts.

(4)考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的“Seeing that, I couldn't help laughing. My laughter did nothing for my husband's mood when he found what was happening and he just went away to repair the screen with no exp ression on his face.”看到这,我忍不住笑了。当我丈夫发现发生的事情时,我的笑声并没有影响他的情绪,他只是离开去修理屏幕,脸上没有任何表情。可知,Duke从窗户跳出来时作者被逗乐了,而她的丈夫对此却感到很平静。故答案为The author was amused while her husband felt calm about it.


或者:我认为人们应该爱他们的宠物,把他们当作家庭成员。故答案为I think people should love their pets and have fun with them, instead of abusing them.Or: I think people should love their pets and treat them as the family members.


4.Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

In business, there is a speed difference: It's the difference between how important firm leaders say speed is to their competitive strategy and how fast the company actually moves. The difference is important regardless of industry and company size. ________

In our study of 343 businesses, the companies that choose to go, go, go to try to gain an edge ended up with lower sales and operating incomes than those that paused at key moments to make sure they were on the right track. What's more, the firms that “slowed down to speed up “improved their top and bottom lines, averaging 40% hig her sales and 52% higher operating incomes over a three-year period.

________ They thought differently about what "slower" and "faster" mean. Firms sometimes fail to understand the difference between operation speed (moving quickly )and strategic speed (reducing the time it takes to deliver value ).Simply increasing the speed of production, for example ,may be one way to try to reduce the speed difference .But that often leads to reduced value over time, in the form of lower-quality products and services.

In our study, higher-performing companies with strategic speed always made changes when necessary. They became more open to ideas and discussion. ________ And they allowed time to look back and learn. By contrast, performance suffered at firms that moved fast all the time, paid too much attention to improving efficiency, stuck to tested methods, didn't develop team spirit among their employees, and had little time thinking about changes.

Strategic speed serves as a kind of leadership. ________ That kind of strategy must come from the top.

A. How did they disobey the laws of business physics, taking more time than competitors yet performing better?

B. Teams that regularly take time to get things right, rather than plough ahead full bore, are more

successful in meeting their business goals.

C. More haste, less speed, which in the study proves wrong.

D. Companies fearful of losing their competitive advantage spend much time and money looking for ways to pick up the speed.

E. They valued efficiency rather than consideration.

F. They encouraged new ways of thinking.

【答案】 D;A;F;B

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,围绕速度展开,否定了一味强调速度的盲目性,区分了operational speed”操作速度“与strategic speed”战略速度“,强调了适当时间采取战略速度的重要性。

(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前”The difference is important regardless of i ndustry and company size.“可知,无论行业和公司规模如何,那些担心失去竞争优势的公司会花费大量的时间和金钱来寻找加快速度的方法。https://www.360docs.net/doc/b44313456.html,panies fearful of losing their competitive advantage spend much time and money looking for ways to pick up the speed.符合此处语境。故选D。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前”What's more, the firms that‘slowed down to speed up ’improved their top and bottom lines, averaging 40% higher sales and 52% higher operating incomes over a three-year period.“可知,那些“放慢速度以加快速度”的公司改善了他们的最高和最低收入,在三年内平均销售额提高了40%,营业收入提高了52%。

A.How did they disobey the laws of business physics, taking more time than competitors yet performing better?”他们是如何违反商业物理定律的,他们比竞争对手花费了更多的时间,却表现得更好的呢?“符合语境。故选A。

(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前”They became more open to ideas and discussion.及下文And they allowed time to look back and learn.“可知,他们对思想和讨论变得更加开放,允许时间回顾和学习。F.They encouraged new ways of thinking”他们鼓励新的思维方式“符合语境。故选F。

(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前”Strategic speed serves as a kind of leadership.“;以及及空后”That kind of strategy must come from the top.“可知,战略速度是一种领导力,而这种战略必须来自最高层。B.Teams that regularly take time to get things right, rather than plough ahead full bore, are more successful in meeting their business goals.”那些经常花时间把事情做好,而不是埋头苦干的人,更能成功地实现他们的商业目标“符合语境。故选B。


5.Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Traffic Regulation and Accident Prevention

We live in a remarkable time, and many of the once fatal diseases can now be cured with modern medicine and surgery. It is almost certain that one day a cure will be found for the rest of

the diseases. Expectations of life have greatly increased. But though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day we witness the incredible killing of men, women and children on the roads. Man fights against the motor-car. It is a never-ending battle which man is losing. ________

Nothing can seriously increase your risk of potentially fatal car accidents other than speeding and failing to pay due attention to weather conditions. ________ There is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a man's very worst qualities. Usually quiet and pleasant people, when they are behind the steering wheel, will become unrecognizable. They are impolite, aggressive, self-willed like two-year-old, completely selfish. All their hidden frustrations, disappointments, and jealousy seem to be caused by driving.

________ It's all for his own convenience. Due to a serious tragedy, the city is almost uninhabitable and the huge parking lot makes the town ugly. The destruction of rural areas and the annual mass killings are just a statistic, easily forgotten. With regard to driving, the laws of some countries are not strict and even the strictest are not strict enough.

Traffic rules are for everyone to follow under any circumstances, and no one can make an exception unless you make a joke of your own life. Universally accepted standards can only have a significant beneficial on the incidence of accidents. Governments should develop safety codes for manufacturers. ________ These measures may sound cruel. However, if these measures result in a reduction in the loss of life every year, they should certainly not be considered serious. After all, the world belongs to humans, not cars.

A. There are five reason for the accident and you are guilty.

B. Every year thousands of people are horribly killed, and we sit still and let it happen.

C. Surprisingly, society should smile at the driver and forgive him.

D. Someone has rightly said that when a person is sitting behind the steering wheel, his car becomes an extension of his personality.

E. All advertisements that emphasize power and performance should be banned.

F. It is time to develop a universal norm to reduce this senseless waste of human life.

【答案】 B;D;C;E


(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Man fights against the motor-car. It is a never-ending battle which man is losing.” 人与汽车搏斗,这是一场人类正在输掉的永无休止的战斗,因此可知每年都有成千上万的人惨死,我们却坐视不理,听之任之。故选B。(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“There is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a man's very worst qualities.”毫无疑问,汽车经常暴露出一个人最坏的品质,可知,汽车是一个人个性的延伸。故选D。

(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“It's all for his own convenience.”一切都是为了他自己的方便,可知,社会对司机微笑并原谅是令人惊讶的。故选C。

(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Governments should develop safety

codes for manufacturers”.政府应该为制造商制定安全守则;再根据空后“These measures may sound cruel.”这些措施听起来可能很残酷,可知,作者建议所有强调汽车力量和性能的广告都应该被禁止。故选E。



Find a quiet location. Keep a routine. Focus on one subject at a time. It all seems like sound advice for students who need to hit the books, ________ . Here's a list of tips from Carey, a scientist, for getting the most out of your study time.


Doing practice quizzes can help you retrieve(检索)information on test day. “Tests have a very bad reputation as a measurement tool,” Carey says. But psychologists have found self-tests slow down the forgetting of material you've studied. “If you study something once, and then you test yourself on it,” Carey says, “you do better than if you study it twice over.”

Move around

________ . “If you move around and study the same material in several places,” he says, “you may be forming multiple associations for the same material. So it's better anchored in your brain, and you can pull it out easier.”

Mix it up

Think about a football who does strength training, speed training and drills. Carey says alternating between different facets facts of a subject in a single sitting can “leave a deeper impression on the brain”. For example, when studying French, do some verbs, some speaking and some reading. ________ .

Space it out

Information learned in a hurry is lost just as fast. So if you really want to learn, space out shorter, hour-long study sessions. “There's no doubt that you can cram for(突击备考)an exam.” Carey says, “________. And once it's gone, “it's gone. You're not getting it back.”

A. Test yourself

B. Study it and practice more

C. and it turns out that some of them are in great help

D. but recent studies indicate the conventional wisdom is wrong

E. The problem is that it's so easy to forget what you just crammed

F. Changing up where you study can help you keep more information

G. Spending your time in deep concentration on just verbs isn't effective

【答案】 D;A;F;G;E


(2)根据本段内容,特别是“Doing practice quizzes can help you retrieve information on test day”可知,做练习题可以帮助你在考试当天检索信息,本段讲的是要进行自我测试,故A 项(自我测试)符合语境。

(3)根据本空后的“If you move around and study the same material in several places,” he says, “you may be forming multiple associations for the same material.”可知,如果你在不同的地方学习同一种材料,你会产生多种联想,此处讲的是在不同的地点学习的好处,故F项(改变学习地点可以帮助你保存更多信息)符合语境。

(4)根据本空前的“For example, when studying French, do some verbs, some speaking and some reading.”可知,学习法语时,做一些动词,说一些,读一些,此处承接上文,讲的还是关于学习法语的内容,故G项(把时间集中在动词上是没有效果的)符合语境。

(5)根据本空后的“And once it's gone, “it's gone. You're not getting it back.”可知,一旦它消失了,你就想不起来了,此处说的是有关遗忘的内容,故E项(问题是你很容易忘记刚刚记住的东西)符合语境。


1)分析选项,串联主题:了解文章的主题、大意,会让解题的方向更明确。 2)研究空格前后,对比选项,选择答案。3)复读短文,核对答案:为了保证答案的正确性,一定要把答案代入原文,进行核对检查。


Do you know the look of wonder and joy that children get on their face when they listen to someone reading them a story?Schools across the nation are bringing in volunteers to guide children in this very way. If you simply enjoy spending time with children, being a reading volunteer can be a great way to help support the upcoming generation of readers.

Reading volunteers work with elementary school age children to promote reading. They may read books to children, listen to children read aloud, or distribute books to school children. Reading volunteers promote the activity of reading, rather than focusing on teaching reading skills. They may read to a whole class of children, to a small group, or be assigned a child to read to one-on-one. During the time they spend with new readers, reading volunteers encourage them to learn to read.

Almost anyone who knows how to read can be a reading volunteer. High school students, college students, parents, grandparents, and police officers are just an example of the kinds of people who become reading volunteers. Being able to read and wanting to spend time inspiring children to read are the only skills needed to be a successful reading volunteer.

Several educational research studies show that children who are involved in programs with adult reading volunteers improve their school performance levels. For example, in 1998, researcher Sara Rimm-Kaufmann found that first graders involved in a program with an adult reading volunteer three times a week had better letter recognition and reading skills than similar first graders who hadn't been involved in such groups. In 2000, the Eugene Research Institute found that fifth graders who had been in "SMART", an adult volunteer literacy program, were

60% more likely to have grade-level scores in standardized reading tests. Moreover, a 2006 study by Brian Volkmann showed that children who were read to by adult volunteers had improved school attendance, which is a major predictor of high school graduation rates.

In addition, reading volunteers themselves can gain a lot of benefits that range from expanding their personal networks to adding valuable skills to their resumes. They also enjoy the special time they get to spend with young children. Many volunteers have heart-warming stories to share with the children they read to. The volunteers know that they are inspiring young children with a proved educational strategy. So, if you have time, energy, and skill to support children's literacy, it is a good idea to sign up to be a reading volunteer.



(1)考查信息转换。根据第一段中的"Schools across the nation are bringing in volunteers to guide children in this very way"可知,“全国各地的学校都在招募志愿者,以这种方式指导孩子”可推断出“雇用阅读志愿者在全国范围内是一个普遍的/常规的做法”,common practice 意为“普遍做法”。故填common/standard。

(2)考查推理判断。根据第二段"Reading volunteers promote the activity of reading,rather

than focusing on teaching reading skills."可知“阅读志愿者促进阅读的活动,而不是专注于教学的阅读技巧。”可知,“阅读志愿者关注的只是阅读的活动而不是教学阅读技巧”。故填skills。

(3)考查信息转换。根据第二段中的"During the time they spend with new readers, reading volunteers encourage them to learn to read"可知“在与阅读新手相处的时间里,阅读志愿者鼓励他们学习阅读”。由此可知填encouragement/inspiration。



(6)考查信息转换。根据第四段中的"first graders involved in a program with an adult reading volunteer three times a week had better letter recognition and reading skills than similar first graders who hadn't been involved in such groups."可知,阅读志愿者项目可提高孩子们的识别(recognize)字母的能力。题干中的at为介词,因此本空填动词的ing形式,故填recognizing。

(7)考查信息转换。根据第四段中的"...fifth graders who had been in "SMART", an adult volunteer literacy program, were 60% more likely to have grade-level scores in standardized reading tests."可知,阅读志愿者项目可帮助孩子们更容易地通过(pass)考试。故填pass。

(8)考查信息转换。根据第四段中的"showed that children who were read to by adult volunteers had improved school attendance, which is a major predictor of high school graduation rates."可知,阅读志愿者项目有助于提高孩子们的上课出勤率,即鼓励孩子们不逃课。skip (不做应做的事),不参加。avoid doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“避免做某事”。因此此处应填skipping。

(9)考查信息转换。根据最后一段中的"reading volunteers themselves can gain a lot of benefits that range from expanding their personal networks t..."可知,阅读志愿者们自身也可从阅读志愿者项目中得到好处,包括拓宽他们的人际网,即改善他们的人际关系(relationship)。故填relationship(s)。

(10)考查信息转换。根据最后一段中的"reading volunteers themselves can gain a lot of benefits that range from expanding their personal networks to adding valuable skills to their resumes"可知,阅读志愿者们从阅读志愿者项目中得到好处也包括充实自己的简历,即增加自身获得工作(job)的可能性。故填job。



Social Phobia

It is natural to feel nervous, or shy in front of others at times. Most people manage to get through these moments when they need to. ________ It's probably more than shyness. It may

build up into a powerful fear. As a result, people feel uncomfortable participating in everyday social activities. This is called social phobia (also called social anxiety).

________ It prevents them from chatting with friends in the lunch time, joining an after-school club, or going to a party. Sometimes, they even feel too nervous to ask a question in class or go to a teacher for help. Social phobia not only prevents people from trying new things. It also prevents them from making the normal, everyday mistakes that may help people improve their skills even further

It is really sad, isn't it? But the good news is that people with social phobia can learn to manage fear, develop confidence and communicating skills and stop avoiding things that make them nervous. Of course it's not always easy. Dealing with social phobia takes the willingness patience and courage to face fears. ________

Therapists (治疗师) can help people create a plan for facing social fears and build the skills and confidence to overcome it. And family or friends are especially important for them. ________They can encourage them to pick a small goal to aim for, remind them to go for it, and be there when they might feel discouraged.

Little by little, someone who decides to deal with extreme shyness can learn to be more comfortable. ________ As shyness and fears begin to melt, confidence and positive feelings build. Pretty soon, the person is thinking less about what might feel uncomfortable and more about what might be fun.

A. Friends can overcome their fears easily.

B. But for someone, the anxiety can be extreme.

C. They are not able to make eye contact with classmates.

D. Social phobia makes people lonely or disappointed over missed opportunities.

E. Each small step forward helps build enough confidence to take the next small step.

F. It also takes an action to go forward rather than back away when feeling shy.

G. The support from those key people helps them gather the courage to try something new.

【答案】 B;D;F;G;E


(1)根据本空后的“It's probably more than shyness.”可知,它可能不仅仅是害羞,此处是说焦虑对有些人有很不好的影响,故B项(但是对某些人来说,焦虑可能是极端的)符合语境。

(2)根据本空后的“It prevents them from chatting with friends in the lunch time, joining an after-school club, or going to a party.”可知,它阻止他们在午餐时间和朋友聊天、参加课外俱乐部或聚会,此处应该提到一种社交障碍,故D项(社交恐惧症让人对错过的机会感到孤独或失望)符合语境。

(3)根据本空前的“Dealing with social phobia takes the willingness patience and courage to face fears.”可知,处理社交恐惧需要有意志力、耐心和勇气去面对恐惧,此处承接上文,故F项(当感到害羞时,也要采取行动往前走而不是后退)符合语境。


(5)根据本空前的“Little by little, so meone who decides to deal with extreme shyness can learn to be more comfortable.”可知,渐渐地,一个决定克服嫉妒害羞的人会变得更自在,此处是说小进步的意义,故E项(每向前迈出一小步有助于建立足够的信心迈出下一小步)符合语境。


1)分析选项,串联主题:了解文章的主题、大意,会让解题的方向更明确。 2)研究空格前后,对比选项,选择答案。3)复读短文,核对答案:为了保证答案的正确性,一定要把答案代入原文,进行核对检查。


Most of us probably dreamed about becoming an astronaut when we were little. But how many of us actually became one, or are at least working toward it?

The advice “Always follow your dreams” is something that i s typically easier said than done.

But still, this is the one piece of advice that Alyssa Carson wants to share with her peers. This 17-year-old girl from the US has become one of the candidates for NASA's 2033 project to go to Mars. If everything goes well, Carson will be one of the first human beings to ever set foot on the red planet.

Carson has dreamed of going to Mars since she was only three years old. Watching an astronaut-themed cartoon and learning that humans have only been to the moon but not Mars, Carson decided that she wanted to be the first one to do so.

Since then, she has worked hard toward this goal. At the age of 12, Carson became the first person to attend all three NASA space camps, and she sat with real astronauts in a NASA panel(座谈会) to discuss the future of Mars missions.

Now 17, Carson is continuing with her space training while still taking on her high school work like a “normal” teenager, except that she studies all her subjects in four languages –English, French, Spanish and Chinese.

“I don't think there's anything specific that makes it easier for me or makes it something that others can't do,” Carson said in an interview with Uproxx News. “I've just really focused myself on what I want to accomplish.”

And Carson is willing to make sacrifices for her dream. She's fully aware of the danger of the mission and the possibility that she might never be able to come back. She also accepts the fact that she can't get married and start a family because any loved ones left on Earth may be a distraction for her and for the mission. But Carson believes that it's all worth it, summarizing her view with this ancient Greek proverb she once quoted, “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they'll never sit in.”

So after all the hard work that Carson has done and all the sacrifices she's made, everything still boils down to the simple phrase, “follow your dreams”. And while some people's dreams may sound out of this world, in Carson's case, they literally(毫不夸张地) are.

(1)What will happen to Carson in 2033 if everything goes well? (No more than 8 words) (2)Why did Carson decide to be the first one to go to Mars? (No more than 20 words)

(3)How does Carson differ from other students for the school work? (No more than 10 words) (4)How do you understand the underlined sentence? (No more than 20 words)

(5)What do you think of the girl? And why? (No more than 25 words)

【答案】(1)She will set foot on the Mars. / She will go to the Mars.

(2)Because of watching an astronaut-themed cartoon and learning that humans have only been to the moon but not Mars.

(3)She studies all her subjects in four languages.

(4)A society will make progress if people make contributions without considering personal benefits.

(5)She is brave and unselfish, because she may not return to the earth and is willing to make sacrifices for her dream.


(1)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“This 17-year-old girl from the US has become one of the candidates for NASA's 2033 project to go to Mars. If everything goes well, Carson will be one of the first human beings to ever set foot on the red planet.”可知如果一切进展的顺利,Carson 在2033年会go to Mars/ set foot on the Mars。字数要求是不能超过八个字,所以本题的答案是:She will set foot on the Mars. / She will go to the Mars.

(2)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Watching an astronaut-themed cartoon and learning that humans have only been to the moon but not Mars, Carson decided that she wanted to be the first one to do so.”可知Carson看了一部以宇航员为主题的卡通片,了解到人类只登上过月球,没有登上过火星,于是她决定成为第一个登上月球的人。字数要求是不能超过二十个字,所以本题的答案是:Because of watching an astronaut-themed cartoon and learning that humans have only been to the moon but not Mars.

(3)考查细节理解。根据第六段中的“Now 17, Carson is continuing with her space training while still takin g on her high school work like a “normal” teenager, except that she studies all her subjects in four languages –English, French, Spanish and Chinese.”可知Carson用四门语言学习课程,这是她不同于其他学生的地方。字数要求是不能超过十个字,所以本题的答案是:She studies all her subjects in four languages.

(4)考查语句理解。A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they'll never sit in.这句话的字面意思是:当老人知道不能在自己种的树下乘凉却还坚持种树时,这个社会就发展了。再结合这段内容:这段主要讲了Carson为了为自己的梦想牺牲自己个人的利益。所以这句话引申为:当人们不考虑个人利益而为社会做贡献时,这个社会就发展了。字数要求是不能超过二十个字,所以本题的答案是:A society will make progress if people make contributions without considering personal benefits.

(5)考查推理判断。文章主要讲述了一个勇敢无私的女孩Carson为了实现自己的梦想不惜牺牲自己的利益。字数要求是不能超过二十五个字,所以本题的答案是:She is brave and unselfish, because she may not return to the earth and is willing to make sacrifices for her dream.



It is very important for kids to be courageous. A brave child is more likely to withstand negative peer pressure, say no to temptations(诱惑)and flight the good fight.________ It boosts kids' resilience(适应力), confidence and willpower as their as well as their learning, performance and school engagement. Here are several ways to develop kids' courage:

Model courage. Kids who watch their parents stick their necks out to do the right thing are more likely to do the same.________ Then express how good it feels when you conquer your fear instead of taking a shortcut. Your kids will learn how to take on the tough challenge they face by witnessing how you tackle your fears.

________ Research finds that kids are more likely to be courageous if they believe that their parent them to support those in need. Discuss bravery with your kids: Tell hem Courage is making the choice to do what you know is r ight even if you are afraid.”

Ask your kids to share their acts of bravery. Learning to be brave takes practice, so encourage your children to do something courageous every day.________A mom I talked to had her kids share their brave deeds at dinner time.

Teach your kids how to reduce their fears. If not kept under control, fear can be powerful.________ You might encourage positive self-talk, such as saying, “I can handle this” or “I have courage to do this.” Or teach your child to take slow, deep breat hs to find courage.

A. Talk about values and courage.

B. Courage has other surprising benefits.

C. The good news is that courage can be taught.

D. Teach your child simple strategies to be brave.

E. Let your child see you step out of your comfort zone.

F. In today's uncertain world, kids will need courage and confidence.

G. Then take time to focus on their courageous breakthroughs.



(1)细节理解及推理判断。根据前文 It is very important for kids to be courageous. 和空后It boosts kids' resilience, confidence and willpower as their as well as their learning, performance and school engagement. 它能增强孩子的韧性、自信心和意志力以及...,这里提到了有勇气的一些优点,故答案为B。

(2)细节理解及推理判断。根据Kids who watch their parents stick their necks out to do the

right thing are more likely to do the same.和Your kids will learn how to take on the tough challenge they face by witnessing how you tackle your fears.这里提到了父母的示范作用,故答案为E。

(3)细节理解及推理判断。由Research finds that kids are more likely to be courageous if they believe that their parent them to support those in need. Discuss bravery with your kids: Tell hem Courage is making the choice to do what you know is right even if you are afraid.” 可知这里意思是谈论价值观和勇气,故答案为A。

(4)细节理解及推理判断。根据文中Ask your kids to share their acts of bravery.和A mom I talked to had her kids share their brave deeds at dinner time. 这里提到了家长和孩子们谈论勇敢行为的问题,花时间关注他们的勇敢突破。故答案为G。

(5)细节理解及推理判断。You might encourage positive self-talk, such as saying, “I can handle this” or “I have courage to do this.” Or teach you r child to take slow, deep breaths to find courage. 这里提到了一些简单的勇敢策略,故答案为D。



Difficult financial times don't mean your giving shuts down.________ There are so many ways to give back that won't hurt your wallet and will enrich your life.

⒈Pick up the phone

Calling someone “for no reason” is an important opportunity to show them that you are thinking of them. You are taking time out of your busy day to reach out. Everyone needs someone to just listen sometimes. They may be filled with joy or sadness________

⒉Write a note

________ It is one thing to say it, but it can be even more meaningful to put it in writing. What if you made a commitment to write a thank-you note to someone every week?

⒊ ________

You never know what someone might be going through a painful divorce, a tough college semester, or just a bad day. Opening up your home will make someone feel appreciated. In addition, it costs less than going out. The leftovers from this dinner can be packaged up for homeless people. That's double giving!

⒋Set aside money from a daily routine to donate

Giving doesn't have to mean a life full of sacrifices. You can still buy a burger or get your nails done________Donate the money you saves: Even $ 5 can make a difference in someone's life.

A. Give a gift to the stomach.

B. Invite someone over for dinner.

C. To take your awareness to a new level, move beyond money.

D. But instead of buying much coffee every week, you can drink less.

E. While some people enjoy receiving gifts, all of us appreciate a kind word.

F. Instead, they allow you to examine how your time and money are spent.

G. Be there to celebrate their good news, or support them with sympathy.



A. Give a gift to the stomach. 给胃一个礼物。

B. Invite someone over for dinner. 邀请一些人吃饭。

C. To take your awareness to a new level, move beyond money. 把你的意识提到提高度,超越金钱。

D. But instead of buying much coffee every week, you can drink less. 但是代替每周买一些咖啡,你可以喝得更少。

E. While some people enjoy receiving gifts, all of us appreciate a kind word. 但一些人享受收到礼物的时候,我们全都得到感激。

F. Instead, they allow you to examine how your time and money are spent. 反而,他们允许你考查你的钱和时间是怎么花费的。

G. Be there to celebrate their good news, or support them with sympathy. 在那里祝贺他们的好消息,或者给予他们同情和支持。








Moving into a new home in a new neighborhood is an exciting experience. Of course, you want to make sure that you become an accepted and valuable part of your new neighborhood. The easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure you conduct yourself as a good neighbor should.________

Perhaps one of the most important things you can do as a good neighbor is to keep your property(房产) neat, clean, and in good repair. ________By choosing to keep the outside of the home in great shape, you will help to improve the look and feel of the area.

Second, take the overall appearance of the neighborhood seriously. When going for a walk. Take along a small garbage bag. ________This small act will let your neighbors know that you

care about the area.

________ If a neighbor is going to be out of town, offer to collect mail and newspapers. If a neighbor suffers an illness, offer to do the grocery shopping. Let them know you are there to help in any way this acceptable, while still respecting the privacy of your neighbor.

________By following the basic rules of respecting others, taking care of what belongs to you, and taking pride in the appearance of the neighborhood in general, you will quickly become a good neighbor that everyone appreciates.


⑴G 此处是承上启下的句子,即呼应上一句“确保你做一个好邻居应该做的事”,后概括下文“做一个好邻居应该注意那些技巧”,故答案为G。

⑵F 根据下文强调的outside of the home,联系到上文keep your property(房产) neat, clean, and in good repair,所以此处谈论如从外观上让邻居接受你,故答案为F。

⑶E 前文的small garbage bag是为了“pick up waste paper”准备的,后一句的This small act就是指捡废纸的这一举动,故答案为E。

⑷B 此处是本段的主题句,后一句中的offer to collect mail and newspapers正是帮助邻居做一些小事情的表现,所以答案为B。

⑸C 此处是本段的主题句,后一句中的respecting others, taking care of what belongs to you, and taking pride in the appearance of the neighborhood 均是considerate behaviors,故答案为C。



Happiness begins from appreciation

If you are feeling that life just cannot be any worse for you, it can be challenging to think positive. When stressed, depressed, upset or otherwise in a negative state of mind because you are aware that misfortune keeps occurring, it is important to shift those negative thoughts to something positive. ________

It is often very hard to think positive when so many things are negative, but be sure that

someone, somewhere is worse off than you. ________ If you start with one small, positive thing and appreciate it during the course of your day, you will begin to move into a more positive situation and people will start showing up in your life. With appreciation, you will find that over time, you will change your outlook and choose to be happy, regardless of the events around you. ________

Begin and end each day with a “Thank you for this wonderful, glorious day!”

When you see the rise of gas prices, say “I am so glad to have a vehicle in which to get around.”When your boss is too hard on you, say “I am g rateful for my job as I know that many don't have one.”

If you are having health problems, be grateful for what does work: “I really do appreciate it that my eyes see, my ears hear, my mouth tastes, my legs walk, my arms lift and my mind thinks and eve rything else works.”

Write down what you're grateful for each day. In moments when you're feeling really down, read loud what you wrote previously. ________ If you practice this regularly, you will find your list getting longer and longer.

The key is to move yourself into a positive thought and keep it there long enough to make it a moment of appreciation. ________

A. This will certainly help uplift your spirits.

B. If not, you will only attract more misfortune.

C. It is of great importance to learn to be grateful.

D. The more you appreciate, the happier you'll be.

E. If you have made some achievements in your career.

F. Here are a few common examples for you to practice.

G. You can choose to think differently by beginning with the smallest of steps.



(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“When stressed, depressed, upset or otherwise in a negative state of mind because you are aware that misfortune keeps occurring, it is important to shift those negative thoughts to somet hing positive. ”当你意识到不幸不断发生的时候,当你感到压力、沮丧、沮丧或其他消极情绪时,重要的是把消极的想法转变为积极的事情。”承接上文,B. If not, you will only attract more misfortune.“如果没有,你只会招来更多的不幸。”符合语境,故选B。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ It is often very hard to think positive when so many things are negative, but be sure that someone, somewhere is worse off than you. ”当很多事情都是消极的时候,你很难去想积极的事情,但是要确信某人,在某个地方比你更糟糕。”承接上文,G. You can choose to think differently by beginning with the smallest of steps.“通过从最小的步骤开始,你可以选择不同的思维方式。”符合语境,故选G。(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。下文提供了一些供你练习的常见例子。承接下文,F. Here are a few common examples for you to practice.“这里有一些常见的例子供你练习。”符合语境,故选F。

(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“In moments when you're feeling really

down, read loud what you wrote previously. ”当你情绪低落的时候,大声朗读你以前写的东西。承接上文,A.This will certainly help uplift your spirits.“这肯定有助于振奋精神。”符合语境,故选A。

(5)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ The key is to move yourself into a positive thought and keep it there long enough to make it a moment of appreciation. ”关键是要把自己变成一个积极的想法,让它保持足够长的时间,让它成为一个感激的时刻。承接上文,D.The more you appreciate, t he happier you'll be.“你越感激,你就会越快乐。”符合语境,故选D。



“Urgent action required”, “Do you still want to hear from us?”, “We've updated our privacy policy”, “Should we stop sending you updates? If not, act now!”

Many of us will have received emails like this during the past few weeks. Triggering this flood of emails is something called GDPR that comes into effect in just under two weeks' time. Often the emails warn that if you don't respond, you will be removed from the company's database, which raises a lot of questions. What action, if any, do you need to take? Could it affect you financially? GDPR, which stands for General Data Protection Regulation, has been described as the biggest overhaul(彻底检查)of online privacy since the birth of the internet. It is designed to give all EU citizens the right to know what data is stored on them and to have it deleted, plus protect them from privacy breaches(破坏). It comes into effect on 25 May.

The new rules encourage the requirement for explicit and informed consent before data is processed. As a result, companies and organizations around the world are contacting users to check they are happy to carry on receiving their emails.

However, many of us seem to be going down with “GDPR fatigue(厌倦)”: one article last week claimed that the “reconfirmation rate” - the proportion of people saying they want to continue receiving a company's emails - at UK micro-businesses was averaging just 10%, which meant “they could lose 90% of their subscribers - the life-blood for their business”. So it's no wonder some firms have adopted policies such as offering to enter people into a prize draw in return for them going in and updating their communication preferences.

The average ad ult is said to have about 100 “data relationships” —companies and organizations that hold our personal data. Meanwhile, the reason why the company that occasionally emails you newsletters is now asking for your consent is perhaps because you never explicitly gave it permission to send you stuff. Maybe you only get its emails because you went to an event it organized ages ago or you once downloaded something from its website. Under the new regime, that almost certainly wouldn't count as explicit and informed consent, hence it's getting in touch now.

The bottom line is that if it is a company or organization that you want to continue hearing from, you should probably click the button or log in to ensure you keep getting its emails. If it doesn't hear from you, it may decide to take you off its database.
