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正确答案:【comes 】

2. This time tomorrow they (sit) in the cinema

正确答案:【will sit 】

3. After he (finish) his breakfast, he went to the booking office.

正确答案:【had finished 】

4. Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what (happen) to her.

正确答案:【had happened 】

5. Go out and get some fresh air! You (sit) there reading all morning.

正确答案:【have been sitting 】

6. When I entered the lab, she (make) an experiment.

正确答案:【was making 】

7. “What are you doing now?”--------“I (prepare) my lessons for the final exam.”正确答案:【will prepare 】

8. He earned 1,000 dollars in (add) to his salary.

正确答案:【 addition 】

9. This is a (confuse) word because it has two meanings. confusing

正确答案:【confusing 】

10. He is very clever and his ability to improve his work is very (limit).

正确答案:【unlimited 】

11. The child always does his homework (willing) so he hasn’t made much progress. 正确答案:【 unwillingly 】

12. A large (percent) of school-books now have pictures.

正确答案:【percentage 】

13. There is no real reason for (complain).

正确答案:【complaint 】

14. Were you (succeed) in finding a new house?

正确答案:【 successful 】

15. I don’t want to be (depend) on my parents because I am already an adult.

正确答案:【 dependent 】

16. Winning three gold medals is the most remarkable______(achieve) he has made so far.

正确答案:【 achievement 】

17. The engineer put forward a______(suggest) at the meeting to improve the public traffic


正确答案:【 suggestion 】

18. Please (cover) the pot. The food is too hot.

正确答案:【 uncover 】

19. We should use the language (purpose).

正确答案:【 purposely 】

20. Learning some (psychology) knowledge can help us know people clearly.

正确答案:【psychological 】

1. 你的目标应该是质量胜过数量。(quality;quantity)

正确答案:【Quality over quantity should be your goal . 】

2. 这篇新闻报导是完全根据实际情况写成的。(be based on) .

正确答案:【This news report is written not by basing on the truth. 】

3. 就业余爱好而言,珍妮和她妹妹几乎没有什么共同之处。

正确答案:【As far as hobbies are concerned, Jane and her sister have little in common 】

4. 南希(Nancy) 虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆的不敢开口。

正确答案:【While she felt like joining the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth. 】

5. 很明显是他的年轻助手在经营这家书店。

正确答案:【It is obviously his young assistant who is running the bookstore 】


正确答案:【inseparable 】


正确答案:【 get through 】


正确答案:【pray 】


正确答案:【take it personally 】


正确答案:【 trust 】


正确答案:【employment 】


正确答案:【bias 】


正确答案:【in person 】

