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专家分析结石样本 发现状况极其罕见
Stone analysis showed rare type
About 296,000 infants had been diagnosed with urinary stones till 2nd Dec,2008
接踵而至 Following closely
接到消费者投诉 产品下架召回
Produced dairy products with tainted raw milk; received complaints; recalled products
医疗机构:识别异常情况的敏感性 婴幼儿(特殊人群)发生泌尿系结石(常见); 短时间内类似病例明显增多,超过既往水平, 及时报告卫生行政部门; 单一饮食结构人群进食史查因。 Hospital: Sensitivity to recognize abnormal situation Common disease in special population (infant, single dietary) Increased cases timely report from hospital to Health authorities
完善立法: 食品安全法及配套法规
Improved Legislation: Food Safety Law
and Regulations
3 科学实践: 食品安全风险监测评估与应急管理
Food Safety Risk Surveillance, Risk Assessment and Risk Management
Suffered families: parents communication, cause deduction, Report dietary history of their babies
媒体报告:不同地区间类似事件建立联系 Media coverage: establish association among similar events in different areas
石家庄等地奶站 Dairy farms
蛋白粉加入原奶虚增原 奶蛋白检出量牟取暴利
Added the powder into raw milk to make it appear richer in protein during tests
奶制品企业 Dairy firms
生产婴幼儿配方奶粉及其他 奶制品
Recall of SanLu products, Sep, 2008
相似事件指向 三鹿奶粉
Sanlu powdered milk was suspected to have been tainted
多名患儿家长反映孩 子长期食用某奶粉
Parents referred to a certain milk powder
卫生部门:接收医院报告,各地相互通报及逐级上报 Health authorities: received report from hospital, further report and notification
技术部门:流行病学调查及可疑食品抽查检验 Technical institutes: epidemiological survey and product inspection 涉及家庭:患儿家长相互交流,病因推断,自觉反映患儿进食史
2008年8月2日接到企业 报告,9月9日上报省政府
Received reports from firms on 2ndAug, reported to provincial government on 9th Sep
“蛋白粉”购买者 Protein powder
加价转销“蛋白粉” Resold protein powder
with raised price
三鹿集团 Sanlu Group
接到投诉,自检发现问题 问题原奶继续用于奶粉生产 含三聚氰胺奶制品持续上市
Received complaints, recognized contamination through test, but kept on producing and selling products with tainted raw milk
Major food safety incident 重大食品安全事故
Incident identification
事件识别 病因确认
Cause confirmation
添加三聚氰胺 的婴幼儿奶粉
baby milk
应急处置 Emergency Response
多省现病例 Cases appeared in several
截至2008.12,全国累 计诊断患儿29.6万人
296,000 infants had been diagnosed with urinary stones by Dec, 2008
2008年9月11日三鹿 公司发出产品召回令
个人、作坊、试剂店 personal workshops
三聚氰胺和麦芽糊精为 原料制作“蛋白粉”
销售“蛋白粉” Produced and sold
protein powder made from melamine and maltodextrin
地方政府 Local government
Emergency Organization
Medical Treatment
1. 背 景 Overview
Food safety incidents
The Sanlu tainted milk incident is a major food safety event
2008年6~9月甘肃发 现14例婴儿肾结石;
14 cases of infant urinary stone in Gansu, June to Sep, 2008