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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Unit 1
1.Britain is no longer an imperial(帝国) country. T
2.The Commonwealth(共和国,民主国) of Nations includes all European countries. F
3.1 in 10 of the British population are of non-European ethnicity(种族地位,种族特点). F
4.The stereotype(陈规,刻板模式) of the English gentleman never applied(使适用) the majority of the British people. T
5.Great Britain includes 3 constituent countries;England, Scotland, and Wales. T
6.Northern Ireland is part of Great Britain. F
7.When people outside the UK talk about England, they mistake it as Britain sometimes. T
8.The Scots and Welsh have a strong sense of being British. F
9.Scotland was never conquered by the Romans. T
10.Most people in Scotland speak the old Celtic language, called “Gaelic”. F
11.Scotland was unified with England through peaceful mean. T
12.Wales is rich in coal deposits. T
13.Cardiff, the capital of Wales, is a large city. F ?? largest
14.The title of Prince of Wales is held by a Welsh according to tradition. F
Unit 2 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom II
1.Ireland is part of Great Britain. F 是一个独立的国家
2.“Ulster”, 爱尔兰北部的旧称referring to Northern Ireland, was once an ancient Irish Kingdom. T
3.The capital of Belfast is a large city with half a million people. F贝尔法斯特是北爱尔兰的首府
4.Northern Ireland is significant because of its manufacturing industry. F
5.The majority of Irish people were descendants子孙,后裔of the original Celtic凯尔特people who inhabited British Isles before the Romans arrived 2000 years ago. T
6.Most British people are Protestants新教徒while most Irish people are Catholic天主教徒. T
7.The British government does not have direct rule from London over Northern Ireland. F
8.Sinn Fein 新芬党(爱尔兰共和军的政治组织)is a legal political
party in Northern Ireland. T
9.The Anglo-Irish Agreement《英爱协议》of 1985 guaranteed the loyalist Protestant community their right to decide their future in Northern Ireland. T
10.The Good Friday Agreement《北爱和平协议》was approved on
10 April 1998.T
11.Northern Ireland today is governed by separate jurisdictions: that of Republic of Ireland and that of Great Britain. F 目前北爱由爱尔兰政府、英国政府及北爱执行委员会三方共同参与管理。
Unit 3 The Government of the United Kingdom
1.It is no doubt that Britain is the oldest representative democracy in the world. F arguably 可论证地,可能,大概
2.In Britain, the process of state-building has been one of evolution rather than revolution, in contrast to France and the US. T 相对法国或美国而言,英国的建国历程是一个逐渐演变而不是革命性剧变的过程。
3.The oldest institution of government in Britain is the Monarchy君主政体. T
4.The divine right of the king君权神授means the sovereign君
主derived his authority from his subjects. from God F
5.As the king in theory had God on his side, it was thought that he should should not exercise absolute power. F
6.The term “parliament”was first officially used in 1066 to describe the gathering of feudal barons and representatives from counties and towns. F in 1236
7.Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. T 英国既是一个代议民主制国家,又是一个君主立宪制国家。
8.Britain, like Israel, has a written constitutions宪法of the sort which most countries have. F both of them without mon laws判例法,普通法are laws which have been established through common practice in the courts. T
Unit 4 Politics, Class and Race
1.In the UK, a government cannot stand for longer than five years except in exceptional circumstances. T
2.The parliament can call an election sooner than five years. F the Prime Minister
3.Anyone who is eligible to vote with 500 pounds as deposit can stand as an MP. T
4.Each main party is given some time on national TV to “sell”their politics. The time is not given free and has to be paid by
the party. F
5.The amount spent in national campaign is not limited other than that on TV. T
6.Secrecy is not an important part of the voting process. F
7.There are two major national parties in the U.K. according to the text. F 除工党和保守党外,还有一个重要的第三党,自由民主党
8.Liberal Democratic Party is the newest of the major national parties. F
9.Children from the upper-middle-class usually have a better education than those from the working or middle-class. T 10.The majority of middle-class people today have working class parents or grandparents. T
11.One of the distinctive features about the British class-system is that it has also retained a hereditary aristocracy. T 保留世袭贵族
12.The majority of Britain’s recent immigrants have mainly come from North Asia and Caribbean countries. F South Asia 13.Most immigrants earn a living by opening restaurant or becoming writers or musicians. F most of them do not
14.The immigrants have problems of unemployment, under-representation in politics and unfair treatment by
police and by the justice system. T
Unit 5 The UK Economy
1.By the 1880’s the British economy was dominant占支配地位the world. T
2.Both the US and Canada overtook Britain in economy by 1900.
F Germany
3.By the end of the World War II, Britain had gone heavily into debt in order to develop its manufacturing industry and borrowed large amount from the US and France. F
4.Another reason for British decline is the loss of its colonies, especially India, which gained its independence in 1947. T
5.In the 1970s, with the soaring price of oil and high rates of inflation, Britain went through a bad period. In 1979, the Labour party had to step down from the government. T
6.The leader of the Conservatives, Margaret Thatcher started
a series of reforms. An extensive programme of privatization was carried out, and she was successful in an all-round way. F 7.Tertiary industries include banking, insurance, tourism, agriculture and selling of goods. F
8.Britain has a large sector of agriculture producing 11.6% of its national wealth. F small
9.According to the text, the tertiary industry produces approximately two-thirds of national wealth. T
10.The service industry in the UK employs 70% of the total work force. T
Unit 6 British Literature
1.Much early British literature was concerned with Christianity, and Anglo-Saxons produced many versions of the Bible. T
2.Beowulf was a sea monster killed by a Swedish warrior. F
3.“The Wife of Bath”is one of the tales contained in The Canterbury Tales. T
4.There was a general flowering of culture and intellectual in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries which is known as “The Renaissance.”文艺复兴h and 16th
5.William Shakespeare is a great poet and much is known of his life. F
6.Keats, Shelly and Byron brought the Romantic Movement to its height. T
7.Robinson Crusoe tells the story of a shipwreck and solitary survival. T
8.Writers of romantic literature are more concerned with imagination and feeling than with the power of reason. T
9.Don Juan is an epic poem composed by John Milton. F
10.Thomas Hardy, the author of Tess of the D’ Urbervilles, was also a first-class poet. T
Unit 7 British Education System
1.The purpose of British education is not only to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills but also to socialize children. T
2.The state seldom interferes with decision of when, where, how and what children taught. F
3.The enduring feature of British education is the continuing debate over what should be taught in schools. F how equal education opportunity should be.
4.The 1944 Education Act made entry to secondary schools and universities “meritocratic”. T
5.Public schools are part of the national education system and funded by the government. F 公学也叫私立学校,有钱人家的学校
6.British universities are public bodies which receive funds from central government. T
7.All secondary schools in Britain are run and supervised by the government. F
8.In Oxford and Cambridge the BA coverts to an MA several years later, upon payment of a fee. T
9.Independent schools get money mainly through the private sector and tuition rates, with some government support. T 10.Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education. F 培育他们进入高等学校
Unit 8 British Foreign Relations
1.When the Second World ended, Britain no longer was the largest military power in Western Europe. F
2.The UK was awarded a seat on the UN Security Council in recognition of its contribution i n setting up the United Nations. F of its continuing importance to world politics
3.According to the text, the most important single factor which influences British policy-makers is its history. T
4.The Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction of Britain’s foreign policy. T
5.The main government department involved is the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). T 英国外交联邦事务部,即外交部
6.Britain is a parliament monarch. F a parliament democracy 代
7.There are about 60 members of the Commonwealth. F 50
8.The British host a large American military presence and there 63 American military bases in the UK. T
9.Britain is not a number of the NATO due to its disagreement with some European countries on defense policy. F 北大西洋公约组织与欧盟的区分
Unit 9 The British Media
1.On an average day, an overwhelming majority of Britons over the age of 15 read a national or local paper. T
2.The British media play an important role in shaping a national culture. T
3.In the late seventeenth and early 18th century, as the British economy began to industrialize, and as literacy levels rose through the introduction of mass education, more and more newspaper began to appear. F late 18th and early 19th century.
4.Free press has the function of keeping an eye on the government, and therefore it is called the watchdog of parliamentary democracy. T
5.The Advertising Code ensures that advertisement are legal, decent, honest and truthful; have a sense of responsibility for consumer and society; and respect the principles of fair
completion. T
6.It is incorrect to say that class and educational differences are reflected in the newspapers people read. F
7.The Telegraph readers, for example, will be soft on crime, be quite feminist and interested in green politics. F the Guardian readers卫报
8.The tabloids are smaller format newspaper with color photos and catchy headlines. They are often called “the gutter press”. T
9.The British Broadcasting Corporation is funded by license fees and views must buy a license each year for their TV set. T
10.The BBC World Service, the international branch of the BBC, broadcasts in English and42 other languages throughout the world. T
Unit 10 Sports, Holidays and Festivals in Britain
1.The tradition of having Sunday off derived from the Christian Church. T
2.The origin of Bowling lies in the victory celebration ceremony by the ancient warriors. T 足球的传说
3.Tennis is usually regarded as a winter and spring sport. F
4.The game of golf was invented by the Scottish. T
5.The extremist animal-lovers’group would to have hours racing banned. T
6.Easter is the biggest and best loved British holiday. F
7.Christmas Pantomime is one of the three Christmas traditions that are particularly British. T
8.It is commonly believed that Boxing Day involves the sport of boxing. F圣诞节次日赠匣装的礼物
9.The biggest Bonfire Night celebration is held in London. F in the small town of Lewes in England
10.In Ireland, New Year’s Eve called Hogmanay (December 31st) is the major winter celebration. T。