阿叔每月推荐 极典R801大型台式电子管HiFi收
HV T^'^treporiN e w s路边新事作者专为本次活动而作的画文/陈建华Bow ers & W ilkins Nautilus ,发 烧友尊称"鹦鹉螺”,虽然在音响界 它神一般的存在,诞生将近三十年 了,能闻其声者少之又少,业界人士 都很少听到它开声,更别提一般发烧 友了。
主要是它要动用八台单声道后 级或者4台立体声后级,加上对环境要 求比较高,一般展会上或者音响店只 做静态展示。
这被全球公认的一款杰 出的扬声器,上世纪九十年代初它就 以当年最好的制作工艺,融合外观设 计、声学设计,针对高要求的音乐发 烧友,同时也是Bow ers & W ilkins *^司的"镇店之宝”,如今能在2020年 底最后一个周末在厦门开声演示,不 去一饱耳福,哪怎么能够说得上对音 响音乐的热爱呢?这场音响盛宴由汕头歌德影音携 手福建壹歌智能于2020年12月26日在 厦门市湖里高新区宏益华府举办「冬 曰之歌」音乐沙龙,为厦门的发烧友 带来了一场有情感有温度的音响音乐 盛宴,一同感受了 Air Tight、Bowers & W ilkins 、Zonotone 等设备的魅力与 感动。
这场音乐沙龙由资深发烧友 "金驰”方展武老师主持,特约神秘 嘉宾顾忠良老师,待会会做介绍。
先看看当天的演示器材:音箱:Bowers&W ilkinsNautilus 前级:胆皇 A irTightA tc -2hq 后级:胆皇A irTightA TM - 1S 唱机:松下Technics 1200G 唱头:胆皇 A irTig htPc -1coda 唱放:胆皇 A irTightAte 2005升压牛:胆皇 A irTightAth -2ref厦门“冬日之歌”鹦鹉螺胆皇诠释天籁之声C D 机:马兰仕M arantzSalO 线材:诗乐通Zonotone 全套线材什么?有没搞错??四台36瓦的 A irTig htA TM -1S 推鹦鹉螺9 ?有人用 两三百瓦的晶体管后级都没搞定的, 区区36瓦的胆后级能搞定9其实我自 己也有这样的困惑,以前我自己玩过 —对美国Eggleston W orks 小落地箱, _百多瓦的甲乙类晶体管前后级和标 称200W /8Q 、400W /4C 2输出的合并 机推起来都控制不好低频,低频有量 感,却没有速度感和瞬态,中低频躲 在箱体里出不来,中高频不鲜活,朋 友搬了英国某二手50W 甲类前后级过 来试,这回更没力气了,声音懒洋洋地有气无力,乐手和歌手都像没睡 醒,也用了欧洲某品牌50W 合并胆机 推,声音还是一般般,最后用了英国 EAR 834合并胆机去伺候这对EG G 不算好伺候的小落地箱,算是在功放和 箱子投入差不多的情况下最好也是最 均衡的声音,当年来听过的几个发烧 友和家电H IFI 版主都_致认同。
1 MELODY SP-3、SP-6及十周年纪念版SP-31.1 MELODY SP-3MELODY是国内最有声誉、最具规模的胆机制造厂家之一。
图1 MELODY SP-3SP-3外型新颖,制作认真,并且用的都是些发烧级的好声元件。
有评论称SP-3具有古董名机Mclntosh MC-240功率放大器的声音特色。
1.2 MELODY SP-6正当SP-3受到很高的评价时,厂家又推出型号为SP-6的电子管合并机。
前从未在邹先生作品中出现过的双单声道 全平衡 的前级放大 电路.i 谐 振腔式结构 的一体化机箱,虽然足以令广大发烧友惊 叹,但对邹先生来说.并不构成太高的技 术挑 战 。
关于R1 0前缎的详细技 术细节.本“ 2009年5月 号上曾有专题介绍
R1 0f 2008年底在 r ¨自 女鹅展首 发亮相.±后;然就是配套后级的研发。
二 1●
={=j ! 马 E! }≥ . . 一 _
尚@。 ’ 卅
R1 0参 考 级 前 级 放 大 器 R20参 考 级 单 声 道 功 率 放 大 器
作为 国内 发烧级 目体 管放大 器的 开
器材r 高级音响开发鄯的时代就B经开发 出7 震惊国内发烧音响圈的SL20 0/M2 00 前后 级. 这套旗 舰级 前后 级可以 说是 目 产音响中划时代的产品。特别是M200 后 a.1 50 W纯甲类单声道的配置.在今* 看来 也谈不 上落伍 。
也许 正是 目为起 点太 高.都 先生 在 自i 门户主后,始终对设计一套新的旃 舰级放 大器心存顾 虑。目为如 果T能在技 术±拿 m什☆新的 看点.仅仅 是重复、修 改z前的作日.邹先生是点兴趣也提不 起来的。所Ⅸ.红灯之后.我们再没有看 到过自B先生推出过前后级分体放大器,有 的R是K9 V8、V8i 这样的重型台并机。 虽说这些产日不乏亮点.也有很高的性价 比.甚i 漂洋过海在异目他}也倍受欢 迎. 但是 .R要 是见 过红灯 *套旃 舰的 发 烧友.却总是觉得曾经沧海难为水——谁
这样看来. R20在技术±的突破虽然 不如R10那样惊人 ,但R20取>女了末级大 环踣& 馈后所带来 的音质.应 该足H令人 4目新吧。.
品尝EKCO EV80M电子管单声道后级的两套搭配
![品尝EKCO EV80M电子管单声道后级的两套搭配](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7444f859b307e87101f69684.png)
不 乏细 腻 柔 和 ,并 不 是 常规 K T 1 2 0  ̄ J E ] 机 那 种 咄 咄 逼 人 的性
现在 的推 挽胆 机基 本都 有两 种工 作模 式 , “ 超 线性 ”和 “ 三 极 ” 模 式 ,E V 8 0 M也 不 会例 外 ,在 “ 超线 性 ”模 式 下 会开 足 功 率 ( 8 0 W ), “ 三 极 ”模 式 下 E l J 会小些 ( 5 5
E V 8 0 M的 输 入 管是 6 S N 7 G T, 推 动 管 是 6 S L 7 GT,加 上 末级 使用 的K T1 2 0,其 实 都 是 比 较 常 见 的 型 号 ,在 市 面 上 很
“ MODE ”拨 杆开 关来 切换 。 E V 8 0 M 的参 数指 标 里 并 没有 标 称8Q或4Q负载 的输 出
是B 组
关 , 用 于 选 择 反 馈 量 , 这样 可 以达 到调 节 增 益 大 / j 、 的目
的 ,不 同 的反 馈 量 出来 的声 音会 有 所 不 同 , 反馈 晕 小 的 叫
候 ,声 音快 速 一 些 ,也 清 爽 一 些 ,反 馈 量 大 的时 候 ,声音 厚度 增加 ,比较 饱 满 ,如 何选 择就 要看个 人喜 好 了
搭 配1 :推动QU AD Z 4 落地 式音 箱
E K C O E V5 5 DP 带 前级C D机 ( 市场价:R MB 2 2 6 o o 元/ 厶
Z 4 是 QU AD Z 丝 带 旗 舰 系 列 最 高 级 的 一 对 音 箱 , 采 用 三
分频 设计 ,配备 1 只 丝带 高 音 ,1 只1 5 0 mm 口径 的玻璃 纤维 盆 中低 音 喇 叭 ,3 只1 6 5 mm口径 的 玻 璃纤 维 盆 低 音 喇 叭 。 Z 4 的效 率 是9 0 d B,看 上去 似 乎 不难 推 ,但 对于 多喇 叭落 地 式 音 箱 来说 ,搭 配 大 功率 的功 放 是 不会 错 的 ,当然 这 对 箱
霍尼韦尔 CT40 XP 手持终端用户指南说明书
![霍尼韦尔 CT40 XP 手持终端用户指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5dcaac90c0c708a1284ac850ad02de80d4d806a5.png)
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全球著名放大器一览表[仅供参考]北美地区:Bryston(拜事通)加拿大最具代表的晶体管放大器,产品寿命长,声音理性,力道足Sonic Frontiers 加拿大Hi-End胆机代表作,音色细致高贵,力道充沛Classe Audio(驾势)加拿大著名的晶体管放大器,音色细致,乐感丰富Sim Audio 加拿大著名Hi-End晶体管放大器,工艺先进,声音质素突出Anthem 加拿大Sonic Frontiers的平价版胆机,制作质素高,声靓价平Audio Research 美国顶级Hi-End胆机代表性品牌,以胆机为主,声音中性,味道足,速度快Mark Levinson 美国顶尖级Hi-End晶体管放大器的代表作,典范级中性音质Proceed Mark Levinson 的中价Hi-End晶体管放大器,专注于影音产品Cello Mark Levinson 创建的顶尖级高价值Hi-End晶体管放大器,质素无以伦比Krell(奇力)美国顶尖级Hi-End晶体管放大器的代表作,推力强大,乐感惊人McIntosh(麦景图)美国经典Hi-End胆/石放大器,音色高贵,收藏价值大Cary(加利)美国高级胆机生产商,近年向数码领域进军Conard Johnson(诗醉)美国经典胆机代表作,音色高贵丰润Dynaco 美国经典中价胆机代表作,音色极富乐感Pass lab(柏斯)美国重量级Hi-End晶体管放大器,声音高贵流畅Jeff Rowland(乐林)美国著名Hi-End晶体管放大器,对电源与音乐的关系十分执著Parasound 美国中低价晶体管放大器代表作,有“穷人的Krell”之称Sunfire 美国著名的中价高级胆/石放大器,力道沉厚,乐感优异Threshold 美国著名Hi-End晶体管放大器,科技应用超前VAC 美国老牌Hi-End胆机,多以分体式设计,品质如军规器材VTL 美国老牌高级胆机,品质稳定,推力大C.A.T 美国产品型号最少的高级胆机,以一部SL-1胆前级确立Hi-End级地位Canary(金丝雀)美国新兴Hi-End胆机,外观精美,声音细致高贵B.A.T 美国新兴Hi-End胆/石放大器,设计和声音贯彻“平衡”原则Hovland(浩龙)美国新兴Hi-End胆机,用料精良,外观华美Herron 美国新兴Hi-End胆/石放大器,外观俭朴,内部严谨、声音透澈开扬B&K 美国著名中价高级晶体管放大器,性价比高,《Stereophie》榜中常客Manley 美国著名Hi-End级胆机,设计精良,音质鲜明动人Aragon 美国著名的中价Hi-End晶体管放大器,近年向影音方面进军Ayre(艺雅)美国著名Hi-End晶体管放大器,用料精湛,声调自然舒畅欧洲地区:Gryphon(贵丰)丹麦重量级Hi-End晶体管放大器,声音高贵力大Primare(翩美)丹麦精品级Hi-End晶体管放大器,音色细致顺滑高贵LA.Audio 丹麦中价精品胆机、音色细致、生动有高贵感Bow(丹麦神弓)丹麦著名的高级晶体管放大器,内外制作别具特色Tact Audio 丹麦新兴Hi-End数字放大器的先驱,造工精良,声调自然舒畅Densen(丹麦王子)丹麦精品级中价Hi-End晶体管放大器,音乐圆润纯净CHORD(和弦)英国著名的监听级Hi-End晶体管放大器,造工与声音质素绝佳Matisse(马蒂斯)英国著名的Hi-End胆机,音色高贵、细致Musical Fidelity(音乐传真)英国著名高级晶体管放大器,声音柔润自然、乐感强Exposure(力宝声)英国中价力士型晶体管放大器的代言人,内涵、力道重于外表Rotel(路遥)英国著名中低价晶体管放大器,性价比高EAR 英国新兴高级胆机,据说是B&W、ATC、Thiel音箱的绝配Audio Note 英国著名的Hi-End胆机,多为小功率单端设计,为求青铜声不惜采用昂贵材料Audion 英国著名的中价高级胆机,声音乐感强烈,音色极佳Venture(威卓)由华人创建的比利时Hi-End品牌,产品以音箱为主,胆机为辅Audio Analogue(雅乐)意大利新兴中价高级晶体管放大器,声音深具文艺气息Unison Rexearch(声韵)意大利著名的Hi-End胆机,造型典雅,音质迷人SPHINX(灵狮)荷兰著名的中高价Hi-End晶体管放大器,声音清新中性NAD(乐廷)英国著名的中价晶体管放大器,高性价比Arcam(雅骏)英国剑桥地区中低价晶体管放大器代表作,音色细致,高性价比Quad(国都)英国经典高级胆机,是优美音乐的代表人LINN(莲)英国著名Hi-End多元化厂商,其晶体管放大器小巧,音色动人AMC 英国平价胆/石放大器代表作,品质稳定,乐感强Rega(君子)英国中低价晶体管放大器代表作,音色精致典雅TAG Mclaren(麦拿伦)英国新兴中高价晶体管放大器,制作精良,音调通透富有乐感Onix(欧尼士)英国价晶体管放大器,音调中性朴实Cambridge Audio(剑桥)英国剑桥平价晶体管放大器的代表作,性价比高Manley 英国新兴中低价晶体管放大器,外观别致精美,音质良好Creek(朗泉)英国老牌中低价晶体管放大器,外观朴实,音质优美Electrocompaniet(音乐之旅)挪威最具代表的Hi-End晶体管放大器,音乐优雅通透逼真亚太地区:Plinius 新西兰Hi-End晶体管放大器,用料佳,价格平实MAS 澳大利亚Hi-End晶体管放大器,产品制作用料扎实,潜质大Melody SHW(麦乐迪)华人创立的澳大利亚新兴高级胆机,音色鲜明艳丽,乐感丰富HALCRO 澳大利亚新兴巨无霸级Hi-End晶体管放大器,失真史上最低Denon(天龙)日本历史悠久的高级晶体管放大器,主攻影音产品Onkyo(安桥)日本名牌晶体管放大器,以影音放大器为主AIR-Tigtht 日本Hi-End胆机,多以单端小功率线路为主Accuphase(金嗓子)日本著名Hi-End晶体管放大器,制作严谨精美Marantz(马兰士)被日本财团控制的美国品牌中价胆/石放大器,音调柔美,富有乐感SONY(索尼)日本著名多元化视听生产商,主攻影音产品Luxman(力士)日本老牌胆/石高级放大器,声音温润丰满Audio Space 香港中高级著名胆机,造工精良,性价比高Proton(普腾)台湾名牌晶体管放大器的先驱之一,声音控制力和性价比较好Bada(八达)中国Hi-Fi级晶体管放大器的先驱之一,声音控制力和性价比较好Opera(欧博)中国Hi-Fi胆机代表作之一,外观细致,用料精良,性价比较高Spark(斯巴克)中国Hi-Fi胆机代表作之一,声音与制作质素超值Korsun(柯颂)中国晶体管放大器代表作之一,声音中性醇正Xindak(新德克)中国著名的Hi-Fi胆/石放大器,用料精良,音质与性价比较高Winner(天逸)中国著名的Hi-Fi级晶体管放大器,声调厚暖,售价实惠Sheng Ya(声雅)中国老牌Hi-Fi胆/石放大器,功力扎实,外观高档钟神/凤之声中国著名Hi-Fi晶体管放大器,用料高级,声音较佳音质和音质的评价[复制链接]何谓声音的质量所谓声音的质量,是指经传输、处理后音频信号的保真度。
Laney L20T-112 212用户手册说明书
![Laney L20T-112 212用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b6684b662e60ddccda38376baf1ffc4ffe47e22f.png)
直到现在!20W并联甲类单端输出级安装在L20T-112 和L20T-212渗出经典,温暖的电子管色调。
加上有足够的增益为现代的音调,它也有凶猛、侵略性的一面,使它适合任何风格的玩家. 完美的用于工作室和实践使用.每一款 狮心王 Lionheart产品都是由经验丰富的吉他手进行广泛的演奏测试,然后才发货给我们的客户。
试着把它调高一点,以驱动功率电子管更重以获得真正的复古声音和感觉只有一个高品质的电子管放大器可以提供. 现在用你的吉他音量来控制失真的程度。
(前进一点为失真,后退一点为清音)明亮:当你的吉他在清音通道时为高音频率增加亮度和活力.当你的吉他在驱动通道时增加边缘和挑选重点. 该开关在清音音量/驱动器控制较低设置时影响更大。
PolarFire MPF300T FPGA 视频开发包用户指南说明书
![PolarFire MPF300T FPGA 视频开发包用户指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f82dd6ba0875f46527d3240c844769eae109a35e.png)
UG0872User Guide PolarFire MPF300T FPGA Video KitJune 20191Revision History (1)1.1Revision 1.0 (1)2Introduction (2)2.1Kit Contents (2)2.2Block Diagram (2)2.3Board Overview (3)3Hardware Settings (6)3.1Jumper Settings (6)3.2LEDs (6)3.3Power Sources (7)4Board Components and Operations (9)4.1Memory Interface (9)4.2SPI Serial Flash (9)4.3HDMI1.4 Interface (10)4.4MIPI-RX Connector (CSI-2 Application) (10)4.5MIPI-TX Connector (DSI Application) (11)4.6MIPI-TX Connector (CSI-2 Application) (11)4.7MIPI-TX and RX PCB Loopback (12)4.8Transceivers (12)4.8.1XCVR0 Block (12)4.8.2XCVR1 and XCVR3 Blocks (13)4.8.3XCVR2 Block (14)4.8.4XCVR Reference Clock (15)4.9Programming (15)4.9.1FTDI and JTAG Header Scheme (15)4.1050 MHz Oscillator (16)4.11Device Reset (17)4.12User Reset (17)4.13User Interface (17)4.13.1User LEDs (18)4.13.2Push-Button Switches (18)4.13.3Slide Switches (DPDT) (19)4.13.4DIP Switches (SPST) (19)4.13.5FMC HPC Connector (J14) (20)4.14Board Components Placement (20)The revision history describes the changes that were implemented in the document. The changes arelisted by revision, starting with the most current publication.1.1Revision 1.0Revision 1.0 was the first publication of this documentThe Microsemi PolarFire® FPGA Video Kit (POLARFIRE VIDEO KIT), which is RoHS-compliant, enables youMPF300T-1FCG1152Eto evaluate the PolarFire FPGA for the following interfaces:MIPI CSI-2 RX interfaceHDMI2.0HDMI1.4DDR4 memoryFMC HPC with 8 Transceiver lanesUART Interface to the FTDI deviceSPI Interface to the SPI Flash device2.1Kit ContentsThe following table lists the contents of the PolarFire Video Kit.Table 1 • Kit ContentsItem QuantityDual Camera Sensor Module1PolarFire Video Board featuring the device with 300K logic elementsMPF300T-1FCG1152E 112 V, 5 A AC power adapter and cord1USB 2.0 A-male to mini-B cable programming1Quickstart card1Free one-year Libero Gold software license12.2Block DiagramThe following figure shows the block diagram of the video kit.Figure 1 • Block Diagram2.3Board OverviewThe following figure shows a labeled image of the video board highlighting its components.Figure 2 • Board CalloutThe following table lists the components of the video board.Table 2 • Board ComponentsComponent Label onBoardDescriptionFeatured DevicePolarFire FPGA FPGAMPF300T-1FCG1152EPower Supply12 V power supply J20The board is powered by a 12 V power source using an external +12 V/5 A DC jack ON/OFF switch SW4Power ON/OFF switch from +12 V external DC jackClocksOn-board 50 MHzclock oscillatorX350 MHz clock oscillator with single-ended outputXCVR reference clock Y5148.5 MHz oscillator (differential LVDS output) that provides reference clock(REFCLK) via PolarFire device pins AF29 and AF30. These pins are connected to theXCVRClock Synthesizer U15CDCEL913PWR Clock Synthesizer for HDMI1.4 clocks and programmable throughthe I2CFPGA Programming and DebuggingFT4232H U70USB-to-quad serial ports in various configurationsJTAG programming header J18This header is used to program and debug the PolarFire device using FlashPro4 or FlashPro5. In the FlashPro software, the appropriate programmer (FlashPro4orFlashPro5) must be selected.SPI flash U30One 1 Gb SPI Flash from Micron MT25QL01GBBB8ESF-0SIT (P/N) connected to SPIpins on bank 3 of the PolarFire deviceMemory ChipsDDR4 Memory U1,U2,U3 andU4Four 4 Gb (MT40A256M16GE-083E:B) chips are connected in Fly-by topology with a 64-bit data bus for storing data bitsFMC HPC connector J14FMC connector with eight XCVR lanes and 13 Differential pairs HPC[HA0:12] and LPC[0:33])Video InterfacesCSI-2 RX connector J5MIPI data and clock signals are received from Camera sensor boardDSI TX connector J26MIPI data and clock signals are transmitted to Display daughter board through theconnectorCS-2 TX connector J4MIPI data and clock signals are transmitted to Display daughter board through theconnectorGeneral Purpose I/OSwitches SW1 andSW2Push-button switches for user-interface debugging applicationsDIP Switches SW6Four DIP switches for testingLight-emitting diodes (LEDs)Four active-high LEDs connected to some of the user I/Os for debugging, and twelve active high LEDs used for indicating power supplyComponent Label onBoardUSER Reset switch SW3Push-button system reset for the PolarFire device Users must program this HSIO forPolarFire logic reset functionDevice reset SW5Device reset3Hardware SettingsThis section provides information about jumper settings, switches, LEDs, and DIP switches on thePolarFire video board.3.1Jumper SettingsConnect the jumpers according to the settings specified in the following table.Table 3 • Jumper SettingsJumper Description Pin(s)DefaultJ15SPI Slave and Master mode selection. By DefaultSPI master1-2Closed J19XCVR_VREF is connected to GND1-2ClosedJ28Close pin 1-2 to program through the FTDI Openpin 1-2 to program the external Flash pro51-2ClosedJ24Jumper to select the PolarFire VDDAUX4 for Bank4 voltage Close pin2-4 for 3V3Close pin2-4 for 2V5ClosedOpenJ25Jumper to select the PolarFire VCCIO voltage (VCCIO_HPC_VADJ)Close pin 1 and 2 for 3.3 VClose pin 3 and 4 for 2.5 VClose pin 5 and 6 for 1.8 VClose pin 7 and 8 for 1.5 VClose pin 9 and 10 for 1.2 VOpenOpenClosedOpenOpenJ36Jumper to select the SW3 input or theENABLE_FT4 232 signal from the FT4232H chip Close pin 1 and 2 for manual power switchingusing SW3Close pin 2 and 3 for remote power switchingusing the GPIO capability of the FT4232 chipCloseOpen3.2LEDsThe following table lists the power supply LEDs.Table 4 • LEDsLED DescriptionDS14-Green12 V voltage railDS20-Green 5 V voltage railDS21-Green 3.3V voltage railDS5-Green 1.0V voltage railDS4-Green 1.8V voltage railDS3-Green VDD25 Voltage railDS2-Green VDDAUX2_5 Voltage railLED DescriptionDS9-Green VDDA(1V05) Voltage railDS8-Green VDDAUX4 Voltage railDS7-Green 1.2V voltage railDS6-Green VCCIO_HPC_VADJ voltage railDS12-Green 1.8V HDMI1V4 voltage railDS13-Green0.6V VTT voltage rail3.3Power SourcesThe PolarFire video board uses Microchip power supply devices. For more information about thesepower supply devices, see: https:///design-centers/power-management/dc-dc-converters-regulators.The following table lists the key power supplies required for normal operation of the PolarFire videoboard.Table 5 • Voltage Rails in PolarFire Video BoardPolarFire Bank I/O Rail VoltageBank 01P2V 1.2VBank 11P8V 1.8VBank 21P2V_B2 1.2VBank 3VDD25 2.5VBank 4VCCIO_HPC_VADJ 1.8VBank 5VDD25 2.5VBank 61P8V_HDMI1V4 1.8VBank 71P2V 1.2VThe following figure shows the power supply scheme used in the PolarFire video board.Figure 3 • Power Supply SchemeThe following table lists the suggested Microchip power regulators for PolarFire FPGA voltage rails.Table 6 • Power RegulatorsVoltage Rail Part Number Description Current5V MIC24055YJL-TR IC REG BUCK ADJ 12A SYNC 28QFN12A1V MIC24055YJL-TR IC REG BUCK ADJ 12A SYNC 28QFN12A1V2MIC24046YFL-TR IC REG BUCK PROG 5A SYNC 20VQFN5AVDDAUX2&5MIC23303YML-T5IC REG BUCK ADJ 3A SYNC 12DFN3AVDDAUX4MIC23303YML-T5IC REG BUCK ADJ 3A SYNC 12DFN3AVCCIO_HPC_VADJ MIC24046YFL-TR IC REG BUCK PROG 5A SYNC 20VQFN5AVREF,VTT MIC5166YML-TR IC PWR SUP 3A HS DDR TERM 10MLF3AHDMI1.4MCP1726T-ADJE/MF IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 1A 8DFN1AVDD25MIC69502WR IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 5A SPAK-75A3V3MIC69502WR IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 5A SPAK-75AVDD18MIC69502WR IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 5A SPAK-75A1V05MIC69502WR IC REG LINEAR POS ADJ 5A SPAK-75ANote: These regulators are not pin compatible with the existing video kit schematics. Use these regulators for new board.4Board Components and OperationsThis section describes the key components of the PolarFire Video board and important boardoperations.4.1Memory InterfaceThe following figure shows the memory interface scheme.Figure 4 • Memory InterfaceAs shown in the preceding figure, Four 4 Gb DDR4 SDRAM chips are used as flexible volatile memory foruser applications. The DDR4 interface is implemented in the HSIO Bank 0 and Bank 7.The DDR4 SDRAM specifications are as follows:MT40A256M16GE-083E:BQuantity: Four chips are connected in Fly-by topologyDensity: 16 GbData rate: DDR4 64-bit at 166 MHz clock rateThe PolarFire video board design uses the DDR4 and POD12 standards for the DDR4 interface. Thedefault board assembly for the DDR4 standard uses RC terminations.4.2SPI Serial FlashThe following figure shows the SPI Flash and its interface with the PolarFire device.The SPI flash specifications for the PolarFire device are:Density: 1 GbVoltage: 2.7 V to 3.6 V (MT25QL01GBBB8ESF-0SIT)Frequency: 90 MHz Quantity = 1SPI mode support: Modes 0 and 34.3HDMI1.4 InterfaceOne HDMI1.4 Transmitter is connected to the PolarFire device to support the HDMI1.4 standard as shown in the following figure.Figure 6 • HDMI1.4 InterfaceThe HDMI interface is implemented in Bank6.The HDMI1.4 transmitter specifications for the PolarFire device are:Part Number of the HDMI Transmitter: ADV7511KSTZ Operating frequency: up to 225 MHz4.4MIPI-RX Connector (CSI-2 Application)The video board supports a dual Camera image sensor daughter card that can be connected using the CSI-2 RX interface (J5) for CSI-2 RX applications. The daughter card includes two IMX334 cameras. Each image sensor supports a four-lane MIPI interface. The daughter card is connected to the video board via the board to board connector as shown in the following figure The MIPI output signals . (see page )are connected to Bank 2.The image sensor supports maximum 1782 Mbps.4.5MIPI-TX Connector (DSI Application)The video board supports the MIPI transmitter X4 lanes and clock for DSI application, as shown in thefollowing figure. MIPI TX signals are interfaced to the LCD display. An adaptor board for the LCD displaycan be connected through the J26 connector on the video board. This adaptor board contains the LCDmating connector and the auxiliary circuit required for the display. For more information, see the videoboard schematics.Figure 8 • MIPI-TX Connection (DSI Application)4.6MIPI-TX Connector (CSI-2 Application)The video board supports the MIPI X4 lanes and clock for the CSI-2 transmitter application, as shown inthe following figure. For testing, the video board can be can be interfaced with Nvidia’s Jetson TX1\TX2development board using a mating connector cable.Figure 9 • MIPI-TX Connection (CSI-2 Application)`4.7MIPI-TX and RX PCB LoopbackThe video board supports the on-board PCB trace loopback of MIPI X4 lanes and clock, as shown in thefollowing figure.Figure 10 • MIPI-TX and RX Loopback4.8TransceiversMPF300T-1FCG1152EThe PolarFire FPGA device has 4 XCVR blocks and each block contains 4transceiver lanes. These lanes can be accessed through the HDMI2.0 and FMC connectors on the board.The following sections describe these blocks and the lanes used.4.8.1XCVR0 BlockLanes 0, 1, and 2 of the XCVR0 block are looped back, as shown in the following figure .Figure 11 • XCVR0 Interface4.8.2XCVR1 and XCVR3 BlocksXCVR1 and XCVR3 blocks have four lanes each. These lanes are connected to the FMC HPC connectorand the signals are routed on the PCB as follows:Lanes 0 to 7 are directly routed to the FMC HPCTX pad > trace > via (to bottom layer) > trace > FMC HPC connector padRX pad > trace > via (to Top layer) > trace > PolarFire device padThe XCVR1 and XCVR3 reference clock is routed directly from the HPC connector to the PolarFire device.The following figure shows the XCVR1 and XCVR3 and their interfaces.Figure 12 • XCVR1 and XCVR3 Interface4.8.3XCVR2 BlockThe lanes of the XCVR2 block are connected to HDMI2.0 TX and RX chips via the line drivers chips, asshown in the following figure. This interface can operate up to 6 Gbps.Figure 13 • XCVR2 Interface4.8.4XCVR Reference ClockThe following figure shows the clock sources for XCVR blocks.Figure 14 • XCVR Reference ClocksXCVR 1A, 3A reference clocks are sources from FMC HPC connector(J14).XCVR 2B reference clock is sourced from the on-board 148.5 MHzXCVR 2A reference clock is sourced from the on-board HMDI2.0 TX4.9ProgrammingThe PolarFire device is programmed using the on-board FlashPro5 programmer or through the JTAGvideo board schematicsHeader. For more information about programming, see the .The following section describes the FTDI and JTAG Header programming schemes used on the board.4.9.1FTDI and JTAG Header SchemeThe PolarFire device can be programmed using the on-board JTAG Header or FTDI. By default, the FTDIprogramming mode is enabled. The programming mode can be changed based on the Jumper settings.Table 3For more information, see .The following figure shows how the JTAG Header interfaces with the PolarFire Device.Figure 15 • JTAG Header InterfaceNote: By default, the FTDI programming mode is enabled. Remove J28 jumper to enable programmingthrough JTAG header.4.1050 MHz OscillatorA 50 MHz clock oscillator with an accuracy of +/-50 ppm is available on the board. This clock oscillator isconnected to the FPGA fabric to provide a system reference clock. An on-chip PolarFire PLL can beconfigured to generate a wide range of high-precision clock frequencies.The package and pin details of the 50 MHz oscillator are as follows:Pin Number: AL26Pin Name: HSIO72PB1/CCC_NE_CLKIN_N_11 shows the 50 MHz clock oscillator interface.Figure 16 • 50 MHz Oscillator Interface4.11Device ResetAs shown in the following figure, DEVRST_N (SW5 push button) is an input-only reset switch that allowsassertion of a full reset of the chip at any time. The DEVRST_N signal is an active-low signal.Figure 17 • Device Reset4.12User ResetAs shown in the following figure the user reset (SW3 push button) is an input-only reset, (see page )switch that allows assertion of a reset of the fabric logic.Figure 18 • User Reset4.13User InterfaceLEDs and push-button switches are available on the board for the user interface.4.13.1User LEDs(see page ) Four active-high LEDs are connected to the PolarFire device. The following table lists theon-board label of these switches, the associated PolarFire pin number, name, and Bank.Table 7 • User LEDsLabel On Board PolarFire Pin Number PolarFire Pin Name PolarFire BankLED1G17HSIO37NB6Bank 6LED2K23HSIO54PB6Bank 6LED3L23HSIO54NB6Bank 6LED4B25HSIO68NB6/DQS Bank 6(see page )The following figure shows how each user LED interfaces with the PolarFire device.Figure 19 • User LED Interface4.13.2Push-Button SwitchesTwo push-button tactile switches are connected to the PolarFire device. The following table lists the on-board label of these switches, the associated PolarFire pin number, name, and Bank.Table 8 • Push-Button SwitchesLabel On Board PolarFire Pin Number PolarFire Pin Name PolarFire BankSW1AK20HSIO98NB1Bank 1SW2AM27HSIO73NB1Bank 1The following figure shows how these push-button switches interface with the PolarFire Device.4.13.3Slide Switches (DPDT)The SW4 slide switch powers the device ON or OFF.4.13.4DIP Switches (SPST)The SW6 DIP switch includes 8 connections to the PolarFire device. The following table lists on-boardlabel of these switches, the associated PolarFire pin number, name, and Bank.Table 9 • DIP SwitchLabel On Board PolarFire Pin Number PolarFire Pin Name PolarFire BankDIP1AH22HSIO99PB1/DQS Bank1DIP2AJ21HSIO99NB1/DQS Bank1DIP3AG21HSIO100PB1Bank1DIP4AH21HSIO100NB1Bank1The following figure shows how the DIP switch interfaces with the PolarFire device.4.13.5FMC HPC Connector (J14)An HPC (J14) FMC connector is available for future expansion of interfaces. This FMC connector iscompliant with the VITA 57.1 specification. The PolarFire Bank4, XCVR1, and XCVR3 signals are routed tothe FMC connector (J14) for user application development. For more information, see the video boardschematics.4.14Board Components PlacementThe following figure shows the top view of the placement of board components.Figure 22 • Silkscreen Top ViewThe following figure shows the bottom view of the placement of board components.Figure 23 • Silkscreen Bottom ViewMicrosemi HeadquartersOne Enterprise, Aliso Viejo,CA 92656 USAWithin the USA: +1 (800) 713-4113Outside the USA: +1 (949) 380-6100Sales: +1 (949) 380-6136Fax: +1 (949) 215-4996Email:***************************© 2019 Microsemi. All rights reserved. Microsemi and the Microsemi logo are trademarks of Microsemi Corporation. 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Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; power management products; timing and synchronization devices and precise time solutions, setting the world's standard for time; voice processing devices; RF solutions; discrete components; enterprise storage and communication solutions; security technologies and scalable anti-tamper products; Ethernet solutions; Power-over-Ethernet ICs and midspans; as well as custom design capabilities and services. Microsemi is headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California, and has approximately 4,800 employees globally. Learn more at www. .50200872。
经典再续——ICON新⼀代电⼦管话放REO TUBE G2第⼀印象还好,外观⼤变脸,看上去很有质感,外壳换成了陶瓷铝盒、前⾯板换了坚固的材料,不像以前的那么易划伤,边⾓衔接处也处理得很圆滑。
UV表是整台话放最引⼈注⽬的地⽅,Reotube G2这次换的UV表看起来很⾼档。
光线昏暗时开启Reotube G2⾮常有感觉。
⼆、⾳质前代Reotube最为⼈齿逅的地⽅在于底噪,不过根据我做的AB测试,其实信噪⽐是和samson C.valve⼀样的,都是-55dB,但是由于Reotube⼀代的输出⾳量⼤,结果⼤家⾸先听到的是底噪。
G2初听感觉就明显不同,⼲净得惊⼈,赶紧录了个⾳来分析,来看:⾸先录的是Reotube G2的Line in,在INPUT调到中间、OUTPUT也调到中间时,我的吉他⾳量已经够了:这个时候在Audition(Cooledit)⾥⾯居然看不到底噪!弹吉它的时候有⾜够的⾳量,不弹的时候电平表完全没有电平显⽰!让⼈怀疑是加了噪⾳门。
一套高端的电子管功放美星——MC845-AB单声道后级&MC-7R Ⅱ前级
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从 1 7 岁就 开
始 自己动手制做 电子 管功 放机
在 算来 已 乐此 不 疲 的从 事 此 项 研 制
3 8
他积 累的对真空 管功率
唱 头放 大
耳机放 功放机
大 的资料和 各种 电子 管
样板 房
摆满 了他3
多平 方米 的 书
不 仅 强 调 数据 的
高标 准
套 高端 的 电 子 管 功 放
M C8 4 5
& MC 7R
单声 道 后 级 Il 前 级
美 星 电子 厂 的新 产 品 M C 8
4 5
他设 计 制 作 的前级
贯奉行 的
用 最 少 的 电子 元
线 材 的纯 度
数 的精确
插 片 的方 法
这几 个主
要环 节要 求十 分 刻苛
达 不 到他设
计 的指标 是 不 能马 马 虎虎 用 上 的
节 的高标 准
才保 证 了 整
机 的最 佳 状 态
真没想到收音机的声音也这么吸引人! 极典R301晶体管收音机使用有感
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美 、松 软 ”的 声 音 特 质 给 吸 引 住 了 , 听 来 非 常 自 然 、亲 切 且 毫 无一 丁 点压 力 。与 R 0 3 1收 音 机 做 比 较 , 反 而 会 觉得 听 音 室 内那 些 高 级 音 响 器 材 的 声音 听 起 来 不 够 温
具 备 “ 暖 、饱 满 、 甜 美 、松 软 ” 声 音 特 质 的 音 温
响 器 材 都 具 有 一 个 最 根 本 性 的 特 点 :高 度 的 耐 听 ,在 这 里 ,“ 听 ”并 不 等 于 所 谓 的 “ 色 ” 朦 胧 浑 浊 ”! 耐 染 、“ 恰 恰 相 反 , “ 听 ”是 声 音 耐 “ 实 ” 的 最 好 保 证 ! 只 真
品 味 ,也 就 不 会 认 可 这 种 声 音 , 当 然 也 就 不 会 去 设 计
我 常 在 感 慨 : 十 多 年 前 ,像 这 样 “ 暖 、饱 满 、甜 温 美 、松 软 ” 不 带 任 何 、 “ 略 性 ” 的声 音特 质 应 该 是音 侵
还 原 这 种 声音 了 。 纵 观 历 史 , R 01收 音 机 所 拥 有 的 3 “ 暖 、饱 满 、 温
么 吸 引人 !
音 乐 本 是 松 软 的 每 次 听 现 场 音 乐 , 那 怕 是 在 音 乐 咖 啡厅 、甚 至是 街 头 民 间 白娱 团体 的露 天演 出等 , 音 乐 带 给 人 们 的 第 ~ 感 觉 是 悠 扬 舒 缓 的 ,而 人 们 在 音 乐 面 前 可 以 获 得 从 未 有 过 的 彻 底 放 松 感 、 音 乐 本 是 松 软 舒 缓 的 , 这 是 由 乐 器 的 本 质 所 决 定
感 触就 是 :如 果有 条 件我 就 要租 一 个 乐 队 ,天 天为我
阿叔每月推荐 极典R801大型台式电子管HiFi收
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常用电压放大级即前级放大胆管代换表6N1ECC85,6AQ8,6H1л6N412AX7,ECC83,E83CC,7729,CV4004,B759,CV4926N10 12AU7,ECC82,E82CC,7316,CV4003,5814,B749,61896N11 6DJ8,E88CC,ECC88,6922,ECC189,6J5,6H11N,7308,El88CC6N8P 6SN7,B65,5692,33S30,CV1988,6H8C,6HM,6F8G,16336H8C 6HM,6F8G,1633,9002,6C8G6J8P 6SJ7,6267,EF86,12A T7ECC81,CV4024,6201,B739,A2900,2025,ECC80156N9P 6SL7,5691,33S29,VT2296F2ECF82,6U86N26H2л电子管代换及说明可以直接代用12AU7的型号有:ECC82,E82CC,ECC802S,B329,CV491,CV4003,CV8155,M8136,5814,6189,7730,6067,7730。
前级管的选择:12AX7:品牌一:AMPEREX 『橙字』『地球嘜』品牌二:RCA 5751 『红字』『黑屏』『方环胆』『三云母』三: 『黃字』『三雲母』『黑屏』『方環』『閃電嘜』 SYLVANIA 5157。
12AU7:品牌一:AMPEREX『地球嘜』品牌二:MULLARD ecc826922:品牌一:西门子 CCA品牌二:AMPEREX 7308PHILIPS电子管大家族“买Philips电子管?不是真的吧,他们好像只是生产灯泡和光管,其音响用电子管的质素想必好不到哪里吧!”,“Philips电子管?他们根本没有生产音响用电子管,全部都是买别人家的出品回来印牌发售,又谈何Philips电子管的音色呢?”“Amperex电子管?Amperex只是一个商标,并无自己的出品,好像其吹喇叭系列电子管,都是买Philips 电子管来印牌发售的”。
这些新品有MC3008-AR合并功放、MC845-CS合并功放、MC212-A单声道后级和MC833-A单声道后级,另外还有MC BT-66电子管蓝牙接收器。
其中MC3008-AR和MC845-CS都是具备后级输入的中型合并式功放,MC212-A和MC833-A都是大型的单端甲类后级,而MC BT-66是一台使用蓝牙5.0版本的蓝牙接收器。
MC833-A甲类后级参数■ 输出功率:90W(甲类)■ 输出阻抗:4Ω、8Ω ■ 输入阻抗:220k ■ 输入电压:1000mV ■ 失真度:≤1% ■ 信噪比:94dB ■ RCA非平衡输入:1组■ 平衡输入:1组■ 输出选择:2组■ 功耗:400W ■ 频率响应:18Hz-26kHz ±1dB ■ 放大管:FU33×1、贵族300B×1、美国TUNG-SOL 6SL7×1 ■ 使用电压:AC110V/220V60Hz/50Hz ■ 体积:59×40×45(cm)■ 净重:53kg/台功率放大:甲类90W据肖厂长介绍,MC833-A是一台输出功率为90W的甲类功放!在放大器领域,甲类功放是佼佼者,而对于电子管放大器来说更是如此,甲类90W的输出功率对于一台电子管功放来说是非常大了。
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KORG KR-1 电子管音箱说明书
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U S E R’S G U I D ETable of Contents:The Front Panel (4)The Rear Panel (5)Using the Footswitch to Save DSP Settings (5)Important Information About Tubes and Tube ProductsA Brief History Of The Tube (6)Tube Types and Usage................................................................6,7The Nature of Tubes:Why (and When)to Replace Them.......7,8The Importance of Proper Biasing (8)Survival Tips For Tube Amplifiers (9)Suggested Setting (10)System Block Diagram (11)Technical Specifications...................................................back cover23Congratulations!You are now the proud owner of a V-Series VFX Guitar Amplifier. These combo amplifiers combine incredible vintage tube sound with 15 outstand-ing digital effects – giving you a powerful tube amplifier that’s easy to oper-ate yet still produces incredible sounds!Like all St. Louis Music amplifiers, your VFX is designed by musicians, and built using the finest components available. Extensive testing confirms that this amplifier is the absolute best it can be.In order to get the most out of your new amplifier, we strongly urge you to read the information contained in this manual before you begin playing.And Thank You for choosing a V-Series amplifier!Declaration Of Conformity#35, Effective 01-01-2001Manufacturer’s Name:SLM ElectronicsProduction Facility:11880 Borman Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146, USAProduction Facility:700 Hwy 202 W, Yellville, AR 72687, USAShipping Facility:1400 Ferguson Ave., St. Louis, MO 63133, USA Office Facility:1400 Ferguson Ave., St. Louis, MO 63133, USAProduct Type:Audio AmplifierComplies with Standards:LVD:92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC, & 73/23/EWGSafety:EN60065EMC:EN55013, EN55020, EN55022, EN61000-3-2,& EN61000-3-3Supplementary information provided by your local Sales & Services Office or:SLM Electronics - R & D Engineering1901 Congressional Drive, St Louis, MO 63146, USATel.: 314-569-0141, Fax: 314-569-01754OnOff On Standby Channel010010010010010010010010010010010The Front Panel:5The Rear Panel:Impedance switch as seen from below IMPEDANCE FOOTSWITCH LINE OUT LINE IN EXT. SPEAKERST. LOUIS MUSIC, INC.The two-button footswitch (supplied) may be used to save two DSP settings for each channel.(1)Connect the cable of the footswitch to the Footswitch jack (#19) on the back of the VFX amplifier.(2)Click the footswitch buttons until both LEDs are not illuminated. Channel A is now active.(3)Select one of the DSP settings - for example, Large Reverb. Click the “EFFECTS A/B ”footswitchbutton (the EFFECTS A/B LED will illuminate). Select another DSP setting - for example, Vibrato Slow. Click the “EFFECTS A/B ”footswitch button again (the #EFFECTS A/B LED will go out) and the Large Reverb DSP setting is recalled.You have now programmed the footswitch to recall two DSP settings for Channel A:Large Reverb (CHAN-NEL LED not illuminated) and Vibrato Slow (EFFECTS A/B LED illuminated). You may repeat this proce-dure for Channel B. Click the “CHANNEL ”footswitch button (CHANNEL LED illuminated), then repeat step 3 for Channel B using different ing the Footswitch to Save DSP Settings:Important Information About Tubes and Tube Products:A Brief History Of The Tube:In 1883, Edison discovered that electrons would flow from a suspended filament when enclosed in an evac-uated lamp. Years later, in 1905, Fleming expanded on Edison's discovery and created the "Fleming Valve". Then, in 1907, Dr. Lee de Forest added a third component – the grid – to the "Fleming's Valve" and the vac-uum tube was a fact of life. The door to electronic amplification was now open.During World War II, data gleaned from their intensive research on the detectors used in radar systems led Bell Telephone Laboratories to the invention of the transistor. This reliable little device gained quick support as the new component for amplification. The death of the vacuum tube seemed imminent as designers, sci-entists, and engineers reveled in the idea of replacing large, fragile glass tubes with these small, solid-state devices.However, there were (and still are) many serious listeners who realized that the sound produced by a "tran-sistor" amplifier is significantly different from that produced by a tube amplifier with identical design specifica-tions. They considered the sound produced by these new solid-state devices to be hard, brittle, and lifeless. It was determined that solid-state devices produced a less musical set of harmonics than tubes. When pushed past their limits, they tend to mute the tone and emphasize the distortion.Tubes, on the other hand, produce a more musical set of harmonics, the intensity of which can be controlled by the player. This characteristic adds warmth and definition to the sound which has become the hallmark of tube amplifiers. When tubes are driven into clipping, the harmonic overtones can be both sweet and pleasing or intense and penetrating, depending on the musician’s musical taste and playing technique.Over the years, application engineers have designed a number of outstanding solid-state amplifiers that sound very, very good. Some use special circuitry which enables them to simulate the distortion characteris-tics of a tube amplifier. However, the tube amplifier, still held in the highest esteem by many musicians, offers a classic "vintage" sound in a contemporary market.Tube Types And Usage:Tube amplifiers are based primarily on two types of tubes – preamplifier tubes and power tubes. The tubes used in preamplifiers (12AX7, 12AU7, 12AT7, etc.) are smaller than the power tubes. These tubes amplify the signal from your instrument and shape the sound. They are inherently microphonic (mechanically pick up and transmit external noises). Since these tubes are used in the critical first stages of a tube amplifier's circuitry, it is very important to use high-quality, low noise/low microphonic tubes for this application. Although tubes of this quality may be difficult to find and typically cost more than "off-the-shelf" tubes, the improvement in performance is worth the investment.Preamplifier tubes are also used to drive the power tubes. When used in this application, a 12AX7 will pro-duce a more distorted tone than a 12AT7, which produces a clearer, sweeter sound. A12AU7 is even cleaner and brighter than a 12AT7, giving more definition to the sound. (In some cases it is possible to change the sound by changing the type of preamp and/or driver tubes. When making any modification to your equipment, it is highly recommended that you consult with a qualified service center.)The power tubes are the largest tubes used in an amplifier. These tubes convert the low-level, conditioned signal from the preamplifier into a level that is sufficient to drive the speakers. There are several types of power tubes available, each of which offers a different performance/sound characteristic. For example, the EL34 power tube produces a great Classic rock sound. When an EL34 is driven into distortion it produces a unique sound ("crunch"). When compared to the EL84 and 6L6, the EL34 distorts more quickly, exhibits a 6Important Information About Tubes and Tube Products (continued):"looser" low-end response and produces more harmonics at mid and high frequencies ("creamier" sound). These differences become more noticeable at higher volumes.The EL84 and 6L6 tubes produce a big low-end thump and have a very good dynamic range. They offer a more traditional "American Rock" sound. The EL84 and 6V6 tubes produce a creamy sound with nice dis-tortion. On the other hand, the KT88 produces a big low-end but sounds more like an EL34 in the mid and high frequencies.The 6550 power tubes are more rugged and stay cleaner sounding even at full power. When they do dis-tort, the sound produced is more solid and has a tighter low end; more of a "heavy metal" type distortion with lots of power.Some tubes are available in matched sets. These tubes have been extensively tested for optimum perform-ance and longevity.The Nature Of Tubes:Why (And When)To Replace Them:Tubes are made up of a number of fragile mechanical components that are vacuum-sealed in a glass enve-lope or bubble. The tube's longevity is based on a number of factors which include how hard and often the amplifier is played, vibration from the speakers, road travel, repeated set up and tear down, etc.Any time you notice a change in your amplifier's performance, check the tubes first.If it's been a while since the tubes were replaced and the sound from your amplifier lacks punch, fades in and out, loses highs or lows or produces unusual sounds, the power tubes probably need to be replaced. If your amplifier squeals, makes noise, loses gain, starts to hum, lacks "sensitivity", or feels as if it is working against you, the preamplifier tubes may need to be replaced.The power tubes are subjected to considerably more stress than the preamplifier tubes. Consequently, they almost always fail/degrade first. If deteriorating power tubes aren't replaced they will ultimately fail. Depending on the failure mode, they may even cause severe damage to the audio output transformerand/or other components in the amplifier. Replacing the tubes before they fail completely has the potential to save you time, money and unwanted trouble. Since power tubes work together in an amplifier, it is cru-cial that they (if there is more than one) be replaced by a matched set. If you're on the road a lot, we rec-ommend that you carry a spare matched set of replacement power tubes and their associated driver tubes. After turning off the power and disconnecting the amplifier from the power source, carefully check the tubes (in bright light) for cracks or white spots inside the glass or any other apparent damage. Then, with the power on, view the tubes in a dark room. Look for preamplifier tubes that do not glow at all or power tubes that glow excessively red.Whenever you replace the power tube(s):• Always have the amplifier's bias voltage checked by a qualified service center. Improper bias voltage will cause degradation in performance and possibly damage the tubes and/or the amplifier. (See the section below entitled, "The Importance of Proper Biasing", for more information on this subject).• We highly recommend that you replace the driver tube(s) as well. The driver tube determines the shape and amplitude of the signal applied to the power tube(s) and has to work almost as hard as the power tube(s).7Important Information About Tubes and Tube Products (continued):You can check your preamplifier tubes for microphonics by turning the amplifier on, turning up the gain and tapping lightly on each tube with the end of a pencil or a chop stick (my favorite). You will be able to hear the tapping through your speakers, which is normal. It is not normal for a tube to ring like a bell after it’s tapped. If it does ring then it’s microphonic and should be replaced. Remember to use only high quality, low microphonic tubes in the preamplifier section.Even though power tubes are rarely microphonic, you should check them anyway. The power tubes can be checked for microphonics just like pre-amp tubes.In the case of very high gain amps, you may be able to reduce the amount of noise generated by simply swapping the preamp tubes around.The Importance Of Proper Biasing:For the best performance and longest tube life, proper biasing is imperative. Bias is the negative voltage which is applied to the power tube’s control grid to set the level of idle current. We cannot over emphasize the difference in warmth of tone and dynamic response that come with proper biasing. If the bias is set too high (overbiased), the sound from the amp will be distorted at all levels. If the bias is set too low, (under biased) the power tubes will run hot (the plates inside the tubes may glow red due to excessive heat) and the sound from the amplifier will lack power and punch. The excessive heat greatly reduces tube life – from a few days to as little as a few hours in extreme cases. Setting the bias on your amp is like setting the idle on your car. If it’s too high or hot it’s running away with you and if it’s too low or cold it will choke when you step on it.The bias is adjusted at the factory in accordance with the type of power tube(s) installed in your amplifier. It is important to point out that tubes of the same type and specification typically exhibit different performance characteristics. Consequently, whenever power tubes are replaced, the bias voltage must be checked (unless the amplifier is equipped with "self-biasing circuitry) and readjusted to accommodate the operating parameters of the replacement tubes.Depending on the model and amplifier type, there may be hum balance controls, trim pots, or bias adjust-ment controls on its rear panel. However, the bias adjustment should be performed only by qualified service personnel with the proper, calibrated test equipment.8Important Information About Tubes and Tube Products (continued):Survival Tips For Tube Amplifiers:To prolong tube life, observe these tips and recommendations:• Match the impedance of your speaker cabinet(s) to your amplifier. Improper impedance matching will con-tribute to early tube degradation and may cause premature tube failure.• Make sure the speaker(s) are properly connected prior to turning on the amplifier.• After playing the amplifier, allow sufficient time for it to properly cool down prior to moving it. A properly cooled amplifier prolongs tube life due to the internal components being less susceptible to the damage caused by vibration.• Allow the amplifier to warm up to room temperature before turning it on. The heat generated by the tube elements can crack a cold glass housing.• Replace the output tube(s) before the performance degrades or the tubes fail completely. Replace the tube(s) on a regular basis (at least once per year or as often as every 4 to 6 months if you play long and hard every day).• Always have the bias checked after replacing the output tubes (unless the amplifier is equipped with "self-biasing circuitry"). This should be done ONLY at a qualified service center. Improper biasing could result in the tubes running too hot, which greatly reduces the life of the tubes – or too cold, which results in dis-torted sound regardless of level settings. Do not play the amplifier if it exhibits these symptoms – get the bias checked/adjusted immediately to prevent tube failure and/or other damage.• If the locating notch on the base of a power tube breaks off, replace the tube. This significantly reduces the risk of damaging your amplifier by incorrectly inserting the tube.• Protect the amplifier from dust and moisture. If liquid gets into the amplifier proper, or if the amplifier is dropped or otherwise mechanically abused, have it checked out at an authorized service center before using it.• Proper maintenance and cleaning in combination with routine checkups by your authorized service center will insure the best performance and longest life from your amplifier.CAUTION: Tube replacement should be performed only by qualified service personnel who are familiar with the dangers of hazardous voltages that are typically present in tube circuitry.910Suggested Settings:Channel 010010010010010010010010010010010Channel 010010010010010010010010010010010Channel 010010010010010010010010010010010System Block Diagram:INPUT V1AEL34V5EL34V4A V4BOUT IN V1B V2A V2B V3A V3B DSP SPEAKER11VFX 5112/5212 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:OUTPUT POWER RATING50Watts RMS@5 % THD16 ohm load 120 VACSIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO70dB TypicalGAIN Channel A:62 dBChannel B:98 dBEQ - CH. A Treble:30dB range @ 10kHzMid:6dB range @ 600HzLow:30dB range @ 80HzEQ - CH. B Treble:10dB range @ 4kHzMid:10dB range @ 1kHzLow:12dB range @ 100HzPRESENCE18dB range @ 20kHzSPEAKER SPECS VFX 5112: 1 X 12”, 60w, 16 ohm, 1.75” voice coil diameter, 38oz. magnet VFX 5212: 2 X 12”, 60w, 8 ohm, 1.75 voice coil diameter, 38oz. magnet PREAMP TUBES(4) 12AX7APOWER TUBES(2) EL34POWER REQUIREMENTS120 VAC, 60 Hz, 200VA100/115 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 200VA230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 200VASIZE AND WEIGHT VFX 5112:23”W x 19”H x 10”D, 48 lbs.VFX 5212:28”W x 21”H x 11”D, 58 lbs.The VFX 5112/5212 is covered with a durable Tolex material: wipe it clean with a lint-free cloth. Never spray cleaning agents onto the cabinet. Avoid abrasive cleansers which would damage the finish.Specifications and information in this manual are subject to change without notice.@2002 St. Louis Music, Inc • 1400 Ferguson Avenue • St. Louis, MO 6313347-036-03 • 062503。
从 这 个 板 上 的 低 音 节 选 钮 , 以 动 式 功 能 选 /电源 开 关 ,
8  ̄Jfl 0 J I有 If
能 力 ,是 一 件 无 法 想 象 的事 情 。 无 论在 内 容 和
效 果方面 ,现在 的F M调 频 立 体 声 广 播 已 和 当 年 不 可 同 日而 语 ,是 及 时 追 踪 流 行 音 乐 和 广 泛
有 能 力 观 赏 现 场 音乐 会 的 我 ,在 收 音 机 中发 现 了 一 方 自 己 以前 从 未见 过 的 世 界 。 在 我 人 生 初 期 的知 识
积 累 和 素 质 修 炼 方面 ,收 音机 可 谓 功 不 可 没 。 约在
1 8 年 ,亲 戚 从 香 港 为我 们 捎 带 了 一部 产 自 日本 的 90 四 喇 叭 收 音 录 音 机 ,后 来 也 陆 续 捎 带 了 不少 原 版 盒 式 录 音 带 ,尽 管 在 当 时 用 四 喇 叭 收 音 录 音 机 播 放原 版 盒 式 录 音 带 ,其 效 果 远 比 收 听 AM调 幅 广 播 优
标 牌 相 呼 应 : 右 侧 上 方 是 机 械 式 AM/M调 谐 F / 示 旋 钮 ,与 右 侧 下 方 的 由左 而 右 排列 的低 音 指
调 节 旋 钮 、 高 音调 节 选 钮 、 音 量 调 节选 钮 相 呼
应 。 只 看前 面 板 ,就 已 经 觉 得 R 0 S 重 而 大 31稳 器 。 机 箱 右 侧 面 板 的 上 方 ,是 拨 动 式 功 能选 择
点 指 兵 共
文/ 陈星恒
R301S 极 ■ n■ ■、 ■ I非 常 有 福 气。 当他 们 开 始走 上 发 烧 之 路 时 ,可 以选 择 L 、S D、C P AC D等信 号 源 , 可 以选 择 前 后 级 分 体 或 合 并 式 放 大器 ,可 以 选 择 大 型 阵 列 箱 、 落 地 箱 、 书 架 箱 。 但 有 一 样 东 西 可 能 被 大 部 分 发烧 友 们 所 忽 略 ,那 就 是 收 音机 。 在 距 今 约3 年 的1 7 年 ,改 革开 放 刚刚 开 始 ,可 谓 是 百 废 待 兴 。 别 说 音 响 , 当 时 家里 如 果 有 一 0 98 部 六 灯 电子 管 收 音 机 或 七 晶体 管 收 音机 ,那 已经 足 够让 邻 居 羡 慕 不 已。 我 家 那 时 有 一 部 产 自上 海 的
关于95db的音箱,普通需求8W输入功率;90db的音箱需求20W左右输入功率;84db音箱需求60W左右输入功率,80db音箱需求1 20W左右输入功率。
由输入功率确定输入电压有效值:Uout=√ ̄〔P·R〕,其中P为输入功率,R为额外负载阻抗。
〔OTL功放不在讨论之列〕目前常用功率三极管有2A3,300B,811,211,845,805常用功率束射四极管与五极管有6P1,6P14,6P6P,6P3P〔807〕,EL34,F U50,KT88,EL156,813束射四极管和五极管为了取得较小的失真和较低的内阻,往往也接成三极管接法或许超线性接法运用。
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