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Units 1~14 标准检测卷


一、1.You are not supposed to bow in my country.

2.It is impolite to put your bread on the table in China.

3.If you knew nothing about French culture, you would make such mistakes.

4.I would play sports rather than play computer games at home.

5.By the time you come back, I shall have finished the job.

二、6.Tomorrow is Saturday. Shall we go to see a movie?

7.Why do you look so sad?

8.May I know your name?

9.What does your brother do?

10.What do you think of the concert?

三、11.W:Ben, are you free now?

M:Yes. What's up?

W:Could you do me a favor and repair my clock for me? It doesn't work.


12.M:How about going hiking with us?

W:Sounds good. Who else?

M:John, Henry and Lily.

W:When and where shall we meet?

13.W:How often do you read magazines after dinner?

M:I read them quite often. I mean five or six times a week. I like to read magazines about environment. There is also a movie magazine that I like a lot.

14.M:Do you do volunteer work?


M:How often?

W:About twice a month.

15.M:Is anyone here studying a foreign language?

W:I am. I have been studying Chinese for a year.


W:Because I want to find a job in China after graduation.

四、Do you know Mr Lee? He lived with six hundred wild animals on a small island.

After he left school, he traveled all over the world to collect animals for his own zoo. He hoped to collect two examples of every kind of animal on his island. But he was afraid that people would find him some day.

He wrote books about his travels, and about his animals that he collected. The money from the books helped to pay for all the food that these animals ate.

One day, when Mr Lee was out looking for drinking water, he found oil. He needed money for his travels and for his zoo, and a little oil would buy enough water that he needed all his life, but he knew that if he told anybody else about it, it would be the end of his zoo and his life's work.

So he decided not to tell anyone about what he had found, because oil and water couldn't mix.

