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pretty 美丽(多用于女孩或小孩),有柔美的意思 跟男性连用就表示没有阳刚气,女性化。
Money will buy a pretty dog, but it won‘t buy the wag of his tail.
金钱能买到一条不错的狗,但是买不到它的 摇动尾巴。
good-looking adj. 很好看的,外貌美的
n. 课程 这学期我学了七门课。
This term, I took seven courses.
rival n. 对手 The book has no rival in its field. 那本书在同类书中鹤立鸡群。
speed(sped,sΒιβλιοθήκη Baidued)
1. v. 疾驶,急行
The police car sped past us.
Good looks are not as important as kindness. 好的容貌没有好的心肠重要。
nice adj. 美好的(人,天气, 食物, 物品的品质 等)
你真好。 You are so nice.
lovely adj. 可爱的
My little daughter is as lovely as an angel.
She works so hard in spite ___o_f _ her illness. He failed __t_o__ keep his words.
She succeeds __i_n__ finish the work.
Learning objectives
• 1.new words and phrases. • 2.understand the passage(Faster
Slow down. You're speeding. 放慢些,你超速了。
2. n. 速度 at the speed of 以……的速度
The car goes at the speed of 40 miles an hour.
• speed up
Lesson 56
Faster than sound! Emma
1. gold和golden填空 a _g_o_ld___medal a _g_o_ld_e_n_opportunity 2. 她埋头于书本。
She buries herself in books. 3. 他迟早会梦想成真。
His dream will come true sooner or later. 4. would,used to 填空。 1) I_w_o_u_ld__ always get home early
2) He __u_s_e_d__to___ read detective fictions. But now he prefer to science fictions.
3) The river __u_s_e_d__to___ be clean.
5.填入介词 Where is the entrance_t_o_/o_f_ the park?
n. 和周围不和谐的声音, 躁音
② v. 听起来
That sounds good. ③ adj. 等于reasonable 合理的, 有道理的 我有一个合理的建议。
I have a piece of sound advice.
excitement n. 激动, 兴奋 to one's excitement… 令某人激动的是…… 令大家激动的是,尽管很难,但是他仍然赢得
Put your shoulder to the wheel. 努力工作
explosion n. 爆炸, 轰响 After the second explosion, all of London‘s main train
and subway stations were shut down. 在第二次爆炸之后,伦敦的主要火车和地铁站都关闭了。
course n. 跑道,行程 on the course 按照轨道运行 off course 偏离轨道 of course 当然
The ship is on course. 那只船沿着航线航行。
The plane was many miles off course. 那架飞机偏离航线很多英里。
explosive adj. 爆炸(性)的 n. 爆炸物,炸药
has/have an explosive temper 性情暴躁
explode V. 爆炸, 爆发
George caught the look and decided that he had better leave before she exploded.
than sound) • 3.the difference between a lot of,
plenty of, many a, a great number of….
Automobile race
racing cars
① n. 声音
n. 任何声音都可以
n. 人的声音
Text book P262
用于男性, 指“相貌英俊、温文尔雅”; 用于 女性时, 指“身材匀称, 仪表端正”; 用于儿 童时, 指“外貌俊秀”; 用于其他事物时, 指 “悦目或大方”。
Your husband is handsome.
beautiful “漂亮的” 最普通用词, 可用于人、 物、景色等。通过感官产生思想和灵魂的 愉悦 。
To everyone’s excitement, though it was very difficult, he won the prize.
excite vt. 使兴奋, 使激动
The most exciting thing is that… 最令人激动的是……
It excited me that… 让我激动的是……