初中英语词汇学精美课件ppt (2)

141.Sci :知,知识
Science=sci(知识)+ence(抽象名词后缀) n :科学 Conscious=con(加强意义)+sci(知,知
道)+ous(adj后缀) Adj:有知觉的,有意识的 Conscience=con(共同,完全)+sci(知识,
知道)+ence(抽象名词后缀) N: 良心,道德 Subconscious=sub(under)+con+sci+ous Adj:潜意识的,下意识的
145 simil,simul 相似的,相同 的
Assimilate=as(加强语气) +simil+ate(v后缀)
Vt,vi吸收,同化 Dissimilate=dis(表否定)+simil+ate Vt,vi 变得不同 Verisimilar=veri(真实)+simil+ar
142:sec,sequ:follow 跟随
Persecute=per(一直)+sec+ute(v后 缀)
V:迫害 Consecutive=con(一起)
+sec+utive Adj:连续的,连贯的 Sequence=sequ+ence N:先后顺序 V:按顺序排列
Consequence=con (一起)+sequ+ence
(…的) Adj好像真实的
Simulate=simul+ate Vt模仿,假装 Adj模仿的,假装的 Facsimile=fac(作)+simil N摹写
Simultaneous=simul+aneous Adj同时发生的
Science=sci(知识)+ence(抽象名词后缀) n :科学 Conscious=con(加强意义)+sci(知,知
道)+ous(adj后缀) Adj:有知觉的,有意识的 Conscience=con(共同,完全)+sci(知识,
知道)+ence(抽象名词后缀) N: 良心,道德 Subconscious=sub(under)+con+sci+ous Adj:潜意识的,下意识的
145 simil,simul 相似的,相同 的
Assimilate=as(加强语气) +simil+ate(v后缀)
Vt,vi吸收,同化 Dissimilate=dis(表否定)+simil+ate Vt,vi 变得不同 Verisimilar=veri(真实)+simil+ar
142:sec,sequ:follow 跟随
Persecute=per(一直)+sec+ute(v后 缀)
V:迫害 Consecutive=con(一起)
+sec+utive Adj:连续的,连贯的 Sequence=sequ+ence N:先后顺序 V:按顺序排列
Consequence=con (一起)+sequ+ence
(…的) Adj好像真实的
Simulate=simul+ate Vt模仿,假装 Adj模仿的,假装的 Facsimile=fac(作)+simil N摹写
Simultaneous=simul+aneous Adj同时发生的

3. Native words and borrowed words 本族语词和外来语词
Native words / Angle-Saxon words
Words of Anglo-Saxon origin are native
words. They form the great majority of the
Another important characteristic is that function words belong to a relatively small and permanent set of words, in comparison to content words. The total number of functional words is about 154. They are stable; they do not come and go with changing fashions and ideas.
basic word stock of the English language.
The basic word stock is the foundation of the
vocabulary accumulated over a number of
epochs. Most native words in modern
What causes the differences between sound and form?
➢ 1) More morphemes than letters, ➢ 2) Stabilization of spelling, ➢ 3) Deliberate change of spelling by
初中英语词汇学精美课件ppt (3)

Belligerency = 交战,好战状态
2. Biblio = book Bibliofilm = biLeabharlann lio- + film(交卷)
微缩胶卷 Bibliography = biblio- + -graphy(书,画)
Bibliology = biblio- + -logy(学科) 目录学,圣经学
Bioclean 无菌的 Bioclimatic 生物气候的
4. Brev = Short
Brevity = brev- + -ity(n) = 简洁,简明
Brevirostrate= brev- +i + rostrate(有喙的 短喙的
Abbreviate = ab-(加强)+ brev- +i + -ate(v.使成为)缩短
5. Brig = Fight
Brigand = brig- + -and(n. 对象 )土匪 Brigandish= brigand+ -ish(adj, …似的)
Brigandage=brigand+ -age(n.行为,动作) 土匪行为,抢劫
Brigade 旅,帮, 伙 Brigadier 准将 Brigantine 双桅帆船
1. Bell
= War
Bellcose = bell- + cose(交谈)
Bellicism= bell- +-ic(adj.属于的)+ -ism
Belligerent = bell- + i + -ger(携带)+ -ent (adj.性质,状态)好斗的,交战的 Belligerent country 交战国
2. Biblio = book Bibliofilm = biLeabharlann lio- + film(交卷)
微缩胶卷 Bibliography = biblio- + -graphy(书,画)
Bibliology = biblio- + -logy(学科) 目录学,圣经学
Bioclean 无菌的 Bioclimatic 生物气候的
4. Brev = Short
Brevity = brev- + -ity(n) = 简洁,简明
Brevirostrate= brev- +i + rostrate(有喙的 短喙的
Abbreviate = ab-(加强)+ brev- +i + -ate(v.使成为)缩短
5. Brig = Fight
Brigand = brig- + -and(n. 对象 )土匪 Brigandish= brigand+ -ish(adj, …似的)
Brigandage=brigand+ -age(n.行为,动作) 土匪行为,抢劫
Brigade 旅,帮, 伙 Brigadier 准将 Brigantine 双桅帆船
1. Bell
= War
Bellcose = bell- + cose(交谈)
Bellicism= bell- +-ic(adj.属于的)+ -ism
Belligerent = bell- + i + -ger(携带)+ -ent (adj.性质,状态)好斗的,交战的 Belligerent country 交战国
英语词汇学 第八章课件详细版.ppt

8.2 The Role of Context: 语境的作用
❖ 1.Elimination of Ambiguity. Ambiguity often arises due to polysemy and homonymy. 消除歧义。由于词的多义词和 同音同形异义性,歧义现象经常出现。
❖ Grammatical structure can also lead to ambiguity. 语法结构也会引起歧义。
❖ 4) Synonymy.同义词关系 ❖ Synonyms or synonymous expressions
are frequently employed by authors to explain new words. 作家们频繁地使用同义词或同义词组来解释 新词 。
❖ 5) Antonymy.反义关系 ❖ Contrasting words or statements are also
8.2.2 Indication of Referents.限定所指
8.2.3 Provision of Clues for Inferring Word-meaning 提供推断词义的线索
❖ In many cases, when a new word (thought to be) appears for the first time, the author generally manages to give hints which might help the readers to grasp the concept or understand the idea. 在很多情形中,当一个新词(所谓的)第一 次出现时,作者一般会想方设法提供一些可 能帮助读者抓住概念或理解观点的暗示。
8.2 The Role of Context: 语境的作用
❖ 1.Elimination of Ambiguity. Ambiguity often arises due to polysemy and homonymy. 消除歧义。由于词的多义词和 同音同形异义性,歧义现象经常出现。
❖ Grammatical structure can also lead to ambiguity. 语法结构也会引起歧义。
❖ 4) Synonymy.同义词关系 ❖ Synonyms or synonymous expressions
are frequently employed by authors to explain new words. 作家们频繁地使用同义词或同义词组来解释 新词 。
❖ 5) Antonymy.反义关系 ❖ Contrasting words or statements are also
8.2.2 Indication of Referents.限定所指
8.2.3 Provision of Clues for Inferring Word-meaning 提供推断词义的线索
❖ In many cases, when a new word (thought to be) appears for the first time, the author generally manages to give hints which might help the readers to grasp the concept or understand the idea. 在很多情形中,当一个新词(所谓的)第一 次出现时,作者一般会想方设法提供一些可 能帮助读者抓住概念或理解观点的暗示。

(3).Social meaning: Based on: ①the social relationship between the
speakers;②the occasion;③the subject matter;④ the mode of speech;etc. eg: What’s your age? (对求职者)
2.Lexical meaning:
(1).Denotative meaning: It is the central factor in linguistic communication. eg: chair → 椅子 mother → 母亲 man → 男人 woman → 女人 politician → 政客 blood → 血液 chicken → 小鸡 adumeaning: eg: chair → 官位 mother → love, care, tenderness man → 勇敢,强壮,责任心,大度 woman → 意志薄弱,爱流泪,多情善感 (Anyway,she is a woman.) politician → 欺诈,夸夸其谈 blood → 出身,亲情,民族 (Blood is thicker than water. He has Canadian blood) chicken → 懦弱,胆怯 adult → 责任
你吃了吗? (denotative meaning; connotative meaning)
(4).Affective meaning: a.Interjections: Oh! Alas! Ouch! b.Approval and disapproval: mother, scholar, masterpiece, career, buzz, gang, boast, workaholic, etc. c.Bias: slender — skinny, statesman — politician, famous — notorious proud — arrogant (褒义) (贬义)
(3).Social meaning: Based on: ①the social relationship between the
speakers;②the occasion;③the subject matter;④ the mode of speech;etc. eg: What’s your age? (对求职者)
2.Lexical meaning:
(1).Denotative meaning: It is the central factor in linguistic communication. eg: chair → 椅子 mother → 母亲 man → 男人 woman → 女人 politician → 政客 blood → 血液 chicken → 小鸡 adumeaning: eg: chair → 官位 mother → love, care, tenderness man → 勇敢,强壮,责任心,大度 woman → 意志薄弱,爱流泪,多情善感 (Anyway,she is a woman.) politician → 欺诈,夸夸其谈 blood → 出身,亲情,民族 (Blood is thicker than water. He has Canadian blood) chicken → 懦弱,胆怯 adult → 责任
你吃了吗? (denotative meaning; connotative meaning)
(4).Affective meaning: a.Interjections: Oh! Alas! Ouch! b.Approval and disapproval: mother, scholar, masterpiece, career, buzz, gang, boast, workaholic, etc. c.Bias: slender — skinny, statesman — politician, famous — notorious proud — arrogant (褒义) (贬义)

Many idioms are semantically inexplicable. 许多习语在语义上是无法解释的。
9.1.2 Structural Stability结构 的稳定性
01 T h e s t r u c t u re of a n idiom is to a large extent unchangeable. 一个习语的结构在很大程 度上是不可改变的。
9.2 Classification of idioms习语的分类
The standard of Classification of idioms is The criterion
of ’grammatical function’.习语的分类标准是语法功能的 标准 。
9.2.1 Idioms nominal in
主要是谚语和格言,包 括口语词和时髦语
The forms and functions of idioms are not necessarily identical. 习语的形式 和功能并非完全相同。 E.g. pepper and salt His hair is pepper and salt.他的头发黑白 相间
❖ 3.Figure of speech 修辞手法
❖ I. Simile 明喻
❖ II .Metaphor 暗语
Animal to refer to people.
❖ III.Metonymy 借代
❖ Synecdoche 提喻法
.——means using a part for a whole, an individual for a class a material for a thing or the reverse of any of these. 部分代替整体或整体代替部分
9.1.2 Structural Stability结构 的稳定性
01 T h e s t r u c t u re of a n idiom is to a large extent unchangeable. 一个习语的结构在很大程 度上是不可改变的。
9.2 Classification of idioms习语的分类
The standard of Classification of idioms is The criterion
of ’grammatical function’.习语的分类标准是语法功能的 标准 。
9.2.1 Idioms nominal in
主要是谚语和格言,包 括口语词和时髦语
The forms and functions of idioms are not necessarily identical. 习语的形式 和功能并非完全相同。 E.g. pepper and salt His hair is pepper and salt.他的头发黑白 相间
❖ 3.Figure of speech 修辞手法
❖ I. Simile 明喻
❖ II .Metaphor 暗语
Animal to refer to people.
❖ III.Metonymy 借代
❖ Synecdoche 提喻法
.——means using a part for a whole, an individual for a class a material for a thing or the reverse of any of these. 部分代替整体或整体代替部分
英语词汇学授课课件 PPT

❖ 2. synonyms and idioms
B: rapid growth of present-day English Vocabulary and Its causes
❖ Neologisms(新词) after World War II ❖ Reasons: ❖ 1. progress of science and technology科技
❖ This definition emphasizes syntax(句法), but does not touch upon meaning.
Antoine Meillet
❖ “A word is defined by the association of a given sense with a given group of sounds capable of a given grammatical use.” (p.2, para.2 )
Bloomfield布洛姆菲尔德(美国语言学家教育 家) and ❖ a French linguist, Antoine Meillet(梅耶,法 国语言学家)
❖ “some linguistic forms(语言形态), which we call bound forms(限定/非自由形态) are never used as sentences.
invaded by Angles盎格鲁, Saxons撒克逊, Jutes朱特人
❖ Vocabulary: 5000-6000 words,chiefly Anglo-Saxon/ some Old Norse古斯堪的那维 亚语
❖ Old Norse words (are, they, their, them, till, call, die, give, take, skin, window, ill, weak)
B: rapid growth of present-day English Vocabulary and Its causes
❖ Neologisms(新词) after World War II ❖ Reasons: ❖ 1. progress of science and technology科技
❖ This definition emphasizes syntax(句法), but does not touch upon meaning.
Antoine Meillet
❖ “A word is defined by the association of a given sense with a given group of sounds capable of a given grammatical use.” (p.2, para.2 )
Bloomfield布洛姆菲尔德(美国语言学家教育 家) and ❖ a French linguist, Antoine Meillet(梅耶,法 国语言学家)
❖ “some linguistic forms(语言形态), which we call bound forms(限定/非自由形态) are never used as sentences.
invaded by Angles盎格鲁, Saxons撒克逊, Jutes朱特人
❖ Vocabulary: 5000-6000 words,chiefly Anglo-Saxon/ some Old Norse古斯堪的那维 亚语
❖ Old Norse words (are, they, their, them, till, call, die, give, take, skin, window, ill, weak)

பைடு நூலகம்
实义词表示明确的含义或概念,它包括名 词(noun)、动词(verb)、形容词(adjective)、 副词(adverd)、数词(numeral)等。它表示 物体、现象、动作、品质、状态、程度和 数量等。实义词构成了英语词汇的绝大部 分,数量极大。
Content words (notional words) denote clear notions, including: nouns, verbs, ajectives, adverbs and numerals, which denote objects, phenomena, action, quality, state, degree and quantity.
基本词汇包括七个部分:(1)术语 (terminology);(2)行话(jargon);(3) 俚语(slang);(4)隐语或黑话(argot); (5)方言(dialectal words);(6)古语 (archaisms)和 (7)新语(neologism)
(二)根据词的功能,英语词汇可以分 为实义词(content words)即“实词” 和功能词(function words)即“虚词”。
词汇学 (lexicology) 是语言学 (linguistics) 的一个分支,它研究词的起源和意义。
Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words.
英语词汇学(English lexicology)旨在研究英 语词汇的形态结构、语义结构、语义关系、历 史演变以及词的构成和用法等。这是一门理论 课。
பைடு நூலகம்
实义词表示明确的含义或概念,它包括名 词(noun)、动词(verb)、形容词(adjective)、 副词(adverd)、数词(numeral)等。它表示 物体、现象、动作、品质、状态、程度和 数量等。实义词构成了英语词汇的绝大部 分,数量极大。
Content words (notional words) denote clear notions, including: nouns, verbs, ajectives, adverbs and numerals, which denote objects, phenomena, action, quality, state, degree and quantity.
基本词汇包括七个部分:(1)术语 (terminology);(2)行话(jargon);(3) 俚语(slang);(4)隐语或黑话(argot); (5)方言(dialectal words);(6)古语 (archaisms)和 (7)新语(neologism)
(二)根据词的功能,英语词汇可以分 为实义词(content words)即“实词” 和功能词(function words)即“虚词”。
词汇学 (lexicology) 是语言学 (linguistics) 的一个分支,它研究词的起源和意义。
Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words.
英语词汇学(English lexicology)旨在研究英 语词汇的形态结构、语义结构、语义关系、历 史演变以及词的构成和用法等。这是一门理论 课。

名人的姓名也经常以缩略词的形式出现,首字母缩略词加不 加圆点,用法各异,英国人经常不加圆点,美国人经常加圆 点,但总是倾向不加圆点。
例:萧伯纳 George Bernard Shaw (G.B.S.)
• 把首字母组成的缩略词拼读成一个词,就是首字 母拼音词。
• 涉及面:科技用语;组织名称;产品名称;国际 机构等
截短词有鲜明的文体色彩,只适用于口语或非正 式场合。例如,exam(考试)、prof(教授) 拼写稍作改动,以便发音。例如dub double(为 电影配音)
II. 首字母缩略词
• 首字母缩略法是将社团名称、特殊名词短语或专 业术语的第一个字母组合在一起的构词方法。利 用第一个词的首字母代表一个词组的缩略词,就 叫做首字母缩略词。
• 个别截短词演变出新的词义
例如,fan(体育运动、电影等爱好者)来自fanatic (狂热者,入迷者)。
• 截短词和原词同时存在,但截短词是通用的词, 而原词却不常用,甚至带有书卷气。
例如:lunch luncheon(午餐)、movie movie picture(电影) 词义有分工,例如,cute(小巧可爱的) acute (敏锐的)、mend(修理) amend(修订、改 良)、spy(间谍) espy(窥见)
拼缀法:将两个词的某一部分合并,或者在一个词上加上另一 个词的一部分而构成新词的一种方法,拼缀法只能裁剪两个词 中的一个,把一个不完整的词和一个完整的词拼成另一个词,
这样的构词方法叫做“拼缀词”,“合成词”“混成词 (teleseope word)”或者“行囊词(portmanteau word)”
例:萧伯纳 George Bernard Shaw (G.B.S.)
• 把首字母组成的缩略词拼读成一个词,就是首字 母拼音词。
• 涉及面:科技用语;组织名称;产品名称;国际 机构等
截短词有鲜明的文体色彩,只适用于口语或非正 式场合。例如,exam(考试)、prof(教授) 拼写稍作改动,以便发音。例如dub double(为 电影配音)
II. 首字母缩略词
• 首字母缩略法是将社团名称、特殊名词短语或专 业术语的第一个字母组合在一起的构词方法。利 用第一个词的首字母代表一个词组的缩略词,就 叫做首字母缩略词。
• 个别截短词演变出新的词义
例如,fan(体育运动、电影等爱好者)来自fanatic (狂热者,入迷者)。
• 截短词和原词同时存在,但截短词是通用的词, 而原词却不常用,甚至带有书卷气。
例如:lunch luncheon(午餐)、movie movie picture(电影) 词义有分工,例如,cute(小巧可爱的) acute (敏锐的)、mend(修理) amend(修订、改 良)、spy(间谍) espy(窥见)
拼缀法:将两个词的某一部分合并,或者在一个词上加上另一 个词的一部分而构成新词的一种方法,拼缀法只能裁剪两个词 中的一个,把一个不完整的词和一个完整的词拼成另一个词,
这样的构词方法叫做“拼缀词”,“合成词”“混成词 (teleseope word)”或者“行囊词(portmanteau word)”
英语词汇学 ppt课件

eg. (1) hām(home)的变格: Singular
Subjective hām
Possessive hāmes
Objective hām
Plural hāmas hāma hāmum hāmas
6)Loan Words 外来语
(1) Introduction of Christianity(基督教) Fr. Latin: bargain, cheap, inch, pound, cup, dish, wall, wine, etc.; abbot, alter, candle, disciple, hymn, martyr, num, priest, pope, shrine, temple, etc. (2) Scandinavian invasion — Vikings Fr. Old Norse: are, they, their, them, till, call, die give, take skin, sky, window, ill, weak, etc.
3000 BC, Iberians --- Neolithic
500 BC, Celts
55BC – 410 AD, the Roman occupation
55BC: Julius Caesar
43AD: Emperor Claudius
--- The Roman Conquest罗马人的征服
inflectional and derivational affix?
6. What is the difference between prefixation and suffixation?
初中英语词汇学精美课件ppt (1)

• Altimeter
• (起连接作用) n.
• altimetry
• Altitude (抽象n.后缀)
•Exalt (高
( 提升,提拔)
• Alto (男高音)
•Contralto (contr-相反)
• Agrarian (adj.词缀)
• Agrimotor
• Agrobiology(生物学)
•Agronomy (…学)
• Agrotype(类型)
• Alt=high(高)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
enact in (正在表演)
• Transact
• Interact
• between ,among(交互作用)
• agr, agri =field(田地,农业)
• Acouphone 仪器(与声音有关)
•Aer(o) ['εərəu] =air 空中, 航空
•Aerodrome [‘eərə,drəum] (飞机跑的
地方) |( run)
初中英语词汇学精美课件ppt (28)

during some of the testimony.
• We could not have had a better judge than Judge Blandford; he was friendly, knowledgeable, and above all completely disinterested.
• John’s nature was so sanguine that we felt cheered up when we saw him.
• The battle was so sanguinary that hardly a combatant on either side was without a wound.
• Although we played them on even terms for the first half , the second half was a rout.
• To get to our cottage you follow route 19 as far as Cross Corners then ask for directions.
• 1. 不切实际的;不实 用的;不现实的;行不 通的2. (指人)没有 实用技能的
• The building plans are impracticable.
• My husband is a marvelous student, but he is so unpractical that he can’t use a hammer, and nails.
• They arrive at a tacit agreement.
• impracticable • Unpractical
• We could not have had a better judge than Judge Blandford; he was friendly, knowledgeable, and above all completely disinterested.
• John’s nature was so sanguine that we felt cheered up when we saw him.
• The battle was so sanguinary that hardly a combatant on either side was without a wound.
• Although we played them on even terms for the first half , the second half was a rout.
• To get to our cottage you follow route 19 as far as Cross Corners then ask for directions.
• 1. 不切实际的;不实 用的;不现实的;行不 通的2. (指人)没有 实用技能的
• The building plans are impracticable.
• My husband is a marvelous student, but he is so unpractical that he can’t use a hammer, and nails.
• They arrive at a tacit agreement.
• impracticable • Unpractical

❖ 3)Shortening、 Many shortened forms of words happen to be identical with other words in spelling or sound、缩略法。很 多缩略词得形式正好与其她词得拼写或语音 雷同。
6、2、3 Differentiation of Homonyms from Polysemants 同形 同音异义词与多义词得区别
❖ Homophones are words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning、 Of the three types, homophones constitute the largest number and are most mon、同音异形异 义词就是读音相同但拼写与词义不同得词。
sense relations 语义关系
❖ A word which is related to other words is related to them in sense, hence sense relations、一个与其她单词关联得词就是在 语义上与她们相关得, 因而有了语义关系。
6、1 Polysemy 多义关系
❖ When a word is first coined, it is always monosemic、 当一个词最初被创造出来得 时候,一律就是单语义词。
6、1、1 Two Approaches to Polysemy 两种多义关系得研究方法
❖ The problem of interrelation of the various meanings of the same word can be dealt with from two different angles: diachronic approach and synchronic approach、 同一词得各种意义之间相互关 联得问题可以从历时方法与共时方法两个角 度来研究。
6、2、3 Differentiation of Homonyms from Polysemants 同形 同音异义词与多义词得区别
❖ Homophones are words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning、 Of the three types, homophones constitute the largest number and are most mon、同音异形异 义词就是读音相同但拼写与词义不同得词。
sense relations 语义关系
❖ A word which is related to other words is related to them in sense, hence sense relations、一个与其她单词关联得词就是在 语义上与她们相关得, 因而有了语义关系。
6、1 Polysemy 多义关系
❖ When a word is first coined, it is always monosemic、 当一个词最初被创造出来得 时候,一律就是单语义词。
6、1、1 Two Approaches to Polysemy 两种多义关系得研究方法
❖ The problem of interrelation of the various meanings of the same word can be dealt with from two different angles: diachronic approach and synchronic approach、 同一词得各种意义之间相互关 联得问题可以从历时方法与共时方法两个角 度来研究。

(a policeman)
blue blood
(the quality of being a nobleman by birth)
blue ribbon
(an honor given to the winner of the first prize)
Note: we cannot infer the meaning from the meaning of
compound? 3. The classification of compounding?
What is compounding?
Compounding / composition: a wordformation process consisting of joining two or more bases to form a new unit. e.g. flowerpot= flower + pot machine-independent = machine + independent back
The relative criteria of a compound
1. Orthographic criterion:
Compounds are written in three ways, that is, solid, hyphenated and open.
E.g. flowerpot
E.g. black list blackboard blue bottle
3. Semantic criterion:
Semantically, compounds can be said to have a meaning which may be related to but cannot always be inferred from the meaning of its component parts.

Definition of Antonyms
Antonyms are words that have opposite or contrasting meanings
Types of Antonyms
Antonyms can be classified into gradable Antonyms, which exists on a scale (e.g., hot/cold), and complete Antonyms, which represents two mutually exclusive categories (e.g., male/female)
Distinguishing synonyms
Synonyms of differences in annotation, emotional color, stylistic level, and location
Antonyms and their corresponding relationships
Classification and Composition of
English Vocabulary
Basic vocabulary and professional vocabulary
Basic Vocabulary
Basic vocabulary refers to the core set of words that are essential for daily communication and are typically learned in the early stages of language acquisition These words are generally simple, frequently used, and have a broad range of means
Antonyms are words that have opposite or contrasting meanings
Types of Antonyms
Antonyms can be classified into gradable Antonyms, which exists on a scale (e.g., hot/cold), and complete Antonyms, which represents two mutually exclusive categories (e.g., male/female)
Distinguishing synonyms
Synonyms of differences in annotation, emotional color, stylistic level, and location
Antonyms and their corresponding relationships
Classification and Composition of
English Vocabulary
Basic vocabulary and professional vocabulary
Basic Vocabulary
Basic vocabulary refers to the core set of words that are essential for daily communication and are typically learned in the early stages of language acquisition These words are generally simple, frequently used, and have a broad range of means

Lexical morphemes and grammatical morphemes
Lexical morphemes: used for the construction of new words.
e.g. blackbird, leadership, modernize
Grammatical morpheme: used to express grammatical relationships between a word and its context.
uniped, pediform
sound phon
phonetics, microphone
solar, insolation
月 moon lun
lunar, lunatic
星 世界 生命
star world life
astro(er) cosm(o) bi(o)
suffix) verbs ending with /t/, -- -ion, invention, position, verbs ending with consonants other than /t/, -- -tion, description verbs ending in -ify and –ize-- -ation, justification modernization verbs ending in -d, -de, or –mit-- -sion, expansion, decision, omission. "A allomorph is any of the variant forms of a morpheme as conditioned by position or adjoining sounds".

– By origin – By usage – By notion
By Origin
Native words Loan words
By Origin: The Native Elements
Features of the native element: 1. All-national character 2. Great stability 3. Monosyllabic 4. Word-forming ability 5. Wide collocability 6. Plurality of meanings 7. High frequency value 8. Stylistically neutral
The English vocabulary consists of different kinds of words, which may be classified by different criteria.
In this section we will discuss three main criteria:
Slang, jargon & cant
Slang is the language of a highly colloquial type, considered as below the level of standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words or of current words used in some social sense.
A Brain Teaser
Which word is the longest in English?
By Origin
Native words Loan words
By Origin: The Native Elements
Features of the native element: 1. All-national character 2. Great stability 3. Monosyllabic 4. Word-forming ability 5. Wide collocability 6. Plurality of meanings 7. High frequency value 8. Stylistically neutral
The English vocabulary consists of different kinds of words, which may be classified by different criteria.
In this section we will discuss three main criteria:
Slang, jargon & cant
Slang is the language of a highly colloquial type, considered as below the level of standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words or of current words used in some social sense.
A Brain Teaser
Which word is the longest in English?

see him as soon as possible他可以治好你的肺炎,你最好 尽快去找他给你医治 Vi 和解,调停,止息(争吵等) Two hours ago, they healed over and went out for dinner together.两小时前他们停止了争吵,一起到外面吃晚饭去 了
近义词(synonym ) adj.[数]最初的;字首的Premier/original
adj. 令人难忘了;给人以深刻印象的
im我是 press 压 ive四只鹅 我是靠压这4只鹅给人留下深刻印象的
adj.感人的;令人钦佩的;给人以深刻印象的 Eg: It's an impressive ceremony那是个难忘的仪式 N :impressiveness 令人难忘;印象性;感人 Adv :impressively
n. 苦味;苦难;怨恨
His heart was overflowing with bitterness.他的心中充 满了苦涩 adj. bitter 苦的;痛苦的;尖刻的;充满仇恨的 She would often romance about her bitter experiences 她总是夸大其词地讲她的痛苦经历
3 近义词(synonym )
Workmate ['wɜːkmeɪt] n. 同事;工友
work 工作 mateБайду номын сангаас伙伴 类似的有: classmate roommate teammate
Workmate ['wɜːkmeɪt]
1 n. 同事;工友 Eg: His workmate still didn't know what had happened
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II. 词与词之间的同义关系
词与词可以因表达同一的逻辑概念结合在一起,这 些词称之为同义词(synonyms)。
同义词只是意义相同,但形位结构、音位形状和用 法不同。
一对或一组同义词并不是一成不变,一个词可与 一部分或另一部分词构成同义词。如: look与see, watch, observe 构成同义词,表示“看”的概念, 也可以与seem, appear 构成同义词,表示“看上 去”的概念。
handsome: 用做“漂亮”时,多指男性;形容女性,指“健壮和举止大 方的美”,“身材匀称,端正庄重”;指物时“悦目,匀称 ,端正,庄重”
lovely: 强调说话人的感情,感受;能引起赞赏和喜悦的人和物;
• look, glance, stare, gaze, eye, peep
look 通俗常用,泛指“看”的动作 glance “一瞥” a short, quick look stare “盯着看、目不转睛的看” a very surprised look or a
there are some small differences. e.g. beautiful,
pretty, good-looking, handsome, attractive,
charming are synonymous words.
1、语义上的差异 如:amaze astound 使惊呼
• fatherland -- motherland, word-formation -- wordbuilding.
• 2. Relative synonyms or more accurate quasi-
synonymous words(相对同义词):It refers to the
words are synonymous in meaning basically but
• beautiful, pretty, handsome, lovely
beautiful: 普通,含义广; 用于可爱的人或物;指形式和颜色的完美; 给人以愉快的印象,给人以美和高贵的感觉的人或物;女性 和小男/女孩;
pretty: 不如beautiful强烈;小巧,俏丽;没有文雅、高贵的含义; 女性和孩子;
very ill-mannered gaze gaze “凝视,注视” a long, steady look, often caused by
• Native
• 2. Dialects and regional English:
• relative synonyms in British and American usage
• British
car park
Ram ewe Lamb语义场:由 公羊 母羊 小羊 下义词组成
• Semantic Field(语义场) 语义场的共同概念由上义词表示,由下义词组
Semantic field of colours: red, orange… Semantic field of kinship: son, father…
Semantic Classification of Words 词的语义分类
语义分类(semantic classification of words):
根据词与词之间的语义关系对词进行分类: 1. 上下义关系 the superordinate and the hyponym 2. 同义关系 synonymy 3. 反义关系 antonymy 4. 同形或同音异义关系 homonymy
I. 词与词之间的上下义关系
类概念 种概念 支配词 受支配词
bush tree shrub flower tiger wolf dog sheep 上下义关系
pine oak ash maple
white yellow pine pine 五叶松 黄松
escape flee 逃、逃脱
a. The wolf rolled over and played dead to escape capture by the farmer.
b. They lost no time in fleeing the burning hotel. 更强调在紧急情况下仓促逃跑
parking lot
• Types of synonyms
• 1. Complete or absolute synonyms(完全/绝对同 义词):It refers to the two words are tothey are fully identical in meaning and interchangeable in any context without the slightest alteration in connotative, affective and stylistic meanings. e.g.
• Major sources of English synonyms(同义 词) are :
• 1. Borrowing: Modern English is extremely rich in synonyms, which come from different sources. The most important source may be borrowing.
a. A teacher was amazed to find that a lazy
student had gained a mark of 100 in an important test. 难以相信
b. A woman may be astounded to learn
that her dearest friend has been spreading malicious gossip about her. 难以相信的程度 更高