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Discuss the topic 流利的讨论话题
flu-e-n- t…ly.mNaikcee!(s)
Everyone in groups t-a--keWphaartt cinanthwe edisdcoutsoskioene.pCtohoel!… clean?
Keep our city clean
What do you think of the city ?
Is the city clean ? Yes,it is. 干净的,整洁的
The _w_ate_r is clean.
The _a_ir_ is clean.
The _st_re_et is clean.
Watch and answer.
Watch and answer
How many questions does Miss Li ask? What are they?
Watch and answer
Q1:Is our city clean?
Q2:What makes our city dirty? make 使......变得
Let’s answer!
What can we do to keep our city clean? We can take the bus and the metro to school. We can walk to school too. We can move some factories away from our city. We can put rubbish in the bin. We can plant more trees. They help keep the air clean. Your ideas are great . Well done, class!
Ask and answer in pairs. (两人一组问答)
Is the city clean?
What makes the air dirty?
What makes the streets messy and dirty?
Is the river dirty?
What makes the river dirty?
No, it’s not clean.
Smoke from cars makes the air dirty.
Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty.
Yes, it’s dirty.
Rubbish makes the river dirty.
the bus walk
Q3:What can we do to keep our city clean ?
Reading time
What makes our city dirty?
A.smoke B.streets C.rubbish
Reading time
1、Write a speech according to the topic you have discussed in class.(写一篇关于你课上讨论话题
2、Tell your family and friends how to keep our
city clean.(告诉你的家人和朋友怎样做好城市环保)
the air dirty.
the streets messy(杂乱) and dirty.
the fish dead(死的).
Reading time
What can we do to keep our city clean?
all kinds of diseases and deaths
Keep our city clean
Keep our city clean
Watch and answer
How many questions does Miss Li ask? What are they?
Write the suggestion-s--thToe mkeoerep t.h..eclbeeatnte,wr.eGcreaant…!
A: What make(s)the ______ messy and dirty? B: The ______ make/makes _______messy/dirty. A:What can we do to keep the _______ clean? B:To keep the _______ clean,we can _______.
_R_u_b_b_is_h makes the streets _m__es_s_y_and dirty. There is rubbish in the water and the __fis_h__are dead.
To keep our city clean. We can take the _bu_s_and the metro to school. We can _w_a_lk__ to school too.We can m_o_v_e_some factories away from our city. We can put rubbish in the b_i_n_.We can plant more _tr_ee_s_.They help keep the air clean.
What do you think of the cities?
Is the city clean ? No,it isn't.It's dirty.
• The _w__a_te_r_/_river is dirty.
• WThaet _c_aan_i_rw_e_dios tdoirkteye.p our c
messy air bin factories move rubbish fish bus smoke trees
_S_m_o_ke_ from cars makes the air dirty.Black smoke from__fa_c_to_r_ie_s_makes the__a_ir__dirty,too.
• The _r_u_b_b_is_h_ is messy.
Black smoke is everywhere
Which city do you like ?
City A
City B
City C
City D
Let's have a look
What will the dirty city bring to us ?
5. We can plant more trees.
Read after t来自百度文库e tape.
Let’s answer!
Look at these pictures of our city. Is our city clean? No, it isn’t. What makes our city dirty? Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty too. Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. The river is dirty. There’s rubbish in the water and the fish are dead.
Keep the park clean
Write in groups:

Keep the school clean
Keep the bedroom clean

比一比,你-们--组W的ha话t m题a讨k论es能th得e几p颗ar星k/s?chool/bedroom ...messy/dirty?
保持我们城市干净 地铁
1. We can take the bus and the metro to school. 2. We can walk to school.
3. We can move some factories away from our city.
4. We can put rubbish in the bin.
rubbish trees
the metro
Reading time
小组内自己确定朗读方式,可 以是齐读,组长带读,分角色读。 (要求大声朗读,放下书本,试着 边演边读,你可以做得更好)
Intensive Reading Skills (精读技巧):
1.阅读课文,大声朗读。 2.关注课文中的每个细节。 3.如果你遇到了不会读的地方记得要问组里的同学。