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摘要:Window 操作系统的诞生成就了微软帝国,同时也造就了PC 时代的繁荣,然而如今,以Android 和iPhone 手机为代表的智能移动设备的发明与互联网云技术的兴起却敲响了PC 时代的丧钟!这也预示着移动互联网时代(3G)已经来临。

在这个互联网繁荣的时代,有一颗超新星,以它独特性能优势与人性化的UI 设计使它在短短的几年迅速的占领了智能移动设备的市场份额,它就是Google 的Android!这也意味着Google 在移动互联网时代开始抢跑并领跑。

Android 是基于Linux 平台完全开源的手机操作系统,同时开发语言为Java,这对于Java 开发的我们是何等的诱人,程序员的技术要与时代同行,因此我选择了以Android 为平台的手机天气预报系统来作为我的毕业设计,选择手机天气预报系统不仅可以提升技术,同时也很实用,为人们时刻了解天气状况和出行带来了方便。

Weather Application For Android
Abstract: Window operating system was born the achievements of the Microsoft empire,also contributed to the prosperity of the era of PC, however now, to Android and iPhone phone for the rise of the representative of the smart mobiledevices with the invention of the Internet cloud has sounded the the death knell of the era of PC! This also indicates that the mobile Internet Era (3G) has come. In the era of the Internet boom, there is a single supernova, with its unique performance advantages and humanized UI design enable it in just a few years rapidly occupied the market share of the smart mobile devices, it is Google Android! This also means that the Google in the mobile Internet era and lead the false start. Based on Linux platform completely open source mobile operating system. At the same time, the development language for Java, which for java development we is how tempting Android, programmers should be with the times, so I chose to Android platform mobile weather systems as my graduation design, choice of mobile weather forecasting system can not only upgrade technology and also very practical, for people always understand weather conditions and travel brings convenience.
Keywords:Android;database ;frames module
1 引言
近几年来随着3G 技术成熟和智能手机的不断普及,移动应用的需求与日俱增,移动应用开发成为当下最热门的技术之一。

在Google 和Android 手机联盟的共同推动下,Android 在众多移动应用开发平台中脱颖而出。

Android 是一个真正意义上的开源智能手机操作系统,该系统一经推出立即受到全球移动设备厂商和开发者的热捧。

为顺应潮流,本设计旨在搭载Android 的移动设备上运行,实现天气状况的实时动态更新与显示,方便人们的出行与生活。

1.2 开发内容及意义
Android 平台天气预报APP是基于Android手机平台[1],基于Java从聚合数据接口上获取天气及城市信息,开发出针对于Android平台的手机天气预报系统的应用软件;为了能随时随地的查询天气信息,更加方便的了解天气信息,开发手机移动端的天气预报APP是非常需要的;Android系统是开源的手机操作系统,Android最大的优势在于它的开发式的体系架构,更容易被优化和使用。

1.3 国内外发展现状

2 系统分析
2.1 研究目标
1 了解Android应用程序开发框架的基本思维和开发过程。

